Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 285: Test attribute

"Xiao Daoyou~" Xue Xue whispered and scared Xiao Hua a big jump. He suddenly felt shocked. He looked around and the lazy face was gone, but there was nothing wrong with it. Head Qidao: "Xue Daoyou... Is there anything wrong?"

"No...no!" Xue Xue had a faint blush on his face, his eyes flashing, and he quickly said: "The poor road just vomited and woke up, and called Xiaodaoyou!"

"Is it?" Xiao Hua is somewhat puzzled, but I can look around again. There is really nothing to pay attention to. When he still wants to ask questions, his eyes are attracted by several children in front of him. The boys are only four or five years old, and there are a few low-ranking middle-aged men next to them. The spirit of a face is curious and looking forward!

"Hey? Xue Daoyou... Are these boys coming to participate in the selection?" Xiao Hua asked with a hand.

"Oh, those boys!" Xue Xue still had some slight panic on his face. He rubbed the hair in front of his forehead with his hand and whispered: "That is natural. Didn't you say that last night?" The first pass of Zong Yi's selection of disciples is to test the attributes of the body, but all the attributes of Lei are basically included in Yu Leizong! These boys are young and young, afraid that the physical attributes meet the conditions of Yu Leizong? If it is a fight, Are they the rivals of others?"

"Oh ~" Xiao Hua nodded, recruiting four or five-year-old boy is the usual means of various factions, and Royal Lei Zong naturally can not be exempt.

Looking at Xiao Hua, Xue Xue’s heart is a bit tumbling: “Xiao Daoyou... How did it regain its old look? This looks like a real thing! If he is often lazy like that... just... how good! ”

Xiao Hua’s perception is powerful. But after all, I can't penetrate Xue Xue's heart. How can I know what Xue Xue thinks?

At this time, the rising sun of the East has risen sharply, and the whole thundering peak has been illuminated, and it is no different from usual. Can not see any prohibition! At this time, that night played the role of Yuehua Stone. At this time, the brilliance is gradually annihilated, and only the lightning of the silk still appears from time to time inside!

"Dear friends~" Suddenly the deafening sound is ringing in the thunderstorm...

"Ah?" The sound of this stunned Xiaohua jumped. This is how it is repaired. The voice is thick, like thunder and lightning all over the thunder. The monks who made the whole thundering peak are horrified! However, this "friends of the Tao" is to make Xiao Hua puzzled, and when the second sentence sounds, Xiao Hua does not feel that it is a smile!

“Thank you all the friends who came to my Royal Leizong. The poor road is the disciple of the Leigong Palace, Ye Ming, who presided over the selection of the first level today...”

It turned out that this voice was heard from the many **** in midair, and it is no wonder that it can be heard everywhere. Looks like a deep excise!

"This first level selection is to test the physical attributes of your friends. If it meets the conditions of my Royal Leizong, the Royal Leizong disciple who tests the Taoist friends will distribute a token with a number to the Taoist. It is the identity of the Taoist friends in this selection of disciples! Wait until the selection is over. The disciples who have not passed the selection can take the token with them, huh, sigh with the friends, this token... In the middle, there is a yellow affair with a defense, and it may be able to save the Taoist friend in a critical moment!"

When I heard the last sentence, Xiao Hua smiled. This tone, the faint pride in this statement, is not expected to be revealed by the predecessors of the foundation period!

"Okay. Dear friends, please stand in the current position and don't move at random. My disciples of the Thunder Palace and the Thunder Palace will appear next to you!" The voice was slightly exaggerated, even dragging a long sound. And with the sound of the landing, in the mid-air, a lot of **** within the glare of the thunder, with the lightning flashing, there are several short figures in each ball, these figures are still If it is a piece of light and shadow, flashing through the thundering peaks, but in this light and shadow, a lot of repairs are about six layers of refining, and the boys and girls who are only 11 or 2 years old fall on the peak of the thundering peak!

Although the ages of the boys are small, they are all extraordinary. It’s not uncommon to say that boys and girls are all powdery and jade, and they are beautiful, and they are the foundation of excellence. They are standing there with little excitement and let the thunder Tens of thousands of monks on the peak are heartfelt!

"The friends of the Tao, the poor roads have been sent by the brothers of this family, come to test the physical attributes of you, but also look forward to your cooperation!" No matter what the front face is the high-level monk with ten layers of refining, or the first layer of refining The low-ranking monks are all swearing and humbly said.

Xiao Hua and others are secretly applauding in their hearts, and they are also gifted.

