Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Charm

Eighty-eighth chapter spell

Xiao Hua was also polite. When he first entered the courtyard, the yard was small and very clean. Among the yards, a strong sycamore tree was alive and well. Behind the phoenix tree was a door-opening house. In a few small rooms, the doors are closed. Just by the things in this yard, Xiao Hua can also see that Fan Riguan’s home is honest!

"Xiao Zhenren invites the old man and his family to worship!" Waiting for Xiao Hua to see the surroundings, the voice of the old man of Zhu’s old man behind him is remembered, and Xiaohua turned around, not only the old man of Zhu, but also There are Fan Sanguan family members who all fall to the ground.

Xiao Hua has half of his body. He really does not want a big old man to give himself a big gift. Then he quickly goes up and puts his hand in one hand. One hand is to support Zhu’s old man, and the old man is not in Xiaohua. The rival Lili stood up and the middle-aged woman behind her also hurried forward.

Zhu’s old man sighed with relief and smiled: “Xiao Zhenren, although the old man is a layman, can... never want to be blessed with the grace of others, Agen... He is looking for fairy in the inn to ask for immortality, Ben It’s not my favorite, but this is the filial piety of the younger generation, and the old man... can’t stop it!”

Then I looked at Fan Riguan with kindness and sincerely said to Xiao Hua: "I must have said something about the previous things. I don’t care about Xiaozhen. In the eyes of the old man, the person who cultivated the truth is the most embarrassing, for the benefit of bit by bit. I can pull out the knife and even fight with each other, so the old man never gives hope! However, yesterday, Agen actually took back the elixir and cured the old man’s stubbornness.... It is beyond the expectation of the old man. Ah! Xiaozhen’s high-spirited festival, frank and thoughtful, is really... let the old man change the impression of the people who have cultivated the truth before!”

"Hey, the old man said that it is also a shame for the poor!" Xiao Hua waved: "The people who cultivated the truth go against the sky, everyone is robbing the opportunity of the heavens, whoever is soft, pays It’s the hard work of hundreds of years, and even more is life. Any self-cultivator will not be taken lightly. This may be the place that the elderly cannot understand!”

The old man listened, and even more smiled: "Xiao Zhenren... isn't it old?"

Xiao Hua’s face is reddish: “The poor road is twenty years old, but it can be repaired or low!”

"Only by Xiaozhen people can give the old man Xiandan's generosity, even if it is now low-level, the future road will be expected!" Zhu's old lady praised.

“Take the old man’s words!” Xiao Hua arched his hand and took out two of the best 梧楬丹 from the storage bag and handed it up and said, “Although I don’t know why this remedy can cure the chronic illness of the elderly, The lady and daughter of the root also... need this remedy, and the poor road has been thanked by them. The two medicinal herbs are first accepted by the elderly!"

The old man looked at Xiao Dan in the hands of Xiao Hua. His eyes were full of joy, his lips were slightly stunned, and his hand stretched out. He seemed to be hesitating.

"The old man can take it anyway, this thing is far more important than the efficacy of the commemoration of the poor roads. Since they can save two lives, the poor road is still willing to come out!" Xiao Hua sent the medicinal herbs to the old man.

"Hey, Xiaozhenren Gaoyi, Laojiao is really admired, this matter is related to my Zhu family's Miao, the old man can't be tempted! Xie Xiaozhen!" The old sighed, holding the 梧楬丹 in ​​his hand, his hands are 攥Got it.

Xiao Hua’s heart is full of emotions, but at the same time, my heart is also comfortable for a while, which is the kind of comfort that has accumulated merits!

"Agen, since Xiaozhen people give medicine, you bring Xiaofeng and nephew, let them take the medicine in the advanced house, and stay here with Xiaozhen people!" Laojiai handed him a hand to Fan Yuguan.

"Nissin... At this time, the weather is late, Xiaozhen people want to live in the family, the place has not been cleaned up, how to take the medicine in a hurry? Moreover, it is still 20 to 30 years old. Don't rush for a while!" Fan Riguan is a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, no, Xiaozhen is no wonder, this stubborn disease is really entangled in my Zhu family, I don't know how many generations, the old body suddenly found a way, some lost the measure!" The old apologetic said, and put his hand on the road: "Feng Er, take out the fruit of the family, please Xiaozhen people to taste!"

"Yes, mother!" The middle-aged woman hurriedly went to the house.

Fan Riguan whispered: "Mother, don't you ask Xiaozhen to enter the house?"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said: "Let's just under this plane tree, the poor road feels a little close here!"

"Alright, Agen, hurry to move the table and chairs out!"

But for a long time, a square table and two chairs were moved under the sycamore tree, and a strange fruit on the plate was placed on the table.

"Xiao Zhenren, this is my special product of Jingfan, the fairy of Jingbocheng is often picked, and Laojiao specially let Fenger buy some, please Xiaozhen people to taste!"

"Thank you for the good old man." Xiao Hua smiled and picked up a fruit-like spirit fruit and threw it into his mouth. The spirit fruit did not have any aura, but the taste was very good, and it was extremely cool!

