Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 320: Goodbye spell

Chapter XX Chapter Goodbye

I saw that the blue-red fire was gradually transparent, and the figure of Kanmingwei appeared inside. He had a black hook in his hand, and there was a strong black and gray gas on the small hook. The black gas is like a snake, usually moving up the hook!

"How? How is the taste of the worm?" asked Kanming Wei. (

"This... is this a worm? You... How do you plant this ecstasy into my heart? I... Why didn't I notice it?" The evil face was pale, the sweat on his head continued, and he followed When the rain is normal, his eyes are red, and the evil blame is: "Look at your technique... It is not the usual way of the poisonous door. How... How is it similar to the legendary... spell?"

Where does Kanmingwei care for him? With a hook in his hand, the grayish air faded, and his own face was slightly gray.

"Ah~~" The screaming screams, and the figure fell into the air, barely stabilizing the figure!

At this time, Kanming's face is also full of red light, the small hooks in his hand tremble slightly, and the gray gas gradually gains into the hooks. It seems that this hook cannot be completely driven!

Outside of the squad, the feelings of the evil spirits are slightly reduced. I quickly sit down and knees and want to exercise mana!

"Hey, shock evil, I don't think you know the spell! Hey, I am afraid that these are the allusions that have been found in the papers in the Gonggong Pavilion over the years!" Kanmingwei is somewhat mad, and his voice is hoarse: "However, You are also a good eye, the way of poverty is the technique of spells! If I am you, then I will not call mana, otherwise the soul will be more powerful!"

The evil spirit does not care? However, when he had just mobilized the mana, a painful heart was born, and his face changed a lot, but it stopped! Then, the evil spirits look at the fire in the green fire within the squad of Kanmingwei sighed: "The poor road since the return of the Buddha ruins, only saw the brothers once a decade ago, the poor road asked for the tightness of the defense, how Maybe the brother's way? Brother, this eclipse..."

"Ha ha ha ~" Kanmingwei laughed, hoarse voice said: "Zhen Shidi remembers the medicinal brother who was injured by the guardian beast 30 years ago, when the brother was injured by the guardian beast? ”

The evil spirit does not understand: "Remember? The poor road took over to see it on the same day, and it was returned to the brothers!"

Immediately, the evil spirits flashed in the eyes of the evil spirits, and they gnashed their teeth and said: "Is it true that Kan’s brother has already laid down the worms on the medicinal herbs?"

"Hey, what do you say?" Kanmingwei said with a smile: "Is it true that the younger brother has been injured, but he is not taking the remedy for his brother. Isn't it the same?"

"There is no harm to the poor people! It is like the brothers of Kan, who can cast spells and let the poor gods know what they are doing. Now the life of the poor is in the hands of the brothers. You Also called defense?"

“Ha ha ha~” Kanmingwei sneered: “This is a 50-step laughter for the younger brother! Although the poor road releases the spell, it is also for self-protection. If the younger brother is laying a trap today, how can the poor road lead to the erosion of the soul? Didn't the earthquake teacher think about it, why did the poor roads erode the soul pests for more than 30 years, and have not been motivated?"

"Oh, not that you haven't found the origin of Da Yan Ling Tower, you can't just start it!" Zhen Xie's face was somewhat relaxed, sneer.

The cyan fire around Kanmingwei is even thinner, and the orange-red dry fire gradually swallows most of the blue! Kanmingwei’s face was bitter and he said: “If the younger brother of the earthquake has reduced the power of this green fire, the poor road is for you!”

When the evil thoughts were thought for a moment, the small flag was taken out and slightly displayed, and the orange-red fire weakened a few points.

“Poor road to listen!”

"Hey, this spell has not been known for many years. The poor road did not intend to get this Horcrux at the time of refining, and got some spells. Unfortunately, the practice spell is different from the way I practiced. It is the world of communication, with the aura of heaven and earth for its own use; and the charm is the path of the mysterious soul, and this soul is born within the **, the foundation of the tempering soul to practice the spell is to temper! The monk’s ** is extremely fragile. How do you say that your brother can practice?"

