Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 177: problem

Chapter 177

Xiaohua, a mysterious machine on the stone wall, has long known that since the family Cai Zhuoxia does not covet the storage bag of the strict and the indigo double bears, Xiao Hua will definitely not engulf the benefits of Cai Zhuoxia, so he laughs: "All rely on Cai Daoyou to give pointers, if it is poor Tao, how can you not see the water flow of this stone wall is actually the entrance to the land!"

Cai Zhuoxia grinned and walked to the water before, after looking around, took a shot of the storage bag, and took out a few strange yellow characters, mana urging, turned into a variety of brilliance, with the waving of Cai Zhuoxia’s hand Hit all the stone walls!

"The array of characters?" Xiao Hua's eyes are awkward. This thing he used to see Yan Weiwei, Cai Zhuoxia did not explain more. At this time, I saw Cai Zhuoxia even took it out. I must have been in the semi-annual period of retreat. Good preparation!

Subsequently, Cai Zhuoxia urged the mana, and the simple method of swaying the hands and the other way, hitting the stone wall. With the intrusion of the law, the stone wall gradually had a slight brilliance.

Xiao Hua looked at her eyes and saw that the law was very simple, and she lost her interest. Then she reached out and opened the storage bag at the waist, and checked the contents inside. The contents of the storage bag were not strong. Less, there are some arrays, a lot of yellow characters, and a few books on alchemy. What makes Xiaohua happy is that there are still many washes and dandelions, and even some Guiji Dan. This Guiji Dan is the same as Qingdan Dan. It is also an amna of growing mana. It was Xiao Hua who learned about alchemy in the past six months. He was also the drug he chose to take after taking Qingdan. Of course, it is ecstatic, and this stern wei is really the blood of the Yan Yan teaching alchemist, not only to wash the marrow, but also the number of Qing Dan Dan is more than Xiao Hua's expectations!

In contrast, in the storage bag of the Indigo Double Bear, there is nothing good about it. There are only some ordinary medicinal herbs, and it is not necessary to say what the exercises are, that is, Huang Fu is lacking! Really let Xiao Hua have some disdain: "What are these people going to do, the practice of their own cultivation is not carried on the body, but also Tibetan mastiffs, there are so ... heavy or?"

Thinking about it, while despising them as a person, while quietly stuffing these things, they are all in the space, so that others can't find them! Fortunately, the quality of the storage bags of these three people are all good, but can change some of the top stone, Xiao Hua also put it in the sleeves!

Xiao Hua’s time to clear the medicinal herbs, Cai Zhuoxia’s side is also coming to an end. I saw Cai Zhuoxi’s mouth screaming: “Dise~” a flush of redness on his face, his hands twitching a law, extremely difficult to lift on his chest. Slowly pushing forward, as if holding a huge boulder, and waiting for the difficult to fight the law, Cai Zhuoxia's body trembled slightly, and the face blew out the sweat, first the mana overdraft!

With the arrival of Cai Zhuoxia's last law, I saw the splendid brilliance above the stone wall, which was extremely dazzling. However, when Xiao Hua blinked his eyes and watched it, the brilliance was fleeting. The stone wall has returned to its original appearance!

"This..." Xiao Hua stunned and turned to look at Cai Zhuoxia, and Cai Zhuoxia's face was rosy, showing a pale, "唉" Cai Zhuoxia sighed, shaking his head slightly, and sighed half a sigh: "The poor road... the mana is still not enough! This stone wall... I am afraid it will be broken!"

Later, it seems to explain the general, swearing: "The reason why the poor road is found to be strict, but also because he is a seven-layer refining monk, the mana is much richer than the poor, this is..."

Xiao Hua nodded and said nothing. After thinking about it, before going to the stone wall, I saw where Cai Zhuoxia had just entered the place, then jumped into the water of the stone wall, took the shelf, and put the hand on the stone wall. On one side, take a deep breath, and use the strength of the whole body to move the stone wall to the outside!

Xiao Hua’s strength is not covered. With the help of Xiao Hua, the brilliance of the stone wall began to flash, and the more embarrassing, almost exactly the same as when Cai Zhuoxia was on display!

"Ah?" Cai Zhuoxia stood by the water, her face was amazed. She really couldn't think of it. The strength of a monk was so great that it could be broken.

But... things are still not as simple as Xiao Hua thought. Just as the stone wall swayed slightly, suddenly his fingertips slipped. It seems that the prohibition on the stone wall played a role. Xiao Hua’s figure immediately lost its balance. , fell to the stream...

Cai Zhuoxia was shocked. When she raised her hand and wanted to do something, Xiao Hua’s body shape suddenly disappeared in a mid-air, and there was no mana used at all, and it fell firmly in the stream!

"Good~" Cai Zhuoxi did not know why, suddenly called out.

Xiao Hua scratched his head and looked at Cai Zhuoxia's embarrassed smile. He tried again. As a result, the stone wall's ban was still smooth. Xiao Hua was just like the one just now, and could not move the stone wall away. Xiao Hua was a little frowning. Then she thought about it. She took out the magic gun tip and just wanted to use the gun tip to break the ban, but it was blocked by Cai Zhuoxia!