Casually ate two, Xiao Hua saw Zhu Xier drooling his lips, laughing and pushing the rest to the table: "Little guy, please come to eat the fruit!"

"The fairy grows well. It is the grandmother who bought it with the family's fairy stone. Please this is my family's thing. Why did you ask me to eat it?" Zhu Xier saw Xiao Hua with his own big beside My brother is generally far from the seriousness of a fairy, and I am not afraid of it.

"Hey, please shut up!" The old man scolded, and then lost his smile: "Does Xiaozhenren not like these fairy fruits? Laojiao Agen goes to buy something else!"

"Haha, no, the old man, these spirits are very poor, but, just eat a little bit, you don't have to worry anymore!" Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and said: "Also let Agen's wife and nephew take it earlier. Dan medicine, you can feel at ease!"

Thinking about it, the old man said: "Alright, let them enter the house to take medicine, and the old lady will accompany the fairy to tell the truth in this!"

"Well, it should be like this!" Xiao Hua shouted. Subsequently, Xiao Hua’s heart moved, and a quirky thought emerged. He said, “Hey, come over, let the poor road see what disease you have!”

"You only have..." Zhu Xier's little face was red, and after all, he did not say the last word.

"Hey, go, listen to the words of Xiaozhen people!" the old man scolded.

Zhu Xier was very wronged, but he did not dare to refute. He slowly moved over. Xiao Hua smiled and handed a slender spiritual fruit to her. He smiled and said: "You eat the fruit, put your Just reach your right hand!"

"嘻嘻" Zhu Xier is only a five-year-old child. He took the Lingguo in one hand and threw it into the clouds. He was very happy to hand over the right arm like a lotus root!

Xiao Hua smiled and stretched out the index finger and **** of his right hand. He took the pulse of Zhu’s wrist and closed his eyes. He seemed to be thinking.

The old man stared at Xiao Hua’s face, paying attention to his change of expression.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua’s face was first sinking like water, then a slight frown, waiting for half a cup of tea, it was a bit gloomy... The old man saw it, not shocked, and the eyes glowed.

When Xiao Hua took his hand off Zhu’s arm, the old man asked: “Xiao Zhenren... What can I detect?”

"Also ask the elderly to extend their right arms too!" Xiao Hua smiled.

The old man said according to the words, Xiao Hua is just like the same, but his expression is the opposite, and there is no frown!

"Well, well, Agen, you take the lady and let the love go to the house to take the medicine!" Xiao Hua took back his hand and waved: "If it is used, this Zhu family's ... stubborn disease can be lifted. !"

Fan Riguan had a surprise on his face, and he said, "That... little rude!"

"Go, take the medicine earlier, peace of mind early!" Xiao Hua did not mind, Zhu Feng, who stood behind Fan Xiguan, was also a gift, followed by Fan Riguan, with Zhu Xier, into the hall.

"Xiao Zhenren also invited more spirits, and listen to the old man!" The old man pushed the spirit fruit over again and smiled: "I wonder if Xiaozheng knows the spell?"

"Character?" Xiao Hua frowned and shook his head: "The poor road is shallow, and this spell is poor!"

"It’s not that Xiaozhen is a shallow person. This spell has long been lost in Xiaoyu. If my Zhu family has been suffering from this sinister spell, how can the old man know?"

"The old man..." Xiao Hua heard Zhu’s old talk, which is more than what he knows, and he does not feel awe.

Zhu’s father seems to know Xiao Hua’s thoughts. He took out a very thick book from his arms and handed it over. He smiled and said: “This is the most precious heirloom of my Zhu family, which records the ancestors of my Zhu family. Deeds, some things about the rainy continent, and the misfortune of my Zhu family being cursed, and many years of experience in cracking the spell."

Xiao Hua took it over and looked around casually. This is a book made of silkworms without any texture. There are many records in the head of the fly. Xiao Hua did not look carefully, but also handed it over and smiled: " Since it is the treasure of the Zhu family, the poor road will not be seen!"

"Oh, Xiaozhen is really a gentleman!" The old man smiled and didn't pick it up. Then he said, "This is not the most important thing. The most important thing in this book is the legacy of the Zhu family. My family is in the millennium. Formerly a person who cultivated the truth in the rainy continent, this book...hidden a big secret."

"A big secret?" Xiao Hua was a big man, and he was looking at the inconspicuous booklet.

"This secret is related to the cultivation of the truth. My Zhu family has long been a person who has cultivated the truth. It is useless to take this book again. Since Xiao Zhenren helped me to get rid of the curse of the Zhu family, this book is the thank you of the old man, hope Xiao Real people can quickly realize the secrets in the book and achieve great magic!"

"Ah? This way!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. He didn't think about Zhu's reward. He never thought about giving a book. This booklet has not been enlightened by people in Zhujia for thousands of years. The great secret, he does not feel that he can be more luck than others, compared with this unreachable secret, he would rather get a simple three-layer refinement!

Ps: No wonder the flower is so fine, "Zhu Jia", the spell is a story! Hey, don't subscribe, no passion~

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