"Kang brother can practice the body repair again!" Zhenxie replied, at this time the two are completely different from the two, and it seems that they are not like the two deadly enemies. If not one is in the flame, one falls. Half-empty looks different. Anyone who looks at it will think that this is two true brothers and sisters.

"Physical repair? That is just a few minor trails left after the decline of the spell. The brother is already a late monk in the foundation. There is no need to go any more!" Kanmingwei snorted from his nose.

"This eclipses the soul of the worm... This is the means of the venomous door. If you can find out the ordinary way, how can you use the spell method?" Zhen Zhen asked thoughtfully.

Kanmingwei replied: "This is a little bit of understanding for the brothers for many years. Naturally, it cannot be revealed at will. In fact, it is also simple. Since the brother's ** is not enough to practice spells, it is natural to use this thing! Use the spell to drive the worms, oh, even the monks of the Golden Age, are afraid to be aware of them?"

"哼~" Zhenxie sneered.

"It’s a pity that although the brother can use the spell to drive the soul worm, the price that can be driven is far from what the teacher can imagine. It is because the brother has long since he has a backhand. It’s useless...” Kanmingwei sighed and looked at the flames around him. He looked at the evil spirits outside the circle and said: “For the brothers, I have told you so much, just to explain to you, for the brothers just to Self-protection, if Zhen Zhendi removes this circle of law, the brother will also remove the worms, and you and I are two good brothers! Let us jointly understand this Da Yan Ling Tower!"

"Well~" Zhenxie slowly nodded: "Kang brothers said that the younger brother is in the right place, I have a good future, and there is a Buddha to the treasure, there is no need to be here!"

Kanmingwei is overjoyed and caressed: "The hero sees the same thing! I am going to cast a spell together, how?"

"Good!" Zhen Xie slowly stood up and picked up the small flag, and Kanmingwei also put a small hook in one fell swoop, and the gray-black mist on it came out again!

When the evil spirit raised a small flag, he asked coldly: "Kang brother, what is the price for driving the soul pest?"

When Kanmingwei glanced at the small hook in his hand, he hesitated and said: "I am afraid that the younger brother does not believe."

"Senior brother said, believe it or not!" Zhen said that he raised a small flag.

"Hey, twenty years of life!" Kanming said, also lifted the small hook.

When the evil spirit heard, the look on the face remained the same, but the eyes were slightly shrunk, and then nodded, saying: "Well, Kan brother, the number of poor roads one, two, three, I am at the same time!"

"it is good!"

"One ... two ... three!!!" The evil spirits are not hesitant, the number will rise, just wait for the last "three" and one exit, the two simultaneously wave the instruments and the Horcruxes in their hands!

I saw a few dozen orange-red brilliances on the small flag, but the dozens of brilliance were not played around the circle of law, but on the orange-red flame of the body of Kanmingwei! At the same time, on the small hook of Kanmingwei, all the black and gray gas disappeared secretly!

"Ah!!!" The evil spirit is in the air, a scream of tears, a big mouthful of black blood spouting! Within the circle of law, the orange-red brilliance is everywhere, and the dry fire is ten times more powerful than just now. On the way, the defense of Kanmingwei’s whole body will be broken, and the orange-red flame will quickly burn to the body of Kanmingwei!

Both of them... actually have saved the mind of killing each other in an instant!

"You!!" Kanmingwei is also a big man. He is clearly tight. This dry fire is the nemesis of his own body. If the body's fire property is ignited by this dry fire, he will not be annihilated. The means, only the end of the fire burned to death, think about the blood swearing of the evil spirits on the site of the Buddha, Kanmingwei’s heart is tight, do not force the small hook, to dry fire Kill the evil spirits before igniting yourself!

How does Kanmingwei do this? When he heard that Kanmingwei drove this eclipse, he would lose 20 years of life, and if he said that this is true, but if he used a huge price to drive the worm, how can Kanmingwei Easy to close? Driving the worm has been so costly, what about getting rid of it? Needless to say, the cost is higher? Besides, the charm of this thing is unconscious, and there is no such thing as a great magical power. This is one of the reasons why the spell is destroyed. It is impossible for the evil spirit to escape from the already-arranged array. !

