Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 163: Blood shadow

Chapter 163: The trick of blood shadow

Li Zongbao is extremely depressed. Yes, he clearly understands that the peak of the refining gas is much higher than the blood shadow of the five layers of Qing Fengmin. But the speed of his flight is not catching the blood shadow, the sword in the hand... ...have been swaying behind the blood shadow, but if you want to penetrate the blood shadow, it is difficult!

Moreover, what makes Li Zongbao most worried is that the blood shadow of Qing Fengmin seems to be enhanced with the blood of the swallowing and dispersing! He can't tell the repair of the bleeding shadow, but look at the distance that he gradually pulls away from himself. He just knows! With the blood of Qing Fengmin swallowing nearly 200 pieces of scattered blood, the blood shadow has easily left Li Zongbao behind, Li Zongbao's sword is even more difficult to build!

"It’s hard...I really want to..." Li Zongbao was hesitant. He was extremely worried about Cai Zhuoxia just now. He thought that he would take the last resort out, but... it was too late, and then Xiao Hua’s unexpected shot would actually be a shadow. Fighting back, Li Zongbao was surprised, but he didn't think about it for a while, but... the current situation is somewhat unreal!

Unfortunately, this is not the most unfavorable situation. The thing that most let Li Zongbao scratch his head is after a bag of cigarettes.

I saw that Qing Fengmin's blood shadow swallowed nearly 300 pieces of scattered blood, suddenly bursting out with a harsh laughter, urgently, Qing Fengmin's blood shadow shook a little, actually from the middle of the blood shadow Tearing open, the blood shadow divided into two halves is a series of creeps, which become two complete blood shadows, but the flight speed of these two blood shadows is obviously slower!

"This..." is not only Li Zongbao's horror, but also Xiao Hua and Cai Zhuoxia, who have been watching in the distance, are also horrified.

"Xiao Daoyou...you...go to help Zongbaodaoyou, if you wait for the blood shadow to swallow all the dispersal, you and me...have no chance to live!" Cai Zhuoxi said with a bite on her lips.

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly: "Cai Daoyou...not the poor roads don't help. You see that Li's predecessors are flying so fast, they can't catch up with the blood shadow. Do you think the poor road can catch up?"

"Without taking care of this, you can't make meritorious deeds, poor roads... It's better to protect you first, see the end... Is there any chance!" Xiao Hua hesitated, whispered: "And... seeing the poor, Li Since the predecessors can come up with the same jade bottle, is there any other instrument? He has a god, and the applicator should be fine, but he has never used it, afraid of it...etc. Opportunity?"

"This way!" Cai Zhuoxia cares about chaos, at this time some understand!

Sure enough, look at Li Zongbao again, take a shot, take a small sword that looks like only three inches in size from the storage bag, and a bite of the real life squirts out, the little sword "squeaky" sounds crisp, suddenly it rises to Three feet long, the faint brilliance of green oil flashes on the edge of the flying sword, and an icy meaning comes from the flying sword!

Li Zongbao took out the flying sword and did not hesitate. The mana in the body reminded him that the flying speed of the whole figure suddenly increased. Soon it was to catch up with the blood shadow, and a sword pierced into the shadow...

The blood shadow is also alert, seeing the flying sword stabbed, and hurriedly changed direction. "呲啦" sounded softly, the flying sword crossed the corner of the blood shadow, slanted to the side, and the blood shadow was also a squirm, The place where the flying sword stabbed was like boiling water. After the recovery, the blood color faded!

"Good!" Li Zongbao saw that Feijian was effective, but he felt a shock in his heart, and his mouth was smiling. However, in an emergency, Li Zongbao not only did not speed up the pursuit of speed, but slowed down the speed, only the distant suffix, but then, Li Zongbao's next move... can let Xiao Hua hit the thunder!

I saw that Li Zongbao was behind in shape, but the flying sword had already been released. Under the control of his handcuffs, the flying sword was still pinched in his hand, extremely flexible to the blood, and... The speed of the flying sword is much faster than the speed of his flight. It is the catch of the blood!

The blood shadow seems to be terrified, trying to escape, helplessly fly in the entire **** space, just want to avoid flying swords. On the other hand, Li Zongbao is chasing after him... He is flying the sword, and he always stabs the blood shadow from the unavoidable angle. Every time he stabs, the blood shadow will boil, and the **** brilliance Reduce a few lines!

Look at Xiao Hua, holding the magic gun tip in his hand, standing in front of Cai Zhuoxia, staring straight at Li Zongbao, staring at the wood chicken, watching that infatuation, it is more attention than Cai Zhuoxia!

However, what Xiao Hua is concerned about is the sword that Li Zongbao’s hands are shaking!

