Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 338: Yan Lei Temple

"When using the charm, if you can't grasp it, if the real element that has been liquefied is beginning to change back to the infuriating, then it is not good, everything is abandoning all the hard work! Lightly re-returned to the prototype, waiting for the first The second base building! The other is... the meridian content can't contain too much instinct, maybe the meridians break, the road disappears!" Helpless, look at Xiao Huadao: "You know now, you have to use What about the gods?"

"Why not? What other people can use with their disciples!" Xiao Hua said without hesitation.

"Struggling for a strong heart is the most important thing in cultivation!" He shook his head.

"Oh, I am competing for this!" Xiao Hua said: "When you let your disciples build their foundations earlier, don't you say that they are victorious?"

After thinking about it, I was helpless: "It’s still early, right now, wait until you're practicing the 12-layer refinery. If it's really sturdy, let's use it. If it's not awkward, it's still a solid foundation. !"

"But listen to Master's instructions!" Xiao Hua said.

Later, Xiao Hua asked some questions, especially the gods who gave birth to the students, as well as the mud pill palace, but they were all answered one by one. Don't look at the helplessness, it's a little anxious, it's a bit irritating to people, but it's really awkward in terms of cultivation. Speaking of some cultivation experience, such as a few treasures, in-depth explanation, such as inferiority, etc., let Xiaohua listen to the intoxication .

Helplessness is also said to rise up, not to practice, only to tell the stars in the night, and then ushered in the rising sun, this has only closed the mouthful of the mouth.

In Xiao Hua is very adoring. Helplessly let Xiaohua go out, Xiangyang and Yan Qingyi also followed. Before leaving, Xiangyang couldn't help but repeatedly: "Little brother, this foundation... It is extremely difficult, you can never do it yourself. If you have something to do for your brother, you must speak!"

Xiao Hua knew that this was the concern of Xiangyang and thought for a moment. Laughed: "Well, if the master has a heart, how can the younger brother ask the brother to protect the law when he builds the foundation?"

"Big good!" Sun smiled on his face, which is what he meant. However, the twelve-layered monk was the most weak moment when he built the foundation. If you are a leisurely person, it is impossible to be around. Although Xiangyang is the master of Xiaohua, it is said that it should be guarded by the law, but... Xiao Hua is not pointing to Yang from an early age. If he is active, he may not Some...reckless. It is also not in line with the small and timid personality. Now Xiao Hua does not hesitate to talk about it. Of course, it is not to see Sun Xiang, how can he not let him happy?

"But the younger brother has a few years of peaking on the 12th floor. Now it is still the first to break through the bottleneck of the eleventh layer of refining, to see if God can be born, otherwise it will only be born with Yulin fruit!" Smiled.

"Yes, but listen to the master's brother!" Xiao Hua said: "The younger brother will return to Dongling to practice, if there is anything, then notify the master!"

Then Xiao Hua flashed in the air and headed for Dongling.

However, after flying a bag of cigarettes, Xiao Hua changed his mind. Slightly hesitate and go towards the direction of the Thunder Palace.

Along the way. Xiao Hua saw no one, and the thunder's technique was unfolded. It was just a few hours before I came to Yan Lei Temple. At this time, the Yan Lei Hall is different from the last time. Although it is floating in the clouds, there is a long ladder that has been slamming down from the entrance of the Temple of Yan Lei Temple, and going inside the clouds, Yan Lei The temple actually emits a faint thunder, and it will flash everywhere.

"Well, is today a moment of passing power?"

Xiao Hua thought, his figure fell on the ladder. The ladder is also magical. Xiao Hua’s figure has just fallen. It’s just to lift the legs up. The ladder will automatically move up. It’s not necessary to move Xiaohua. His body slowly moves toward Yan Lei Temple. The temple door is just going.

"Oh, it's really interesting!" Xiao Hua secretly, waiting to go to the hall of Yan Lei Hall, is a tall palace, and looks like the Shuo Lei Temple. Just as Xiao Hua stepped in, a monk in the early stage of the building turned out from the door of the temple. He looked up and down Xiao Hua, and he used his thoughts to sweep it. His brow was slightly wrinkled and he said: "Your waist card? How come this moment comes? The disciples have already preached several hours, at this time, the fear is coming to an end! How can you slack off your foundation?"

Xiao Hua’s face was smiling and took out his token. He said, “It’s good to teach the predecessors that the disciple’s chores are in Dongling. It’s far from here. Yesterday, I could’t stay in the earthquake hall. It’s the reason today. Come late!"

"Well~" The monk heard that Xiao Hua was in Dongling, and his face was a little bit warm. He took the token and swept it away. He handed it back and said, "Come on, let’s talk about the medicine of the plant today. It is useful to you, you can listen to it; the Western Temple teaches the basic law, it is also useful for your new disciples!"

