Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 349: Wan Lei

As for Yuan Bo and others, although the surface is very polite, it can be unsatisfactory. Xiao Hua will find out that this selection is a disciple who chooses to go out and practice, and immediately take out the token and send it! Nonsense, I am not in the late stage of the 12th layer of refining, what do you go out to experience? It’s better to hide in the hole in the hole, and improve your mind!

Fortunately, after encountering Wang Yunqi and others, it was not long before Xiao Hua killed a few disciples in the middle of the 12th layer of refining, and finally met the disciples mentioned by the Zhuji monk!

But seeing this slightly lower disciple in front of him, Xiao Hua stunned!

It’s not that this disciple is handsome, not this disciple... It’s too ugly, but the disciple’s cultivation... It’s also the beginning of the 12th floor! Of course, it is the early stage of the mid-term, not the initial stage of Xiao Hua!

"***, didn't you make a mistake?" Xiao Hua sneered at it. It turned out that the monk who built the foundation would give this disciple himself... the green leaves are coming! ! ! But is it going out to experience? Is it necessary to do such a big move? This kind of cultivation, even if it is out, is not the soul of the people in the hands? It is better to practice in the Royal Leizong!

Thinking, Xiao Hua no longer hesitated, mana urged, and sent himself out, and behind him, the disciples did not have any horror on their faces, as if they were very ordinary!

It was after the end of several selections. The disciples of Qin Lei Dian explained that the results of the selection would take a few days to come out. When they were sent to their respective masters, they would let everyone go. Xiao Hua did not go out of his mind, of course, did not care about what results, first class diligent disciples finished, other disciples are still talking, he left the Qin Lei Temple, behind him, rushed to chase After a few times, he was stopped by other divisions. This is a little hesitant to stop!

Xiao Hua came out of Lei Xianfeng, and he said that he flew directly to Wanlei Valley and flew on the road. Xiao Hua gave a sigh, but he felt unlucky: "***, but it is just a copy of the Thunder." It took a month to spend, it’s not worth it! This month’s practice. Xiaoye’s fear is that he has to improve a lot?”

However, as soon as I changed my mind, Xiao Hua was delighted. This selection of myself was really more than 200 battles with 200 disciples. This is not a quiet practice and can be cultivated!

"Hey. I don't know if Master is still angry. It's been a month! But Master's affairs are busy, is it afraid to be in Wanlei Valley?" Xiao Hua thought about seeing the helpless Dongfu! During the month, Xiao Hua was in the illusion, and he did not realize the Thunder's technique. The first layer of Thunder's technique was thunder. It is also a small success.

Sure enough, there is no one in the helpless Dongfu, but helplessness and Zhuo** are not there. Only Xiangyang smells Xiaohua. Come out from Dongfu.

"Hey, Master! Is Master still angry?" Xiao Hua asked as soon as he met.

"I don't know for my brother. I didn't come back after Master left. The mother was also out a few days ago." Xiangyang shook his head: "Little brother, how come you come today?"

"Hey, you see!" Xiao Hua took out Yu Jian and handed it over, his face smug. A look of appearance!

I don’t understand the sun, I read it with God. His face was awkward and he quickly said: "This is the most complete Thunder of my Royal Thunder." How do you get the hand?"

"Master, is it the decree of the younger brother?" Xiao Hua did not explain.

"Fast, fast, and quickly return this thing. This Thunder's Thunder's technique is the origin of my Royal Leizong Thunder's technique. Without the sovereignty of the Sovereign, you can't practice, you..." Xiangyang only realized that he was not angry. "Is this the Lord's promise?"

"Hey, the master is actually thinking about it?" Xiao Hua touched his nose and smiled.

"You are a naughty ghost!" Xiangyang waved his hand and threw it to Xiao Hua. He said: "Master has been thinking about this Thunder technique for many years. When you see this jade, even if you are angry, it will disappear immediately. !"

Say, Xiangyang will take a shot, and a Rayong note will be sent out.

Xiao Hua stopped him and smiled: "Master, you said that we will give the Master personally, will he be more surprised?"

"Hey? Yeah!" Nodded to the sun, his face was eager to try, and said with a smile: "I will wait for this!"

However, when Xiao Hua flew in the air, Xiangyang suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, Master?" Xiao Hua asked strangely.

