Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 118: I finally got the news.

The 118th chapter of the abandonment finally has news.

The ice thorns are the same as the fireballs. They are all low-order yellow characters, but the attributes of the two are different. Xiaohua is eager to refine the ice thorns, which is also a guess to prove him!

Because the ice stab is his first refining, so it is difficult. After trying several times, he succeeded. The difficulty is not in the drawing of the rune, nor in the entry of the law. It is because he urges the mana to use the ink to wrap the heaven and earth aura than to refine the fireball.

Xiao Hua does not need to use the pen to refine the ice thorns and it is still somewhat difficult. When he takes a break and takes out the pen and makes the ice thorns from the storage bag, it is even more different! A low-order ice thorn, he has painted hundreds of times in a row, and has not succeeded once!

At the beginning, the force urged the pen, it was difficult to wrap the aura, and then, each time, the runes were not finished, and the aura broke through the air!

Xiao Hua’s self-confidence was hit hard, and after dozens of failures, he changed his runes and refining a few top-grade fireballs or middle-class impediments to comfort himself. This kind of practice slowly, boring, and realize the heavens, practice the mind, wait for the state of mind to be empty, still practice again, time flies very fast, do not know how long, wait for Xiao Hua to buy from Yi Market The lower papers are all consumed, and the refining of the ice skates has broken through to the end, stuck in the writing phase of the rune.

Putting down the pen, Xiao Hua took a look at his slightly savvy wrist and looked at some messy room. He thought with a smile: "It seems that the five elements of this physique are also related to the refining of the yellow character. I am The flaming physique, the refining of the fireball, and the use of its own method, can easily refine the fireball character over the top grade, even if the refining of the pen is used, it can be made to the middle; if it is replaced with the five elements The watery yellow character of Xiangke, even if you use the technique that you are good at, it can only be good to the Chinese product. It is even more difficult to use the pen. This exercise is not afraid of another few days. Thousands of papers? Actually... there is no refining success!"

"Oh, no wonder Ma’s predecessors said, this is a process of accumulation of experience!" Xiao Hua had long agreed with Ma Rong’s point of view in his heart: "And, this... how long it has been, I must have abandoned me." Forgot it! Or find your own way!"

Xiao Hua immediately went out of the house and went straight to Yiji. At this time, although the Yiji was the same as usual, Xiaohua, who had seen Yishi, looked in his eyes. He was definitely depressed. After a while, he would need the paper and symbols. Ink and other purchases have been made, Xiao Hua has gone out of the collection, his body shape just appeared at the door of Yi Ji, a red brilliance quickly flew to his eyes, quietly floating in the air!

"Hmmm?" Xiaohua stunned, but then he realized that he was ecstatic, and he stretched his hand and took Guanghua in his hand. A familiar voice sounded, it was Ma Wei’s message: "Xiao Daoyou, I have been waiting for you for a long time." If there is time today, I will come to Huayunyuan. I have a great chance to abandon it. I have to see how the opportunity of the Taoist friend is!"

“The great opportunity?” Xiao Hua’s face was a joy: “Is there any merit to be given?”

Xiao Huaxing took a few steps, but he slowly slowed down. His mind slowly thought about it. To join the abandonment, the technique of the system must be revealed. This is the key to Xiaohua’s entry into the desert. However, Xiao Hua will certainly refine the low-order fireballs, and it is still on the fire, even the high-order imperfections can be refining, but... his technique is different from that of Xiaoyu’s refining of Huangfu. Not refining with a pen! The most troublesome thing for Xiao Hua is that he is now only the repair of the second layer of refining, and it is absolutely impossible to refine the fireball of the top grade! !

Even the middle-aged fireball that he refines with a pen will inevitably make him show his head in the sky, and the direct consequences of revealing the head may be noticed by the grass. Abandonment is a self-help organization of scattered repairs. It does not protect every obligation of scattered repair. If it is found in the hundred grass gates, it will definitely not take the lead for Xiao Hua. After all, it is not forbidden to abandon the fight of its own members!

"This is a rather troublesome thing!" Xiao Hua was a little dazed with a chin, and it was indeed a dilemma.

After walking a few steps, Xiao Hua’s eyes lit up and he smiled. “When I am now, how can I get rid of it? First, I will use a paper to refine an ice thorn. This ice thorn has not been successfully refining. However, the distance is not big. If the abandonment is really not recognized, then take the risk of refining the fireball with a pen. The left and right are for the exercises, and you will be more careful in the future!"

With his mind set, Xiao Hua’s footsteps were speeding up. When he arrived at Huayun Court, it was already in the afternoon. Looking at the Huayun Court from time to time, there were scattered repairs in and out. Every face of the scattered repairs was filled with joy. Xiao Hua is somewhat puzzled. It seems that when I came last time, it was not so lively.

