Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 113: Get Danfang

Chapter 113 gives Danfang

"Do you know what you are doing, or do you really understand?" Lie Hong looked coldly at the fat man, and then he did not return. He turned and left!

"Hey? What's the matter?" Xiao Hua looked at him in the distance, not only him, but the people next to him and Wan Lei and others beside the booth were also Nahan. However, Lie Hong was the elder of Baicaomen. He is known for his alchemy, and he no longer watches it. This Dan is definitely a big problem.

"Daoyou, the violent predecessors are gone, you Dan Fang... Let's look at the poor road!" Wan Lei thought about it, or asked him.

"Don't watch, don't look at it, the poor road is not going to sell!" The fat man was somewhat disappointed and wanted to close the booklet.

"Daoyou will call me and wait for it, but I don't want to sell it. What do you think I am waiting for?" Wan Lei sneered: "You have seen this face for me, although the mirror is a disciple." Regardless of this, there is a mirror of the city..."

Wan Lei’s words were not finished, and the fat man’s face was pale, and he quickly handed over the booklet, and smiled and said: “Wantangyou please look at it!”

Wan Lei took it coldly and looked at it casually. Then he snorted from the nose and threw the booklet into the arms of the fat man. He said: "This Danfang, only the main medicine, the auxiliary medicine, only the process of refining, But there is no such thing as the most important law. This Dan Fang... It’s just waste paper. It’s the same as telling you that the building is based on the exquisite grass. What do you say? ?"

"And, the main drug in your Danfang, the yellow sedge, has long been lost, such a Dan... oh..."

After that, it’s also a walk away!

"Cheats! This is awkward... You are optimistic about yourself, and you want to lie to the grandfather's spiritual stone..." The few people who came up were not afraid of temper, and they turned their faces on the spot.

"I....I..." The fat man held Dan Fang in his hand, just like the hot-headed hoe, didn't know what he wanted to say.

The people around us heard it, but they did not say that there was only Lingcao in Danfang. There is no most valuable law, that is, Dan’s main medicine has been lost. Even if there is a refining law, it is useless. Who will Leave a little more?

Seeing that everyone is scattered, Xiao Hua is hesitant, standing by and waiting for a long while, waiting for everyone to go clean, then step forward, and smiled and said: "Daoyou, let the poor road look at your Danfang !"

The fat man was extremely lost, and some were helpless. When he saw a monk who could not see the cultivation, he smiled and said: "Does the Taoist friend be interested in the broken Danfang?"

"Oh, see it!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Please~" The fat man handed over the booklet thrown at the booth. Xiaohua took it, didn't look at it, turned it over at random, and handed it back. He smiled and said: "This Danfang is really interesting. If the friend has the latter half, it is worth it!"

"Dao You Mo laughed!" Fat man smiled bitterly: "The latter half has been burned by the poor road! Looking there to find?"

"burned? Why is this?" Xiao Hua was shocked.

"Oh, don't say it, don't say it. The poor road didn't know the importance of this Danfang in the past. It only tore away and warmed up. Danfang also saw it a few days ago..." The fat man is obviously remorseful. .

"This way!" Xiao Hua arched his hand and turned around. He could take a few steps and turned his head and asked: "Yes, you want to buy this Danfang poor road, can you intentionally transfer it?"

"Daoyou is this..." The fat man looked at Xiao Hua, and some puzzled: "Is this the same Danfang as waste paper?"

"Oh, anything has its value. This Dan is certainly a waste paper, but it can also be used for reference. If a friend wants to change some Lingshi, he can open a price!" Xiao Hua said calmly.

"How many Lingshi do you plan to make?" the fat man asked.

"Haha, Daoyou, don't think too much. If you are worthy of money, the poor road will not ask more!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Oh, okay, if the Taoist friends have a heart, how about a hundred top grade Lingshi?" The fat man hesitated, said.

"One hundred?" Xiao Hua screamed and shook his head: "Daoyou wants to make a fortune and wants to go crazy! Just when the poor road does not speak!"

It is not hesitant to say that Xiao Hua turned and left.

"Hey...dao friends are in a hurry, the price is good for us to discuss..." The fat man immediately chased him out and pulled Xiaohua's sleeves: "How about fifty? Just fifty!"

Xiao Hua stood there, watching coldly, and the fat man knew that he would wait for his own price reduction. He had to say: "That... then thirty? Thirty top grades?"

"Daoyou, there are only 20 middle-class spirit stones in the poor road. If the Taoist friends are interested, they will accept it!" Xiao Hua did not drag the water, took a hand, and placed 20 Chinese spirit stones on the booth.

"Twenty Zhongpin Lingshi?" Obviously this price is beyond the expectations of the fat man, let him yell.

"It seems that the Taoist friends are somewhat reluctant, and the poor road is leaving!" Xiao Hua said, he must collect the Lingshi by hand.

