Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 342: Give birth to God

"Right, Master didn't give back a Yulin fruit? I...do you try it?" Xiao Hua thought, taking out Yulin fruit, but look at the ugly Yulin fruit, Xiao Hua is also: "In case... This Yulin fruit has a conflict with the Buddha relic? Will there be any more problems?"

"Oh, my infuriating!" Xiao Hua noticed the heart of his own veins! Because in the secret law of Yu Leizong, this heart fire is completely absorbed by the rainbow, and the new infuriating will come out. Now Xiaohua does not use the heart fire, the new instinct will naturally not be born!

"***!" Xiao Hua almost wants to jump, he wants to stop, send a note to ask the master brother Xiangyang or Master helpless, but he can't explain the rainbow, and there is no way to explain the Buddha relic. !

"Will this heart fire extinguish itself? It seems that... In the master's professor, if there is no secret law of Yu Leizong, the infuriating and mana only boiled, it is calm!" Xiao Hua just one I think, then I will deny it myself. If it can be extinguished, it has already been extinguished. I have tempered this Buddha relic for so long, and I have not seen it extinguished. How can it be extinguished now?

"Maybe... try the secret law of Yu Leizong again? Try Yulin fruit again?" Xiao Hua hesitated a time of fragrant incense, and then made up his mind to spur the secret law again, and used the heart fire to melt the jade fruit. Sure enough, after the melting of Yulin fruit, it is a three-color sphere of soybean size.

However, where is the three-color melt placed? When Xiao Hua tried to send the melt into the mudball palace, it was unsuccessful. He is facing new problems! Fortunately, he just hesitated to find a great location!

Within the eyebrows of the Buddha relic, that is, where the mud pill palace is!

Put the Yulin fruit three-color melt, Xiaohua still closes his eyes, urging the secret method to turn the three-color melt, and sure enough. With the rotation of the three-color melt, the heart fire in the meridians is sucked into the three-color melt. The heart fire will surround the melt, and the calcination will be fierce!

I don't know how long it took, "Boom", the three-color melt was burned dry, and the heart fire was also extinguished! Buddha's relic's eyebrows. If there is nothing, small and small points can not be generated, a pure **** is born!

"Bi blood refining the heart of the heart? Leading the gods??" Xiao Hua's mind did not appear in these two names, the two extremely familiar exercises are also remembered! This time, Xiao Hua was not surprised, and did not open his eyes. Instead, I calmed down and recollected the words of the gods in my mind, hoping to recall other things, but the mouth was flowing like a clear stream of water in his mind. It's just pure, and there are no other impurities!

After waiting for a long time, Xiao Hua opened his eyes slowly, and his eyes were a little confused. He thought: "The nameless mouth is obviously all the way to Baye Ling Ling, but it is superficial. I am afraid that the self-cultivation of the Buddha is lost. And this is a nine-layer practice. It seems that... I have something to do with the secret law of my Royal Leizong! If you compare the secret law with the nameless mouth, this is the result of Baye Ling’s chanting!”

"And, just when I tried to practice the meditation. The faint... that is the kind of induction in the position of the mud pill palace! Just... this induction is really felt by the practice, and can't be taken seriously!"

"The problem is. But anyone who wants to have a mudball palace, where does the **** of the mud pill palace monk come from? I can't feel the mud pill palace, then... the mud pill palace is unusual! And this anomaly is not ordinary... Serious! Even the magical power that the niece is so fascinating can't be found, how can I cope at this time?"

A few thoughts, Xiao Hua is going to use the idea of ​​forcing the gods to force the perception of the mudball palace to be eliminated! He now knows that there are countless magical people in this realm of cultivation, and his own life is unknown. I am afraid that there are some origins. Of course, if you do not have full grasp, you would rather be aggrieved and unable to stun the snakes and put yourself in an unfavorable situation ahead of time!

The new gods are extremely weak, far worse than Xiao Hua’s previous perceptions, not to mention the Buddha’s knowledge of the change. Xiao Hua tries to understand the new gods with the manipulation of God’s thoughts. Ye Ling’s records control the Buddha’s knowledge. Under the two comparisons, Xiao Hua is somewhat confused. These two things seem to have the same purpose. They can feel that the essence of the two is different. It’s like watching a mountain and thinking about it. It is to see the mountains, but also to see the mountains! The Buddha’s knowledge is to see the mountains, but also to see the mountains!

"Oh... these esoteric things, I am afraid I have to ask Master!" But then, Xiao Hua is secretly saying: "Since it was Kanmingwei and other things that have been inspected for decades, Master...may not be afraid Know!"

