Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 337: Talk about building a foundation

"Well, it is!" Xiangyang thought for a moment and nodded. "These are the things that can be said before you build the foundation. But this kind of delusion is very easy to damage the road. For the brother, it is simple to say now. Some, save you from leaving the scorpion! The specific precautions will have to wait until later!"

"And, for the brother to use the opportunity to build the foundation twice, this lesson should be said first!"

"Hey, the younger brother is listening!" Xiao Hua arched his hand and enjoyed the feeling of being pointed.

"After the cultivation of the various stages of refining, after the cultivation to the peak, it is the process of perfection of the realm. After the lack of the realm, the barrier between the meridians will appear. At this time, it is necessary to look at the infuriating. If it is sufficient, Then you can break through the barriers and move on to the next level. Otherwise, you may stop at this level forever!” Xiangyang simply explained: “Where is the peak of the twelve layers of refining? It’s different from these, and the practice is natural. When it is complete, the infuriating will change, and there will be a precursor to liquefaction. At this time, it is necessary to take Zhujidan. This has two functions: one is to provide the impact of the foundation period, and the other is to help the infuriating. Clotted into a liquid!"

"That... If you don't take Zhuji Dan at this time, use other medicinal herbs... or don't use medicinal herbs?" Xiao Hua suddenly asked.

"This... I don't know for my brother!" Xiangyang said: "On that day, when building a foundation for the brothers, it was the sign of the liquefaction of the real gas. In the heart of ecstasy, he quickly took the food to build Jidan! Just... ..."

Xiangyang slightly sighed and looked at his face and smiled to comfort himself. It is also said: "It was only in the cave house of Wanlei Valley that only one brother, the master and the priest were not aware of the trace. Although the brothers also made some preparations, but ... Jianji Dan only took two, For the repair of the brother is also lacking, the two building base Dan is not enough to condense all the infuriating gas in the meridians into a liquid! For the brothers to strengthen the two bases of the base refining. After the impact of the foundation is unsuccessful... Looking at the infuriating liquidity and gradually reducing it into infuriating!"

Seeing the loneliness on the sunny face, Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Master. So... have you regretted it?"

This question was previously asked by Xiao Hua, but it is interesting to ask at this time, and Xiangyang sees the Qing dynasty. Both of them are friendships. It is really silent here!

Waited for a moment. Xiao Hua coughed and asked: "Master, then... then what about you?"

"Later? Later, it was naturally... for the brother and retired for fifty years, when it was already desperate, suddenly the infuriating gas in the meridians had signs of liquefaction. At that time, there was a master in the storage bag of the brother. The ten building blocks of Dan, immediately suppressed the ecstasy of the heart. One refining, finally transforming the instinct of the entire meridian into a real element!" Xiangyang said very faintly.

"Odd, Master, you... you haven't taken any other medicinal herbs for 50 years. Didn't you take Zhuji Dan again?" Xiao Hua asked curiously, if he wanted to, he thought. Since the mana is not enough, then taking the medicine suddenly is to take care of him.

However, Xiangyang is shaking his head: "My Royal Leizong only has the remedy for the twelve layers of refining, but there is no remedy after the failure of the foundation. Moreover, after Master returns, he will only practice according to the practice. Let's take any medicinal herbs. As for why... I don't know if I am a brother!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua nodded slightly, he also knew. According to the honest nature of Xiangyang, it will definitely be done according to the helpless arrangement. It is not willing to deviate from one point!

"That... the charm of the gods? Is the master not useful?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought.

"Yongshen?" Xiangyang is a bitter smile, look at Minqing: "Not only for the brother, but for your teacher, she has never used it!"

"Small younger brother, the general monk... As long as there is a chance to build a foundation, they are all building a foundation. Who is willing to stay in the refining period?" Qing Qing said with a smile: "There are only those who are in the sky." They are very confident to set foot on the foundation, and ... are willing to take this risk before they use the charm!"