Ever since, the evil spirits have strengthened the idea of ​​annihilating Kanmingwei! The flag waving at the French flag has already sent his whole body mana, and he wants to kill Camden before he completely smashes the soul!

"Brush!" The body of the evil spirit has fallen sharply. He has been so painful that he can't stand in midair. This method of spelling is really secretive. When he spoke to Kanmingwei, he has tried several kinds of royal Leizong. The secret law can not be the same.

Through the control of the squad, the evil spirits already know that the dry fire will soon burn to the body of Kanming, and he also knows that all the instruments of Kanmingwei are sacrificed from the fire. If the sacrifice is undoubtedly the combustion The thing, Kanming will not be rash out, it is the reason, the evil spirits hold back the unbeatable heartache, wave the hand, hit the law with one's own body, a blood of the apex of the heart, it is falling in the small Above the flag, a quick wave of hand, a gorgeous orange red is issued from the small flag, with this brilliance shot, the small flag has no color, but the shock of the heart is severe, the front is black, the whole body It is falling from midair.

A monk in the late stage of building a foundation, under the strange spell, was easily strangled without any room for rebellion. Presumably... it’s not obvious that the evil spirits are dead, and there are still many ways to display them. When I came out, I made food for ecstasy!

The shock before the death of the evil spirits was also a monk. The brilliance fell on the orange-red flame. The flame was twice as big. The body of Kanmingwei was already orange-red, and Kanmingwei could not avoid it. Then, bite the tooth and take out a sparkling crystal charm from the storage bag. The mana is called on his body. The sound of "嗡嗡", an extremely bright brilliance flashes from the body of Kanmingwei, only Seeing that in the Guanghua, the upper body of Kanmingwei gradually changed, and the face, neck and arms showed a layer of fine lines, and his slightly pale skin color turned to cyan. After waiting for Guanghua, a monster that looks like a three-pointer with a huge clear beast appears in midair, and the figure is actually a few feet taller than before!

"吼" At this time, the voice of Kanmingwei is also different. If the horse is called, the whole huge figure will be surrounded by the dry fire, and the mask of the circle will fly away! However, just as the huge figure of Kanmingwei passed through the sea of ​​fire, the dry fire ignited his whole body. However, the blue skin was thick and rough at this time, and it actually blocked the dry fire. For a while, Can't burn his meridians!

Before the "Bang Long" Kam Mingwei flew to the front of the squad, the fist that had long been turned into a big fight was going to the light curtain. The deafening sound, constantly coming out of the light curtain, the light curtain violently shaking, there are signs of loosening! Kanmingwei’s mind had a perception, and his heart was overjoyed. Two fists were like rain.

With the sway of the light curtain, the brilliance gradually weakened, and the unmanned legal system really collapsed slowly. However, when the phalanx of the phalanx weakened, the brilliance of Kanmingwei was also diminishing. He was exposed to the skin. The pattern on it is gradually fading.

In the eyes of Kanming, the fear was really revealed at this time. While one fist hit the law, the other method was constantly smashing and wanted to extinguish the dry fire. However, the magical spells of Kanming are not dare to use, the water-based defense method has only some effects of great power, but these effects have also made a cup of water in the seemingly endless fire, "吼" Ming Wei is looking forward to the giant python, and no other thoughts. The two fists are still on the battlefield!

“咔嚓” slammed softly, and a slight crack appeared in the brilliance of the phalanx. When Kanming was overjoyed and wanted to hit the fist on the crack, the cyan color on his body faded away, and the brilliance annihilated. At the same time, a faint charm has fallen from him!

"No..." Kanmingwei was in a hurry and wanted to reach out and grab the charm, but at this moment, he saw a flash of fire sweeping over his body. His gradually shrinking body was immediately like dry firewood, violent. After burning up, Kanmingwei perceives that the infuriating gas in the meridians is also ignited, and the fire ignites from the inside out!

Although I knew that the evil spirits outside the squad had no life, I could still sigh, and I took a hand and took out a small hook from the storage bag. The last wave before dying...

Ps: Detective has just established a network wan guild, yy voice id is: ******40, brothers come to join the ah, the guild just started, need talent, welcome brothers to join. Also thank you for your enthusiasm for the right to swim. Yy.duol#******40



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