At this time, Xiao Hua’s token in his arms suddenly changed. Xiao Hua was very intolerant to take out the token, flew into the air, opened the circle, and saw the outside of the circle. The same is also intolerance. When I saw Xiao Hua, I yelled: "Xiao Hua, that is, today is the day when it is turned over to Yan Yancao. Why is it that the law is not open? It’s just a year before the lesson, you have forgotten. Not?"

"What?" Xiao Hua stunned, but he did not expect that he was only closed once, attacking the 12-layer barrier of refining, and by the way, refining the Buddha relic, it took a year! I saw Xiaohua’s eyes turn, and lost the smile: “Good teacher Zhen’s brother knows that the disciple’s late yesterday, I picked the sputum on the mountain early this morning, afraid of delaying the brother’s affairs, all...”

"Don't say it, I will bring it to Yan Yancao!" Zhen Ming shouted his hand.

"Oh, the brothers waited a little, the disciples left some, and they immediately picked them up!" Xiao Hua arched his hand and quickly flew back.

Fortunately, the shock is just a brow, not to follow, standing in the middle of the boring East to see the West!

However, for a long time, Xiao Hua was turning again. He handed over the storage bag and shocked it to open it. He handed an empty storage bag to Xiao Hua and asked: "What other grasses? Can it continue to grow?" ”

Xiao Hua knew that he would not come in and smiled: "Most of them seem to be unable to grow, but some have just sprouted!"

"Oh, I know that it is impossible!" Zhen Ming no longer said more, turned and flew back to Shuo Lei Temple.

Looking at the figure that Zhenming went away, Xiao Hua smiled lightly, took out the token, and closed the legal circle of Dongling. He urged the mana and applied the method of Thunder, and quickly went in the direction of Wanlei Valley!

Far away from the Yanyan Mountain, there is a towering mountain peak. This mountain is not the same as other peaks. There are no trees or grasses on the mountain, and there are only ice layers and mountains.

At the bottom of the mountain, there is a huge cave. From the top of the cave, a lot of thick icicles hanging from the human arm hang down to cover the cave.

At this time, in front of this cave, Jieqiong Fairy is carrying a number of disciples of the foundation period from the sky to the smooth ground.

"The ban will be opened!" Jie Qiong Xianzi's face has a hint of joy, but also has more confusion, whispered.

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Two older monks next to the two steps, each holding a crystal jade in their hands, the mana urged the place, the jade sent out the sky blue color, then, from Within the jade, each of them flew out the shadow of a half of a canary, each fanning a wing, it looked very strange, two and a half of the finch were merged together in the air, forming a complete ice floe immediately The disciples glanced at each other and urged the mana. They held their hands and said: "Go!"

The squirrel slammed into the icicles in front of the cave. The entire cave flashed a few celestial brilliances of the same sky blue, and it was annihilated. When the time was up, the many icicles disappeared, revealing the holes of the black hole!

Jie Qiong Xianzi does not seem to hesitate, his figure flies up and floats into the hole and flies down the mountain to the mountain.

The cave is very embarrassing, and it is also very deep. It takes a scent of incense to fly to a place like an ice palace. This is also a very large space. Everything inside is ice sculpture, or birds and beasts. Or famous flowers and plants, it is even more dusty, crystal clear.

Jie Qiong Xianzi flew to the center of the ice palace, in front of an exquisite house, took a hand, took out a token, and threw his hand on the door of the house. The token touched the cold door and immediately flashed. Out of the light, I did not enter. In a moment, the whole house melted strangely, revealing a round hole with a brilliance on the ground!

Jieqiong Fairy did not rush into the cave, but released the mind, and looked around and saw it, and flew into the cave!

After the cave, it is a cold and pierced deep hole. There are a lot of moonstones embedded in the four walls of the deep cave. In the cold, the brilliance of the moonstone is also bleak, as if it can't be far away.

Jie Qiong Xianzi also had a group of monks behind him as soon as he entered this deep hole, and immediately turned his eyes to the five refining monks who sat on the scattered knees around the deep hole!

"Hey!" Jie Qiong Xianzi took a shot, and the five monks opened their eyes at the same time, with a deep joy on their faces, looking at Jie Qiong fairy.

"You wait, this time the cultivation is here!"

"Yes, the disciples know, follow the ancestors." Five monks got up at the same time, one of them is Xiao Mao!

"Go, you wait for one person to bring one, and return to Jinyanling with your old body!" Jie Qiong fairy looks around, yells

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Five of the founding monks stepped forward and took the hand. Each of them grabbed a disciple and flew out of the deep hole with Jie Qiong.

I don’t know how far it is from Yanyan Mountain. There are countless birds and beasts flying leisurely in the mountains and forests. The sound of “When” sounds not only the birds and beasts, but also the white clouds. In the depths of the white clouds, at the end of the forest, above the mountains, in front of a splendid palace, a white monk is quickly entering the palace gate!

This person... is the foundation period... Li Zongbao.


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