Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 87: Zhu Jia

Chapter 87—Zhu Jia

"Hey, you are just a junior in the second layer of refining. How can you have such power?" The old man was cold and cold.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The younger generation listened to Fan Riguan, who can enter as long as it is a true comprehension. Although the younger generation is a second layer of refining, it is a shallow, but it can be regarded as the door to comprehension. Is it difficult to enter the late generation?"

"Oh, my mirror city is naturally equipped with such rules. However, since the poor roads are guarded by one side, of course, they must be the masters of the mirrors of the people of the city. They must not let anyone who is unfavorable to my people enter!" Very angry.

"What is unfavorable, but it is just to see Xiaoye repair as shallow!" Xiao Hua's heart is like a mirror, smirked and shouted: "It's good to know the seniors, the younger generation...is a medical family, and I have been identified with this grandfather since childhood." Herbs, studying medicine, it is just this kind of birth that was seen by the teacher, and the income is inside. However, because the younger generation is too indulged in this, Xiuwei has been slow to make progress, and the seniors have laughed!"

Hey, Xiao Hua’s lie at this time, one sentence at a time, don’t have to think in the heart, just blurt out!

"This way!" The old man sank, his eyes stared at Xiao Hua and looked at him for a long time. Xiao Hua was not timid, and his eyes were round and he looked very calmly at the distorted figure of the old man.

"Go!" The old man waved his hand and his figure gradually rose and disappeared!

"Xiao Zhenren..." Fan Riguan has been a shopper for many years, if not mindful? I just saw Xiao Hua’s prevention of telling me that she had cured her own mother’s pro, and she felt that there were some problems. Some of them said awkwardly: “Small... Is it trouble for Xianchang?”

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua said to Fan Riguan, he sighed: "Although the poor road is the longest in your mouth, the actual repair is still not enough, so... give your mother a good cure. Sick, oh, plus the respect of the lady and the love of the things, can not tell others! You must know that this is not a good name for the poor road, it is a disaster for the poor!"

"Yes, small awareness, small awareness, the mother has already accounted for a small before the small, can not be leaked, the small money inside the inn, oh, is the same as the small shop Xiaoji asked, the small said Immortal has nothing to do with the mother's illness!" Fan Riguan quickly said: "Just just small... panic, I almost said it!"

Xiao Hua understands the urgency of Fan Riguan, lest he can't enter the net, so he waved: "No matter, the poor road is not the person of Jingbocheng. You have been on the road for five or six years, and the poor road is gone. You can't say it later!"

"No, the little swears will not say it again!" Fan Riguan smashed the railroad.

"Oh, that's good!" Xiao Hua knew in his heart that there are countless ways for people to cultivate it to let him speak, but the question is, who is so boring?

"Right, this is the kind of wife of Mrs. Fan Riguan... What kind of person is it? Actually, the mind is so meticulous, it seems that there is some understanding of the realm of cultivation!" Xiao Hua said: "However, Jingbocheng is a comprehension. In the land, Jingbo City often chooses disciples from this mortal, knowing that cruelty is normal!"

"Let's go, presumably your family has been waiting for it!" Xiao Hua waved.

"Yes, please Xiaozhen people come here with the small side!" Fan Riguan's face was grateful, and Shi Li let Xiao Hua follow.

As Fan Yuanguan walked for a while, the two men's physique gradually fell into the group of buildings. With the gradual deepening of Xiao Hua, he is also interested in looking around!

This is a place where the town looks like a street. The street is very small. It is different from the width of the street in the other places in Jingbo City. The two sides of the street are homes and shops. It is not much different from Xiao Hua’s imagination, and there are more people around. Each one looks like a laity, and everyone is waiting for it. It is a secular town.

Although Xiao Hua wears it is an ordinary robes, there is nothing strange in the comprehension, but in this secular town, it can be abrupt! Plus, he is very tall, walking in the crowd, like a standout, everyone can see him early, um, especially the big bald head!

The attitude of everyone is also a little strange to Xiao Hua. These people are respectful to him. Many people have stopped and bowed their hands. Xiao Hua began to laugh and give gifts. But later, he was too late. He really couldn’t handle it. I had to change to a nod to smile.

Fortunately, these people have reverence in their eyes, and they have all left after the ceremony. There is no such thing as a star-studded group of people, and there must be no one who has a self-cultivation.

"Please Xiaozhen people go here!" Fan Riguan walked in front of Xiaohua, his face was very proud, and when he walked to a street that was not too small, he turned his head and smiled.

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded, and his heart was extremely useful. This respect made him feel quite touched. Since he cultivated, he has not been looked down upon. Where is this treatment?

The street is not too deep. Some men and women walked out from inside. First, they saw Fan Riguan. They were all warm greetings. When they saw Xiao Hua, they were even more surprised. Standing respectfully, please Xiaohua first!

