Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Think

Chapter 86

No, although Xiao Hua can refine the fireball, this hand must not let others know. After all, his technique of refining Huang Fu is somewhat ridiculous. He can only use the pen to refine the fireball of the next product. Join the conditions for abandonment.

"Hey, it’s really a superfluous snake!" Xiao Hua touched his chin and smiled bitterly: "Life will return the pen of the next product to the predecessors of the field, that is, let people believe that the fireball is not trained by themselves. This guilty conscience is not generally serious! Now it is good, plain white also folded his own twenty pieces of Lingshi, and in turn he has to buy a pen of the next product! I... I am not looking for something for myself. dry?"

"Forget it, forget it, don't think so much, wait until tomorrow to return to the south of the city, or find a shop to buy the root pen. If you give up the message, and your own yellow is not normal refining. Out, that's a hassle!"

"Right, my cultivation relies on Pei Yuan Dan, and I pushed it from the refining layer to the second layer of refining. The Pei Yuan Dan is equivalent to 12 years of hard work. If it is from the second layer of refining to the refining three Layer, you have to take the equivalent of how many years of medicinal herbs? Pei Yuan Dan is still able to use?" Xiao Hua frowned and thought: "Yu Huaming is gone, Huang Hualing everything is taken by the enemy Go, I can't easily get the remedy. If I still want to take the remedy, I guess I have to rely on myself.

"Well, since I can refine the Huang Fu that I have never learned, I think about the law that I am very familiar with in the Huafeng Danfang. I must... I can also refine the medicine! Even if it is... now Will refine, I also collect a lot of Dan Fang, collect the things used in alchemy, in order to use it later in the alchemy! Scattered and scattered, everything is to rely on their own, everything is ... cruel of!"

"Yes, Baizhangfeng... Cai Zhuoxia's things, do I still go?" Xiao Hua thought of the exercises, and thought of Cai Zhuoxia and Baizhangfeng: "I was a disciple with a teacher. The practice of cultivation, I naturally do not have to go to Baizhangfeng to take risks. But now... I have become a loose repair, that is, even Cai Zhuoxia is not as good as it is. If I can go to Baizhangfeng, chances are coincident, and I will inherit the inheritance of Baizhang’s old man. Isn’t it that all the exercises in the future don’t have to be racked up to find out?”

"But... Cai Zhuoxia's five-layer refinement, she also needs these exercises, she should see that my cultivation is low, can not be robbed with her, invite me to go, even if I have a force to break the law The secret law, but she already knows, must be careful to guard against, how can I have an advantage? Since it is impossible to grab people, why bother... and then the trust that the two people can easily establish is destroyed by hand?"

"Hey, forget it, still don't go! The speed of my cultivation is too slow. The practice of cultivating the reliance on the sky is more than enough. Why do you think more about it? If Cai Zhuoxia has good luck, let her get it." Let the inheritance of the Baizhang old man reinvigorate their Luyang Cai family!"

The eyes stared blankly at the front of the mist, and the eyes gradually became clear. "Everyone's self-cultivation has its own characteristics. Simply copying the roads of others, may not be successful! I myself... have my own way!"

Suddenly, Xiao Hua had great interest in Fan Xiguan’s mother-in-law’s reward for her own rewards. She did not know anything, nor did she know whether it could play a role in her cultivation.

Looking back at Fan Riguan, although I have stood up from the ground, there are still some gods in my eyes. The pressure of the monks in the Yuan Ying period is still too shocking for the secular people. After a period of recovery, the mind of Fan Riguan Will not come out of the horror!

For a time, Xiao Hua didn't want to ask him any more, so the two of them were silent, and the shuttle boat quickly advanced on the lake!

Time flies very quickly. When the red sun goes down to the west, there is a black line in front of Xiao Hua’s eyes. It is at the end of the lake. The black line is near, and it is clear that there are countless houses built along the lake. .

Looking back at Fan Riguan, Xiao Hua thought about it, slightly frowning, screaming and drinking, and there was a hint of mana inside: "Agen~"

"Ah?" Fan Xiguan of the wood chicken heard the cry of Xiao Hua, suddenly awakened, the stagnation of the scorpion slightly moved, there is a little bit of gaze, then panic and left and right look, whispered: "Xiao Zhenren... ...the old gods are gone?"

"Well, let's go!" Xiao Hua nodded, he knew the power of the comprehension!

"That's good, then it's good..." Fan Riguan reached out and wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. He shyly said: "When I talked to Xiaozhen, I accidentally called Liucheng's name, just now. Known by Liu Chengzhu, although his old man was a big man, he did not blame it, but his small heart was also warned by the anger of Liu Chengzhu, and he would not dare to be so abrupt in the future!"

