Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 117: strange things

Chapter 117, Strange Things

Have you thought of your friends? Who is the friend who Xiao Hua saw?

Yes, it is the female trainer Cai Zhuoxia that Xiao Hua saw when she went to Baicaomen Pharmaceuticals Peak! Next to Cai Zhuoxia, it is the literary Li Zongbao, the young monk who was called Xiaoyuehong as a genius!

"Hey? How do these two people... walk together?" Xiao Hua stopped and watched quietly. Both Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia were ordinary dresses. Li Zongbao was as good as jade. Calmly, a compelling temperament exudes, making people plain and giving birth to a self-defeating heart. Next to Cai Zhuoxia's slightly black face is full of joy, the joy is full of eyes, eyebrows and mouth corners, a kind of look in the eyes, almost to entangle Li Zongbao, Cai Zhuoxia's eyes ignore Li Zongbao Around.

Xiao Hua wanted to go up and say hello to Cai Zhuoxia, but how can he go up when he sees such a situation?

Li Zongbao is obviously a stranger to Yibo City in Jingbo City. Cai Zhuoxia walked on his side. He used his fingers to say something and said something, and Li Zongbao nodded with a smile on his face. Xiao Hua thought for a moment, quietly followed the two people not far away, to see what the two did.

The two turned a few stalls, Li Zongbao shot very wide, no less to buy things, and these things are from time to time into the storage bag of Cai Zhuoxia, and Cai Zhuoxia does not have any derogatory appearance, it feels a matter of course .

"Haha... interesting!" Xiao Hua hides a smile in the corner of his mouth.

However, at this time, I saw that Li Zongbao stopped, and it was a natural turn to look at Xiao Hua who followed him. Xiao Hua saw a slight stagnation at the foot, but he did not stop. He walked a few steps forward, his eyes looked around, and he did not notice it. He stopped at a booth. So Xiaohua immediately turned around again. A large booth, the stall owner is a refining eleventh-level monk, and his stalls are placed in some storage bags.

When I saw Xiao Hua, the monk smiled and said: "Welcome the Taoist friends to visit the booth of my Qiqiao door. I don't know what friends need?"

"Seven Qiaomen?" Xiao Hua stunned, Qi Qiaomen, but in his ears, he made a scorpion, one of the three major sects of the Xi State, how is this small booth?

"Daoyou... This confusion is the refinement of my Qiqiao door. Haven't you visited the pavilion of my Qiqiao door?" The monk smiled.

"The lost road is the loss of the teacher from the shop in the north gate of the city, not on the market in Yishang!" Xiao Hua smiled and restored calm, saying: "The poor road has been to the city many times. I really didn't visit the booth of Qiqiaomen!"

"Oh, let the Taoist know that my Qiqiao door has a lot of booths on the Yi market. This is just one of the poor roads, and the things of my Qiqiao door are more expensive. "The monk smiled and said: "I don't know what the friend is going to do this time?"

"Oh, there is no such thing..." Xiao Hua said that he took the storage bag out and said: "This storage bag is useless. Can you see if Qiqiaomen can buy it back?"

"Of course!" The monk nodded and took the storage bag by hand. He looked at it and said: "The friend of the store is a good storage bag. The space is also large. The number of times is not much. If the friend cuts his love, That poor road shows two best spiritual stones, how do the friends see?"

"Two best spirits?" Xiao Hua was somewhat unexpected. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to ask. After all, in his impression, the storage bag was worth ten top grades. He never thought about this storage. The bag can be worth two polar stones. I heard that the old man named Yang said that he was a man and a mud!

Seeing that Xiao Hua was hesitant, the monk smiled and said: "Do you have a distress in the Taoist friend? Or do you still take it back? I must have bought at least five rare stones at my Qiqiao door. If you haven’t used it yet, you have to change hands and feel that it’s not worth it!”

“Storage bags made by Qiqiaomen?” Xiao Hua understands that it seems that the prices of storage bags made by different sects are different, and the difference in the number of uses or the number of years is also large depending on the size of the space. And the one of the dozens of top grades that the Bai Daoyou said by Fu Zhanpai should be the most inferior storage bag. As for the waist of Xiao Hua, um, I am afraid that it will be scrapped soon!

Xiao Hua listens to these, of course, it is a bit of a pain in the heart, but it is three pieces of the best spiritual stone, can be changed again, this storage bag can not be used by itself, and there are hidden dangers, can change two pieces of Lingshi is two pieces Lingshi’s, also nodded: “Forget it, Daoyou... or change hands!”

"Good!" The monk of Qiqiaomen had long waited for him. He took the storage bag and took out two pieces of different colors of stone from his storage bag. One piece was blue and watery. Crystals, one piece is red and bright, like a burning flame, Xiao Hua’s heart is to understand why the colors of the two spirit stones are different, and then they take it silently, slightly hesitating, handing over the blue spiritual stone. Asked: "Do you have a fire spirit?"

