Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 159: Weird

In fact, since entering the cave, Xiao Hua’s heart is a bit embarrassing. He has long wanted to find an opportunity to separate from the two, and not to mention that the two are very uncomfortable for Xiao Hua. The key is to follow the two...he I am afraid that nothing can be fished! Nowadays, there is a choice, and from the mountain wind blowing in the middle of the cave, Xiao Hua feels a little bloody, this blood is not sniffing in the mouth and nose, but from an instinct!

Xiao Hua listened to Li Zongbao’s words and said, “Thank you for the support of the two predecessors. The younger generation did not dare to have too much hope for the clothes of the Baizhang old man. They just walked away and got some other things to satisfy!”

When Cai Zhuoxia saw it, he did not add more and nodded. He nodded and said: "The poor road understands the meaning of Xiao Daoyou. Since it is Xiao Daoyou's choice, the poor road is only respectful. I hope that Xiao Daoyou will be careful. I will wait for Baizhangfeng... See you again! ,,

Li Zongbao also looked at Xiao Hua, the slightest jaw, said: "Xiao Daoyou is careful!"

Later, Li Zongbao went straight to the cave with Cai Zhuoxi, and when the two did not enter the darkness, the brilliance of Yuehuashi was no longer, Xiaohua only looked around and walked freely to the cave in the right hand...............,

Outside the Baizhang Peak, Na Luojiaxin really took out nine light green sè from the storage bag.

The beast, seeing everyone's eyes are straight! Even if the horse took the jade, flew to the front of each team, and handed the jade to each of the temporarily designated captains, it was hard to hide.

"Well, the friends of the Tao, the jade beast in the hand of the trough is motivated, and the jade beast can guide the correct cave. Within the cave, it is best not to fly. It is said that walking slowly can avoid some inside the cave. Prohibition!" Qing Fengmin said with a hand.

His voice just fell, and the nine jade beasts were almost simultaneously turned into light green sè, flying to different places in Baizhangfeng, and even several others were still on the other side of Baizhangfeng.

The Tianqi's scattered repairs will be polite at this time, each of them will mobilize the flying characters, and follow the Guanghua to Baizhangfeng, but each Guanghua will follow the scattered repairs, and they will enter the cave one by one. It is still a lot of time!

"You, I am waiting for it!" Qing Fengmin looked at the people around, laughing and throwing the jade beast in his hand, a light green brilliance flew to the top of Baizhangfeng, the cave that entered was exactly with Xiao The cave where Hua and others entered is close!

Qing Fengmin will be motivated by flying characters, and dozens of people will follow them all the time. When everyone enters the cave, the whole sky is already dark, and the wind is everywhere, and it is lonely, as if nothing happened.

Xiao Hua entered the cave. Since there was no Cai Zhuoxia leading the way, he took Yue Huashi around, and took out a stack of fireballs. He held it in front of Xiong, his eyes fixed on the front, preparing for a sudden change. Just hit the fireball and go out! However, he took another meal, and the whole mountain road was still quiet, and there was nothing unusual!

“Hey? Is this just an ordinary cave?” Xiao Hua frowned slightly, and her heart was unwilling. At this moment, suddenly there was a very short scream, about ten feet before Xiao Hua’s head. Passed!

"Ah!" Xiaohua's body was horrified by the cold hair. This whistling sound is really awkward, and it is also true yin Sen!

"I'm afraid there is a good show!" Xiao Hua took a deep breath and his eyes were slightly stunned. He took a few shots of the fireball in his hand, slowed his footsteps and steadily walked forward.

Only a moment later, Xiao Hua approached the place where there was a sound, but what surprised Xiao Hua was that it was just a cross intersection, and the left and right sides were exactly the same stone caves, and no abnormalities were found.

Xiao Hua, who had been tightened in her heart, saw these situations. She didn’t feel awkwardly. She stood up and took a cup of tea. She looked around and left, and then walked to the front of the cave to go, but When he just stepped forward, a sharp wind came from behind him. Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect and hurriedly turned around...

However, his body is empty, and the glory of Yuehuashi, the same silence as when he passed by, just the sharp winds are inexplicable!

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua secretly screamed, then took out a few iron clothes from the storage bag,

The weak water is waiting to be hit on oneself. Later, Xiao Hua walked forward, paying attention to his own time. It was half a meal, nothing happened. There were two identical mountain roads in front of Xiao Hua’s eyes, one to the left and one to the right.

This time Xiao Hua had no choice but to make a choice, but the two mountain roads did not give him too much feeling, so he only picked the mountain road on the left and walked in. However, this mountain road is very short, and it has not yet reached the scent of a fragrant incense. There is no road in front, showing a space of about one foot. Anything within this space, only the ground is very smooth.