"Well, you are friends, please follow the arrangement of my Royal Leizong disciples. If you haven't tested the Taoist friends, please go to the west of the thundering peak. My thundering disciple will send you the Taoist friends!" The voice is again It sounded, and then, a young monk dressed in a purple-red robe, about 30 years old, and repaired as a 12-layer refining, appeared in midair! The young monk was red-faced, full of heavens, with a slight smile on his face, and he was very conceited and looked at the thundering peak.

"This.....is the Ye Yeming!" Xiao Hua had long felt that standing in the midst of a group of monks squinting and watching: "Thirty years old... refining twelve layers, compared to Li Zongbao, still poor. It’s a good one! Hey, poor road... Now ten layers of refining, and then ten years can be cultivated to the twelve layers of refining. At that time... oh, the age of the poor road seems to be not good. If you count on the 18th birthday of Huanghualing, now it is twenty-three years old! But... the face of the poor road seems to be 18 years old! If the poor road is said to be 18 years old now, it should be able to Hey, let's get to people! Hey, even if you are thirty-three years old, you can practice it on the 12th floor of the refining air. It is awesome!"

Not to mention that Xiao Hua is eager to narcissism on the sidelines, and the boys of the Thunder Palace and the Thunder Palace have begun to test the attributes of the monks. Sure enough, as Xue Xue said, the ruler of Yu Leizong is different from the usual, not the shape of the ball, but the shape of a flute. There is a handle-like groove at the end of the flute.

"This friend, please hold the groove of this 'Ming Ling' with your hand, don't enter the mana!" The boy who is closest to Xiao Hua is the girl of the Thunder Palace. The sound is crisp and very nice. When I was a few feet away, I said to a monk with eight layers of refining.

The man repaired his hand and smiled: "Thank you for your friend, poor road and see if the property of the poor road can meet the conditions of Yu Leizong!"

Said, the monk took the spirit from the girl's hand, holding the hand in the groove, the strange thing happened, a light blue brilliance came out from the groove in the hand of the monk, slowly and slowly, slowly to another A period of spread, but only just a few inches away, the light blue brilliance is to stop, and then refuse to move forward!

"This..." The male repaired, although I don't know how to use this spirit, I can see that Guanghua, who has just occupied less than half of the whole spirit, has already known it.

Waiting for the man to speak, the girl smiled and said: "Sorry, this friend... You are not in conformity with the conditions for my Royal Leizong to recruit disciples. Please also go to the west of the thundering peak, and there will be a brother of the Thunder Palace to send the Taoist friends out. !"

"I..." The man repair seems to want to ask the reason, but look at the little hand that the girl stretched over, sigh and sigh, and pass the spirit to the past, and then turn to the west.

"Sister, sister... How do I measure?" asked a five-year-old boy next to the men to squint and asked for a lovely hand.

"Call the friend!" A monk on the second floor of the sculptor smashed the boy with his arm and yelled.

The boy licked his mouth and looked at the monk with some grievances. He said helplessly: "Daoyou sister..."

The people next to "噗嗤" laughed out. The monk’s face was very unnatural. He looked at the boy with a sly look. "Little brother, you have to test it! You have to behave well, if it is unqualified. My sister won't let you pass." The girl sees the boy's cuteness, she has long smiled, and passed the spirit to the past.

Waiting for the boy's chubby little hand to hold on to the spirit, a purple-red brilliance was born immediately, and it was extremely gorgeous. The brilliance was like a stream of water flowing through the other part of the spirit, until half of it stopped!

"Great!" The girl smiled and said: "Little brother, you are the first one that my sister chose today."

"Ah? Really?" The boy did not speak, and the monk was very happy and embarrassed, almost to jump.

"Little brother, give the spirit to my sister!" The girl smiled and reached out and asked, "How old are you?"

The boy handed the spirit to the girl and smiled and said: "The poor road is five years old and two!"

“Five years old and two?” The girl is obviously a glimpse. The wonder: “Is that seven years old?”

"No, no, he is five years old this year, just after his birthday and two months!" The monk quickly explained.

"Ah? Hahaha" girl is obviously amused, covering her mouth and laughing: "Well, since the younger brother is just five years old, it is not necessary to pass the second level test, yes, this Taoist friend, he is Daoyou..."

The girl turned to ask the monk.

"He is a poor dog, a dog!" said the monk.

"Well, what can he practice?"

"Yes, some! The poor road taught him the basics of the law six months ago, and now it is almost a layer of refining!" The monk was very proud to say.

"Well? Have you taught him how to practice?" The girl frowned.

"What's wrong? Poor road... Is it wrong?" The monk was in a hurry.

"Oh, nature is wrong, and it is a big mistake!" The girl said mercilessly: "What is your practice? What is the practice of my Royal Rezong? Use your exercises to make Is this child getting started, or is it better to use his Royal Lei Zong's exercises to get him started?"

"This..." The monk heard it as a earthy...


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