Xiao Hua himself used the Feijianfu first, but the Feijianfu was completely different from the Feijian. When Xiaohua manipulated the Feijian, there was no feeling. However, today, I saw it. Li Zongbao Shizhan Feijian, see the sword in the hands of Li Zongbao, a very familiar feeling... With Xiao Hua, see Xiao Yuehong's feelings of alchemy... exactly the same! Even, Xiao Hua's left hand, the five fingers have begun to move slightly, and the law that will not be formed is actually more mysterious than Li Zongbao's sword, more... smart!

"Xiao Daoyou, Xiao Daoyou!" Just as Xiao Hua was immersed in the thrill of exerting the law, his ear rang the anxious voice of Cai Zhuoxia.

"Ah? Cai Daoyou!" Xiao Hua awakened, and at this time, Li Zongbao has already chased the blood shadow to the extreme, and the blood color of the blood shadow is very thin!

"Look at it over there!" Cai Zhuoxia awakened Xiao Hua, who had been standing for a long time, pointing behind him...

"Ah?" Xiao Hua turned his head and his face was panicked.

It turned out that during Xiaohua’s stay, Li Zongbao was sure to kill the blood shadow, and there was almost no power to fight back. But the other two blood shadows... Exhausted, only the dark blue brilliance of the fascinating jade bottle of the bliss, there are more than a dozen monks standing inside, very poorly pinning their hopes on this instrument, and in them At the foot of the squad, there are also dozens of scattered corpses. These corpses are not swallowed by blood shadows. They are... because they are vying for the space inside this glory, they are killed!

"嘎嘎" two blood shadows made an arrogant sound in midair, a subduction to the ground, all the bodies were swept away, and the flesh and blood that had just been killed were swallowed by them!

Urgently, the two blood shadows surrounded by the deep blue brilliance, hovering for a few laps, seems to be very jealous of the brilliance, but in the eyes of Guanghua, there is a hint of luck or happiness, two At the same time, a **** shadow made a very harsh scream, which almost pierced Xiao Hua’s ears. In this sharp voice, the blue brilliance of the jade bottle is broken like a glass!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua saw the situation, and suddenly he felt a feeling of being teased! The brilliance of this jade bottle can obviously be easily removed by the blood shadow, but the blood shadow is not to break the brilliance first, but to dispel the scattered and dispel the first to hide in the inside, let the scattered people kill each other and let them have their hearts. Fortunately, after the blood shadows have swallowed up the other scattered repairs, come and pack up the scattered repairs that Enron hides in Guanghua!

Sure enough, a dozen monks were simply two opponents of a blood shadow, let them mourn, let them flee, let them play all the yellow characters, all escape the fate of being worn, they are unable Escape the end that was burned to ashes!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua suddenly became awake and shouted: "Sounds hit the West!"

No, wait for Xiao Hua to turn to look at Li Zongbao, and sure enough, the blood shadow that was just chased by Li Zongbao Feijian, this time is no longer the wolf! Screaming in the air, the voice reveals a kind of triumph and a kind of arrogance!

"Zongbao Taoyou is careful!" Cai Zhuoxia could not help but yell.

The blood shadow that was chased by the flying sword was in the air, and the other two thick blood shadows flew away. Similarly, the other two blood shadows also greeted more. Li Zongbao’s face seemed to hang a trace. The pale, driving Feijian chasing behind the blood shadow!

Then, just around the left side of Xiaohua, about three feet, three blood shadows met one! Another scene of amazing things happened. The three blood shadows did not stop at all. The sound of "啪" was a collision, and the whole blood shadow merged into a thick blood group, which kept rolling in the air!

"Dise" Li Zongbao also flew to the side of Cai Zhuoxia at this time, the sword in his hand smashed, the flying sword "噗" a path from the spine into the blood ball! However, this time it is far from the effect. Feijian only penetrates a half point and can no longer move. When Li Zongbao wants to push the mana, he suddenly finds a sly head from the blood ball. The big mouth of the blood, one bite is to bite the flying sword, "嘎嘣嘎嘣" will crush the flying sword!

"Ah?" Li Zongbao exclaimed. It seemed to be very painful. A blood spurted out of his mouth. It was obvious that the flying sword was destroyed. He suffered a certain trauma from his heart!

"Zongbao Daoyou!" Cai Zhuoxia was nervous than anyone else, and quickly walked over, but before she approached, the blood ball was even more amazing. The head of the scorpion that swallowed the flying sword did not disappear, and the whole blood cell violently oscillated. Then, the head gradually grew from the blood ball. The longer and higher, the one behind the head was the neck, the shoulder... Finally, it turned into a The complete human form of blood!

"Ha ha ha" blood *** smile, it is the voice of Qing Fengmin: "Li Daoyou ... busy for a long time, you have been tired? If you are tired, then take a rest, let the deity take over and then practice ?"

"Replace?" Xiao Hua was shocked and seemed to be awakened.

"The deity of this human form has been unbearable for a long time. It is to find a suitable one. You are a refining monk who actually comes to join in the fun, but it makes the deity a cheaper! Hahaha, maybe the deity also has a glimpse of it. Building a realm!"

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