Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 348: Leave

Seeing a cold face of melon seeds, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that this female disciple is Xue Xue’s teacher!

At this time, the repair of 巽纾 is already the late stage of the 12th layer of refining!

When Xiao Hua saw that it was awkward, Xiao Hua’s face was smiling and he said, “It’s the original teacher!”

"You..... Xiao Hua, before you entered my Royal Leizong, was it really a loose repair?" He was not rude, and his eyes stared straight at Xiao Hua, and he asked directly.

The sound of the cricket is not small, and several people in the near future have already heard it. I don’t feel it all over here!

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, knowing that this is a disciple of Emperor Lei Zong, not suffering from the hurricane and blood in the real world. Although it is very high, it is still worse. I had to look around and down, and lowered my voice: "My good teacher, can you lighten it?"

Xiao Hua’s words are very unintentional, and there is not much meaning. I can listen to it. The first thing in the eye is a sigh. It is anger, but the anger is not yet born. A shyness is flashing on her cheek. However, the shame was just missing between the fingers, and the previous glory was restored. At this time, Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and kept the whisper: "Before, this is a loose repair, and there is no hidden heart. These Xue Snow is also known. Can you not say this in person? You know that many people are biased against the practice!"

Hearing Xue Xue’s name, he gave a strange brilliance in his eyes, and then, it was an uncharacteristic nod; “It’s a poor road to neglect! Xiao Shidi is strange!”

After that, the arched hand turned and left!

"Hey... 巽纾 姊 姊 ...... ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Exploring the news in the mouth!

However, he was deaf to the call of Xiao Hua. Still steadily leaving!

"***, the poor road did not offend you?" Xiao Hua put down his arms and looked forward to narcissism: "Just let you call the poor road to disperse, you have such a big temper? Needless to say, it is more than Xue Xue, that is ......"

Between the thoughts, Xiao Hua thought of the Hongxia fairy...

"The disciples, the third round of fighting began..." A voice rang above the main hall. It is exactly the same as the sound in the magic array.

Xiao Hua rushed to the aura, but he just stepped. There are dozens of hundreds of red-red filaments flying in the aura between them. It is the light of the strip that falls on everyone's body. Then the whole aura flashes, everyone disappears, and it is empty. The hall!

Xiao Hua only felt that it was black again. This time, he did not dare to care about it. He released the Buddha early, but unfortunately, at the same time his eyes were bright, and his eyes were all blue, just about ten feet in front of him. A female monk dressed in a blue dress, holding a rod of dust in her hand, looked at herself thoughtfully!

"It is the late 12th layer of refining!" Xiao Hua saw the other side's cultivation, and the mind already had a plan. Archer: "Dr. Xiaohua, a disciple, I have seen a teacher!"

"Well, you don't have to be polite, the poor road is away from the thunder palace. Since the younger brother is here to participate in the selection, then you don't have to worry about anything. The poor roads are not merciless, please!" The water flow of a water tank actually hit Xiaohua along the swing of her dust.

“Hey?” Xiao Hua saw this method of using the device for the first time. The hand will also take out the dust, and the mana will push it. A khaki brilliance rushed out of the dust and greeted the water!

"Booming" is actually a big sound, and the thousands of particles in Guanghua keep shaking to block the flow of water!

"Oh, Xiao Shidi really has some means." It’s a slap in the face, and it’s an understatement. The water flow is divided into ten, just like a water dragon, hovering around the khaki glory, bypassing 墣The block of dust hits Xiao Hua from all directions.

"Hey!" Xiao Hua was busy with his hands, and his hands were swaying. The dusty Guanghua left the right block, and the front side leaked the right side. The "Peng" sounded several times, and the water hit the Xiaohua body. In different parts, the force of the water flow is extremely great, and he will be beaten to the west. The brilliance of the defense against Huang Fu is also flashing and flashing, and he wants to annihilate!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, urging mana, and his body shape immediately flew to heaven. He took a hand and took out the yellow body of the bodyguard. Then he was again a glimpse. The six best fireballs were motivated by him. Six different directions are directed.

"Weird, this fireball... How do you miss it?" Seeing that the fireball did not directly hit his body, it was slightly stunned, but the dust in her hand was not slow, and there was another The water flow was taken up by her in the air, and it was also divided into ten trickles to attack Xiao Hua’s body.

"Booming" has six loud noises, and six fireballs burst open around the body.

"Haha, Xiao Shidi, you still have to practice more than this god!" Since the words have just been exported, I suddenly feel that the hot waves generated by the fireballs are coming from all directions, and the waves are actually around her. They are all sealed, and there are no gaps in escape!

