Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 176: San Pin Ling Beast

The hustle and bustle of Yuhua is time-limited. After a short time, seeing the brilliance of the whole body flashing, Xiao Hua quickly hit another cockroach on the body, and then fled to other places so many times, Xiao Hua Space The earthy symbols within it have been exhausted! Xiao Hua panicked to see the dark head, I do not know how to be good! Although he couldn't see the goshawk above the ground, the **** of the goshawk had never left him. He had already escaped for a long time, and the gods were like the bones of the skeleton, and they could not escape!

"What should I do?" Xiao Hua took a hand and took the last scorpion. After this squatter was used, he could only be squeezed out of the ground, and the white violent lu was in the goshawk. Under the claws and giant wings, facing a bas-relief goshawk, Xiao Hua is like an unarmed baby!

At this moment, the sound of "吱吱", the mouse that had been lying on his back, flew from his back and floated in front of his eyes!

"Hey, the escape has been forgotten. This mouse is the chasing eagle...the prey, I am just "pool fish!" Xiaohua saw the mouse suddenly wake up.

At this time, the mouse seemed to have recovered a little bit of anger, and his eyes were round and round, staring at Xiao Hua from top to bottom.

"Hey, big brother," Xiao Hua said: "I don't know what you are coming from, but...you can't escape you, why are you pulling the trail? Even though you are practicing for ten years, you are not afraid of the goshawk. If you are a good friend, if you are good-hearted, let's go quickly, you can hide for a while, let go of the trail and let go!" Said, Xiao Hua hands together, punching the mouse!

The mouse didn't know if he could understand it. After a while, he also held the two rat's claws in front of xiong. It was very difficult for him to rush Xiaohua Shi, and Xiao Hua saw it. He smiled and muttered: "Big Brother Mo Xiaoxiao You hurry to go is the grace of the path! "It is said that the brilliance of Xiaohua's body is flashing, Xiaohua knows that the earthworm will be invalid, and he will quickly hit the last one."

At this time, I saw the mouse's tail fretting, and put it on the back of the little mouse that had not blinked, and sent it to his own eyes. The wonderful thing is that the little mouse actually floated in the air. It seems that there is no falling!

The eyes of the mouse stared at the squirrels in front of the eyes, and the gaze of a small mouse for a long time could not be said. Xiao Hua began to understand, but when his eyes touched the eyes of the mouse, he felt that his heart was like The giant hammer hit, in the eyes of the mouse, it is a kind of pity, a kind of disappointment, a kind of decisiveness and a kind of worldless... Love! ! !

Xiao Hua looked incredulously, couldn't believe that he actually saw such a scene in the light of his eyes, his own eyes were already wet! At this moment, he also understood the intention of the mouse, only standing quietly waiting for the rat's decision!

Sure enough, it was only a moment, the mouse suddenly closed his eyes, a cold **** read from Xiao Hua’s body, and the mouse’s mouth was still screaming, saying Xiaohua’s words that Xiaohua did not understand. Sé heavy, but also gaze straight, does not seem to retreat, then, the mouse will shake the tail and the tail of the rat's nephew, and then use the tail a little, the mouse squatting to Xiaohua is floating!

However, just after a few inches drifting, the rat's tail suddenly pulled the rat back, and the tail wrapped the rattle and wraps around, and a love filled the whole space!

"唉~" Xiao Hua sighed in the dark, and the heart could not bear it.

Immediately, I saw that the mouse pushed the squirrels and did not wait for the squirrels to fly to the front of Xiao Hua. The shape of the mouse flashed, and it was easy to go out from the aura of Xiao Hua’s earth. .

Just as the mouse left the ground and disappeared from the eyes of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua clearly saw that the mouse looked back, and the eyes were lovingly looking at the squirrels in the air!

On the ground, Xiao Hua didn't know. He only knew that the mouse had just left the ground. The cold eagle of the goshawk disappeared from him immediately!

When the gods disappeared, the squirrels flew to the eyes of Xiao Hua. This is a very cute little thing, the eyes have not been opened, the red body, the thin fluff is covered, a small tail Unconscious movement, seems to be looking for the warmth of the mother...

"唉~" How Xiaohua is willing to ignore this squirrel, gently holding out his hands and holding it, the weightless groin is slightly dependent on Xiao Hua’s palm, the little tail just touched Xiao Hua’s finger, immediately instinctively, will hold Xiaohua’s little thumb tight!

An unspeakable warm current flows in Xiao Hua’s heart...

Then, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and quickly squatted in the ground, quickly fled in one direction, and when the bandits quickly failed, they rushed out of the ground.

Sure enough, the wind on the ground is light and the clouds, the traces of the goshawk and the mouse!

When Xiao Hua saw it, he knew that he had escaped from birth, and he didn’t feel happy in his heart. He looked at the small flesh in the palm that looked pink in the sun. The corner of his mouth was awkward and his palms were slightly clustered. Inside the pocket. However, the little tail of the rat's nephew is tightly wrapped around Xiaohua's little finger, and it is not relaxed. Xiao Hua is unable to put it in.

