Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 321: Small silver

Chapter 231, Small Silver

The two monks in the late stage of the building were so hurt in the face of Xiao Hua, one was killed by the eclipse of the soul, and one was killed by the dry fire. (Genius can remember to read www.dukank in just 3 seconds.

Xiao Hua was lying on the ground of the Faction, but the two of them were more and more wonderful. Xiao Hua couldn’t help but open his eyes and erect his ears.

At this time, the sky is already dusk, and the slanting sun of the west falls like a blood in the air in the west. The twilight in the shadow of the surrounding mountains will cover the circle, and the flame of the silk will still end in the air in the short distance of Xiaohua. Hot!

"Hey, there is a fight in someone's place! The teacher is talking about the right!!" Xiao Hua was very emotional.

Although the two monks in the late stage of the building did not release the pressure, no one looked at Xiao Hua. But the means of killing, the power of the spell, the effect of the charm, and the terrible fire of the fire make Xiao Hua shudder! Xiao Hua knows deeply that if he faces these two people, he will not be the enemy of the 10th.

"Thirty years, these two people can really be forbearing, just for what the so-called Buddha to the treasure, the two finally ... lost their lives!"

"The technique of spells, that is, the technique of sinister poison in the Zhujiasuo of Jingbocheng, is really powerful! The monks in the late stage of the building did not have the power to fight back! The cost of the technique of casting spells is too great, twenty years. Life expectancy!"

"Oh, the technique of the spell is not as powerful as that of Kanmingwei. It was a good starter 30 years ago. Therefore, this evil is a lot worse!"

"What is the wafer used by Camden before his death? It seems to be similar to the filter used by Li Zongbao at the time. Is it a charm? Well, it should be, fearing the fur and blood of the beast, stimulating the variation of * Let's make a big deal! Hey, this kind of strength is ten times more powerful than what Jin Gang is, but it is much smaller than the strength of Xiaoye!"

"Oh... the technique of life spells, what is the Buddha's treasure, or to look at the transport! Even if the monks in the late stage of the building are not blessed?"

The death of the late monk in the foundation of the building was very irritating to Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua couldn’t help but think a lot. As the last rays of the sunset disappeared from the earth, Xiao Hua suddenly realized: “***, what does Xiaoye think? An old thing is dead, but Xiaoye is still trapped by the squad. Looking at the posture, if I can’t get out of trouble, I can only wait to be discovered! Don’t say if people think of the benefits, will they kill people? That is the way to spell the spell, what Buddha Buddhism can not have a small master!"

When the opportunity was made, Xiao Hua put his heart into the space and called Xiao Huang out.

"Mother-in-law..." Xiao Huang listened to Xiao Hua's words. It was very puzzled. Needless to say, it did not understand what the ban was, and what kind of tactics could only look at Xiao Hua.

"Xiao Huang, you can't move when you see the mother, you are bound by things, you come to help the mother to solve!" Xiao Hua thought for a long time, can only say so!

Xiao Hua was still thinking about wording again, but what made him stunned happened! I saw that Xiao Huang was very confused and looked at it with his eyes. He reluctantly flew to Xiao Hua’s body for a while. This was before Xiao Hua’s eyes, then he fell to the ground and closed his eyes. It seems that It is very tired.

"Poor child!" Xiao Hua was somewhat intolerant. She just wanted Xiao Huang to go back. The third eye that was closed at the forehead of Xiao Huang was slightly open, and the silver-white scorpion made a very light one. Silver brilliance, with the scorpion without the slightest feelings turned around in Xiao Hua's body, Xiao Huang's third eye has slowly closed!

Subsequently, Xiao Huang did not open his eyes, but said extremely weak: "Mother, I have no strength, you ... call out the small silver?"

"Small silver?" Xiao Hua immediately understood that his heart was everywhere, slipped and not lost, and the soul-seeking mouse who did not listen to Xiao Hua’s words was easily made by Xiao Hua!

Xiaoyin couldn’t find Xiao Huang in the space, but he listened to Xiao Huang’s instructions and did not run out of the range of about ten feet. At this time, he saw Xiao Huang and immediately flew to Xiao Huang. On the back, with a small tail also wrapped around the fluff on the small yellow back, but unfortunately the small yellow fluff is not long, the small silver roll has not been rolled up for a few times!

Xiao Huang used his mouth to point Xiaohua’s body. The small silver should be understood. The mouse head shook his head frequently. It was very disdainful to Xiao Hua. Finally, it was extremely reluctant to fly to Xiao Hua’s vest. Zhang Open your mouth and smack at the empty place where the vest is!

"Ziz...Ziz..." If there is no sound, the connection is constant! Hearing the goose bumps of Xiao Hua. At this time, Xiao Hua has been awake from the strangeness of seeing Xiao Huang’s third eye. That is, while the silver scorpion appeared, Xiao Hua’s mind flashed the words “breaking the eye”.

