Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 162: instinct

Chapter 162 Instinct

This person is Xiao Hua, the sound of the bells is coming into the ear, and Xiao Hua is awakened from the coma. He is lying down in front of the stone statue at that time, and it is just the so-called deposit of the Baizhang old man’s clothes. In front of Shijie, Xiao Hua opened his eyes. The first thing I saw was a huge Dan furnace!

That Dan furnace was in front of Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua only stretched out his hand and touched a foot of Dan furnace. He didn’t need Xiao Hua’s thoughts at all. His hand was a natural force, and the Dan furnace was from Shijie. It disappeared in the middle, and when it reappeared, it was within the space of Xiao Hua!

Just after Xiao Hua instinctively put Dan furnace into the space, he suddenly realized: "This... Where is this?" At the same time, the ghosts and wolverines in the Scarlet Space are introduced into his ears!

When he stood up with great horror, when he looked back, he was shocked by the tragic eyes...

The blood red inside this space, although there is no blood splashing, there is no broken limb flying, but every time the blood and shadow of the vertical and horizontal, there is a scattered blood is sucked away, there is a scattered life was When harvesting, there is a group of flames burning, and these are silent and fierce... Straight is to pierce Xiao Hua’s mind!

For a moment, Xiao Hua remembered the scene he had just been hit by the blood shadow, and then he looked at himself with horror. Then he used his hands to make a mess in his own body until he determined that he was still Xiao Hua. Put your heart down!

"Xiao... Xiaohua... is it you?" Cai Zhuoxia’s voice rang from a side of his body.

Xiao Hua turned back and saw Cai Zhuoxia under the blue light curtain. When she was about to speak, she suddenly changed her face and shouted: "Be careful!"

Cai Zhuoxia listened, and I was shocked. I thought it was a **** shadow. When I looked back, it was just a few refining and five-layered murderous gods who rushed over and rushed into the blue brilliance of Cai Zhuoxia. !

The jade bottle's implement is the instrument of the bliss, and Cai Zhuoxia can't control it. It is simply held in the hand. When she sees several scattered repairs, she can only prepare to fly and avoid, but she is going to fly. At the time, there were a few scattered rushes into the blue brilliance. These are more fierce, and the fireballs, ice thorns and other brains in the hands are playing, and Cai Zhuoxia is not allowed to fight back!

Cai Zhuoxia understands the meaning of these dozens of scattered repairs, but... the blue brilliance of this jade bottle is her only refuge. If it is lost, she must be the same as other scattered repairs, and she will be swallowed up by blood! Cai Zhuoxia... flew up, still want to keep this jade bottle!

Yes, just as she just flew up half a foot, "Banglong" a few sounds, the fireball is hitting her vest, the previous iron-shirts and other flashes are broken, if she does not give up at this moment Jade bottle, then she is now being smashed and killed by the crowd, can not wait for the arrival of blood shadow!

"Stop it, Cai Daoyou!" Xiao Hua shouted in the distance!

Cai Zhuoxia sighed in the heart, throwing the jade bottle away from the distance, and he flew to Xiaohua to fly!

The jade bottle was thrown away from far away, and the dark blue light curtain flew away, followed by the flying away, and the mercy of Cai Zhuoxia’s heart! And then, in the heart of Cai Zhuoxia, the only sense of security is gone. Seeing, one after another, the blood of the blood is born, but it is quiet and extinct, one by one, a life... so silently passed away. ! The shadow of death has been covered in her cheeks, an unspeakable fear filled with Cai Zhuoxia's heart.

In an instant, Cai Zhuoxia’s eyes fell on Li Zongbao, who was chasing after Qing Fengmin’s blood shadow. A strong remorse appeared unparalleled, and just now...that is, within the Baizhangfeng cave, that hours, almost The darkness of the search, the inseparable walk, in her heart is engraved deep sweet.

"I...maybe wrong, I am looking for this meditation... What is the use? If it is... can follow him... together, even if it is dark night, don't use fear!" Cai Zhuoxia whispered in her heart: "Now, I am deeply in a desperate situation. What can I do? If it is not me, how can he come to these places?"

Remorse filled the heart of Cai Zhuoxia, and the horror was driven away. She couldn’t wait to be a substitute, let... Li Zongbao from this **** space... safely leave!

"Cai Daoyou..." Seeing that Cai Zhuoxia was flying wildly, his eyes staring straight at Li Zongbao, Xiao Hua slightly frowning, and said: "Big sister... Now it’s not when you are jealous of me, don’t be interested. It shows that you are staring at 10,000 years, and it doesn't work!" But he couldn't say it well, he had to remind him: "What is going on here? What is it here?"

"Hey... Xiao Daoyou, it’s a poor way to harm you." Cai Zhuoxia woke up, looked depressed, whispered: "The poor road is to report your kindness, only to bring you, but I can't think of..."

Said, Cai Zhuoxia said something in a few words!

“Ah?” Xiao Hua’s eyes widened and he pointed to the blood shadow of Li Zongbao’s pursuit. “It’s... it’s a senior?”

