Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 347: Eliminated?

Chapter 347 is eliminated?

"Hey, this... how is it possible?" Dry leaves can't think of Xiaohua actually avoiding spears without using any mana. This is also the case. The **** of dry leaves has no time to drive the spear. That short spear is empty!

"哼~" Although the heart of the dry leaves is horrified, the heart is not taken for granted. The other party is just a disciple who has entered the 12th floor of the refining. It is not a star or a half worse than him!

It is a pity that his contempt has just risen. He has not driven the short spear again to chase Xiaohua. That Xiaohua actually flashed the spear while his body suddenly turned, actually... he flew over to him. !

"Ah? Lead the snake out of the hole?" The dry leaf was shocked again, but then it was sneer, and he took a hand and rushed to the storage bag to take out the sword. However, the scene that surprised him appeared, he just Take the flying swordsmanship out, Xiao Hua that was just a small two eyes, then I was shocked to the front, under the slender eyebrows, also in the eyes of the phoenix, it is the color of mocking!

"Oops, he... how is this... fast?" Dry leaves screamed badly, urging mana, and immediately sending out the swordsmanship! I know, the people Xiao Hua arrow generally squatted in front of the dry leaves, did not attack, but the body shape suddenly pulled up and flew toward the top of the dry leaves! What is left is just a big stack of yellow characters!

"What? What?" Eye Xiaohua flew high, and the attention of the dry leaves naturally followed! The fireballs that Xiaohua has sown are directly ignored by others!

"Booming ~" a series of fireballs burst around the dry leaves, the hot air waves will dry up the entire body shape of the dry leaves, although the dry leaves are shocked, the body flashes, but obviously, he There is no fear in the eyes. Although Xiao Hua uses the best fireballs of his own refining, after all, this is a fantasy. The aura of the world is not the same as the outside world. The power of the fireball burst is limited, and the dry leaves are already refining. In the late 12th floor, although it did not enter a perfect situation, ... God has already had some small achievements, and the mana can form a certain defense in the whole body. The fireball is afraid that it can not cause any substantial harm to him!

"Oh, it really is a high-level monk with 12 layers of refining!" Xiao Hua is also a slight glimpse, and then a wave of his hand, more fireballs around the dry leaves, this time Xiao Hua is not blind The chaos is scattered, but driven by the Buddha, and there is still a rule in the fireball!

"Is this your means?" The dry leaf laughed, and when Xiaohua smashed the fireball, the short spear also flew up!

Seeing Xiao Hua’s fireball smashed, the spear and spear tip shook, and like the squash squash, I suddenly wore several bursting fireballs on the spear!

"Ha ha ha ~" The dry leaves laughed, the spears shook again, and they had to pierce other fireballs. However, when the spear was pierced, the remaining fireballs were like fish, flying one below the dry leaves, and bursting near the legs of the dry leaves!

Feeling the violent vibration of the legs, the shape of the dry leaves is slightly squatting. "Do you know that this is a concentrated attack? However, if you only rely on the fireball, you must take a 12-layer refinery. I am afraid that it is a little delusion! "The dry leaves are sneer, but then he is shocked: "Hey, is there a device for this?"

However, when he was suspicious in the heart of the dry leaf, he was not far from the sky, and Xiao Hua’s hand also came up with a triangular instrument!

"Oh, it was there!" The dry leaves were steady. At this time, several fireballs burst at the same time, and the defense of his body was blown up a bit. The dry leaves were a reminder of the mana. In the meantime, a huge force is born in the place where the fireball breaks, and the force is great, and it is extremely sharp. The defensive brilliance that has been weakened cannot stop the penetration of the force!

"Bad!" The dry leaf just had time to bow down. I haven't seen anything in the fireball that pierced my leg. The whole body was black, and the whole figure disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, it was already in the hall. !

"***!" The dry leaf is almost to jump, he feels that he has not yet applied any magical powers, how... is it eliminated? Xiao Hua just flies faster, but there are more excellent fireballs. I don’t even seem to see the instruments in his hands. Moreover, look at the surroundings, the first step he was eliminated, is the middle of the 12th layer of refining, how can there be a late stage like him?

Suddenly, the dry-leaf vest gave birth to a cold sweat, and the teeth trembled: "Hey, it’s hard to be... This is a two-piece instrument? One in the hand, the one that killed me? He... really... Can you use the mind to drive two pieces of the instrument? That... that can't be done by the predecessors of the early days of the building?"

"This... If I met it in other places, even if I am a high-ranking man, it will not be his opponent. The problem is that he has just refining twelve layers, it should be the **** who just gave birth. Mind, how can I drive two pieces of the instrument? Well, the piece in the hand is definitely intended to be covered, and the one under me is the real implement! Oh, it’s not awkward to lose in such a big opponent. !"