"哎哟!!!" was shocked by the stunned, very a little horrified glance at Xiao Hua, she does not think that Xiaohua's six fireballs are missed!

Yes, the orientation of the six fireballs of Xiaohua is exactly the same as that of the six legal disks of the dry fire. It is also a trick that Xiao Hua just thought of! I only tried it a little now, but it worked!

Under the huge air and waves, the brilliance of the shackles of the shackles gradually disappeared. At this moment, among the turquoise waves, a thin black light rises with the wind and waves, and it is the black iron needle of Xiao Hua.

Although he was in danger, he was not in a hurry. Just under the pressure of the air and waves, when he broke through the defense of the whole body, I saw that she would sneak a glimpse of it, and a water pattern with a light blue brilliance appeared in her. Around the water, once the water pattern appeared, the heat around the cockroach immediately fell, and the heat wave of the fireball was washed away without a trace!

"Hey, water is a fire! My fireball is exactly what her spells are!" Xiao Hua saw the water ripples appear, knowing that the black iron needle could not be built, the Buddha knew everywhere, and the black iron needle was introduced into the water wave. in!

In the hands of Xiao Hua at this time, there are whisks, sights and spirits. It is a pity that in addition to the dust, the spirit crow fire net does not have a sacrifice, and the sight of the view seems to be only able to watch, and can not attack, Xiao Hua is somewhat poor!

"Can't you always take out the magic gun tip?" Xiao Hua secretly said: "Do you want to get rid of this by flying?"

Just thinking about it, I saw the dust and movement of the shackles, but this time it was different. There were actually a dozen more slender water streams separated from the water waves, and the color was darker!

"It's not over yet!" Xiao Hua will push the dust, the khaki brilliance does not attack, flew to the top of Xiaohua's head and fell around, just wrapped Xiaohua in it!

"Ha ha ~" See Xiaohua defense, a slap in the face, a dozen waters hit the light curtain, "咔咔咔" a few bursts of sound, the light curtain actually began to freeze!

"Not good!" Xiao Hua secretly, will wave his hand, is about to remove the Guanghua far away, and the dozens of water flow is under the urging of the shackles, actually formed a sparkling around Xiaohua Ice hockey, completely sealed Xiao Hua inside!

"Hey, is this trying to trap Xiaoye?" Xiao Hua sneered, his hands moving, and a purple flame was quietly born. However, the flame was just revealed, it was extinguished, Xiao Hua smiled; "but it is just a Fighting the law, not on the elegant, is it necessary for Xiaoye to shake things out?"

Then, I heard the voice of Xiao Hua: "Shi Yan, Shi Yan, the younger brother begged for mercy! The teacher is really a supernatural power, the younger brother admire!"

"Haha, there is nothing. You have been fighting the poor road for so long in the early 12th floor. If you practice for a few more years, you will not be able to go to the end of the 12th floor of the refining!" When you see it, you will be stunned and said: "In fact, you still have a loss on the implement. After you have improved it, ask your master to find a good implement!"

"Well, thank you teacher for reminding me!"

"Okay, take your token out!" said Yu Li: "If the mana is activated, you can transfer it to the Qin Lei Hall!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiao Hua took out the token, and the mana was everywhere, and was immediately sent out.

Next, I don’t know how long it has been fighting. Xiao Hua has changed hundreds of illusions. Each illusion is different. There are mountains, caves, trees, slopes, and even stars, seabed and magma. in. His opponents have also changed hundreds of them. There are men and women, and there are handsome and ugly, but they are all repairs of twelve layers of refining, and half of them are refining twelve layers. Different, the means of excelling are also different. Fighting with these opponents has really benefited Xiao Hua. It is not only the experience of fighting, but also the control of the implements.

Of course, in these hundreds of battles, Xiao Hua did not fully come up with his true skills. For the lower part of the 12th layer of refining, Xiao Hua casts a spell of the instrument, which can generally be successfully killed. For the enemy in the late 12th layer of refining, if the method is powerful, Xiao Hua will perform the flight. Fighting with people, his flying skills are so powerful, the foundation-based monks can't catch up, he doesn't have to use the whole body's mana, only the enemy's implement can't catch up with himself!

However, when I saw the end of the selection, Xiao Hua met both the embarrassment and the Wang Yunxuan, Yuan Bo and Yu Ge in the late 12th floor of the refining, but it did not meet the monk’s disciple!

Of course, when Xiao Hua saw it, he did not speak. He directly took out the token and urged the mana to send it out. Since people don't give themselves a good face, why do they ask more? Xiao Hua didn't know, watching the back of his transmission, the expression that couldn't be said on his face, the gaze for a long time!


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