Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 125: Escape the fire

Chapter 125—Escape from the fire

And said that Xiao Hua’s heart is stunned. He wants to avoid the ice worm’s attack after hiding in the ice. He suddenly feels that there is a hot breath above the top of his head. When he looks up, he is not surprised. The red one in front of the ice worm The flying insects actually have an unknown time when they fly to the top of his head!

The red and red eyes of the red flying insects are directly facing Xiao Hua. Although Xiao Hua can't look at the same as people, I know that the flying insects have already discovered themselves, and then, for a while. The sound of 嗡嗡 传 传 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧

Xiao Hua suddenly realized that it was the heat of the flying insects that did not know the name that attracted the ice worm. But... this unknown flying insect... is it also an ice worm? It seems that I didn't listen to Li Yiwen.

Xiao Hua thought in his heart, but he could not act but he did not dare to neglect. Just now he had seen the ice worm hit the abnormality of Fushun, and Li Weiwen and other four-tiered monks were afraid of tightness, he could not let The ice worm is close. I saw Xiao Hua’s eyes swept, urging the mana, and the body quickly flew to the side. At this time, he did not dare to have reservations. The speed of flying was faster than that of the eleventh layer of refining monks!

Xiao Hua did not move. It was discovered by the ice worms immediately after a move. The ice worm that originally flew to the red flying insects was also separated and chased in the direction of Xiao Hua, but this is only a moment. Things, just as Xiao Hua flew away, the red flying insects above his head did not intend to let him go, followed by the flesh-like wings and flew out along with Xiao Hua’s figure, watching the speed is actually no better than Xiao Hua is slow, and the ice worm is just just separated, followed by a combination of one, chasing behind Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua flew into the valley while stealing his eyes and looking back. He saw the situation of ice worms and red flying insects in his eyes. He was shocked. He always had a self-sustaining flight speed, but he did not expect this ice worm and unknown. The flying insects are not slower than him. If you look at the distance, Fu Shu, Fan Daomao and others are even worse. The fireballs in the hands are constantly playing, and you want to use the fireball to stop the impact of the ice worms...

"Bad, such a big movement, although it is able to keep the ice worm behind, even to kill some ice worms, can... This is not the only ice worm in Nancaiping? If it will The big wave of ice worms are attracted... How can you pass through the valley? If you escape with them... Is it more dangerous?” Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he was trying to fly to the crowd. Stopped.

The sound of "啪", a flying ice worm hit the front of Xiaohua's weak water brilliance, just like Xiao Hua saw just now, a brilliance immediately turned into ice! Xiao Hua was shocked. He turned sharply and flew in the other direction. He reached out and touched the ice that turned into Guanghua. The ice is different from the usual ice, the tentacles are extremely cold, and the hard state is almost as hard as the stone.

Xiao Hua frowned, his hands forced, and he wanted to crush the ice. However, the ice is slippery and it is really not forceful. Xiao Hua can't do it after a few pinches! In an emergency, Xiao Hua took the magic gun tip out of the space without thinking. He did not dare to use his gun to directly face himself. Instead, he used the back of the gun to make a hard hit to the ice. A sound, the ice is broken, can be broken not only ice, Xiaohua's body of weak water characters ... Guanghua flashes a few times, but also was broken!

"This..." Xiao Hua was a little depressed. He thought: "If you use a weak water to protect your body, you will become an ice cube when you hit the ice worm. If you don't protect your body, this collision is not The body has to be frozen into ice? Do you want to try the iron clothes?"

Thinking, he took a storage bag and took out a piece of iron clothes to hit him. However, his body shape still does not dare to stagnate, while thinking about flying, but fortunately his flight speed is fast enough, although the ice worm and the unknown flying insects are closely followed, they can be in Xiaohua’s alert and non-stop direction. In the middle, it seems to be a bit more comfortable, and it is much stronger than the wolf of Fu Shu and others.

"啪" is another sound, an ice worm 趁 华 华 华 折 折 折 折 折 折 折 折 华 华 华 华 华 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 华 趁 趁 趁 华 趁 华 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁Guanghua has also become an ice cube!

"Well, I understand, as long as it is a heaven and earth aura, no matter what the property, the ice worm will hit the ice worms, the ice worms will become ice particles, and the heavens and the earth will become ice cubes!" Xiao Hua was slightly shocked. , know that all the defensive yellow characters in your storage bag will not play a big role, perhaps the fireball can be useful!

However, when Xiao Hua was preparing to take out the fireball character, he found another strange thing!

