Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 292: Jade

"Huronong" bursts of loud noise, Xiaohua sprinkled the fireball is very powerful, the thunder that will be scattered under the head is blown up, flashing a large gap! Waiting for Xue Xue's fire net to fly in the air, the brilliance and power of the fire net is worse than Xiao Hua's fireballs!

"The best fireball?" Xue Xue almost wants to cover the small mouth with horror. This thing is worth a lot of Lingshi. She is very clear. She has never seen anyone so unwilling to throw out so much!

Of course, a piece of Lingshi one-point goods, seeing the thunder of the prohibition was broken by Xiao Hua, Xue Xue also showed joy after the shock!

"Oops!" Just Xue Xue's face just smiled, the thunder where the air has dissipated, a lot of heaven and earth aura is gathering, set off a burst of wind, visible to the naked eye, that just got the fireball In the blasting gap, the brilliance of the thundering light is gradually born, and another complete thunder network quickly gathers, and the situation does not change, and it spreads to the entire Thunder Valley!

And, this time, the Leiguang network is a lot closer to Xiaohua.

"***, how did the former monks pass?" Xiao Hua snorted and waved his hand. Immediately, a dozen more fireballs were sprinkled, and a loud bang was blown out. The gap between the large pieces, "Go!" Xiao Hua screamed and pulled his hand. It was the sleeve of Xue Xue. The two people quickly flew into the air in the air, before the lightning net was restored. Can fly to the sky above Lei Guang!

"Fast fly over!" Xiao Hua pointed his hand to the front, Xue Xue would like to. The mana was reminded, and the rapid speed was to fly forward. Not waiting for them to fly out of a dozen feet, "Zi La La" is a few thunders on the stone wall, another wave of Rayon net from the head of Xiao Hua and Xue Xue generated, once again sprinkled!

Xiao Hua can't, can only fly a little. Sprinkle the fireball again, "Xiao Daoyou. Look at the bottom!" Xue Xue was very scared and bowed.

"No mistakes!" Xiao Hua looked down a little, and immediately saw that the layer of Leiguang, which had just landed on the ground, came back from the ground again. It’s not far from the feet of the two.

Without hesitation, Xiao Hua is a big fireball.

After flashing two Rayguang nets, Xiao Hua just wanted to relax, who had thought that the third Leiguang net fell after Lei Guang hit the stone wall!

"Not finished!" Xiao Hua was shocked, if this is the case. Is this thunder network not exhaustive?

"Hey, why didn't I fly to the top?" Xiao Hua saw the two gaps that had just been blasted, and waved his hand, pulling Xue Xue's robes and rushing up!

Where does Xue Xue think that Xiao Hua suddenly goes up? The figure did not keep up. Between the eagerly, the robes in Xiao Hua’s hands are going to slip down. Xiao Hua’s movements are also fast. One backhand is to hold Xue Xue’s wrist. At this time, Xue Xue is also shocked, and also reaches out to Xiao Hua’s wrist. Go, all at once. The two grabbed each other's wrists at the same time!

Both Xue Xue and Xiao Hua were shocked at the same time, and they wanted to loosen at the same time. But the two just released and felt that the other side was going to loosen, and the hand was tight. After taking over, the two men's hands tightened each other's wrists again!

"But it!" Xiao Hua said that he couldn't wait to say that Xue Xue was holding his wrist, and he also grabbed Xue Xue's wrist and flew to the top of Thunder Valley.

How fast is Xiao Hua’s flight, but the breath rushed out of the thunder network, and it was above the valley. “Hey, I know so, it’s...” Xiao Hua’s heart just flashed a trace of luck, suddenly, from low pressure In the clouds, several lightning bolts of lightning are flashing out. These lightnings are not directed at the stone wall of the Thunder Valley, but are directed at Xiaohua and fall!

"Hey!" Xue Xue couldn't help but scream and screamed Xiaohua's wrist closer!

"***!" Xiao Hua immediately waved his hand, a bunch of fireballs reappeared, and the foot was blown out of the gap, and the two fell into the thunder net! And those lightnings fell on the thunder net, and instantly filled the gap that Xiao Hua had just exploded!

"How is this good?" Xiao Hua stopped in the air, look at the distance of the Thunder Valley and look at Xue Xue, Xue Xue face red, and quickly release his hand, Xiao Hua does not let go, Whispered: "Xue Daoyou, if you believe in the poor road, then close your eyes, what mana will not be motivated, and the poor road will take you out from here!"

"Good! But listen to Xiao Daoyou's instructions!" Xue Xue's warmth in his heart was another burst of heart, closing his eyes, just releasing his hand... and holding Xiaohua's wrist!

"Booming!" A burst of loud noise, followed by Xue Xue feels like a kite, flying up and down, this up and down and flying speed is very fast, the sound of a strong wind in the ear, the wind is very凛冽 薛 薛 Xue Xue a burst of pain, she was supposed to mobilize mana to protect themselves, but when I thought of Xiao Hua’s embarrassment, I would not dare to play the defense of Huang Fu!

