Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 346: Inexplicable fight

The 346th chapter is inexplicable

Ten days is a long time, and Xiaohua’s Thunder technique has not made much progress. This Thunder is not the same as the Thunder given by Sun, and there is a great difference in the first level of entry.

The thunder of the Thunder Palace is very detailed, and the law is also a mouthful. Many details are even somewhat mysterious. It is a simple practice that is not as simple as a martial art. Moreover, the Thunder's Thunder's technique is divided into nine layers: from the initial "蛰雷", "Wake the Thunder", "Ming Lei", to the mid-term "Yu Lei Xing", "Yu Lei", " Yu Lei Jing, and even the later "Lei Xing Sanjie", "Thunder more than six roads", "Thundering nine days", each realm name is very arrogant, each level of the record according to the speed of the Thunder must be faster More than one!

"***! The thunder of the poor road has just been cultivated to the first level, that is, the thunder and lightning, the speed is so fast, if it is cultivated to thunder for nine days, then ... but it is not clear how many times Ah! Isn’t it... faster than the light mentioned in the retrospective?” Xiao Hua looked a bit stunned. At this time, he also understood why his master had no choice but to hear the dry thunder to reward him. The law of the palace's thunder, why the expression at that time is so grateful!

However, although Xiao Hua’s heart thinks so, he can’t really put the Thunder and the light in a grade in the bones. I think that the hardships of the cultivation can be known, so it might be compared with the Thunder?

While thinking about Xiao Hua’s mind, in the eyes of the stars, the foundation-based monk once again showed his figure.

"Well, you come with me!" The monk saw Xiao Hua's stay in the mission, nodded.

"Yes!" Xiao Hua responded, followed the monk out of the Gonggong Pavilion, walked through several palaces, and came to a partial hall. Xiao Hua’s eyes had already seen a plaque in the temple, and the word “Qin Lei” was written.

Into the temple, there are no other people in the temple, only the temple is in the center of a incense burner, the incense burner at this time there is no incense sticks and so on, only an oval mouth of the mouth flashing thunder!

The monk brought Xiao Hua to the incense burner and pointed his hand: "You will throw your identity token inside!"

Xiao Hua said according to the words, the token floated out in the incense burner, and waited for Xiao Hua to catch it. The monk waved: "You come with me again!"

Next to the temple is some quiet rooms. Xiao Hua and the monk entered the quiet room. The monk waved his hand, and the whole quiet room flashed, and the door of the quiet room disappeared.

Look at the face of Xiao Hua's face unchanged, the brow's brow wrinkled, the eyeball turned a bit, and then a hand, in front of Xiao Hua's eyes, a white mirror appeared, the mirror is a monk's head!

"Can you see clearly?" asked the monk.

"Yes, the disciple saw it clearly!" Xiao Hua looked at her eyes and couldn't help but ask: "I don't know what the predecessors told the disciples to do?"

"Hey, the old man thought that your city was very deep. In the end, I couldn't help but ask!" The monk snorted from his nose and said, "You remember, wait a moment, you just lose to this one." Disciple can!"

"Defied this disciple?" Xiao Hua scratched his head, but he still nodded: "The disciple knows."

"The test of a moment is in the illusion! Presumably you have participated in the selection of disciples? It is similar to the illusion. No matter what method you use, as long as you lose to this disciple, you can complete the task! Don't owe it to the old man! "Seeing Xiao Hua nodded, the monk said again: "Then you will retreat here, and later there will be disciples coming to call you, you will go with them!"

Then the monk turned and left.

"That... other people?" Xiao Hua saw the monk waving his hand, and Guanghua flashed again, and couldn't help but ask again.

"Other people? Hey, you can do it!" The monk smiled and pushed the door open and went out.

Seeing the monk is unclear, Xiao Hua also knows that people do not want to say more, but since it is in the magic array, even if it loses, there will be no life threatening, and losing will also lose, Xiao Hua Don't care.

Sure enough, but the effort of a meal, a boy with about seven layers of refining came in, looked at Xiao Hua, and smiled: "Would the brothers participate in the selection?"

"Yes, please ask the younger brother to lead the way!" Xiao Hua got up and said.

"Please come with your disciple!" The boy had a smile on his face and led the way.

Out of the quiet room, the incense burner in the center of the temple is gone, and the place where the incense burner is located is now a square aura!

The aura has a fist size, and there are countless runes in it. There are flashes of electro-optic light around the rune, and the aura is white, and the mind can't pass.

"Senior brother, this selection is carried out within the illusion. The specific rules must be known to the brothers. Please ask the brothers to take out the identity token and step into this magical array. The brothers’ opponents will send the tokens as early as the brothers. At the time of entering the illusion, it has already been arranged!" The boy pointed his hand and smiled: "I wish the brothers a victory!"

