Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Ice worm

Chapter 124

"Fan Daoyou, or quickly take the silk pouch into the storage bag, don't let this brilliance alarm the ice worm!" Li Yuwen saw it, slightly frowning and urging.

"Yes, the poor road is neglected!" Fan Daomao was shocked at the heart, and hurriedly put the silk pouch into the storage bag, but the silk pouch was very strange. Once placed in the storage bag, there was no cold in Nancaiping. The aura, immediately brilliance, restored the way it could not be opened before!

"No, Li Daoyou, there is no Guanghua in the storage bag of the silk sac." Fan Daomao smiled and took out the sacs of Guanghua, and the silk sac was exposed, and immediately gathered the surrounding aura. !

"Quirks!" Li Yuwen's brow is more tight than before. He said: "When did I have such a magical device in my days? I can't be a custom-made silk pouch from Qiqiaomen. What?"

Li Yiwen did not know that other people were even more ignorant. Xiao Hua looked at the silk pouch with great interest, and couldn't help but think of the name of the dispersal, and the robe that conformed to the refining!

In the hands of Fan Daomao, the brilliance of the silk sac became bigger and bigger, and gradually became the size of a fist. It was like a flower bud with a slap in the face. Sure enough, it was a moment. The "flower bud" really opened, and the flower bud formed by Guanghua was completely Open, a familiar voice whispered: "You are very important to this line of friends, so the poor road is a last resort, please forgive me. The next place you need to go is Yulian Mountain, and you are careful. As well."

Xiao Hua could understand that the voice was Qing Fengmin.

"Yu Lianshan?" His heart is a bitter smile. This name is the same as Nancaiping. He has never heard of it. Xiaohua is slightly sideways, looking at the next blessing, Fushu’s brow It was a wrinkle, and at this time it became a lock. Xiao Hua’s heart suddenly burst into a sudden: “Is it difficult to make this Yulian Mountain more difficult than Nan Caiping...”

"However, they all said that Nan Cai Ping is more sinister, but from now on, there is nothing too tight? As long as the night passes, be careful!" Xiao Hua secretly, but in his belly, a faint The sound is like the surge of tides on the water.

"Hey? What is this?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, and then look at Fan Daomao's hands, that Guanghua has dispersed, a plain silky bag left in his hands, and Fan Daomao also has some stunned look at the sound. .

The sound is from the peak of Xiaohua’s left side. The mountain peak is very bright against the moon, just like a sharp sword stabbing the night sky. Just at the peak of almost clear, a thing brighter than ice is gradually approaching, gradually magnifying, and only a few breaths, the thing is magnified several times, Xiao Hua has seen clearly, that... ...not something, but a small flying insect, the flying insect is very white, bright under the moon!

"Iceworm ???" Xiao Hua almost screamed out!

"Ice worm?" Li Xiaowen seems to have not been able to see clearly. Hearing Xiaohua, he was also shocked. He turned and asked: "Xiao Daoyou, have you seen ice worms?"

Xiao Hua Wei Wei, pointed his hand: "Li Daoyou, the white flying insects... Is it not an ice worm?"

When Li Xiaowen turned his head again, he could already see it clearly. He saw that Li Weiwen’s face changed greatly and he said: “It’s really an ice worm!”

Then, some of the panic left and right, look at the hand, said: "You are friends, fast, fly over there!"

Where do everyone still hesitate? Naturally, we can't take care of the order, flying in the direction of Li Zhaowen...

Xiao Hua is also anxious to chase, but before he flies away, he looks back and sees that the ice bug is flying very fast. It’s been a while, and the small piece of things has now become A group of flying insects around ten feet, in the ice worm group, each ice worm is about the size of the fingernail. The specific appearance is still not clear. You can look at the size of this ice worm group, fearing that there are not hundreds of thousands. Only look like? Xiao Hua's vest gave birth to a chill, urging the flying character to fly quickly, but at the moment he flew, the eyes of the past, actually found a few different things in front of the ice worm group!

"Hey? What is that? Looking at the head is several times larger than the ice worm, the color is also red... It seems that it is not an ice worm!" Xiao Hua can only doubt, where can I think?

"You are friends, you will take out the weak waters and defend yourself. It will also make the iceworms unable to find us!" Li Yuwen whispered.

This is also the last night everyone has been negotiating, the weak water in the body can produce water-based defense, combined with the cold of the South Caiping, can block the heat of flesh and blood, will not cause the attention of ice insects.