Xiao Hua took the moon and stone to look at the stone walls around the space. He did not find any abnormalities. He did not feel a big sigh. He said: "Is it really the end?" But when Xiao Hua wants to quit, suddenly It was awakened suddenly, and immediately raised the moonstone stone, looking up when looking up! Sure enough, at the top of Xiaohua’s head, the top of the space, there is actually a blood pattern!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked, and once again, the hair was upside down. Without hesitation, the mana was pushed, the whole figure flew out of the space, and several breaths crossed the distance of a few feet!

When Xiao Hua’s heartbeat gradually stabilized, he only fell from the sky, and the pattern of blood remains in his mind! The pattern is very weird. It is a human figure. The whole body of the pattern is like a cloud of blood. It is not like a human figure. The four corners of the cloud and the head are like the hands and feet and the head! In particular, the two eyes on the head are exactly the same as people!

"Hundreds of old people in the Baizhang Peak... How can there be such strange things?" Xiao Hua walked back and frowned, and what Xiao Hua didn't know was that he just flew out of the space. The **** mist is creeping, the two eyes are slightly bright, and even turn for a moment, seeing no one inside the space, the party has stopped!

At the same time, Shang Huazong’s Jiang Yuchi holds a sword symbol in his hand, which is also within a space. Unlike Xiao Hua, Jiang Haochi has just entered that space, and the jade beast that has been in his hands is immediately Just break free from his hands and turn into a light green brilliance, and on the top of Jiang's head, there is also the same blood pattern!

The Huaguang of the jade beast rushed into the blood pattern, and disappeared immediately. When Jiang Qichi awakened, he lifted the moonstone and saw that the blood fog in the blood pattern had squirmed and saw blood. Jiang Yuchi was as shocked as Xiao Hua. He saw that he had a hand, and the sword in his hand immediately stabbed him. At the same time, Jiang Yichi was urging mana, but he was also prepared to flee. However, he was already late. Piercing the blood fog, there is no reaction at all, and the whole space is covered under the cover of the blood mist, and the body shape that Jiang Qichi has just flew in the air is also covered by the blood fog. The screams, it seems that the incomprehensible pain hits, and urgently, Jiang’s body is rapidly shrinking and slowly disappearing!

In the same situation, within the different caves in Baizhang Peak, frequent occurrences, every group of blood fog appeared, immediately there was a scream, this scream is so heartbreaking, just if people hun魄Suddenly attacked, but each space is far apart, and the screams are only passed away, and disappeared!

"Do you listen? It seems that someone is screaming?" Li Zongbao suddenly stopped and said to Cai Zhuoxia next to him.

"Oh? Is it?" Most of the body and mind are concerned about Li Zongbao's Cai Zhuoxia. He stunned his ears, but there was still no silence around him.

"Zongbao Daoyou poor road did not hear anything!" Cai Zhuoxia had a long way to go.

"Perhaps it is the poor road to listen to?" Li Zongbao also slightly frowned.

The two were on the move for a while, Li Zongbao said with a smile: "Zhuo Xiayou, I am afraid I am in the place!" "Hey? Is it?" Cai Zhuoxia was overjoyed and smiled. "What did Zongbao Daoyou see?" "It can be said immediately, Li Zongbao's thoughts will sweep the space around the first ten feet, some hesitantly said: "It is very strange, there is nothing in the space ahead! Is it not true that this jade beast is not true?" ?"

During the speech, the two entered the space. The space of ten feet was very empty. The brilliance of Yuehua Stone could not be completely illuminated. It was not waiting for Cai Zhuoxia to see it all around. The jade beast in her hand also suddenly flew. In the middle of the air.

"Hey!" With the exclaim of Cai Zhuoxia, Li Zongbao hurriedly swept the gods into the air, and a thick **** taste was "broken" from the pattern of the blood sè!" Li Zongbao screamed in his heart, his **** sweeps After the pattern, I have already noticed that there is a great deal of disappointment. I can’t say hello to Cai Zhuoxia. Li Zongbao will take a shot and take a small jade bottle from the storage bag. The right hand will smash the shackles and will force the mana to see. Above the space, when the thick blood fog shrouded, Li Zongbao said in his mouth: "Disease ~" the right hand is formed, it is on the jade bottle, jade,

The bottle got the help of mana, and it made a pure basket of sè, a few flashes. From the mouth of the jade bottle, a round blue sè Guanghua was sprayed, just to hold down the blood fog, and Cai Zhuoxia And Li Zongbao are protected!

"Zongbao Daoyou" Cai Zhuoxia exclaimed, body involuntarily went to Li Zongbao's side to rely on "Mo Pan, I am afraid of what traps!" Li Zongbao is very calm, mouth said, one pull Cai Zhuoxia's sleeves, two Just walked outside the space, but at this time, the two eyes in the blood pattern flashed lightly...! .

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