"Xiaohuang’s forehead is breaking the eyes, then the shackles in my left hand are not broken eyes. But why can Xiaohuang’s can be opened, and my one can’t open it?” Xiao Hua wakes up, the first thought This is this: "And, this broken law can actually see the weakness of the ban, is this small silver just banned that ban? Hey, looking for a squirrel, it is really different, even with a tooth bite!"

I don’t know if it’s the toughness of the late prohibition in the construction of the base, or the small silver is still small, and the strength is not enough. After waiting for a round of the moon to rise to the sky, Xiao Hua suddenly feels that the vest is loose, and then the whole body is imprisoned. The strength is a lot lighter!

"Good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed in his heart, his body sighed, his hands slammed his fists, and then he shouted "open" and put both arms to the outside at the same time! Xiao Hua was very energetic at this time. Although the evil spirits were strong, after all, this big imprisonment technique had been broken by Xiaoyin. Xiaohua’s strength was everywhere, and the entire ban was immediately collapsed. A brilliance flashed and completely annihilated!

Xiaoyin was on Xiaohua’s back. He was suddenly bounced and shocked. Before he returned to the small yellow back, he kept catching it with big hands. Xiaoyin is Repulsive, but the big hand to let him feel the tranquility of the breath, Xiaoyin could not help but fall on the big hand, it is very customary, that a small tail is wrapped in Xiaohua's right hand on the little finger! It is exactly the same as when Xiaoyin was born!

Xiaoyin’s small head is not enough. He looks up and looks at Xiaohua, who looks at the giants. A trace of blood leaks from the teeth of Xiaoyin...

"Hey, hey little silver!" Xiao Hua had already seen it. It was a pity that he reached out and touched the head of Xiaoyin’s head. The little silver closed his eyes slightly and enjoyed the look!

After a while, Xiao Hua will be exhausted by Xiao Huang and the small silver income space. The small silver seems to be very attached to Xiao Hua’s hand. The little tail is entangled, or under the scorn of Xiao Huang. Only reluctantly let go! But when Xiao Hua wants to take Xiao Huang into space, he is still experiencing problems.

"Mother... There seems to be a very good smell here, it seems to be able to eat, I don't want to go back now!" Xiao Huang said tiredly, refused to return to space!

"咦" Xiao Hua was very surprised. He never knew what Xiao Huang was eating. At this time, he wouldn’t let it go back easily, so Xiao Huangfu flew over Xiaohua’s shoulder. . At the twilight time, Kamingwei hit the cracked circle, and it has begun to recover gradually, and the crack is almost gone! Xiao Hua will explore the hand, the magic gun tip is in the hand, and then the full strength, in the same place in the crack, quickly stabbed a dozen times!

The sound of "哗" was broken with the glass, and the brilliance of the dozens of feet around it flashed, and six sparkling discs appeared in midair, and they all fell to the ground!

Xiao Hua waved his hand, and the six discs fell into his hands one by one. Looking at the rune that was hidden when he was on the disc, and then looking at the unknown texture of the disc, Xiao Hua gave up the inquiry. The idea, put these discs into the space!

Then, Xiao Hua hurriedly walked to the corpse of the evil spirit, and smashed the small flag that fell to the side. The small flag is heavy, the flagpole is a black material, and the flag is engraved with a lot of runes like flames. It flicks slightly, and the rune floats up!

With the small flag and the disc, Xiao Hua naturally wants to find the layout of this array. You can look at the evil spirits. Xiao Hua is hesitant. If he is alone, he will not be willing. Xiaohua, the thing in the sinister storage bag, will definitely not let go, but if it is taken, this corpse cannot be left behind! But if the corpse of the evil spirit does not stay, the evil spirit can be inexplicable disappearance, maybe it will cause any movement in the Royal Leizong, and it is not caught by other things, but also caught!

"***, who is afraid of who, Xiaoye is only a disciple of the refining period, doubt that no one can doubt the young man!" Xiao Hua naturally will not let go of any useful things, reach out and shake the body of the evil spirits The bag was untied, and the things were not even carefully seen. A brain was thrown into the space, and then the empty storage bag was thrown on the ground. Then a wave of the right hand was thrown, and a purple flame was born from his hand. It looks pure and incomparable, and it is extremely beautiful. It is Xiao Hua who has practiced more than two years of real fire!

But seeing Xiao Hua with a hand, flying a purple Mars from the flame, slowly falling on the sinister corpse, "Teng", the evil corpse is also suddenly burned, with Kanming Fortunately, the body is burning!

After a while, I saw the corpse of the evil spirits and the storage bag were turned into ashes. Xiao Hua was in the middle of the hand holding Sancha real fire and turned to see where Kang Mingwei fell! Kanmingwei was injured by dry fire. There was no corpse on the ground. There was only a small black hook in the ashes, a small tower three feet long and one foot long.

"Well, this little tower is afraid of what they said about Da Yan Ling Tower!" Xiao Hua put the three fires in his hand out, and took a hand from the ground to take the Linglong Tower, but the general look is income. Within the space.

Just below the Linglong Tower, it is a small bone.



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