Going to the end of the street is a small yard. Fan Riguan walked a few steps and shouted: "Mother, mother, baby, Xiaozhen, please!"

The door of the yard was "hula" and was opened. From the inside, the face of a middle-aged woman was found. There was an unbelief on the face. When Xiao Hua was seen behind Fan Riguan, he immediately changed into a surprise. Open the door and cried: "Xiao Zhenren invited, Xiaozhen people invited, and this is all... Go to help the mother to come out!"

As I said, there was a kind of weeping look, and when I turned around, my footsteps ran very well.

"The little mother has been sick for many years. She took Xiaoxian’s Xiandan yesterday. She is already free to move. She still can’t let her move!” Fan Riguan said with apologetic: "So, can’t The door is waiting for a long time, and I will welcome you to Xiaozhen!"

"Oh, no matter, the wife of the lady is the elder, how can she let her old man wait at the door?" Xiao Hua said without hesitation.

Fan Riguan listened and immediately became a flattered look. He really did not expect a high-ranking comprehension person to be so approachable and consider his mother to be an elder.

"Please, please Xiaozhen people first!" Fan Riguan asked Xiaohua to enter the door.

"Hey..." A crisp voice sounded, not waiting for Xiao Hua to step, it was from the yard, Xiao Hua listened to the smile and stopped, then a red and green, with a big head on the head The four-and-five-year-old girl ran out of the yard and saw the sweet screaming in Fan’s mouth, and opened her arms to hug!

"Hey, no trouble!" Fan Riguan had some anxiety on his face, and he said: "Come and see Xiaoxian Chang!"

The little girl heard the screaming screaming, listened to it, the small mouth, the round, black and white eyeballs dripping around, looking up and down Xiaohua, the eyes were full of surprise, small mouth Zhang Zhang, There was no opening, a few steps in the trot, and went to the side of Fan Riguan. He grew his body and put his hand on his mouth. It seemed that he had to whisper with Fan Riguan.

"Xiao Zhenren, this is a dog girl, the name is Zhu Xier! Nothing to see, let you laugh!" Fan Riguan quickly explained with Xiao Hua. Seeing how Zhu Xiaoer is so innocent, how can Xiao Hua blame? Only smile nodded!

"Hey, let me just say anything." Xiao Hua asked.

Zhu Xier looked at Xiao Hua, but also looked at Fan Riguan, and said crisply: "Everyone says that the fairy is a white-bearded grandfather, but... why don't you have a long beard? Not only have no beard, but even hair. Nothing!"

"This..." Xiao Hua didn't think that Zhu Xier would ask his hair, some embarrassed, and then touched his bald head and smiled: "That is because ... the poor road is smarter than the average fairy!"

"Ah? Why?" Zhu Xier did not understand, and the two big eyes flashing were very strange.

"Because, the smart head is not long hair!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Ah? This way!" Zhu Xier apparently did not hear this sentence, turned to look at Fan Riguan, at this time Fan Riguan can not help but laugh, but also dare not laugh, not laugh and 憋Panic!

"You lie, the gods are not deceiving!" Zhu Xier was extremely clever, and he immediately looked out, and said a small mouth.

"兮儿~Not rude!" An old voice came from inside the door, urgently, a white-haired old man walked out with a little trembling in the middle of the middle-aged woman.

"Grandma..." Zhu Xier screamed and ran to the old man.

"Grandma?" It was very kind, and it was a strange name. It was like a lightning flash across Xiao Hua’s mind. A vague, kind face disappeared in Xiao Hua’s mind. Xiao Hua never thought of it, “Grandma "This title actually has such a big effect on him.

"Is this... my grandmother?" The face in my mind is a bit fuzzy and not clear. Xiaohua can't see it anyway!

The old man ignored Zhu Xier and stepped forward. When he trembled, he would bow down to the ceremony: "Zhu has seen Xiao Zhenren and thanked the fairy for his help!"

Xiao Hua was originally a god. He heard the voice and realized that he would wake up. When he saw the old man, he would not be surprised. He quickly helped him and said: "Don’t dare, the old man is much older than the poor road. How can he apply to the poor road? The big gift and the poor road help is unintentional, not dare to be this big gift!"

"Xiao Xianchang, you are a god-like figure, and I can't talk about age with me. If you don't care or have a heart, it's a fact that Xianchang's help for the old man is a fact. If you can't thank you personally, the old man is very upset!"

Looking at Zhu’s old man with white hair, wrinkles all over his face, and a very sincere look in his eyes, Xiao Hua thought for a moment, sighed, loosed his hand and said: “If you thank you, you should be advanced in the yard!”

The old man woke up and said quickly: "Xian Chang said very, please..."

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