Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Be tracked

Chapter 101 was followed

Xiao Hua first found a booth, bought a lot of Fu Mo and Fu paper, and then did not stop, went to other places, Xiao Hua bought the Chinese paper, and the following ink, although The quantity is not small, and it can definitely not attract the attention of others. After Xiao Hua’s attempts in these few days, he found that whether it’s the ink of the top grade or the ink of the middle and lower grades, the fireballs he refines are all top grades, regardless of the ink and the paper, but if you use the paper of the next product, then You can only refine the impediments of the products, and if you use the middle or top grades, you can refine the impediments of the Chinese products. Therefore, Xiao Hua is of course as much as possible, with the least amount of Lingshi, refining the most yellow characters.

After a while, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a little different, and his footsteps were slightly stagnation. Then he turned a little and looked at it. There were many monks behind Xiao Hua. There were foundations, some were refining, some were covered. For the purpose, some of them are swaying, but these people are all looking at the booth, and no one is no longer a small monk who seems to have only two layers of refining. Even if he covers his face, no one will care. .

"Quirks, is it hard to have a rest in these few days?" Xiao Hua frowned, secretly screaming, and then a flash, went in the other direction.

After a while, Xiao Hua’s figure appeared in front of a small yellow-letter paving. Most of the paving was already empty. There were only some fireballs, ice seals, and a black and thin old man. Sitting there with his hands down, it seems bored. At this time, Xiao Hua is very familiar with the road, and he goes forward and says: "This friend invited!"

"Oh, Daoyou, I don't know what to do?" The black and thin old man seems to understand the meaning of Xiao Hua, and laughs.

"I also asked the Taoist friends to see how the imprisonment is?" said Xiao Hua, who handed a forbidden sign to the front.

"Well," the black and thin old man took the nod and took it over and carefully read it. He nodded slightly: "Yes, this high-level impediment refining system has been very valuable, and it should be seen by the poor road. It’s a Chinese product!”

"Well, don't you know that friends can buy?" Xiao Hua was happy.

The old man looked at his empty booth and smiled: "That is natural. Since the Taoist friends find the poor road, it means that they are also interested. How can the poor roads empty the hearts of the friends?"

"Please also ask the Taoist friends to bid!" Xiao Hua is not jealous, and he feels uneasy in his heart.

"Well, the high-end Huang Fu of this Chinese product is generally one hundred and twenty inferior spirits on the Yi Ji. I think the Taoist friends are also aware. If the Taoist friends are willing, the poor road will have a hundred lower spirits. What do friends think?" The black and thin old man said very sincerely.

"Daoyou..." Xiao Hua's look can't be seen, but the tone is a pity in the tone. "The poor road has gone all the way, and this market has long been seen clearly. If you don't want to go further, why stop?" In front of the booth of Daoyou? This is also related to the Taoist friend. The Taoist friend actually gave such a low price, which really made the poor road sad!"

“How much is the Taoist friend feels right?” The old man’s face remained the same.

"On weekdays, there are 140 kinds of lower-priced Lingshi. Who makes the poor road have a relationship with you? How about 130?" Xiao Hua said unceremoniously.

"Hey, the price of the road friend is not cheap at all. The poor road can't be promised. If the Taoist friend really wants to shoot, then one hundred and tenth down the stone!" The old man looked at Xiao Hua, whispered: "The poor road knows the way of the Taoist friends, if the Taoist friends answer, the poor road will send some benefits to the Taoist friends!"

Xiao Hua pretends to be indulged. Why is it: "The Taoist friend makes the poor road difficult. The bottom line of the poor road is one hundred and twenty lower spirits. If it is less, there is no way to cross the poor road!"

"That's it!" The black and thin old man waved: "Your bottom line is too high, the poor road can't cope, please ask your friends to go around!"

"Oh, okay~" Xiao Hua nodded and smiled. "The poor road, the more than 200 Chinese products, Huang Fuke is cheaper!"

"What? More than two hundred?" The black and thin old man, anxious to hear, Zhang Kaidao: "Hey, Daoyou, also said that it is a fate, why not say it earlier? This Huang Fu is poor !"

"Don't, don't, the yellow sign of the poor road is one hundred and twenty-five of the next product, and the Taoist friends can not listen to the wrong!" Xiao Hua's voice is a little dumb.

"One hundred and twenty-five?" The old man listened, slightly stunned, but then he just smiled: "Nothing to say, Daoyou, we have a fate, this price is poor!"

The old man is very clear that there are many five elements of the yellow line on the easy set. There are still too few impediments like this. If there is a forbidden sign on this booth, don’t say that each can sell one hundred and fifty. The next product is Lingshi, because it is not because there is a five-line yellow symbol that is bought with the imprisonment.

"Then ask the Taoist friends to prepare the Lingshi!" Xiao Hua said with a smile: "There are two hundred and thirty imprisonments here."