Fortunately, this time is not long, not waiting for Xue Xue to read ten in his heart, Xiao Hua's body shape is to stop, just, after a while, Xiao Hua still did not let Xue Xueyan open his eyes!

"Xiao Hua... Can I open my eyes?" Xue Xue could not help but ask.

"Oh, of course!" Xiaohua’s voice sounded, and Xiaohua’s hand slowly loosened.

"Hey, he... Is he deliberate?" Xue Xue’s heart suddenly panicked and his eyes forgot to open.

"Xue Daoyou, motivate the flying character, it's okay here!" Xiao Hua's tone is not happy, "Good!" Xue Xue urged the mana while opening his eyes, not knowing whether it was intentional or not, she The hand did not loosen Xiao Hua’s wrist.

"Ah?" When Xue Xue’s eyes opened and he saw the scene in front of him, Xue Xue couldn’t help but scream, but no, just a few feet away from them, a lavender brilliance Thunder Power Grid, the entire channel of the Thunder Valley is blocked from top to bottom, there is no gap that can fly over!

"Xue Daoyou, let's loose your hand first!" Xiao Hua's face was a bit gloomy and whispered.

"Yes~" Xue Xue sounded like a mosquito and flies, and released her hand. When she could loosen it, she couldn’t help but look back. Not far away, the same number of thunder nets that rolled up and down did not completely disappear. , still powerless, will block the thunder valley.

"Hey, if there is no Xiaohua, this level... I am afraid that it is still impossible to pass! So far away, I don’t know him... How did he fly so fast? It seems that he is flying faster than his uncle. "Xue Xue was fortunate for a while, but also the monks who were just behind them. Those people did not know what means to come from here."

"Xue Daoyou, this thunder net has everything from top to bottom. If it flies directly from above, it is afraid that the lightning within the cloud will be hit down again." Xiao Hua frowned and said: "And this thunder...not necessarily Human life, but if it is hit, the royal nameplate of Yu Leizong must be motivated, and my qualifications must be lost! Do you have any way?"

"Hey, Xiao Hua, just want to ask me?" Xue Xue smiled on his face, took a hand, a hydrangea-like implement, the round hydrangea above, there are a lot of hollow, hollow There are fine runes around, and there is a slight flash of mana!

"This is..." Xiao Hua brows and asks in a low voice.

"This is naturally the ancestral weapon of my misty mountain, Yuxi!" Xue Xue said proudly.

"Ah? Yu Fu?" Xiao Hua was shocked, very eager to look at the jade!

"Where!" Xue Xuejiao said: "This is just a musical instrument, not a jade!"

"Can be ... the instrument is to use the gods to read, but you have seven layers of refining, how can you control?" Xiao Huaming knows why!

"Hey, Xiao Hua, are you really a mess? Haven't you heard that the ancestral instruments of the comprehension family have a secret law that can be driven?" Xue Xue did not hide, and took it out of the storage bag. An old yellow sign, raised the road: "This yellow symbol is made by the ancestors, only the blood of my foggy mountain can be used!"

"Yes..." Xiao Hua’s eyes turned, and he stopped talking.

"How?" Xue Xue stopped mana, and he said.

"No...nothing! I just want to ask, if there is no blood in the foggy mountains, can this jade be driven?" Xiao Hua waved his hand, but he wanted to ask, Xue Xue is the blood of the foggy mountain. But she is a woman after all, then her... can the younger generation drive? These problems are naturally not good to say in person, so I changed the topic.

"Well! This Huang Fu is prepared for me to be a refining monk. If there is a law of my foggy mountain, it will naturally drive!" Xue Xue did not doubt it, and the mana reminded him to beat Huang Fu. On his own body, he followed a sly scorpion, and the jade gradually spread a white mist from the hollowed out place...

Looking at the fog more and more, Xue Xue went on to say: "Or, you can use the common rituals to savour these rituals. Although those martial arts can not completely send out the power of the rituals, More powerful than not being able to use!"

"Hey? That Xue Daoyou... can you have such a general ritual?" Xiao Hua asked in a happy heart and asked quickly.

Xue Xue smiled bitterly: "My misty mountain is a family of comprehension. How can there be such a law? If a Taoist friend enters Yu Leizong, he can have a look at Yu Leizong!"

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua nodded.

However, for a long time, enough white fog came out from the jade, Xue Xue once again urged the mana, and took the jade in his hand. The jade flashed a few brilliance, the white mist that floated in the air. Guanghua will surround Xiaohua and Xue Xue, just like a large group of white cotton.

"This..... OK?" Xiao Hua had some doubts.

"Hey, Xiao Daoyou is relieved! Since there are monks passing in front, they must also use the ancestral instruments. The poor roads don't believe. You can't do anything with the ten-layered monks. They can pass the rules!" The snow is full of confidence.


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