Into Huayunyuan, there is a lot of scattered repairs. It seems that he is busy with what he sees. When Xiao Hua comes in, everyone ignores it. Seeing it, some of Xiao Hua’s original scruples have long disappeared. I think it is also true. Zhang Zhihao’s dismissal of a second layer of refining is not a glory, and it must be saved. The mentality of being swallowed up will not be known to others.

Xiao Hua’s heart was solid, and his brows were stretched out. According to previous memories, he came to the front of the last room. When Xiao Hua was about to step in, it happened that there was a middle-aged disguise coming out from inside. I was surprised to see Xiao Hua and asked: "Is this friendly friend unfamiliar, is it... newcomer?"

Xiao Hua Gong Dadao: "The poor road... has not joined the abandonment of the day, this time is to find a horse and a horse friend!"

"Oh, it turned out to be a Ma Daoyou." The scattered repair suddenly, smiled: "Ma Daoyou is not here..."

"What? Not in Jingbo City? But... Ma Daoyou just sent a message to the poor road!" Xiao Hua stunned.

"This..." The smile of a distracted face: "The Taoist friend is in a hurry. The poor road only says that Ma Daoyou is not in this room. Didn't he say that he is not in Huayunyuan, or is Jingbocheng?"

Xiao Hua listened, his face was awkward, and he smiled and said: "They are all in a hurry and misunderstood the Taoist friends!"

"Haha, no, no." The monk smiled and said: "When Huayun Court is busy today, if a friend has a message, you may wish to send one, otherwise... it is really hard to find Ma Daoyou!"

"No, the poor road has forgotten this!" Xiao Hua slaps his head and wakes up.

After the thank you, the message was taken from the storage bag. After the message was sent, he waited for a while, and Xiao Hua saw the horse coming in a hurry.

The horse is playing far away, and it’s a smile on his face. He waited for the vulgar in the near future: “I’m waiting for Xiaodaoyou for a long time!”

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Xiao Hua quickly returned to the ceremony and smiled: "When you see so many people in Huayunyuan, you know how busy Ma Daoyou is. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Oh, naturally there is a great chance, otherwise the poor road is so eager to let you come over?" Ma said with a smile.

"Well? It turned out that there is no practice!" Xiao Hua had some accidents. He said: "I don't know what Ma Daoyou said?"

"Ha ha ha, this is a big thing to abandon, Xiao Daoyou has not joined me to abandon, forgive the poor road can not be answered in detail!" Ma Wei is very happy to say: "Right, Xiao Daoyou, that fireball ... ... Refining success?"

"Not yet!" Xiao Hua did not think about it: "The poor road... refining the fireball is not fruitful, and later... looking for a refining method of the ice stabbing, but it has some experience, although it has not yet been fully refined. It’s not too far apart, I don’t know...”

Xiao Hua said, or carefully observe the look of Ma Rong, who knows that the face of the horse is calm and watery, it is not very concerned about what he said, waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, he said: "So good. The poor road has long been told to the Qingdao friends. Although this kind of smelting is based on qualifications, if there is no guidance from the master, it is no easy task. Xiao Daoyou’s own cultivation actually reaches this level in a short time. Already valuable!"

Speaking of the hand, a message was taken out, and the mana was reminded. The message was sent away. He turned back to Xiao Huadao: "Qingdaoyou has always been busy, and he has seen the poor for a few days. To one side, it is really hard to find him without a message!"

Xiao Hua smiled and nodded. Ma Ying seemed to have an excellent impression on Xiao Hua. He looked up and down Xiao Hua and smiled: "Xiao Daoyou, this time has been very worried about you, I am afraid that you only have a piece of Chinese stone." Mirror can not be saved in the city. You can see that the Taoist friends have not come to Huayunyuan and have not communicated, and... To be honest, the longer the test is dragged on, the more beneficial it is to the Taoist friends. Qingdaoyou, but now it seems that Xiao Daoyou is in this mirror city... It’s also mixed and savory, even the storage bags are getting it!”

“Oh,” Xiao Hua smiled and untied the storage bag. He smiled and said: “Ma Daoyou knows naturally!”

"What?" The horse took it, looked at it casually, and had a strange look on his face. He handed it over and said: "Although this is a storage bag with a very small space, it is also a storage bag. The ability of Xiao Daoyou is also obvious!"

"Don't dare... the poor road is just a little bit of something in the easy concentration. If there is no storage bag, it is inconvenient..." Xiao Hua had a countermeasure and explained with a smile.

"Oh, don't have to say. This is Xiao Daoyou's own business. I have never been interested in it. Hahaha." Ma Wei blocked Xiao Hua's explanation. When he was talking, he heard the sound outside the door: "Ma Daoyou, what is so happy?"

Xiao Hua listened, and quickly got up, stepped forward, and said: "The younger generation has seen the Qing seniors..."

The person who came here is Qing Fengmin. It is also a pleasure to see Xiao Hua. He said: "How many days have you seen Xiao Daoyou's Huang Fu refining system?"

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