Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 343: Love treasure

Chapter 343

And it is said that Li Zongbao is still the same kind of Fengshen as jade, and he did not appear to be embarrassed or proud because he was building a small age. Even the revered gift of the young disciples from the seven or eight layers of the refinement from the palace, he also A slight foot, smile nodded. This kind of humility is just like the spring breeze, which makes people feel warm.

Li Zongbao entered the palace and saw the empty inside of the palace. In the middle of the palace, a two-person incense burner was floating from the top. A monk with a thin back and a pure white hair sitting in front of the incense burner, seems to be lowering his head and closing his eyes. This monk is the master of Li Zongbao.

Li Zongbao did not dare to speak out, walked two steps lightly, stood within the door of the temple, and stood up.

After a while, a slightly old voice came from the incense burner: "Zongbao, you have been building the foundation for several years, but now the realm can be stabilized?"

Before the incense burner, the bow of the head turned against Li Zongbao did not know when he had turned around. A pair of bright and bright scorpions stared at Li Zongbao, very kindly asked.

Li Zongbao heard the words and walked a few steps. He came to see him. He smiled after the ceremony: "Good teachers know that the realm of the disciples has been stabilized as early as the second year. It has been steadily improving in the past few years. !"

"Well, that's good! Building a foundation is just a small beginning for you. Condensation is your real test. Building a foundation is no more than refining, and the details should be cultivated, not to be negligent!"

"The disciple understands, thank you Master for teaching!" Li Zongbao said very respectfully.

He also smiled and said: "A few years ago, the Xiguo line, although you have revealed that the whole refining is not a complete perfection, but in the past few years, the teacher has let you slow down the realm. Presumably, the previous mistakes have all been made up for it?"

"Exactly, Master!"

"Well! In the Baizhang Peak of Xiguo, you will kill the Devil of the Devil..." He said, but Li Zongbao was a wrinkle, and he was careful: "Master, the blood shadow demon is not a disciple." ..."

"哎~宗宝啊!" 珩洺 摇 摇 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为 为How can he annihilate the blood shadow? In the end, he is just taking advantage of the magic weapon. If you don’t reach out, it’s his luck. What is he doing?”

Li Zongbao blinked and was silent.

"Moreover, you are on behalf of me in the Baizhang Peak, representing me, and I am not only yours, but also my bliss! Just after you come back to tell the teacher, The teacher has already told the director of this matter. This is a great credit for my rap music after the battle of Yumo Valley. The head of the game has already been reported to Xianmeng at this time. I just don’t know why the award of Xianmeng has not been reached yet. It is intriguing!"

Looking at Master's white hair and his eager hope on his face, Li Zongbao sighed slightly and nodded. "The disciple understands! Master said it is true!"

"Oh, that's it! This is about the face of my bliss, how can it be lighter?" He said, but still shaking his head, glanced at the temple, and said: "The trip to the country You will find out the things that are clear, and you are very sympathetic to the teacher, and you are praised for the teacher several times."

"Is this nothing? Ming Yang... It’s easy to get into my bliss, and I’m just getting rid of it when I’m doing it. I’m afraid it’s sad in my uncle’s heart?”

"I can't talk about any sadness!" sighed a sigh: "But it's just thinking about your own blood. I want to bring more on the road of comprehension. Since I can't do it, naturally I have to stop! And you will do things." The reason for the discovery, but also let your teacher uncle a little missed. This is where he appreciates you!"

"In fact, when the teacher introduced him to the bliss, he persuaded him. The mortal has the mortal's pleasure, and the comprehension family has the means to cultivate the true family. My cult is not the same as them. A well-founded disciple who introduces a cultivating martial art is worthy of the support of the seedlings. It is of no benefit to Ming Yang and to your uncle!"

Hearing here, Li Zongbao’s mouth twitched slightly, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes. He whispered: “Actually... the disciple can understand the uncle’s uncle...”

"哼~" 珩洺 珩洺 : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 明白 明白 明白 ! Something. Now? It’s just the beginning of Jindan. Looking at this situation, although the family’s affairs have come to an end, he is now cutting off his troubles. If he is repaired, he can improve. But... the most appropriate time has been In the past, this was the birth of a baby, and I am afraid that it will be hopeless in this life!"

In the eyes of Li Zongbao, there is a faint ash of gray, which looks very painful, but this pain is quickly annihilated. How can you see it?

"For the teacher to call you this time, I am telling you, you have just sent a message to the Hui Shishu, Meng Guotai Qingzong hosted the meeting of Yuxian next year, and sent me an invitation to the bliss, your uncle took this. The selection of the disciple of the second feather fairy will, according to his thoughts, want to bring you a hand, let you be the deputy of the team leader, what do you mean?"

When Li Zongbao heard it, he first thought about it for a moment, Shen Sheng said: "The uncle of the uncle's kindness is the heart of the disciples, but this fairy sac is in the Mongolian country. This is the face of my bliss, and the disciples first built the foundation. How can a monk be a deputy? This is not appropriate for the uncle!"