"Nature!" The monk smiled and said: "There are so many fire spirits here, and there are fewer water-based stones. It is best for the Taoist friends to have a fire spirit."

Later, he handed a piece of red and brilliant Lingshi to Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua thanked him and collected the storage bag. When he looked back, Cai Zhuoxia and Li Zongbao did not know where to go. Xiao Hua was a casual look. Seeing people who are not found will no longer be found, and the monks of Qiqiaomen will leave their words and prepare to go inside again to see if they have what they need!

Yi City is indeed very big. In many places, the easy collection of the week is no one. At this time, there are also a lot of booths. Soon, two hours are about to pass. Xiao Hua has encountered a lot of strange things. Something, however, he did not buy any more, and heard it, Xiaohua also gradually learned about the cultivation of some Xiguo. Among the three major sects, Qiqiao is good at refining, what is lost. Many storage bags, etc. are from Qiqiaomen, and Yanyan teaches that they are good at alchemy. What is the foundation of Jidan, what is the brainwashing Dan, etc. are all from Yanyan. Of course, there are many good at alchemy, such as Wan. Huagu, Qidanmen, etc., Baicaomen is also considered one, but the martial art is very small. As for Shanghuazong, it is mainly based on refining, and many of the best Huangfu, even the spiritual symbols are Shanghua Zongneng refining, and Huang Daozong and Wuxingzong can also refine the Huangfu, but the martial art is the same as the Baicaomen.

There are many other small details. Xiao Hua is also secretly remembering. Before the darkness, Xiao Hua bought a marrow-washing Dan before the booth of Yan Yan. He had previously purchased the drug. They can all be healed. The medicinal herbs, such as the medullary Dan, Peiyuan Dan, etc., which have been able to increase the power of the medicinal herbs, have not been bought. Of course, these medicinal herbs are rarely found in the Yi market. After the bidding, I actually spent Xiaohua’s ten pieces of Zhongshi Lingshi!

Think about these ten pieces of Chinese spirit stone to use their own how many grass can be exchanged, Xiao Hua heart faint blood drops! However, he had to buy it...because he needs to try it out, whether this washing marrow Dan is the same as Xiao Yuanhong’s refining Pei Yuandan, can improve his own year of cultivation!

Yi Market is closed in the dark, Xiao Hua sees a lot of monks going outside, as people flow out of Yi City, he walks, but also pay attention to the surrounding, to see if there are any people who are unsightly, good In the same way, he cares a lot, and there are so many people who cover up the repairs and faces. He doesn't look awkward at all. When he walks out of the city, he walks very far and carefully, and no one is behind.

Xiao Hua found a secluded place, took off his fascination and revealed his true colors. This is a relief. He can't believe that with his own refining, the second floor can cause doubts from Chang Feng and others. Then I found the hotel in the left, and paid the Lingshi. I entered the house under the leadership of the store.

Inspired by the prohibition in the house, Xiao Hua sat down with his eyes closed and sat quietly for nearly half an hour. Then he opened his eyes and took a storage bag and took the washed marrow in his hand. Sniffing the fragrant and fragrant Ling Dan, and then hesitating is not to hesitate to put it into the mouth, waiting for the washing of the marrow to melt, into the body, Xiao Hua murders the martial arts, refining the medicine of the marrow...

Soon, one hour is the past, and then two hours. When Xiao Hua opened his eyes and his face was thoughtful, the time had passed three hours.

"Hey, is this drug's ability to wash the marrow Dan worse than Pei Yuan Dan? Or is this ordinary washing marrow Dan not to make the poverty road increase greatly?" The Xiaohua, who finished the examination, whispered a bitter smile. This cultivation of the marrow-washing dan, which cost him ten pieces of Chinese stone, is far less than the cultivation of Pei Yuan Dan, which he took in Huanghualing, which is about the repair of the top of the week. Let it be!

"Whether the washing of the marrow is worse than the potency of Pei Yuan Dan, can it not be so much worse? Perhaps... only I can refine the marrow wash once, I can know the flaws!" Xiao Hua secretly stunned, And took out the two pieces of the best fire spirit from the space, it is a happy look, the same darkness: "I heard that this elite stone can be used for cultivation, if not unexpected, it should be Lingshi The aura inside is inhaled in the body, and the general principle of taking medicinal herbs. However, how can you inhale the body? You still need to find the way to use Lingshi!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua took Lingshi into the space, closed his eyes and began to cultivate, immersed his mind in the space, realized the change of the heavens, and taunted the practice of this cultivation, and the starlight outside the field also wrapped Xiaohua as always...

The next day, Xiao Hua did not go to the first time after the Yi market, but took the refining of Huang Fu's Fu paper, Fu Mo, and prepared to refine the ice thorn...

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