"Well, it should be 287 pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi plus fifty pieces of the lower spirit stone. The poor road counts you 290 pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi. Do you know that the friend wants the middle quality Lingshi or the top grade Lingshi? "The black and thin old man said very quickly.

"Well, it's still a Chinese spirit stone. The top grades of Lingshi are not going to be separated from the brothers!" Xiao Hua nodded.

The "good" black and thin old man spoke while he was able to divide the spiritual stone in the storage bag. He smiled and said: "There are so many yellow characters of the Taoist friends, in fact, they can also occupy a booth by themselves!"

Xiao Hua’s heart moved, but he immediately waved: “The poor road is running errands. Others, it’s a bit troublesome to occupy a booth! It’s easy to get eye-catching!”

"Ha ha ha, the friend of the road is heartbroken!" The old man reached out and took the storage bag handed by Xiao Hua, put the spirit stone into the brain, and took the imprisonment sent by Xiao Hua and smiled: "Daily Just give it to Jingpo City, a brand of Lingshi, anyone can place a booth here, the Taoist friends are confused, who knows who you are?"

"It's okay!" Xiao Hua smiled, but then took the storage bag and waved: "There is more cultivation in the poor road, no effort to smash this!"

"Oh, since the Taoist friends do not want to do it themselves, if this Huang Fu is cheap, come to the poor road!" The black and thin monk arched.

Xiao Hua didn't answer immediately, bowed his head and thought about it. He looked back a few times and didn't have any eye-catching people. Then he looked up and smiled: "If there is any Daofang here, Dan can provide it to the poor road. The poor road can be considered! ”

"Hey, Daoyou, this is the lion's mouth!" The old man smiled bitterly: "I only use the yellow character to maintain the door, but Dan Fang does not. The friend of the road is really poor!"

Xiao Hua does not speak, arching his hand, it is necessary to say goodbye.

The old man said again: "However, there are many monks on the market in Yishi. The Taoist friends can look at the brothers of Guimen. It may not be possible to meet any ordinary Dan Fang!"

"Well, Xie Daoyou!" Xiao Hua nodded, just left.

After waiting for a moment, Xiao Hua, Lisuo’s body was hiding in a remote place, and he found half of his head and stared at the stall of Huang Fu just now. I saw that there was no one before the booth. After the old man wrote a few words, There are more people patronizing, but after a scent, those people gradually dissipate. Among them, there is nothing that can make Xiao Hua attract attention!

"It's weird! Is it true that I am... a scared bird?" Xiao Hua was depressed, just turned around, and heard a familiar voice in front of him shouting: "You... this is just an ordinary Jade... How do you dare to have a piece of the best stone?"

Xiao Hua Daqi, looking very far, a group of people are surrounded by a booth, the voice is passed from there!

Xiao Hua, who had just stepped over to watch, did not expect that, just after he left the booth, the black and thin monk had just placed the imprisonment on the booth. After writing a few words, a monk dressed in confusion was Going over, pointing the words with your hand, hoarse and scorpion said: "Daoyou, you have a ban on the ban, it seems that you still haven't?"

The black and thin old man smiled and said: "There was no such thing as not now! I don't know if the Taoist friends need it? This is comparable to the imprisonment of the top grade. The poor road only sells one hundred and sixty of the lower spirits!"

"Well, the price is still good, but the poor road is much more, can your house's imprisonment be enough?"

The black and thin old man is not suspicious. He laughs: "The poor road has left a lot to wait for the day of the Yi market to be reused. If the Taoist friends are sincere, every yellow character will give ten pieces of Lingshi, the poor road. More than a hundred roads are for you!"

"Ah?" The monk was obviously a little scared and almost imported.

"How? Is the bid for the poor road high?" The black and thin old man sneered: "Awaiting another few days is the Yi market. Is this impediment not afraid to rise to two Chinese spirits? If the friend does not do it at this time, It’s time to finish!”

At this time, there were also several monks who were attracted by the handwriting of the black handed man and came over.

"Hey, poor road... think again!" The monk was hesitant, but the black and thin old man didn't care, turned his face to greet others, the monk stood for a moment, followed by a few monks who left. However, Xiao Hua in the distance has been watching, but where does he know the dialogue? Even heard? he. . . . . . What else can you know?

How could he know that under the fascination, a face full of greed is whispering: "One hundred and fifty inferior spirits, one forbidden, two white, yellow, that... how much Lingshi! This has been in the easy concentration for many days, afraid... isn’t there a few elite stones in the storage bag?”

The monk is also cautious, leaving the booth and not looking back, never look at the place where Xiao Hua left, and has been walking for a long time before he folds back and looks around!

And said that Xiao Hua heard the familiar voice, that is, go to the crowd, wait for him to come, see the person standing in front of the stall with a mess of things, it is strange!

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