That is a wave of hands, smiled; "You don't have to worry about these things, your teacher will not assign casually. The meeting of the feather fairy is just a gathering of disciples at the top of the refining, showing the strength of the door. And then talk to other disciples, even if there are any wins and losses in my eyes, it is also a child's trick, when it is not true! You are a disciple at the beginning of the foundation, it is appropriate to go."

Li Zongbao understands the meaning of Master. He has set foot on the foundation at a young age. He is an outstanding generation among the various factions in the country. He has become a deputy leader in the past. He does not have to take part in the exchanges and use his age to demonstrate the strength of the bliss. It is indeed a very good candidate.

So, Li Zongbao vowed: "But listen to the instructions of Master and Master!"

"Okay, then you should make some preparations, and learn and familiarize you with many of your instruments. The Fairy Fair will be held next year, and there will be disciples to inform you!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Li Zongbao nodded, and then asked again: "I don't know if this year's meeting of the feather fairy, is it the Xi country, the Mongolian country and my country?"

"Well, it's natural." He said with a sigh of relief: "When did the country participate?"

"What about the family? Do they participate?"

“Hey~ How can they be eligible to participate?” He said with a sneer: “The festival of feathers has always been a matter of cultivating the real martial art. What is the relationship with them?”

"Yes, the disciple understands, the disciple retire!" Li Zongbao did not dare to say anything more, and was ready to retreat after the ceremony.

At this time, he suddenly asked: "Zong Bao, can you have a breakthrough in "Love Love"?"

Li Zongbao smiled bitterly and whispered: "The disciple... I feel like I am going to break through, but always... there is a kind of barrier in front, let the disciple know the door and not enter it!"

"Dust edge! Devil!! Concerned!!!" 珩洺 did not hesitate to say: ""Love Baojian" is my Taizong best practice, it is the supreme way to repair Jindan. Read, to condense the basic law of Yuan Ying with a dust-free heart. Zong Bao, you have to be self-sufficient!"

"Disciple... Disciple knows!" Li Zongbao replied with a low head and a slight change.

After Li Zongbao retired, he only took a slight glance at the temple and turned around. He closed his eyes and adjusted his interest.

And said that Xiao Hua, leaving Dongling Medicine Park, the display of Thunder's technique, the speed is much faster than before, and flew straight to Wanlei Valley's helpless Dongfu, not waiting for him to land, a **** is swept, and God said Xiao Huaji is familiar, it is helpless, Xiaohua smiles on his face, and tries to release his own thoughts. Two gods have encountered one, and the helpless gods immediately shrunk back, just as if they were afraid of Xiaohua’s God’s thoughts were bad, and immediately, from the distance of the Dongfu’s place, the helpless laughter came over: “Ha ha ha, fruit is my disciple of Wan Leigu! Just one year broke through the realm of the twelve layers of refining This **** is also extremely authentic!"

Then, the helplessness and the shape of the sun appeared in the distance, and when it came to the front, Xiangyang also smiled on the face and said: "Congratulations to the younger brother!"

Xiao Hua rushed to the two to give a gift, and smiled: "This is the Master's teaching, and the master is supervising and powerful!"

"Ha ha ha!" Reluctantly laughed again, as if he really taught the general, then put his hand on the head: "Go down, your teacher has prepared a gift for you, and you see if it is right!"

As soon as he heard something, Xiao Hua immediately opened his eyes and smiled. With helplessness and Xiangyang, he entered Dongfu.

Within the Dongfu, Zhuo ** and 阎 Qing 涟 have already prepared the spirits and spirits, and seeing Xiao Hua naturally congratulations.

When everyone is seated, Xiao Hua’s nose smells the scent of the emerald green wine inside the wine glass. This fragrance is very refreshing and fragrant. It is more than the number of people who have tasted in the Xiangyang Dongfu. Times!

"Oh, no wonder the master brother, Master, this spirit wine, it is really good!" Xiao Hua secretly, his eyes are stuck on the glass!

"Coughing ~" helpless coughing, said: "Today is the joyful day that Wan Leigu has not had for many years! Xiaohua has been practicing hard and refining since I entered my Thunder Valley. Today is finally a stepping foot. The realm of the twelve layers of refining! Although there is no foundation, but the thoughts have already been born, and there is no scorpion to see Xiaohua’s cultivation. If it is not an accident, building a foundation is not a problem! It is... one foot has already stepped on Enter the base!"

Xiangyang’s face is also full of smiles, open mouth, want to say something, but hesitate and close, but helplessly put the wine glass in one fell swoop, smiled: “For my happy Thunder Valley, everyone to have a drink!”

"Thank Master!" Xiao Hua was happy, picked up the wine glass, and looked at everyone, waiting for the helpless people to drink the wine, and they also looked up and poured the spirits into the entrance.

As the spirits enter the throat, a burning sensation arises from the throat, and the feeling rushes to the forehead, as the spirits flow into the body.

"Ah?" Xiao Hua couldn't think of the sour spirit of this spirit, and didn't feel it out!



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