Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 100: Hard to cultivate

Chapter 100 is not easy to cultivate

"Well, plus this Lingcao, although it is still not enough, it can be similar!" The female repair is very cool, took over the grass, and the second words are no longer said, the various medicinal herbs are taken out one by one. Into the jade bottle, handed it to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and reached out. After the thank you, he hesitated a little and tried to test: "This friend, the poor road wants to ask, the expensive door... can Danfang... exchange?"

"Dan Fang?" The woman repaired a squat, and then she ran a frost on her face. Cold and cold: "Does the Taoist friends make fun of the poor road? Danfang has the same thing as the exercises. The factions are all cherished. Who has no reason? Take it for exchange? Seeing that the Taoist exchange is also used by alchemy, is it difficult for a friend to take Danfang out to exchange? Hey, if the Taoist friend has such intentions, please also take it out, my Royal Dan has all received it! ,at all costs!"

Xiao Hua blushes, but fortunately, he is not afraid of others seeing him, turning around and leaving the booth.

The female practitioner did not pay attention to it. Only when Xiao Hua was teasing himself, turned around and greeted others.

"Oh, not only is it difficult to find a way to do it, but it is also difficult for Dan Fang. Although the head has refining Pei Yuan Dan, I am only looking around, and the details are not known, even if I hold the grass, I Can't refine it!" Xiao Hua was a little depressed: "This is a mess... it's really hard!"

"Fortunately, I have found a way to practice quickly, plus the refining of Huang Fu, although it is much slower than the average person, but it is finally running by others. I walked a lot stronger than the previous snail crawl!" Xiao Hua thought While comforting himself, his eyes are also looking around. He is not guilty of death, and there are miracles in the wing.

It is a pity that he will not see any handwriting about Dan Fang until the end of the collection.

"Oh, let's change some of the materials of the tune, wait for the time to return to the inn, but also to practice the cultivation!" Xiao Hua put out his mind, just smashed a paving stop, will be pen, Fu ink and Fu paper Pick it up, Xiao Hua is a bit entangled, how do you say? People don't want spirits, as long as the spirit stone!

"This Taoist friend, the poor grass here, you can change things when you get other booths. Why do you want Lingshi?" Xiao Hua is puzzled.

"Let the Taoist friends know that the poor road will return to the mountain tomorrow, and pack some things, etc. After ten days, the poor city division is not good at alchemy, and the Taoist friend is also changing things, instead of using Lingcao. Things, it is better to use Lingshi directly, is it difficult for friends to see this place?" Speaking, the hand pointed, Xiaohua looked, but no, people wrote clearly: "Only receive Lingshi!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua looked at the sky and thought that there was a middle-class stone in the space inside his own space. He had to cover up and took Lingshi out of the space.

Look at the Lingshi handed over by Xiao Hua, the monk shook his head and said: "The Taoist friend Lingshi... but used?"

"Yes," Xiao Hua did not deny it. He asked calmly: "Do you not accept this spiritual stone?"

"Oh, not not to accept, but the Taoist friends also know that the aura of heaven and earth in the used Lingshi has been reduced, and it cannot be exchanged as a complete spiritual stone!"

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know about it, but he didn't say anything, just smiled: "The friend is following the rules!"

"Well, although the Taoist stone used this stone, it can be of good quality. It should be able to be exchanged for 80 pieces of Lingshi. If it is appropriate for the Taoist friends, the poor road will be deducted from these symbols and the remaining Lingshi will be exchanged. Fellow?"

After Xiao Hua nodded, the monk discharged ten lower spirits.

Xiao Hua sweats, fortunately, he only picked a broken pen, most of them are Fu paper and Fu Mo, this incomplete piece of Lingshi can also be used!

When Xiao Hua received Lingshi, he quickly returned to the inn. He had no Lingshi in the storage bag at the moment, and the people's inn could not allow the debts. Tomorrow, Xiaohua had to get back some of the spirits of the Chinese products to renew the account. Ok, although there is a grass in the space, can this thing take time? If you change one, there will be one less, which is far less cheap than the refining of Huang Fu, which can be cultivated and replaced with Lingshi!

Into the inn's room, the ban will be opened, Xiao Hua only adjusts for a moment, then began to refine the yellow qi, first a few fireballs, then followed by a few impediments, when Xiao Hua once again put the fingers of his hands When Fu Mo was preparing to refine the fireball, his heart suddenly moved. He said: "The rune of the refining fireball is simple, the mana used is also small, and the aura of heaven and earth that can be wrapped... is also less, and when the impediment is refining The runes are complicated, the mana used and the aura of heaven and earth are also very many, but why... I use as many inks as there are? Oh, is it... when refining the yellow characters, this ink can be reduced again. A little bit?"