Li Zhaowen’s direction is a dark place. When everyone came to the front, they found some bumps and spurs. They didn’t feel happy in their hearts. They found a hidden place to hide behind the ice thorns. Xiao Hua’s came late and looked for it again. At that time, there was no place, and it was a last resort. Xiao Hua was looking around. In the upper left part of the ice thorn, about ten feet, there was a protruding platform, and there was a faint bulge. Xiao Hua did not hesitate to fly. The past.

When Xiaohua fell on the platform, he immediately shot the weak water, and the thin Guanghua absorbed the unique coldness of Nancaiping, which made Xiaohua's body cool. There is only a three-foot-size range on the platform. There is a half-man-high protrusion in front. It seems to be an icicle, and it seems to be a stone. Xiao Hua half-turned and hid behind the protrusion, revealing half a head, careful Look at the ice worms!

Between this moment, the ice worm has arrived at the place where Xiao Hua was just now. The temperature around it is also low because of the appearance of ice worms. The ice worm did not find Xiao Hua and others, or along their original direction, flew to Xiaohua where they entered the valley.

"Well, okay, I haven't been discovered. There are hundreds of ice worms rushing up and hitting people. It's not about freezing people into popsicles. Even if there is a fireball, it's not good." Drive away!" Xiao Hua was lucky, thinking that when the ice worms flew far away, they quickly left with Li Yuwen and others!

Just in Xiao Hua, no, even Li Weiwen and others were relieved. Suddenly, a sharp tweet came from the bottom of the valley, and with the sound, a few red in front of the ice worm Something, swaying, actually flew toward the ice thorns where Li Yuwen and others are located!

"Ah? What is going on here?" Xiao Hua saw it, yelling, but the darkness of the place where the sound came out, nothing could be seen, and he could not know how the sound came out!

"Yes... other monks? Or... other monsters?" Xiao Hua had only had the idea to come up. The ice worms had already flown before the ice thorns of Li Weiwen and others.

"Come on!" Li Yiwen yelled, five people flew up, and the four scattered were flying away in the air. The ice worm did not seem to find Li Weiwen and others, and Li Weiwen and others flew to In the air, the ice worms swayed like a wave of water, and then they were divided into several dials. Except for a group of red things in front of them, the rest went to Li Wenwen several people!

Xiao Hua hides behind the ice and peeks clearly. The red ones in front are not ice worms, but a flying insect of the same size as a fist. They are all red, one red and black. The top of the eye is at the head, the two pointed, small triangular ears are erected on both sides of the eye, and the edge of the flapping wing has a thin membrane attached to the body. It looks like a bat, but it is bad. Far away! The ice worm behind it looks like a snow block. There are no eyes and the like. Only six or seven tentacles stick out from the head and sway slightly in the air. The ice worms have a pair of wings on both sides and flash. Make a slight, strange sound...

The reaction of Li Yuwen and others can not be said to be rapid, but the ice worm is more rapid. I saw that the last Fu Yue just flew about ten feet, and was caught by the ice worms behind. The ice worm is also special. This is the one that has been paid for a little faster, and the speed that is close to the body is more than doubled. It is just like a stone that hits the general, and the strength is not very strong, but, When the ice worm hits the brilliance of the weak water, it immediately becomes a snow-like thing, and the strange thing is that the brilliance of the weak water symbol touches the thing, and a large piece of the surrounding is immediately whitish. Gradually turning into ice cubes!

Fu Shu was shocked and finally knew why the monks were very afraid of this ice worm! This is just an ice worm. If hundreds of ice worms come together, who can resist? Without thinking, Fu Shu will take a shot, a fireball is taken out of the storage bag, the mana is reminded, and it is not seen or seen later. A fireball comes out and smashes into the ice worms. past……

The sound of "Boom" sounded softly, the fireball burst, and the flames scattered. The iceworms behind them blasted a large gap in the mouth of the bowl. However, the gap only lasted for a while, and only a few ice worms disappeared in the flame. The other ice worms are screaming and chasing.

Where can I still care about other people? A shot of the waist, take a stack of yellow characters from the storage bag, while urging the flying character to fly far away, while firing the fireball one by one... and with the first fireball to pay, Li Weiwen The fireballs of people, such as bruises, have also begun to burst up one after another. The whole Nancai Ping... is so busy!

After hiding in the ice, Xiao Hua looked at it quietly and looked at it. From the current situation, the place where he was hiding should be safe. He has not been discovered by ice worms. If he can always hide, everyone will The ice worm took away and he was very happy.

But... At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly felt that there was a hot breath on his head...

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