Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 160: Transfer

And said that Li Zongbao took the sleeves of Cai Zhuoxia, and the two were under the brilliance of the jade bottle deep basket.

It is necessary to safely withdraw from that space, only to see a few feet above, in the blood pattern, the **** humanoid head, the two eyes flashed, the whole pattern is a shining "brush", The entire space is filled with blood brilliance, and immediately, the same blood flashes under the feet of Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia, not waiting for Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia to react, their body shape suddenly disappeared, even... It was sent away!

Compared with Li Zongbao and Xiao Hua, Qing Fengmin and others are a lot easier. These scattered trainings are dozens of people, and they echo each other. Although the cave is silent, the pace of the people is rushing. There are occasional sounds that make them feel full of security! Therefore, everyone also has a heartfelt feeling for Tian Abandon and Qing Fengmin!

Moreover, the jade beasts of Qing Fengmin and others are obviously better than those of Cai Zhuoxia and others. Cai Zhuoxia and others have gone for a long time before they reached the end of the mountain road and were deeply trapped in the space, while Qing Fengmin and others did not use it. The time for a meal comes directly to the space. The space that the ten jade beasts guides is quite large. Dozens or even hundreds of monks enter it and do not seem to be crowded!

"Qingdaodao is here is the Dongfu of the Baizhang old man?" Ma Weiwei followed Qing Fengmin into the space, and looked around the empty dàngdàng.

Qing Fengmin smiled and smiled slightly. He said: "According to the poor road, I am afraid that it is not the Dongfu of the Baizhang old man. If it is so easy to enter, then thousands of years ago, the clothes of the Baizhang old man were not taken away? ?"

"Oh, this way!" Ma Rong frowned: "But the poor road has entered here, Shengjue.................., a little bit uneasi!"

"Well, Ma Daoyou waited a little, waiting for the poor road to put Yuehua stone on the stone wall!" Qing Fengmin is very calm.

Just when Qing Fengmin put Yuehua stone on the stone wall, the whole space is illuminated, and dozens of scattered repairs have also entered this space. "咦?卿道友, and look at the top!" Soon someone noticed To the top of the space, the pattern of blood, this pattern is very large, several times larger than Xiao Hua.

"This" Qing Fengmin saw it, his face was shocked, and he hurriedly said, "What is this? Which friend has seen it?"

Just as everyone is about to talk about it, the jade beast in the hands of Qing Fengmin is also turned into a light green sè Guanghua, flying into the eyes of the blood sè pattern, not the same as Jiang Qichi and others, in the **** fog The blood in those two eyes flashed, and the light in the whole space flashed, and dozens of people in the cave were all transferred away!

When dozens of people were sent away, the cave soon recovered calm, the blood fog gradually solidified, and the jade beast in one eye disappeared at the same time as the blood fog solidified!

The people who entered the Baizhang Peak were either sent away or swallowed up by the blood fog, and there was no trace of it. The whole rugged and numerous stone caves were nothing but Xiao Hua’s ear!

Xiao Hua walked in the mountain road, and he became more and more anxious. He followed the road just now and went back. But after a while, it was discovered that this mountain road seems to be different from the one he had just walked, but he clearly It’s just going back directly, and there’s nothing wrong with it in the middle. How could it not work?

At this time, he has not asked to find out what the old man's clothes are, what kind of medicinal herbs, what kind of exercises, just seek to find a way out early, and quickly go out from this strange Baizhang Peak! At this time, he gradually understood why the clothing of the Baizhang old man was not inherited by the people in the millennium!

The sound of "Zi" sounded from not far behind Xiao Hua.

"Who!" Xiao Hua shouted and turned and shouted.

Unfortunately, when he looked back, the sound was long gone.

There was a gust of wind in the "call", as if something had flew over Xiao Hua’s head. Xiao Hua did not hesitate to throw a fireball in his hand and slammed the rumbling sound. The whole cave was shaking. Shake is shaking, even a piece of dirt has not been hit!

At this moment, like a strong wind, a blood fog of one person does not know where it came from. In the mid-air of Xiao Hua’s eyes, it gradually gathered and formed, and the shape was exactly what the blood pattern looked like!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua was shocked in his heart. Without thinking about it, all the fireballs in his hands were thrown out. The skull covered his face and hit the surging blood fog, and he did not return to the distance to fly away!

The sound of "rumbling" and the bright, blood fog seems to be unaffected by the fireball nose, and gradually became a **** human form!

"Hey," the blood shadow actually made a sound, it seems to be laughing, and then quickly chased the past in the direction of Xiao Huafei.

The speed of the blood shadow is extremely fast, even if Xiao Hua is flying at a speed comparable to the twelve layers of refining, but the blood shadow is still much worse than that. However, between the fingers, the blood shadow is forced to the back of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua heart is alert, with a hand in the air, a dozen more different yellow characters in the hands, a mana reminder, are all played, What kind of fireball, what is the ice thorn, what is the weak water, what is the ban, etc., the yellow traits are all like the muddy waves into the sea, and they can't afford any damage to the blood shadow!

