Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 284: Bizarre perception

After listening to the eight thundering palaces of Yu Leizong, and then thinking about the three and a half disciples of Yu Huaming, Xiao Hua’s heart was full of emotions. Nothing to say, Yan Huaming was only the end of the door by the hundred grasses, and the people of Ruizong ... only recruiting a disciple, let the three major sects of the Xi State, only dare to send disciples around the four, not dare to pose in the face of provocation!

"Right, how can only Xuedaoyou come to the foggy mountain?" Xiao Hua looked around and whispered: "How can a good predecessor give up?"

Xue Xue smiled bitterly: "The reason for this... Xiao Daoyou don't know?"

“Is the poor road aware?” Xiao Hua said, pointing to his nose and saying, “How do you know the poor roads?”

Look at Xiao Hua’s sorrow, and look at the tens of thousands of monks on the Thunder Peak. Xue Xue’s guilty conscience is not here. Yes, she only has eight layers of refining, although she can be ranked in front of these tens of thousands of monks. However, ... the people of the Royal Leizong only recruited ten disciples, she ... is simply impossible! ! !

Look at the people Xiao Hua, the tenth floor of the refining! By selection, you may be afraid of being several times your own! As long as Xiao Hua passes the selection, he is the disciple of Yu Leizong. For the disciples of Yu Leizong, the foundation period is... but it is at your fingertips! And the monks in the base period are really big monsters for the foggy mountains!

After thinking about it, Xue Xue bite the beriberi, and then it is a silent character. He laughs and laughs: "Xiao Daoyou, actually..." Then, Xue Xue actually put Ling's righteous thoughts out! There is no concealment of half silk.

I know. Xiao Hua didn't have the anger she imagined, and she didn't even have a look on her face. Maybe there was only a strange look in her eyes!

"Is it..." Xue Xue suddenly felt a sense of ridiculousness in his heart, and couldn't help but whispered: "Is it difficult? Xiaodaoyou knew it long ago? And... when the fire escaped from the fire, Xiao Daoyou Just near the left?"

"Oh," Xiao Hua smiled and said: "On the day of the poor road, it is only the repair of the four layers of refining. How dare you show up in front of the founding monks? And... the poor roads are not known for this! Otherwise, they will not know. The disciples of the Misty Mountain suffered heavy casualties. No good disciples came to Yu Leizong!"

So the Tao Li, Li Hua is not concealed. I said what I heard in Yanlin Shanze.

"Ling Chongya!!! This is actually the Feifengling Pujia this person!" After listening to Xiao Hua's words, Xue Xue gnawed his teeth and could not immediately report to the foggy mountain.

"Oh, isn't there a fine work of the foggy mountain in Feifengling?" Xiao Hua smiled.

Xue Xue’s face was stunned and he did not say anything.

"Well, Xue Daoyou has a rest in the morning. To be selected tomorrow, the Taoist friend has only eliminated the selection. What Feifengling is, is he afraid of him?" Xiao Hua advised.

"Yes, the poor road is in the same phase!" Xue Xue vowed: "The matter of the instrument, so far. The poor road has the opportunity to inform the uncle, those things are Xiao Daoyou! My misty mountains will not mention with Xiao Daoyou One word!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly.

Seeing that Xiao Hua was a little indifferent, Xue Xue whispered again: "The fire is a soul beast that is comparable to the late build of the base. If Xiao Daoyou can surrender, it can be described as a great help! Xiao Daoyou has to carelessly, and this The ritual is the sorrowful weapon of the town. As long as Xiao Daoyou has enlightened the method, he will be able to conquer the fire!"

Xiao Hua waved: "Xue Daoyou, as you said, the fire is the repair of the late stage of the building! If you want to conquer it, the repair of the poor road is to be built in the late stage! Feifengling Pujianyuan and Uncle Wuyue’s uncle’s acceptance of the fire is what is going on, not to talk about it. They are not, and the poor road can’t be thought of at all!”

Xue Xue blushes for a while. No, the greed of people is the most terrible. When you see something useful, you have to take it for yourself. Never consider your own ability. Feifengling Pujianyuan is just because of the greed of justice than the foggy mountain, which will be the fire of the soul. Lost, now in the hands of Xiao Hua, he can no longer have the opportunity to conquer the fire. At this time, Xiao Hua’s cultivation is not as good as Pu Jianyuan, Xue Xue is so persuaded... Is there any other meaning?

"Well, Xue Daoyou, and remove this silent character!" Xiao Hua smiled: "The poor road knows what you mean, the chance of the fire is still watching!"

"Yes!" Xue Xue said that the mute was removed, and the two closed their eyes and calmed down, waiting for the arrival of the early morning!

Gradually, the night is more heavy, Xiao Hua closed his eyes and practiced, and the body of the dragon is still working. After two years of cultivation, Hualong has such a small achievement, and now Xiaohua can barely control. The meridians can be enlarged and reduced. Of course, it is more than a hundred thousand miles away from the small white dragons. But these are just some things that have made Xiao Hua know that his own dragon has not been wrong!