"This... what can I do? Can't you always hold it by hand?" Xiaohua was a little depressed. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and thought of the eggs of the ice worm and the water butterfly in the space. Hey, trying to send the squirrels into the space, it is also strange, the squirrel's body actually entered the space smoothly, but the small tail is still wrapped around Xiaohua's fingers, but the light on the retrospective shines on On the body of the groin, the squirrel immediately floated in the space comfortably, and the small tail was loosened from the fingers of Xiao Hua!

"Hey, it's safe here, let this little guy grow up slowly. It's always a kiss for the mouse girl who has died generously!" Xiao Hua smiled, raised his eyes to identify the direction, mana urged, the whole body shape Not flying high, along the treetops, quickly flew outside the méng mountain range!

Above the foothills, Cai Zhuoxia had already turned around, but she did not dare to fly back to the méng mountain range. When she saw Xiao Huafei’s figure, she could not tell the horror and peace of mind!

"Xiao Daoyou" Cai Zhuoxia greeted him and asked him with eagerness: "Indigo double bear and strict Wei... How?"

Xiao Hua’s eyes narrowed and fell on the top of the mountain. He smiled and said: “What does Cai Daoyou think?”

Cai Zhuoxia showed a happy face, laughing: "Xiao Daoyou can come back, then they..."

Not waiting for Cai Zhuoxia to finish, Xiao Huayi waved: "Where is the poor road, where are the opponents of the three predecessors?

The poor roads only look at the three people fighting in the distance. As for what they are, the poor roads don’t dare to face them, but they just rush to escape! It is also possible if they are all gone together! ”

Cai Zhuoxia's eyes turned, and quickly nodded: "It is not such a bad idea. And just cried the méng mountain range out of the "shocking sky, the sound of the screams, maybe they were annihilated by the horror of the sky is also normal tight ! ”

"Shen Tian Cang?" Xiao Hua brow wrinkled, secretly said: "Presumably that Goshawk is a shocking heaven!

Listening to this name is not a worrying master! "Then laughed: "No, Cai Daoyou, is this apocalypse? The poor road heard the sound of the eagle screaming, and it was a trepidation, and even flying could not fly! ”

"Shen Tian Cang is a three-pronged beast, the strength is comparable to the mid-term monk in my foundation! Don't say that I met, that is, the strict seven-layered monk of this refinement met, and there is absolutely no luck!" Cai Zhuoxia Smiled and said: "However, since there is a shocking sky here, then looking for the spirit mouse Xiao Daoyou can not think about it!"

“Hey? Why is this?” Xiao Hua asked.

"The soul-seeking mouse is different from the ordinary spirit beast. From the first product to the third product, even the strength of the four products is there. The first product is naturally equivalent to the monk of my refining layer. The four products can be equivalent to the late building of the foundation. The monk is still thinking! If Xiao Daoyou is lucky, he can meet a first-time search for a squirrel, and Xiao Daoyou is flying very fast. The chance of catching the first-time search for a squirrel is much greater."

Cai Zhuoxia pouted regret: "Unfortunately, Zhen Tian Cang is the natural enemy nemesis of the soul-seeking mouse. No matter how many of the spirit-seeking rats see the earthquake, it is not the bones and the softness of the bones. For a moment, I am afraid that I will never see a squirrel again!"

“No problem!” Xiao Hua waved: “Our purpose is not to find a spiritual mouse, as long as we can find the fruit of the mother!”

“No,” Cai Zhuoxia said, “Where are we going now?”

Where will Xiao Hua go now, shaking his head: "Shen Tian Cang has just appeared, crying méng mountain range is still dangerous, wait a few more days!"

"Well, the poor road is a little anxious!" Cai Zhuoxia echoed.

Later, Xiao Hua and the two of them each took a rest in the mountains. After three days, the party quietly came to the stone wall where the child's fruit was located.

The corpse of the Severe Wei and Indigo Double Bears has long since disappeared, leaving only the **** robes and the storage bags that were thrown away. Presumably the corpse has been swallowed by the beasts in the mountains! Seeing Xiao Huaji is familiar with finding the body of the three people, Cai Zhuoxia is not surprised, she also wants to understand during the three days, the higher the Xiao Hua Xiu, the more harm she has to her, the solution is when Xiao Hua will be three A storage bag was held in the hand, and it was not waiting to speak. Cai Zhuoxia just smiled: "Xiao Daoyou is really lucky. This storage bag is meant to be sent to the Taoist friends. How can the poor road not be seen? It seems that it is really Nothing to do with the contents of the storage bag!"

Xiao Hua stunned, and immediately understood, it is no longer polite, hanging all three storage bags at the waist!

"Xiao Daoyou, and come along with the poor road!" Cai Zhuoxia and other Xiao Hua packed up and led Xiao Hua to the waters of the stone wall, pointing to the stream with his hand: "This is the passage to the place where the seedlings grow. I just need to break the stone wall on both sides of the stream and you can see it!"! .

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