"Hey, what seniors are a demon!" Cai Zhuoxia said: "Listen to the devil's words, this hundred-foot peak is a trap, this cargo does not know how many monks swallowed in the millennium!"

Xiao Hua silently, do not say, this day abandoned ... is also the organization used by Qing Fengmin to send blood to himself. "Hey, it’s really well organized. As long as the low-level scattered training, these people are the bottom of the comprehension world. I don’t know how many people die every day. Who cares? Even the scattered training in the sky is swallowed up by this blood. Anyone cares? Besides, I think this Qing Fengmin has a post-invitation. Just like what was the black forest in the past, the last few monks got some medicinal herbs or exercises, which can be abandoned. Fame out, attract more dispersal, and can avoid some of the suspicions of others! The real style is seamless!"

Xiao Hua is just thinking about it!

At the same time, all previous doubts have also had an answer. Like Jiang Ruchi, etc., it must have been lost to the hands of the blood shadow, what about Ma Rong? Xiao Hua has a look around and has no trace. "Hey, you can do bad things with good intentions, and introduce a lot of scattered introductions into heaven. You are thinking about self-help, but you have become a blood food for the devil! Or, he is also a devil. a blood shadow!"

Thinking of this, a coldness suddenly rises from the heart of Xiao Hua: "The day is abandoned by three people. Just now, Luo Zhuoxin, said by Cai Zhuoxia, may be one, and the third one? The third must also be with Qingfeng. Min-like blood, he... who is he?"

"Zhuo Xiadao friends are careful!!!" A voice came from far away, it was Li Zongbao who pursued the blood shadow.

"He... he still pays attention to me!!!" Cai Zhuoxia's remorseful heart is full of sweetness! At the same time, she also saw the blood shadow flying from the side, that is the blood shadow of Luo Jiaxin...

However, Cai Zhuoxia only took a look at the blood shadow, and immediately put his eyes on Li Zongbao, for a moment... not willing to leave!

Xiao Hua, who is next to "Stupid Woman!", naturally saw it. He suddenly understood the heart of Cai Zhuoxia. This blood shadow is extremely powerful. Any Huang Fu can't hurt it. The monk who has abandoned the five layers of gas in the sky has no such thing. Any resistance force, all mana attacks are invalid. In this case, Cai Zhuoxia... Naturally, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the strange blood shadow. If this is the case... she might as well look at Li Zongbao, perhaps this one... ...can be engraved into the next life!

Although Xiao Huazhen is embarrassed, but a kind of moving, but his heart can not tell the sympathy, can not tell... shock! It seems... this kind of emotion...he is in his heart....and there are...

At this time, he must not think more, "What should I do?" Seeing that the blood shadow is only about a foot away from Cai Zhuoxia, this distance is almost no in the blood shadow!

"Magic man??" Xiao Hua suddenly eyes brightened, his hand glimpsed, the magic gun tip inside the space was taken out by him, without thinking, Xiao Hua quickly rushed up, straight is the stab to the strange blood.

"Hey... stab gun?" Luo Jiaxin’s voice sounded from the blood, very surprised, but its speed could not be reduced for a while, plus Xiaohua hurriedly greeted him, at Luo Jiaxin. When talking, the gunpoint still stabbed the blood!

A strange thing happened, Huang Fu and other things can not touch the blood shadow, actually ... by the magic gun spike, in the feeling of Xiao Hua, it is like the blood of the monk in the stab!

"Ah~" Luo Jiaxin's **** screams, turned and fled, Xiaohua was overjoyed, it was when he was chasing, and he stopped.

Nonsense, there is also a crazy female monk to protect him, he flew away, what about Cai Zhuoxia? This magic gun tip can certainly be used for her, but also has to let her take it!

Luo Jiaxin’s screams are not high enough to attract Cai Zhuoxia. It is also in the eyes of Li Zongbao. Although Li Zongbao does not know what Xiao Hua has done, Xiao Hua can protect Cai Zhuoxia, and it is enough to let Li Zongbao rest assured!

Cai Zhuoxia looked at the gun tip of Xiao Hua in an incredible way, and then looked at Xiao Hua’s young face even more incredibly! It seems that for half a year, the years have not left any traces on Xiao Hua’s face. The youthful face... I don’t know how much hiddenness is hidden!

"He... is it a three-layer refinement of refining?" Cai Zhuoxia couldn't help but ask herself, since the encounter with Xiao Hua, all kinds of miracles have made her unable to believe her eyes.

Xiao Hua’s smile fell on the side of Cai Zhuoxia, throwing the magic gun tip in the air, and catching it. He said: “Cai Daoyou, Mo fear, there is a poor road beside you, much stronger than Li’s predecessors!”

Cai Zhuoxia’s face was blushing, and she couldn’t help but sip a bite!

Immediately, the vision is again concerned with Li Zongbao...

Although Xiao Hua repelled the blood shadow, only Cai Zhuoxia knew that many of the scattered repairs were either crowded to Li Zongbao’s jade bottle, or flew early, and took care of his own life. No one saw Xiao Hua here. A look!

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