Seeing the blood shadow will be rushed up, and Xiao Hua has another martyrdom in front of him. He does not think about it, he will turn his body and fly to another direction. The blood shadow was too late to prevent, and actually rushed out of the distance, and then the sound of "嘎嘎" sounded, it seems to be in anger, and the blood shadow turned over the ramp, Xiao Hua has already flown far!

In this way, Xiao Hua flew in front, the blood shadow was chasing in the back, and it was half a cup of tea. Xiao Hua’s eyes were fierce and black, and actually flew into a huge space. This space was followed by Qing Fengmin and others. The space that was entered was almost the same size. Xiao Hua saw that there was no retreat, and he was shocked by the face. It was very frightening to stop. The blood shadow behind him also followed, and the call of "嘎嘎" was about to rush.

Xiao Hua gnawed his teeth, his body slammed up, and wanted to fly over the top of the blood shadow. I know, just when Xiao Hua just surpassed the blood shadow, when his heart was dark, from the top of his head, the blood sè pattern also A **** mist emerged, which was more rapid than the blood shadow just now, and covered in Xiao Hua!

The blood fog is dry in Xiao Hua's body. What weak water characters and iron clothes are used, the blood fog quickly infiltrates into Xiao Hua's body, and the mana within Xiaohua's meridians vents! And Xiao Hua’s body suddenly fell from the air!

The blood shadow that Xiao Hua flashed, at this time also turned the "嘎嘎" squatting, and waved his hand, the blood mist flew out from Xiao Hua's body, and the blood condensed into a **** hand flew into the hands of the blood shadow. .

Waiting for the blood shadow to swallow the blood beads, Xiao Hua also struggled to stand up from the ground, eyes are very scared to see not far away, the blood shadow of Yuehua Shiguanghua!

"Hey. Xia" that blood shadow does not seem to give Xiaohua time, will fly up, in the blink of an eye is to pounce on Xiao Hua's body, it seems to be through the body! And when the blood shadow came up, Xiao Hua’s mind was black and lost consciousness!

However, at this time, the amazing scene was listed, and the blood shadow fluttered on Xiao Hua’s body. It seems that it is trying to penetrate the body, but it can be...

The blood shadow can't go in at all. Even the **** skull part is only rotated outside the Xiaohua Muwan Palace, and it is taken out!

After half a sly, the blood shadow saw no fruit, so I flew from Xiao Hua’s body and condensed on the top of Xiao Hua, who was fainting past. A hoarse, hoarse voice came out from the blood shadow: “The demon... ...family...gong...method?no blame...no...what...can't...swallow...blood!can............, just...refining...three...layer...mud... ...Pills... Palace... Actually..............., sealed by... This... People... Yes... How... What happened?”

The sound of the blood shadow is certainly embarrassing. If Xiao Hu, who can be fainted, can hear it, it must be able to distinguish it. This sound is actually a bit similar to the voice of a person he is extremely familiar with! It’s just that Xiao Hua is faint and can’t hear, and he can’t answer the **** question!

Then, the blood shadow stood up and rushed into the **** pattern above the space. A burst of blood brilliance flashed, Xiao Hua was also sent away!

Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia said that under the protection of the jade bottle dark blue sè Guanghua, the blood fog was blocked outside. I thought it was no danger. I couldn’t think of the blood in the pattern, and actually sent the two people away from the space. With the glare of transmitting Guanghua, a burst of pressure was pressed against Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia.

"Transfer array?" Li Zongbao was shocked. He knew that if it was a remote transmission array, under the protection of no transmission, he and Cai Zhuoxia were absolutely under pressure to transmit, and soon they would be crushed into meat sauce.

Fortunately, the pressure of the transmission array has just increased, and it immediately disappeared. Li Zongbao felt that he had stepped on the ground. Not waiting for him to open his eyes, a whirlwind of feelings came from his mind, he bite his teeth, the mana in his hands motivated, regardless of the feeling of discomfort, the mana was sent to the instrument in his hand, lest he was afraid of being Sneak attack!

Fortunately, after waiting for half a cup of tea, the feeling of dizziness disappeared, and no one came to attack him! When he calmed his mind and wanted to call Cai Zhuoxia, who was also dizzy, Li Zongbao was shocked by what he saw before!

This is a huge space, surrounded by blood brilliance, it is not clear whether this space is in the Baizhang Peak, or in other places, and within this blood space, the middle of the place is a huge The stone statue, this stone is like a cow and a cow, like a horse, but in the place where the beast is the head, there is a head like a human, and on the back of the beast, there is still a tall, whole body red blood. Extremely ugly person!

I saw that this person’s forehead is extremely high, his nose is facing the sky, and there are two extremely long fangs in his mouth. The most important thing for Li Zongbao to eat rubber is that there is a thin film between his two arms. Back together!

"This...this is...who?" Next to Cai Zhuoxia, he recovered and looked at the tall and unusual stone statue, which was almost shēn!

"No... this is not a human, this is... magic!" Li Zongbao's eyes are slightly sloppy, cold and cold. . ! .

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