The dry leaves are unexpected, not only the black iron needles and the whisk, but even those scattered fireballs are controlled by Xiao Hua's Buddhist knowledge. This is a lot harder than controlling two instruments.

And Xiaohua, who is in the fantasy territory, will eliminate the dry leaves, and there is no joy in his heart. He will take a hand, and the black iron needle will be in his hands. He will hold two pieces of instruments in his hand, and his eyes will be fixed on the disappearance of the dry leaves. The place, the brows are crumpled, and after a moment, I shook my head slightly. The dark road said: "The dry leaves are just the disciples of the twelve layers of refining. The defense of the whole body is so strong. My best fireball symbol can make him change color. I can't let him avoid his edge and cause confusion. Well, even if he is confused, these fireballs will be scattered and can't produce the expected effect, which will open the defense for my black iron needle. I... still much more Think about it, the opponent is not refining seven or eight layers in the future..."

Thinking, Xiao Hua stood quietly in the air, let the wind sand cover him!

"Maybe... still rely on the dust?" Xiao Hua thought about it, the law was moved, the mana was everywhere, and a khaki brilliance flew out of the dust, and there was a fine grain in the Guanghua. Guanghua is everywhere, and the wind and sand over the desert is swept away, revealing a clean sky!

"Hey? Xiaoye thought of it!" Looking at the adobe brilliance just passing by, and the sky covered by the wind and sand, Xiao Hua suddenly jumped in his heart and remembered something!

At this time, the heavens and the earth suddenly cleared down, and the sand in the desert was no longer sounded. One voice sounded through the sky: "The disciples, the first round has ended, the disciples who have won the record have already recorded the points, please discard the disciples who have gone out to enter the magic array. , ready to start the second round of fighting!"

"Ha ha ~" Xiao Hua knows that he is only awakened at this time, more than 200 people, two or two fights, that is more than 200 games, not afraid of losing their lives, where do you want to find opportunities? Just as he laughed, Xiao Hua’s brilliance flashed around, not knowing where it was assigned to the Magic Array, and not far from him, the dry leaves showed his figure!

"Hmmm?" Xiao Hua was black in front of her eyes, waiting for the light to shine again. Unfortunately, the surrounding area of ​​Xiaohua did not shine for a while, still dark!

"This is..." Xiao Hua Wei Wei, suddenly a horror came from the top of his head, Xiao Hua was not careful, the body shape should be evaded, but it is still late, a huge unrivaled pressure From top to bottom, he pressed his shoulders back and waited for death. This pressure is not simply a force, but more is the solidification of mana. Xiao Hua naturally refuses to accept the loss. Divine power makes use of it. At this time, a beautiful female figure with a faint light appeared in front of his eyes. Through the light, Xiao Hua could see clearly. The female repairer was also a disciple of the 12th-level refining, in the hands of the disciple. A flying sword quickly stabbed to his chest.

"***!" Seeing that he could not fight back, the failure was imminent, Xiao Hua did not feel a smile, he only thought of God, and swept the Buddha out! Sure enough, this is a dark and endless mid-air. It can't be seen clearly by the naked eye. It can only rely on God! In the darkness of the sky, a big seal is hanging in the air, pressing it to death!

Poor Xiao Hua, when people have already released the implements and ready to start, he still wants to wait for the light, it is a strange thing not to be eliminated!

At this time, Xiao Hua lost the trace of Guanghua, and the light was shining in the hall of Qin Lei!

"***" Look around there is no trace of people around, Xiao Hua smiled, not to mention, he was the first to be eliminated.

At this time, Xiao Hua’s eyes swept over, and the monk who had just brought him came as if he had just passed through the temple, and he looked at himself inadvertently.

Seeing the monk’s eyes swept away, he no longer cares about himself. Xiao Hua’s heart also understands that he can see a few of his founding disciples standing in the distance. He also bowed his head and thought: “What is this selection? It seems that the illusion of this selection is different. If you release the thoughts early, it will not be so passive! The instrument of the female repair is of course powerful, and the power of the young master is not vegetarian! It seems... ...this **** will be released afterwards!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua did not want to delay the time, sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and thinking about the means to deal with it later! As the disciples who have been defeated are getting more and more, the surroundings are beginning to be awkward. The whispered arguments are all sent out among the discerning disciples! But in these noisy, a voice screamed with some horror: "Hey, is it... Xiao Hua? You...have you already refining twelve layers?"

That voice is the voice of a female disciple. It doesn't sound familiar. Xiaohua is a bit strange, looking at the sound...



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