"I just said for my brother, the general refining is full of the natural perfection of the exercises. This is also known as the refining of small refining. If the use of the clear symbol, using the power of the magical force to forcibly drag the realm of the realm, will The small perfection is more complete, it is the real refining and perfection!" Xiangyang has some envy: "It is said that after the refining of the perfect monk is built into the foundation, the mana is stronger than the same-order monk, and the most powerful possibility. It’s 50%!”

"Ah? So much?" Xiao Hua was a little surprised.

"That is of course, otherwise those who are so smart and extremely likely to stay in the refining period?" Yang Yang said to his lips: "More than that, the rehearsal of the gods is the gestation stage, the longer the incubation time, The room for growth in the future will be bigger. You think about it, the mana is 50% stronger than the same order, and the gods are 50% stronger than the same order. What kind of prestige is it?"

"Cut, what is the prestige!" Xiao Hua grinned in his heart. Although he is now refining eleven layers, it is not a matter of killing the twelve layers of refining. This is not the concept of the same order!

"Hey, the younger brother will build the foundation in a few years. Master and the teacher are also in Wanlei Valley. If there is no difference, the younger brother should have no problem in building the foundation!" Xiangyang comforted: "Only good meditation practice now." Don't think too much!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Hua said.

Later, the trio said something, they were all closed and retreat. After the noon on the second day, they did not see helplessly, Xiao Hua was not in a hurry, but also listened to the helpless remarks and experience of refining. I heard it very hard, and these things were never thought of by Xiao Hua. It was practical after a test.

While talking, a reddish message was sent into Dongfu, and it was Zhuo** who called them to go.

Xiaohua three people came to the helpless Dongfu. When they met, Zhuo** just smiled and handed over a storage bag. Xiaohua opened some Nahan and saw the Yuanyuan Dan and many Lingshi inside. Feeling grateful, the tone is a little choked: "Sister, you..."

"Oh, nothing happened yesterday, the old body will also run away from the thunder palace, just to see the teachers who have not seen for many days. Well. They are very praised for your herb, after the exchange of the spirit, they also gave some Lingshi, you have to accept it!" Zhuo ** swinging his hand, it seems that it is really to see the teacher, change the Ling Dan is just a hand.

"Thank you for your help!" Xiao Hua nodded and closed.

"Ha ha ~" a **** read. It is helpless to come back from the outside.

"Master..." Xiangyang and Yan Qingqi got up and shouted.

Xiao Hua naturally stands up.

Reluctantly ignore the two couples. I only looked at Xiao Hua with my eyes and said, "How do you refine the eleventh peak? The old man thought that you have cultivated to the twelve layers of refining!"

Xiao Hua felt quite uncomfortable for the helpless "snobbery" and said: "The disciple is actually quite stupid. It is really reluctant to cultivate to the eleventh layer of refining!"

"Hey? How did you suddenly say this?" Furiously said: "You are the hope of my Thunder Valley, if you don't build the foundation. The old man pinches you!"

"Fei Jun!" next to the 阎 涟 涟 涟 涟 说 : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 ?

"Hey, hehe..." Helplessly said: "The old man is not... afraid that he is the same as Xiangyang!"

Then, I had no choice but to take a hand and take out a jade from the storage bag. Throwing to Xiao Hua, I asked: "Have you seen the secret law of catalyzing God?"

Xiao Hua took over the jade, which was awe-inspiring, but he couldn’t help but ask questions. I immediately understood what was inside this jade, and smiled: "The disciple has just cultivated to the eleventh floor of the refining, and the secret method has not yet had time to see it?"

Then lift up the jade and say: "Is this the rainbow?"

"Hey, the rainbow is a big one!" Helpless to take a bite of the fruit, spit the fruit nucleus on the ground, said: "This year, I am a thundering palace, there is a newly mature rainbow, but it is old by Zhenyue. The kid took the first step and took it, saying that it was to his disciple, Zhen Yuqian. He was ***. This is really shameless, the disciple named Wang Yunqi. It is clearly that Laozi first saw it, and he also marked the gods. This old thing actually took Wang Yunqi as his disciple! Unfortunately, they have already registered in the Yushu Hall, otherwise the old man..."

Speaking of this, I can't help but look at Xiao Hua: "Xiao Hua, Wang Yunxiao has already been a 12-layer refining gas. You have to work harder. You must build a foundation before him! Oh, even... Can't preempt, and definitely can't fall behind too much!"

