Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 293: Lei Zhu Gonggong

"Okay!" Seeing the confidence of Xue Xue’s face, Xiao Hua had nodded.

"Of course, Xiao Hua, we still use some of the yellow characters like Jin Gangfu!" Xue Xue handed out some defensive Huang Fu to Xiao Hua.

"This... If the white fog can't resist the thunder net, this Jin Gang has a fart!" Xiao Hua grinned, but he still took Huang Fu over, and the force urged to hit him!

"Well, Xiao Hua, be careful, keep up, don't get out of the white fog!" Xue Xue was stunned again, and he was very careful, then he used force to control the jade and control the white fog. At the same time fly to the thunder net!

Xiao Hua did not dare to let go of the feeling completely, but he also wanted to see the effect of this jade, so he only released the feeling a little, paying attention to the changes of the white fog outside the jade.

Sure enough, this jade is effective. When Xiao Hua and Xue Xuefei went to the thunder net, they had not waited for them to enter, and some of the white fog had already merged into the thunder. "Zi La La" burst into a flash of light, after the thunder hit the white fog, the white mist also flashed the lavender brilliance, blocking the thunder out!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua almost wants to caress, secretly said: "If Xiaoye can sacrifice the implement, the triangle of the Lingling can seem to release the ring, it is estimated that it can also pass this thunder!"

Xue Xue saw the white fog useful and smiled: "Xiao Hua, be careful, we will go in!"

"Okay, the poor road knows!" Xiao Hua smiled.

During the talk, Xue Xue drove the white fog, and the two entered the thunder net. When the white mist enters the thunder net, it is like the same drop of water falling in the oil pan. Around the white mist, the sound of "Zi La La" sounds non-stop, and the edge of the white mist, the purple brilliance is also flashing. Of course, all the lightning is blocked out of the white fog. Xiao Hua and Xue Xue did not hurt!

"Hey, how?" Xue Xue leaned his face, just to show off his beloved playthings, said to Xiao Hua.

"Is there anything to say? Great!" Xiao Hua smiled.

Xue Xue was excited, and Jiao smiled: "At that time, my uncle asked me to hold it. I still don't want to, now I think about it, I still lost it!"

Xiao Hua is smiling.

Then, the two walked like a stroll, slowly flying, just. Just after half a cup of tea, Xue Xue's face is hard to look.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua was very keenly aware.

"Xiao Hua, I... I am still too arrogant!" Xue Xue’s face gradually whitened: "I... I didn’t expect this thundernet to be so long, my mana... I’m afraid it won’t last long. It!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked. Urgent: "How long can you support?"

At this time, Xue Xue bite his teeth tightly, and then he does not speak. What he does not say is that he tries to push the image of mana.

"Can you use my mana?" Xiao Hua was in a hurry, and he explored his hand and grabbed Xue Xue's wrist. The mana was flooding like a flood! Xiao Hua’s mana did not get through, and the mana had just entered. Immediately, Xue Xue’s mana was disturbed, and Xue Xue’s meridians were exhausted. Regardless of the mana that mobilized Xiao Hua, ah. Or, if the two know how to combine the techniques, at the earliest time, Xiao Hua will use the mana to enter. This jade can be controlled. At this time, it will be added to the mana, not to mention that the two do not understand the combination. Can't combine two different mana, even if the two can fuse the mana, Xue Xue can't mobilize Xiao Hua's mana at that time, the mana is in Xue Xue's body... can only damage Xue Xue's repair !

"噗", Xue Xue could not help but open his mouth, a stream of blood spouted, and then, the jade brilliance flashed, the white mist was swallowed by the jade!

"Zi La La" burst of light, Xiao Hua and Xue Xue's body of iron clothes, Jin Gang Fu, Mo Shui Fu, etc. are all broken by the thunder net... The yellow symbol used by the refining monk is simply under this thunder Yellow paper, there is no any decent resistance at all, only a faint brilliance of the brilliance is defeated!

"Oops!" Xiao Hua was shocked. Almost without thinking, he wanted to take some yellow characters from the space, but when he got a few fire nets, he suddenly thought of the space. That bead! At this time, the beads are still a little thunder, stimulating a lot of clouds in the space, and there are some thunder in the clouds! Throw a lot of lightning in the area of ​​the space!

"Just it!" Reminiscent of the situation that he took the bead out of the space that day, Xiao Hua was happy, and did not hesitate to take the bead out!

Sure enough, as Xiao Hua’s expectation, the beads were taken out of the space, and the sky above the thunder valley was densely covered with clouds, and many lightnings were born instantaneously, while Xiao Hua and Xue Xue were all around. The thunder of the two suddenly changed their direction. Just like the milk swallows returning to the nest, they all hit the beads in Xiao Hua’s hands!

Not only that, Xiao Hua is close, and I don’t know how long the thunder net is. At this time, it is also attracted by the beads. In the blink of an eye, it is completely inhaled, revealing an empty valley!