The unknown red flying insect was flying very fast, and the speed was even faster than Xiao Hua. However, the red flying insect only followed Xiao Hua’s body and did not hit Xiao Hua’s body. Instead, The ice worm, which is slower than the red flying insects, is rushing to catch up with Xiao Hua, looking for an opportunity to hit Xiaohua!

"Why is this?" Xiao Hua has some Nahan: "Is this flying insect an ice worm... commander? Do you not work?"

Thinking, Xiao Hua thought about a turn, and replaced the fireball in his hand with a ban, and the mana urged the red fly to the body. The red flying insect is also alert, not waiting for the imprisonment, and immediately flies to the next flight. It is hiding between the fingers. Instead, several ice worms are behind them, and they are banned in the inside. Surprisingly, the ice worms were hit by the ban, the wings did not move, the tentacles did not move, and then like a piece of ice, the straight down is falling!

"Small! Don't believe that Xiaoye can't kill you!" Xiaohua glanced at the red worm that had just escaped his ban and followed him again. He felt a pleasant heart and shook hands and took it out of the space. Four or five imprisonment signs came, and the figure suddenly flew up. The red flying insects also paused slightly, and they also flew upwards. At this moment, Xiao Hua shook his hands and several impediments were sprinkled. The red flying insects were covered in all directions, and the flying insects rushed left and right. After all, they could not escape Xiao Hua’s multiple imperfections. Only the Guanghua flashed, the red flying insects were actually blocked. To hit, the wings struggled a few times, just like the ice worm just now, it just fell from the air!

"Ha ha ~" Xiao Hua saw a big joy, speeded up the speed and flew forward, and sure enough, with the fall of the red flying insects, some of the ice worms that followed the back of Xiao Hua’s buttocks immediately separated. The place where the flying insects fall is chased!

"How do you feel some... weird?" Xiao Hua smiled, and gave birth to a trace of suspicion, but he did not wait for him to think carefully, but also a sharp voice from the distant valley, the voice is high and Urgent, it seems to pierce the ears in general, with the sound of the sound, just a few scattered red flying insects, as with any instructions, are all turned in the direction ... chasing Xiaohua!

This is a big problem. Just a large group of ice worms appeared. There are about four components going out to chase Li Weiwen and others. The remaining 60% are behind the red flying insects. Now the red flying insects are chasing Xiaohua. , that 60% of the ice worms are not all chased up?

Moreover, in addition to just a set of ice worms chasing behind Xiao Hua, several other red flying insects ... actually blocked Xiao Hua from different directions!

"No...no mistakes!" Xiao Hua was a little dumbfounded. He was a wishful abacus that let Li Xiaowen and others lead the ice worm. Who ever thought... In the end, it was actually one of them. More ice worms.

Xiao Hua screamed, and the heart of the lingering room gave birth to a hint of excitement!

I saw Xiao Hua unfolding his body. In the encirclement of many red flying insects, he flew around. At the beginning, Xiao Hua was still a little rusty, and was hit by several ice worms. It became an ice cube. However, Xiao Hua did not worry, did not immediately take out the gun tip, he wants to wait for the ice to a certain extent and then break.

In this way, fleeing and fleeing, Xiao Hua is somewhat different from the direction of the crowd, and gradually approaches the bottom of the valley. Such a flight makes Xiao Hua more skilled and more comfortable, and more and more comfortable.

"What happened to the sound just now? How did it come out? It seems... can control the red flying insects, can't I think I am wrong?" Xiao Hua got angry and thought about it, and began to think about the inexplicable The voice: "It seems... the first time I was discovered by the ice worm, there is such a voice, and if it is not the voice, Li Weiwen and others may not be discovered!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua began to pay attention to the dark bottom of the body. But the bottom of the valley is very deep, and it can't be seen clearly at night. Xiao Hua is not enough to repair himself, and he dare not go down. He can only be careful. At the same time, Xiao Hua secretly took out a bunch of fireballs and impediments from the space. The fireballs were placed on the left hand, and the right hand was given the impediment. Just like after, after flying for a while, he was free. A shaking hand, a number of imprisoned characters were thrown out by him, the red flying insects are certainly smart, but after all, it is better than no one, so several times, there will always be a flying insect hit by the imprisonment, falling from the air, When the flying insects fall, they also take away some ice worms!

Just after Xiao Hua hit three red flying insects, finally, from Xiao Hua’s body, there was a violent voice sounding: “Where is the wild repair, I dare to hurt my fire!”

Xiao Hua listened to the big joy and cried in the mouth: "Little brother is waiting for you! Actually dare to count the little master, let you see the great master!"

He said, he didn't even look at it, he shook his left hand, and saw that a dozen fireballs were motivated by the mana, just like the scorpion, hitting the sounds...

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