However, the cultivation of the dragon is also a new doubt for Xiao Hua.

Because with the cultivation of Hualong, Xiaohua has gradually perceive more meridians, and these meridians are not recorded in the practice of "Fa Tian Tian Di", although Xiao Hua is still unable to determine how many of these meridians, But he already knows that this meridian is big or small, but it is very much!

"Is it difficult? These meridians are the foundation period, the Golden Age... Will it be refined later?" Many times, Xiao Hua asked himself, but unfortunately, Xiao Hua did not have a base period practice. Any explanation.

At this time, Xiao Hua and ordinary ordinary cultivation, the alienation of the stars outside the horror of the banned thunder peaks directly projected down, the retrospective also stopped rotating, as if the bottomless black hole to absorb these stars. Xiao Hua has already recovered the gray bones, and it is three points faster than before to absorb those stars!

"Hey? It seems that there is a god!" When Xiao Hua was practicing, suddenly there were a dozen gods who heard the thunder of the peak of the peak, as if they were trained to sweep in several directions!

Xiao Hua opened his eyes, the traceback in the space was restored to its original state, and the alien stars disappeared!

While Xiao Hua opened his eyes, several monks in the middle and late stages of the refining eleventh layer also discovered the gods. These monks are the heads of the comprehension family. Although they have not yet entered the peak of the twelve layers of refining, they all take them. In the family, the medicinal herbs similar to the radiant Dan, the early introduction of the gods, and their gods have not yet formed, but it is not difficult to perceive the gods of others!

The thoughts swept from the mountain peaks are very fast, but they are fast and not chaotic. Almost every monk has a slight stagnation, which seems to be picking!

One of the gods of course was also swept away from Xiao Hua’s body, but the god’s thoughts were only swept away, and then it was swept away and swept to Xue Xue. Xue Xue was practicing at this time, but she didn't know. After the gods swept over Xue Xue, they stopped a little, then they swept them several times, and then they swept them down! And just as the gods read in Xue Xue's body, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a strange wave!

"Hey? What's the matter?" Xiaohua was a bit strange. When Shen Shen had never left Xue Xue, Xiao Hua was very reckless to release his feelings. I wanted to see what the fluctuations were!

It is a pity that Xiao Hua saw half a sly, and did not see any clues!

"Weird!" Xiao Hua scratched his head, but suddenly, Xiao Hua was awakened: "***, what is strange? Isn't this the sign of God? When Shang Huazong's 追踪宇 traces Laozi, it is not Is it to use this kind of **** to mark? If it is not the goddess, Laozi has long fallen into their hands!"

"How does this **** read the mark on Xue Xue?"

"Hey, do you still use it? Did Xue Xue not say it before? The foggy mountain is very related to a disciple of Yu Leizong. Presumably this is the teacher who the disciple entrusted!" Xiao Hua’s heart is bitter, and I thought of the four-layered jade system that I met at the Huanhua School!

"People are more mad than people." I thought that I had already refined ten layers. It seems that I can't enter the eyes of Yu Leizong. Xue Xuegang has seven layers of refining, and he has not been selected by the teacher of Yu Leizong. Xiao Hua’s heart has a hint of sorrow, helplessness and more... bitter!

Just as Xiao Hua looked forward to self-pity, suddenly, Xiao Hua remembered one thing, and immediately it was a cold sweat!

"I... I just seemed to... It seems to be using the perception... to visit the people of God! He... they didn't find it!!!"

No, Xiao Hua just used his own perception to explore when he was playing with the gods! !

What makes Xiao Hua feel incomprehensible is that the gods are not aware of it!

"This... What is going on here?" Xiao Hua was shocked and thought: "Is it difficult... I feel this cultivation... Is it not the prototype of God?"

After all, Xiao Hua’s perception was that he used his nameless slogan as he was in the fourth floor of the refining air. This has not been heard in the realm of Xiaoyu’s cultivation.

Immediately, Xiao Hua was ecstatic in his heart: "Ha ha ha! Great, Xiaoye can perceive God's thoughts, but God can't perceive Xiaoye, these beautiful things..."

However, after the joy, Xiao Hua is awkward. Since this perception is different from that of God, then... what is the true god? How to cultivate after Xiao Hua? When Xiao Hua arrived at the 12th floor of the refining, where should his gods be born? Is it more difficult to have another kind of god?

"Headache!" Xiao Hua is really frowning, looking up at the monks who are everywhere in the mountains, and the gods who are still sweeping through the mountains like the wind. Xiaohua’s heart is in a mess, obviously there is no feeling of meditation practice...

Time flies fast, the sky in the east shows a touch of white belly, and a round of sunrise begins to rise gradually. Many monks sit facing east and begin to spit, absorbing the essence of the sun in different ways!

"How can I do this? And let's go!" Xiao Hua shrugged his shoulders, his face showed a trace of laziness, and he put a mouthful, and the essence was sucked into his mouth...

Xue Xue, next to "Xiao Daoyou..." suddenly exclaimed...


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