Legend of the Cultivation God

: a strange person in the void

a strange person in a void

Endless voids, no light, no invisible space cracks, and huge marks in any place in the void, the traces either expand or shrink.

The enlarged crack, if it is the ripple on the lake, spreads to the surrounding, the lake is limited, and the void is infinite, so the crack has no signs of stopping...

The contracted crack, only a slight expansion, quickly reduced to the original state, but did not stop, still ... shrinking, there is no sign of stopping ... until the contraction to the extreme, suddenly produced a huge The hollow, engulfing everything around, then shrinking, and then... is gone!

So, this silent void, although there is no sound, can... dangerous... everywhere...

I don't know when, I don't know where in the void, suddenly there is a normal space crack, and there will never be any abnormal traces... There is a long and thin human figure...

And then, there was a slight gleam on the man's body, a flat, sleek mask similar to this human form suddenly gave birth!

Reflecting this faint brilliance, I saw that this is a 17-year-old young man with a high nose, thin lips and narrow eyes. As if the phoenix despised the phoenix of all things, it is a pity that these two eyes are closed. The crack in the space broke out. When this person appeared, it was closed and could not see the open eyes!

The man's eyebrows are very thick, slender, and his brows are slightly wrinkled.

Needless to say, this person is from the jungle to send Zhang Xiaohua who wants to transfer to the "market".

However, the plan can't keep up with the changes, or it's a good thing. Zhang Xiaohua uses the stone on the ox stone as the Yuanshi in the groove of the transmission array. He doesn't know the power of this stone, only the strength in the stone. Completely released, lying stone is accompanied by Zhang Xiaohua's bracelet, the inner strength... far from the ordinary Yuanshi comparable, Zhang Xiaohua will completely release the vitality, how can the transmission array be able to withstand? Just when Zhang Xiaohua was still in the transmission channel, the transmission channel was first excited by the huge vitality, the target was completely chaotic, the transmission distance far exceeded expectations, and then, because of the collapse of the transmission channel, Zhang Xiaohua Being squeezed into the gap of space by the force of space!

With Zhang Xiaohua, there is a yellow pimple and a black puppy. These two small things also close the eyes, motionless, these two little things are Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei, their Although there is no variation of flesh and blood in the flesh, it can be safe in the mask.

Zhang Xiaohua’s right hand is still holding a stone like a sword. It seems to be a sword embryo. This sword embryo looks very inconspicuous, but the tip of the sword is straight and drooping, even in the In the void, it also shows weight!

The mask did not know where it came from, the faint, but extremely tough cover on Zhang Xiaohua’s body, and the traces of the cracks in the space were rapidly reduced. Once the mask was touched, it could no longer be reduced. Then, as soon as I bounced, I expanded outwards, and I left far away, and there was no trace...

Under the mask, the thin and long Zhang Xiaohua is in this void, slowly floating....not exhaustive...

There is nothing in the void, and there is more chaos in the void. The visor outside Zhang Xiaohua keeps the space cracks in the void, but it does not stop the chaos, and the chaos of gas infiltrates him. In the body, infiltrated into his meridians, infiltrated into his bones... even behind his head, a mysterious place, actually... generating a powerful force of attraction, inhaling this chaotic gas among them!

It is also strange to say that the chaotic gas is the beginning of all vitality and aura. If the ordinary person absorbs a trace of chaotic gas in the body, he will eat poison with the ordinary person, or scream, or explode. Death, can Zhang Xiaohua's body ... actually consciously absorb the chaos of gas.

There are a total of 130,200 small dots on the bones of Zhang Xiaohua. His flesh and blood is made up of the flesh and blood of this 3,200 small dots, which is 3,200. The small dots and the flesh and blood of his whole body are some unspeakable anomalies. After absorbing this chaotic gas, these abnormalities gradually disappear, and there is no difference between the flesh and blood of ordinary people!

Look at the bones covered by this 3,200-odd small spot. Everyone sees it is gray. Even if it is a refining body, it is also a crystal white, and the bones of this person are spread over the crystal jade. The fine lines of red, so many fine lines, actually accounted for 60% of the entire bone! Moreover, the fine lines increase with the increase of the amount of gas that absorbs chaos, and the red fine lines continue to increase. The most strange thing is that the jade-like bones and the reddish fine lines stop at the fine lines. After the increase, it is slowly covered by a layer of gray. Until the end, the whole bone is no different from the bones of ordinary people!

Looking at the blood of Zhang Xiaohua, there is actually a golden color. Although this golden color is very rare, it can be absolutely existed, with the bright red blood flowing all over the body. It is this unusual golden color that absorbs the infiltrating chaos and slowly loses its original appearance, gradually reddening, and integrating with the surrounding blood!

There is also Zhang Xiaohua mud pill in the palace, a dot that is much smaller than the beans, a layer of golden brilliance prohibition, actually absorbs the chaos of gas... Gradually, the golden brilliance is also bleak, Finally disappeared...

The chaotic gas, the fruit is the beginning of all vitality, all things together with this chaotic gas will melt into ordinary! Chaos gas has changed all the abnormalities in Zhang Xiaohua's body, and it has become exactly the same as ordinary people...

Chaos is not only moisturizing Zhang Xiaohua, but also in the body of the little black dog and Xiao Huangqi who are quietly floating next to him, there is also a lot of chaotic gas infiltration; even, the same thing as the sword embryo, there is chaos Gas infiltration!

As the saying goes, chaos does not count, and does not know how long this person stayed in the void, perhaps a finger, perhaps a must, or perhaps an hour, or perhaps a year, a hundred years...

In short, Zhang Xiaohua constantly absorbs the chaos, and his appearance never changes!

The only thing that is changing is to protect his mask. As the space in the void continues to crack, countless cracks lie on this faint mask, the brilliance of the mask is getting weaker, the mask Gradually shrinking... I will almost wrap him tightly together!

This is not, it is a space crack on the reticle, the hood is stable and there is no damage, but at this time, in front of the reticle, I don’t know when a space was created. Under the infinite contraction of the crack, it suddenly became violent, and all the surroundings, including the mask and the florets in the mask, were inhaled, and then the speed was reduced, and then disappeared, and the whole void... still "quiet."

And the mask and the person were inhaled into the rapidly decreasing dot, but it was brought into another void. This void is different from the tyrannical void. This void is extremely quiet, without any space cracks. There is no... any other space, this... is the beginning or end of all space, this is... absolute space!

Ps: I know everyone's mind, I want to hurry up and improve Xiao Hua's cultivation, but... this is a new continent, everything is going to be gradual. If it is too big, it will be true. Not easy to write. Everyone can rest assured that the flower has already revised the outline, and when there is a mirror, there will be some fun things.

In addition, this is to put the chapter that Xiao Hua lost as a part of the article, but this paragraph is very wrong, or slow down again.

Today is the March 8th Festival, add a foreign article, explain why Xiao Hua lost his memory, and wish the female book friends a happy holiday!

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