These ideas, other qualifiers may not think about it, all they want is how to refine the yellow symbol perfectly, how to use more ink to draw more heaven and earth aura into the yellow symbol, They don't care if they use more ink! And our Xiao Hua, born...small, and still shy and tight today, had to consider this kind of thing from instinct!

For the things that are saved in the province, Xiao Hua is most willing to do it. He is very careful to control the mana, and will use as little ink as possible to wrap the heaven and earth aura. Sure enough, as Xiao Hua thinks, Ink really can be reduced. Xiao Hua tried it a dozen times, until the ink was reduced to the extent that it could wrap the heaven and earth aura attached to the paper, and then stopped, waiting for him to look back and carefully calculate it. It was discovered that in the past, only ten fireballs could be refining, and he can now refine 13 pieces! Life will increase the use of Fumo by 30%!

And when Xiao Hua adjusts his interest rate, he finds that his mana is more than before, and the control mana is more precise! Although there is not a lot of mana increase, for Xiao Hua, any increase means that he can catch up with the speed of cultivation by others. How can he make him unhappy?

After the joy, Xiao Hua suddenly thought: "After ten days, it is Yi Shi. At that time, there were more people and more things to use. It seems that I am refining some yellow characters, maybe Change a lot of Lingshi!"

"Right, wait until then, Lingcao can also exchange good prices! Oh, no, the day of Yishi, there will be someone coming in the grass door. If I take out the grass, maybe I will cause the disciples of the grass." Note that although I am confused, this confusion can not change the figure, can not hide the cultivation, I am still easily recognized by the grass door, this ... Lingcao, but can not be revealed!" Xiao Hua is not aware of it again: "Maybe... this collection is good, is it easy to go to the market?"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, couldn't make up his mind, and simply didn't think about it. He only used one mind to refine the impediment, and used all his ingenuity to study how to use the least amount of ink and ink to attach the most heaven and earth aura. Above!

It is said that there is no age for refining, refining Huang Fu, and earning Lingshi is also no years. On the few days of the sudden, Xiao Hua is immersed in the refining of Huang Fu, holding Huang Fu to the collection before exchange for Lingshi and Fu paper. In the "cultivation" of things, almost all forget the things that have to be abandoned! The impediment of Xiao Hua’s refining is not as good as the fireballs he refines. It can only be regarded as a middle product, and there is still a certain gap from the top grade! Even so, let him earn hundreds of Chinese spirits! After all, it is a high-order impediment, and the Chinese ban is also very popular on the collection!

Even Xiao Hua almost minded and wanted to discharge a booth on top of the collection. Only in these few days, Xiao Hua did not see the match and Ling Zongyu, and there was no suitable person to ask on the Yiji. This will put the mind down, and the two men are estimated to leave Jingbo City to prepare for the Yi market. !

"Hey, it’s been a long time in Jingbo City. How can I give up this day?" Xiaohua said before the easy set, I suddenly thought: "A piece of Chinese spirit, given by the seniors, is afraid. Didn't it be spent long ago? It's hard to be... Joining the abandonment of things, no play?"

It is also very possible to think about it!

"There is no way to do it... Dan Fang... It’s estimated that it is gone!" Xiao Hua was disappointed. She couldn’t help but have the urge to send the message, but his hand had not touched his ear, just stopped. : "Only relying on others, this practice will always have dependence. The scattered work can survive. The repair can be improved. Why can't I? Well, that is what the old man is, and listen to the head and say that they can cultivate. Jin Dan, why can't I? Now I still have the second layer of refining, and there is still a lot of time to find the exercises. I don't believe it. I can't walk out of the sky."

The harvest of Xiao Hua in these days has made him full of confidence in cultivation. The fact is also the same. Xiao Hua refines Huang Fu daily, realizes the heavens, and enlightens the mind, and cultivates a little increase every day. There is a lot of strength in Yanhua, and look at it like this, as long as you have a spiritual income, live in this inn for a year and a half, there is nothing wrong with it!

Only, the road of practice... is very long, how can it only stay in the inn?

"Forget it, forget it, or make some Lingshi first. After all, people don't give up their words at the end of the day. Maybe their sects haven't gotten enough yet!" Xiao Hua hoes, step by step Going in the set, waiting for him to go in, from a far corner, turned a refining four-layer monk, staring at Xiaohua's back for a long time, but also quickly chased up.

Xiao Hua is also a bit sloppy in the past few days. Moreover, the monk is indeed far away. Even if Xiao Hua stops to watch, he may not be able to see anything!

And said that Xiao Hua entered the easy set, it is very light and familiar, the booth near the left does not stop, go directly to the easy set. Although Xiao Hua is somewhat relaxed outside the Easy Set, it can be concentrated in the easy, but also cautious, but he has tried not to go to the booths he has been to, and there are many booths that are similar in concentration. He is not worried. The right booth!

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