"This... this is OK!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized that how can Liu Yichuan know that his name was mentioned by Fan Yiguan, but it was under the pressure of Liu Yichuan that Fan Riguan had a flaw in his heart and was a guilty conscience. !

"Do not worry about things, not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, the ancients are good!" Xiao Hua certainly thought of his own pen.

"Well, Liu Chengzhu has forgiven you, you don't have to blame yourself, and see if this is a sneak peek?" Xiao Hua smiled with a hand and asked.

“So fast?” Fan Yiguan glanced at him and looked up. He didn’t feel happy on his face: “It’s so good that Xiaozhen people know that there is a net singer!”

Xiao Hua listened, silently, and looked at the lake that was gradually approaching.

The lake of Jingfanyu is huge, and the shore seems to be invisible to the side. However, with such a long waterside, there is no other shuttle boat to come here except for the shuttle boat that Xiaohua took. It is obvious that it is rare!

"Xiao Zhenren, here... is the place where small people and other mortals live. When only the city of Jingbo was chosen to select disciples, only the celestial beings came over. Yesterday there was a long fairy... Oh, I don’t know how to come directly to the net. Anyone who is embarrassed, just under a small petition, will send the small one back!” The boat arrived at the shore and looked at the empty lakeshore, Fan Yuanguan explained.

"Well~" Xiao Hua nodded and saw the light curtain of the shuttle boat falling. He jumped out of the shuttle boat and his body shape was very healthy!

Xiao Hua was in the air, and he felt that he had some cares in his mind. When he encountered a big wave on the boat, he did not use mana at all. Even in that case, he himself could be flexible in the air. Swimming, but also very comfortable to Fan is also catching, that feeling... It is as if he has another kind of supernatural power, oh, or skill! I didn’t think about it just now. I want to come at this time, it’s really some... mysterious!

"Hey, there are still a lot of things I can discover!" After Xiao Hua landed, he shook his head slightly, and when he turned back, Fan Riguan also jumped from the boat and was urgent. The lake below the boat was like a shuttle boat. When it appeared, countless bubbles poured out, and then it was a light blue brilliance, and the boat disappeared.

Just glanced at the same pillar around him, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Agen, here is your home, you are doing the landlord's friendship!"

"That is, that is, Xiaozhen people please come with the small!" Fan Riguan smiled and looked at the familiar building in front of him, showing a trace of warmth in his eyes, stepping forward a few steps and leading Xiao Hua toward Go inside.

There is still a distance between the buildings on the shore. There is no trace of this blank space. The two walked for a moment and approached the building complex, reflecting the sunset in the distance west. Xiao Hua squinted, he was very It is keen to see that there is a thin light curtain in the front to separate the sunlight into... seven colors!

Suddenly, Xiao Hua woke up, thinking of some things that happened in his own brain space when he was fainting on the Huafeng. "Bone refining, is it... is it related to the seven colors in this light?" ”

"Xiao Zhenren, the front is the fairy tales of the net, if there is no Xianfu issued by Jingbo City, no mortal can pass!" Fan Riguan, who walked in front of Xiaohua, stopped and said: "However, Such a fairy long as Xiao Zhenren, this fairy squad is ineffective, please Xiaozhen people rest assured!"

"Oh? Is it?" Xiao Hua discovered that all the mirrors of Jingbocheng will hide some of the disciples of Jingbocheng, so he will not easily reveal the things he sees in the formation. "That... your yellow Is it... was it from the Flying Fish Inn?"

"Oh, let Xiaozhen people know that Feiyu Inn can't collect the fairy charms that come in and out of the net. The small one is collected from Jingbo City in the nearby museum of Feiyu Inn!"

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua nodded, and the two had already arrived before the big battle.

Fan Riguan does not stop, nor does he see any yellow characters. The quick step is to pass through the formation. Xiao Hua just wants to stop, and sees the brilliance flowing above the light curtain. A veteran who is about forty years old. Appeared in the light curtain, the old man dressed in the costumes of the mirrored disciples, a **** read from Xiao Hua's body, and then, some strange words: "This Taoist friend ... you come to my mirror city What is it?"

Waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, Fan Yuanguan, who has passed the light curtain, immediately said that he had been praying: "I have seen the old gods, this Xiaozhen is a small pet, to treat small baboons and dogs and girls!"

"Shut up, who wants you to talk?" The old man screamed like a thunder.

Fan Riguan was shocked and his knees were soft and he fell to the ground.

The old man was the mid-term cultivation of the foundation. This angry drink also scared Xiao Hua, and he quickly rushed forward to give a gift, and said: "The younger generation Xiao Hua has seen the predecessors!"

"Well, do you have the ability to cure?" The old man's tone was contemptuous.

"Old gods..." Fan Riguan has to open again. Where can Xiaohua let him speak, and quickly interface: "Predecessors, underneath... or go and see, can cure, or follow!"

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