"Xiao Daoyou, and slow hands!"

"What's wrong? Cai Daoyou?" Xiao Hua is somewhat puzzled.

Cai Zhuoxia shook his head and said: "This prohibition is somewhat bizarre! The message from the poor road is to break the entire ban on the stone wall at the same time, so that the passage can be completely opened. Otherwise, the ban will have the backhand within the passage. The mother's fruit is destroyed! Just now Xiao Daoyou broke the law with force. When the whole stone wall can be removed, the back hand of the ban will not be triggered. If this gun is used, it will be a bad result!"

"Ah? Is there such a wonderful array?" Xiao Hua listened, and quickly took the tip of the gun.

"That can be done?" Xiao Hua did not have any other means besides breaking the law.

"Poor road... no way!" Cai Zhuoxia shook his head slightly: "Unless you find another man with a mana higher than the poor road!"

Although this is the case, and the Xiu’s comprehension community is more than a monk who is higher than Cai Zhuoxia’s cultivation, can there be several others that Cai Zhuoxia and Xiao Hua can trust?

"Would you like... Xiao Daoyou waited a little, and the poor road went to invite her sister? She is a monk with seven layers of refining, when it can be broken!" Cai Zhuoxia eyes brightened.

“Hongxia Fairy?” Xiao Hua listened to Cai Zhuoxia and said with a smile: “Of course it is ok!”

"Yes..." Cai Zhuoxi's bite bite, hesitatingly said: "When the poor road came out, Shemei was retreating, fearing that it is not necessarily out now!"

"This does not mean that I didn't say it!" Xiao Hua turned his eyes and looked at him.

The two thought for a long time, did not think of any good way, had to leave from the Mt. Mengshan, and so on for a while, Xiao Hua suddenly brightened his eyes, and he had a cares in his heart, arched; "Cai Daoyou, not like this, Since there is no effective way for the time being, I will wait until I am practicing here. If there is any breakthrough in the Taoist friend, can I open the channel?"

Cai Zhuoxia smiled bitterly. She had just taken Zhujidan before, so it was easy to break through. Now even if I take it again, it is impossible to increase too much mana. The stone wall ban can still not be broken! But... Besides that, what is her solution? After all, I can pick up the fruit of the child, and I can refine the baby. At this time, her only hope!

"Okay, too... it can only be like this!" Cai Zhuoxia nodded slightly, at this time she could be regarded as a duck on the shelves!

The two found a hidden place, each looking for a clean cave, and practicing it. Before Xiao Hua entered the cave, he would also have to use a method to break the ban on the stone wall. Cai Zhuoxia is not awkward, they are all given.

For a few months, Cai Zhuoxia's cultivation was still in place, and there was no improvement. Xiao Hua's cultivation was directly cultivated to the top of the three layers of refining with the support of Qing Dan and the marrow. But... Xiaohua is ready to take the last wash of Dan Dan and Qing Dan Dan, and take the bottleneck of the three layers of refining. When entering the fourth floor, Cai Zhuoxia will not do it!

Seeing the message of Cai Zhuoxia, Xiao Hua had to get up from the retreat, and it was helpless to push the huge stone blocked by the hole!

"Xiao Daoyou..." Beyond the hole, Cai Zhuoxia was very sorry. The archer was about to apologize, but his eyes were bright again. He almost laughed in the mouth: "Congratulations, congratulations, I can’t think of the district for several months, the friend of the road... In order to be more sophisticated, it has reached the peak of the three layers of refining..."

Then Cai Zhuoxia was awakened again, and took a forehead: "It is an impatience in the poor road. Hey, if it is not a poor road, if you are a friend of the Tao, you will be able to enter the fourth floor of the refining? Atonement and atonement!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Look at Cai Daoyou, the three layers of refining are the Taoist friends who practiced many years ago. The poor road is so old to the third floor of the refining, what is it so proud?"

Cai Zhuoxia shook her head slightly. She knew in her own heart, how much time she spent from the second layer of refining to the third layer of refining, and from the third floor of refining to the fourth floor of refining, and how much effort she spent, and Xiao Hua... The first time I saw the refining layer up to the current peak of the three layers of refining, it took a lot of time!

"People are more than people... mad!" This is the only thought in Cai Zhuoxi's heart!

"Cai Daoyou, the poor road has not been incarcerated in the past few months, and it has been calculated. I am going to be out of the house! I have been here for a long time. If it is OK, I want to go back to Luyang and see if I can She is called!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Cai Daoyou's idea is a wonderful thing. However, before Cai Daoyou's departure, the poor road also wants to try it, to see if the ban on the stone wall can be broken!"

Cai Zhuoxia was overjoyed and said: "Is it difficult for Xiao Daoyou's strength to grow in these months?"

Xiao Hua laughed and said nothing, then they cleaned up and came to the stone wall.

The water in front of the stone wall is still awkward, and it seems that there has not been any change in the years.

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