"Oh, borrow the younger brother Ji Yan!" Xiao Hua arched his hand, he wanted to ask more: "What is this selection?" But also afraid of the good thing of the monk just now, I have to be a sullen gourd!

Xiao Hua took the identity token and stepped into the aura. He only felt that he had a flower in front of him. He had to enter the illusion when he participated in the selection. He then opened his eyes and was already in a desert!

Although I know that this is just a magical array, it can be a hot sun, a dry hurricane, and the fine white sand under the feet, real truth! Xiao Hua has not been to the desert yet. Seeing this, he squats down and explores a gravel. The gravel is very smooth. As Xiao Hua slowly releases his hand, the gravel flies in the air. With the wind blowing!

"***~ It's really interesting! I don't know where there is a desert in Xiaoyu, and find a time to experience it!" Xiaohua stepped on the foot, stepping on the desert, and then some of the quicksand next to it. Covered!

Just when Xiao Hua wanted to play again, an old voice sounded through the heavens and the earth: "The disciples, this time, there are three hundred and twenty disciples who participated in the selection. Two disciples will meet each round, and the fight is won. The disciple's three points, the lost disciple does not score, if the draw has a score, the final score of the top 20 disciples wins!"

"Okay, after the tenth, the fighting will begin, and every disciple will have this round of opponents!"

"Hey~" Xiao Hua listened to this, and there was no reason for his heart. To be honest, he went to Yu Leizong. In the past few years, he has been rushing to the 12th floor of the refining, but he is scattered. I don’t even think about it when I am repairing it. Moreover, there are also gods and there are still a few artifacts that can be used. If you don’t find someone to practice in this magical array, it’s a pity.

"If you lose to the disciple, and you don't want to win too much, don't you become?" Xiaohua already has a plan!

Subsequently, Xiao Hua took a hand and Xuan Tie was held in his hand.

Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s eyes were dozens of feet in front of him, and the light of the sun was slightly distorted. A short-skinned monk gradually appeared in the air!

"嘿嘿" Xiao Hua secretly sneaked in the heart, Xuan Tiezhen was immediately sent to his feet, slowly flew between the gravel to the monk, the desert sand is so big, Xiao Hua can not believe, the monk can use the gods The mysterious iron needle is found in the thousands of gravel.

The chunky monk gradually revealed his figure, and there was a slight brilliance around his body. Xiao Hua knew that this brilliance should protect the monk and avoid being killed by the other party as soon as it appeared!

The monk was back to Xiao Hua. When he turned around and saw Xiao Hua, his face was also flashed with a hint of vigilance. When the brilliance of the monk disappeared, the repair of the monk revealed that Xiao Hua did not know: "乖乖This is actually the pinnacle of the twelve layers of refining!"

At the same time, the monk naturally also saw Xiao Hua’s cultivation, and his face showed a light smile.

"This younger brother, the poor road is the dry leaf of the dry thunder palace, I don't know how the younger brother called it?" The monk smiled.

"Disciple Zhen Lei Xiaohua, I have seen my brother!" Xiao Hua also returned.

"Xiao Shidi is very courageous, so dare to sign up!" Dry leaves will wave a hand, a few yellow characters took out, mana reminder, hit on his body, but the words are non-stop: " However, it is no wonder that here is a magical array, not to hurt your life, it is also good to see the world!"

Xiao Hua wanted to ask about the choice of this dry leaf. He could listen to his words, and his heart raised a arrogance. "The monk who built the foundation period is not awkward, and still cares about the twelve layers of your refining." What? What did you ask me? You can kill them all!"

Want to finish, Xiao Hua mana reminder, the whole body floats up, flying away in the distance!

"Haha, Xiao Shidi, for the brothers, you know that you will be like this! Mo fear, don't be afraid, for the brothers only kill you, you will not hurt your life!" Dry leaves haha ​​laugh, the hand is another Shooting, a diamond-shaped instrument is in the hand, and at the same time, he is also urging flying, while chasing it up, while throwing the device in the air.

Once the diamond-shaped implement was released, it suddenly grew up, forming a three-foot short spear, surrounded by electric sparks that spurred Xiaohua's vest!

Seeing that Xiao Huafei did not have a short spear, the short spear tip was extended again. A few breaths would pierce Xiao Hua’s vest. The dry leaf face did not feel a slight smile: “I just encountered it when I entered the selection. A very weak one, I don’t know what to think about it, what are you doing? Is it to send points to the poor road?"

"Disease!~" The dry leaves slammed, and the gods read the short spears. The mana was a reminder. The tip of the spear was flashing lightly. It seemed to pierce the defense of Xiaohua's body.

But at this time, Xiao Hua’s figure was flashing, and it seemed to be extremely lightweight to escape the spear...



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