"Yes, the disciples know, thank the seniors for reminding!" Xiao Hua took the ceremony and stepped into the Yan Lei Temple.

Xiao Hua is very curious to look at this hall. The hall of Yan Lei Hall seems to be different from Shuo Lei Temple and Chun Lei Temple. The hall is not big, square, and the square pillar in the middle rises from top to bottom. There, there are many runes on the four sides of the main hall and the roof above and the ground under the feet. These runes are engraved and look very meaningful.

On the square pillars, there are countless tiny ray flashes, and countless leis make up different runes to swim regularly on the whole pillar!

"Hey? This column... looks like a jade Jane?" Thinking, Xiao Hua released his own feelings and stepped into the pillars in accordance with the method of reading the jade.

"Boom" When Xiaohua's perception entered the pillar, a burst of roaring sounds from the jade, Xiaohua did not look like jade, but the same feeling as before entering the magic array, after a roar, Xiao Hua’s eyes show a towering mountain range, and the mountains are reddish!

"Hey? This is..." Not waiting for Xiao Hua’s heart to read him, a tall and thin man, who must be white, and a monk dressed in a red robe descends from the sky and falls on the red mountain, the monk’s It is not that Xiao Hua can see it.

"Who is this?" With Xiao Hua's doubts, I saw that the monk would take a shot and take out the same beads as the Thunderball from the storage bag.

"Ah? Thunderbolt?" Xiao Hua was shocked, but it seems that the Thunderbolt is even smaller than Xiaohua, and there is no thunder in the surrounding of the beads. However, Xiao Hua is clearly seeing that there are countless electric lights in the small beads.

Then, I saw that the monk would throw the Thunderbolt into the air, and then grabbed the Thunderbolt with his hand. As the monk lifted his hand slowly, a large group of Raytheon self-phasing the Thunderball. It shows that as the monk raised his hand, the thunder of the big group flew in the air, and then the monk’s hands were constantly changing. Every law seemed to be an understatement, but the waving of the law, in the space There was a burst of hurricane, and with the influx of the law, Rayon made a dazzling brilliance.

After a while, I saw that the monk would take a mouth, and a lavender brilliance would come out and be sent to the thunder, and suddenly the thunder would send out an extremely bright brilliance, gradually magnifying, and waited for a few dozen feet. The monk’s hand pointed, and the thunder slowly fell, and fell into the red mountains!

The shape of the monk also disappeared with the thunder!

"Dry Yunzu Master?" Xiao Hua instantly understands that this monk is afraid that it is the founder of Yu Leizong.

Sure enough, for a moment, a purple light emerged from the mountain, spreading like a ring, and the figure of the dry ancestors appeared from the mountains, and the shackles continued to be played. Uninterrupted flashing in the mountains, with the glory of the distance, the thick clouds are pressed from the sky, and countless fine thunders fall under the Guanghua...

Lei Guang dry Yun Shizu's body shape... like a god!

"***, the ancestors are really prestige!" Xiaohua secretly.

Immediately, Xiao Hua’s eyes were dark again. When he could see it again, there were countless disciples in the entire mountain range, and there were countless tall palaces, which are now the appearance of Yu Leizong.

Just when Xiao Hua didn't know how to quit, his eyes appeared in the image of the dry ancestors. "I have seen the ancestors!" Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and quickly succumb to the ceremony, which knows that the ancestors did not pay attention, just With a glimpse of the sleeves, Xiao Hua’s figure was suddenly pulled up, and as he was in the palace of the clouds in the air!

"Ah? This... Isn't this the Yan Lei Hall?" Xiao Hua stunned, but when he was worried, he saw a tall, tall monk standing in front of the pillar of the Yan Lei Hall. Is it a lost soul?

"Halo dishes..." Seeing the tall and tall figure, Xiao Hua’s heart moved: "This seems..."

Not waiting for him to give birth to his thoughts, his figure is combined with a tall and tall figure, and then Xiao Hua’s eyes shook a little. When he opened his eyes, the perception was withdrawn, and the thunder was restrained. Pillar!

Xiao Hua swayed his head. It is really impossible to tell if he is in the real fantasy. Or in reality, he wants to bite his fingers to identify, but he feels a little shameful.

At this time, within the east side of the temple, the temple door opened, the first monk in the early stage of the building came out from the inside, looked up and looked at Xiao Hua standing in front of the pillar, the eyes swept away, did not stop, Go to the inner hall.

After the monk, there were dozens of disciples who had been in the refining period. These disciples were different in age and were different from the four layers of refining to the twelve layers of refining.

"Hey? Xiao Hua..." A sound that sounds familiar is sound.


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