Xiao Hua is speechless and swears: "The disciple knows."

Then he said: "This jade is not the rainbow and what is it?"

"Crap, not the rainbow is naturally Yulin Ling!"

"Yu Lin Ling?" Xiao Hua strange, when I opened the jade, I saw that something similar to the **** was placed inside the jade, but this **** was like jade, and the scales above it were the same as the scales!

"Master, the younger brother is a mess, don't know this!" Xiang Yang reminded.

"Hey, disrepair!" There is some interest in sorrow, and he waved his hand: "You tell him!"

"Well, little teacher!" Xiangyang smiled: "In fact, it is very simple. This Yulin spirit has the same meaning as the rainbow scorpion. It is just that the rainbow is too rare to be touched. This Yulinling In comparison, there are a lot more. Many of the comprehension families use this Yulinling to give their disciples a sigh of relief. However, the effect of Yulinling is much worse than that of the Rainbow."

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua put away the jade, and smiled: "Thank you Master!"

"I don't appreciate, I don't appreciate, I feel like I'm going back to practice, and I will see you again after building the foundation!"

"The disciples have several problems. When they ask Master, they will turn back immediately!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Quickly ask, ask!"

"Oh, Master, little teacher, but... very talented!" Xiangyang thought that he was afraid of getting help, and quickly said: "He asked questions, disciples don't know how to answer!"

"Hey? Is it? You are coming to listen!" I was surprised to see Xiao Hua.

Xiangyang Chong Xiaohua made a look, let him not snoring, he said Xiaohua's problem again.

Sure enough, but at the time, he jumped his feet: "***, Lao Tzu shows you the practice of building the foundation period. It is for you to go to the Gongge to find a trick that is better than this. You are good, look for the details here. Have fun, do you want to build a foundation?"

"Not at all?" Xiao Hua is quite awkward.

Next to Zhuo ** is to stop the road: "Fu Jun, this child is curiosity, it is good to think more. You tell him, don't let him go wrong!"

"Hey, a disciple is as boring as a stone. This has just received one. There is a living like... The mountain at the door! How can I be so bad?" I sighed and thought for a moment: "In fact, nothing. You think about it, before the refining of the 12th floor, is it true that every monk can take the remedy to the next realm?"

"Of course not!" Xiaohua seems to think of something!

"That..... Why are they taking more medicinal herbs than advanced?" asked helplessly.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Is it a meridian?"

"Well, you are smart!" He looked at him with helplessness: "The meridians are the foundation of cultivation. All the instinct and the true elements are made through the meridians and the aura of the heavens and the earth. The process of cultivation by each person is also the meridian itself. The process, if the ability to meridize the meridians has reached the limit, you say... even if there are more remedies, more aura, is it tempered?"

"Well, my disciples understand that it is necessary that after the peak of the twelve layers of refining, the ability of the meridians to temper the infuriating will reach a peak, and it is no longer possible to generate more infuriating. If it is impossible to build the foundation in time, then... ...mana is no longer likely to grow again?" Xiaohua interface.

"This is exactly the case, of course, your master is like this, what is the use of taking medicinal herbs? Only careful understanding of the realm, if it is a relationship, can this not be able to set foot on the foundation?" I looked at Xiangyang Road: "Unfortunately... The second time, the foundation was very different from the first time, and the achievements were always limited!"

"But, Master, isn't it also mandatory?" Xiao Hua asked.

"You know the fart! The implication is not the realm of the realm. It is the process of the true gas evolved into the real element. It is the first time that people build the foundation. It is just using the mana of the magical charm to extend this process as much as possible. In the process of this extension, since the real element is together with the true gas for a long time, on the one hand, certain changes will occur. On the other hand, this part of the meridian during the refining period can be tempered again by the real element. The strength of the meridians! After entering the base period, you can be more than a few yuan more than others!"

"It turned out to be..." Xiao Hua finally understood! It turns out that there are so many reasons for this!

"However, the charm is a good thing..." But helplessly said: "There is still a great risk in using the charm!"


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