"And slow!" The fat man slammed it, and he took a handful of it. In the thunder of lightning, he put 20 Chinese spirits into the storage bag, then handed Dan Fang over and smiled: "Xie Daoyou loves Please ask the friend to accept Dan Fang!"

"This..." Looked at the fat man with a completely different look, then look at the fat man seems to be not depressed, Xiao Hua ... directly feel that ... I was deceived!

"Cough, friends... please go slowly!" The fat man said, "The second half of Danfang has been torn by the poor road. The poor road has been regretted for a long time, just want to revert back to the past, but this It is absolutely impossible, so the empty confession has no effect. Today, this waste paper can change twenty Chinese spirits, and the poor road is also satisfied. The Taoist friend said... Is the poor road right?"

"Oh, contentment is always happy, everything should be to the benefit of thinking, the word of light is worth twenty Chinese spirit stone, the poor road is taught." Xiao Hua arched his hand, smiled and left.

When he went far away and hid in a secluded place, Xiao Hua took the Dan Fang out with joy. The booklet said that it was Dan Fang. It was not appropriate. The general Dan Fang only talked about how to refine the medicinal herbs. This Dan Fang wrote the characteristics of the main medicine and the auxiliary medicine, and the process of refining was detailed. Xiao Hua was not planning to buy this book. He just wanted to see what this Dan Fang looked like. He could wait for him to see the two main medicines in the Dan Fang, the yellow sedge and the essence of the marrow. This gave birth to the heart of buying!

The essence of the essence is that it is the main medicine for alchemy. It is found in many medicinal herbs. Although it is rare, Xiao Hua has already bought its seeds on the Yiji, in the space behind the brain. Already planted.

In the Wan Lei mouth, the yellow sedge that has been lost, Xiao Hua has not seen the real maturity, but this Dan Fang has given the seeds of the sassafras, the seedlings look like. As it happens, one of the seeds that Xiaohua got from the heap of germination in Baicaomen is Huanghuacao, and this sassafras has exposed the seedlings in the space of Xiaohua!

Xiao Hua is also the seedlings in the Dan Fang, only to think of the seedlings in the space, to determine that it is Huang Qicao, and decided to buy Dan Fang! As for the law that Dan Fang lacks, Xiao Hua naturally does not have it, and this Dan Fang is certainly incomplete, but after all, it is also Dan Fang, bought at the price of 20 Chinese spirits, how Xiaohua thinks It is worth it!

Take a closer look, Xiao Hua has a general understanding of the spirit grass used by Dan, and most of the grasses are within his space. Only a small part needs to be purchased, and Dan will be cautious in the income space. Xiao Hua found a booth and began to purchase Lingcao.

There are many people in Yishi, and the grass is also mixed. The price of many spirit grasses does not rise and fall. Xiaohua uses the time of a meal to find the remaining grasses, and it is not a lot of spirits. Stone, for no reason, it is the seedlings and seeds of the grass that are bought here, can you blame it!

Just when Xiao Hua found the seedlings of the last kind of Lingcao, he was thinking about where to go when he went there. There was a big booth in front of him. There were a lot of spirit grass on it, and there were some healing and remedies. Several disciples dressed in hundred grass door costumes are busy with the monks who bought the medicinal herbs and the grass.

Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed and went over. A disciple smiled and said: “This friend, but want to buy the above medicine?”

"Oh, there is no remedy to buy, poor road to see if there is a 30-year-old sorghum, ready to refine some Pei Yuan Dan to the younger generation!" Xiao Hua laughed.

"Oh, the thirty-year-old 柘 柘 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Xiao Hua’s heart was even colder and asked: “How much is your family?”

The disciple glanced back and looked back and scratched his head: "How can I have thousands of trees? Is it necessary to be a friend? Oh, if it is not enough, please give the message to the friend, after the market, I am the grass door. The disciples were specially sent to Xianfu!"

"Hey~" Xiao Hua listened, never want to stop, just turned around and left.

"Hey, Daoyou... Daoyou..." The disciple is very Nahan. I don't know where I am wrong. I am raising my hand to say hello. But Xiao Hua just left, and another monk came over, and the disciple immediately changed. The face is entertained by the people!

"柘草草!柘草草!! The grass door looks like it is, but the young master used to ask for it. They have a bitter face, only a few of them. If you don’t swear at me, kill the little master. They are unbelievable! Hey, Jiang Jiantong... You are waiting for Xiaoye!” Xiao Hua’s eyes were angry.

Turning a few turns, not far away is a dozen stalls, selling some of the things that are scattered, Xiao Hua is just a cavity of evil fire nowhere to vent, see one of the stalls The stall owner, I don’t feel a sneer in my mouth, I walked over...

The stall owner is a tall, white-faced man. He is twenty-seven years old. He is only three layers of refining. He sees Xiao Hua coming over and greets him quickly: "What can you buy this Taoist friend?" ?"

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