Xiao Hua was amazed, but I can look at the lightning that is brewing above the head. The power of the lightning seems to be much larger than the power of the Thunder. Xiao Hua will take a shot, and the beads are income storage bags. Inside! The beads disappeared, and the lightning within the clouds should have disappeared. However, at this time, above the mountain walls around the thunder valley, the Guanghua glimmers, and countless runes gradually emerge, and immediately in the clouds. Leiguang is attracted!

"Go!" Xiao Hua certainly understands that this is a sign that Lei Net is re-emerging. Pulling his hand, it is Xue Xue’s wrist, flying to the front!

"Zi La La" Xiao Hua and Xue Xue have just installed a recent turn in Lei Leigu, and behind them are a series of sounds. Xiao Hua sneaked at him, but he was only a few feet behind him. !

“***!” Xiao Hua took a sip and whispered: “Is this Yu Leizong’s trial too much?”

"Xiao Hua, can't say that!" Xue Xue, who is next to the bird, relies on the soft tone of the person, whispering: "The disciples of Renrui Zong are all handsome in the realm of comprehension. Their own trials are not. In this way, it is the face of Yu Leizong that is lost in the mountain gate. Life is a small matter, and fame is a big event!"

Look at the whiteness on Xue Xue’s face. Xiao Hua’s heart sighed and let go of his hand. He took out a handful of his own refining 梧楬丹, and smiled and said: “Xue Xue, I have nothing good here. Medicine, this is Dan Dan... You take one!"

"Yeah!" Xue Xue is very clear about what Dan Dan is, and it is definitely not useful for his own injuries in this meridian! But on the other hand? This Dan Dan is given by Xiao Hua. Xue Xue’s heart is full of sweetness. How can I refuse it? After taking over Dan, Xue Xue glanced at the front and pointed his hand: "Xiao Hua, let's move on for a while, far from the ban!"

"Well, listen to you!" Xiao Hua nodded.

However, when they walked a dozen feet and turned a corner, they felt stunned. How do you say? It turned out that in front of this turn, it was a large open space. Thousands of monks who looked unusually wolf were sitting cross-legged and everyone was closing their eyes!

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua almost laughed and laughed, and said: "I said, I have been difficult with Xue Xue over these bans, and thousands of monks have not come through the ease! Originally... ...you are hiding here to raise your wounds! Look at this, I am afraid that it is more than half lost!"

Seeing the strangeness on Xiao Hua’s face, Xue Xue seemed to understand Xiao Hua’s thoughts and see the eyes of everyone sweeping. Xue Xue gently touched elbow on Xiao Hua’s arm and signaled Xiao Hua to converge.

"Well, I will wait to go there to adjust the interest rate!" Xiao Hua naturally understood that the two men walked slowly in the open space near the stone wall, and everyone saw the same injury, the eyes also left, self-concerned Recover it!

Xue Xue saw Xiao Hua's arbitrarily adjusted interest rate, and secretly sneaked into his mouth. He took out his own medicine and prepared to take it after taking it. However, when the liquid medicine of Qidan was integrated into the meridians and began to slowly repair the meridians that had just been damaged, Xue Xue was stunned and could not help but scream in his heart: "The best spirits? ... How long does it have to repair the meridians?"

"This family..." Waited for the medicine to start to repair the meridians, Xue Xue couldn't help but open his eyes. Looking at the solemn Xiaohua next to him, he gave birth to a sweet touch: "He definitely didn't want me to know that this is The best of the spirit, I am afraid that I refused... I deliberately deceived me....... I... Will I refuse?"

Where did Xiao Hua know Xue Xue’s thoughts and felt that someone was watching himself, and he opened his eyes, and Xue Xue saw Xiao Hua open his eyes, and immediately closed his eyes, leaving a blush on his face, a blush In Xue Xuexue's white face, it looks so obvious!

"Hey? It won't be...Is there a problem?" Xiao Hua saw Xue Xue's face was not good, and his heart was slightly shocked. You can see that Xue Xue has some redness on his face. The rest are normal, and there is no problem. Look like it! He didn't know, but it was a day's work, Xue Xue's impression of him... has completely changed! In fact, if you think about it, the strangers will know each other from acquaintance, mutual understanding, and love. Which day is the key to change?

At this time, among the group of monks who had come over earlier, there was some noise. Xiao Hua was not injured. He stood up and looked up. I saw that there were about a dozen refineries in these monks. The high-level monks of the layer gradually gathered together, and the monks around the monks were surrounded by dozens of monks with about ten layers of refining. It seems that... what is being discussed! The other monks stood up and watched.

After a long while, I thought that there was a result. The dozens of monks with 11 layers of refining were scattered, and dozens of refining monks commanded, and dozens of refining ten-layer monks went to Among the other monks, one of the monks, who was about thirty years old, saw Xiao Hua and walked over!


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