"It’s not right, it’s not right!" Xiangyang had two wrong things. He shook his head and said: "The thunder of Wanlei Valley is the most injurious to the people. When the brother was... it was wrong to build the foundation. Why did Master never take you? That is the reason!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hua was even more curious and lost his smile: "Master has already passed the lightning protection technique of the younger brother Wan Leigu. Every time the younger brother comes to the master, he is used here. The younger brother is not afraid of the silent thunder, but also afraid of Wan Leigu. Thunder?"

Xiangyang still shakes his head: "It's not the same, it's different. The reason why Wanlei Valley is called Wanlei Valley is that there are 10,000 kinds of Tianlei's voices, which can best reflect the power of heaven and earth, but wherever you come to Wanlei Valley The monks are all impressed by the heavens and the earth. If there is no defense in advance, the heart or the road will be damaged. You have not built the foundation, it is best not to go!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, whispered: "Would you like... Let's not go too close? You can call Master out. And Master sees me and goes in person, even if it is angry, it will disappear!"

Seeing the hesitation of Xiangyang, Xiao Hua patted his chest and said: "Master, if the Master punishes, the younger brother will take the lead!"

"Fat words~" Xiangyang screamed and put his hand: "Go!"

"Ha ha ~" Xiao Hua smiled, following the Xiangyang is to fly in the direction of Wanlei Valley.

Although the helpless Dongfu is already the scope of Wanlei Valley, there is still a very long distance from Wanlei Valley. With the flying speed of Xiangyang, it has actually flown for more than half an hour.

"Hey, it’s so far!" Xiao Hua secretly said: "No wonder no one wants to come! And... there are silent thunders around, who will come?"

Xiao Hua secretly took out the token, and sure enough, in the map of the token, this is a dangerous place!

"Booming" is faint, a burst of sounds from the distance, and then the sound is sharp and dense, like knocking on Xiao Hua's heart.

"The younger brother is careful!" Although Xiangyang knows that Xiao Hua knows how to avoid lightning, he still reminds him.

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua urged the mana to increase the lightning protection by more than 30%. So, the voice is still in the ear, but Xiao Hua’s heart is not heavy!

It was a moment of flying, and the thunder was even more bizarre. After a while, the waves were shot on the shore, and the drums were bursting for a while, and then how was the ice landing? The thunder of all kinds of sounds kept coming into the ear, and various chaos also entered Xiaohua. The mind! His lightning protection technique gradually became useless, his hands and feet were soft and the mana was hard to sustain!

"Big...Master!" Xiao Hua didn't dare to be too reluctant, calling out: "The younger brother dare not go any further!"

"Good!" Seeing the sun, stopping the flight, taking a shot, the thunder light notes are sent, and then waiting in the air.

Seeing that the phonetic notes flew away, Xiao Hua sat in the air in the air and closed his eyes. Although he was just refining the early 12th floor, he couldn’t say that mana is worse than the sun, but Xiangyang is in this thunder. There is nothing in the sound, but he can't do it. The problem is very obvious. It is the difference between the true spirit and the real yuan!

"It seems that we must hurry to build the foundation!" Xiao Hua thought, secretly made up his mind, but at this time, the silent thunder is still overwhelming, and at the same time, the thunder in the ear is the same. Just like the impact of the Jin Ge Iron Horse, two different types of thunders overlap, so that Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the boat that he had just barely swam was in danger of drowning!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua was shocked. He knew that if he was lost, his heart would definitely be damaged, and the road would definitely go backwards.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to care about it. He didn't have time to make a sound. The figure was suddenly pulled up, and the thunder's technique was displayed.

Xiao Hua’s change of the sun is naturally discovered, but seeing Xiao Hua actually exhibits the thunder, and... still thunder! ! That speed is much faster than myself! More strange, actually on the spot! Until Xiao Hua’s body shape was almost gone, Xiang Yang was awakened, his face with an extremely complicated look, and his flying skills were chased up!

Although Xiao Hua used the Thunder to fly in midair, it was still half a moment slower than the thunder. At the beginning of the moment, all the thunder suddenly drowned him! Xiaohua’s mind suddenly became a mess! ! Thunder rushed into his ear and rushed into his mudball palace...

At this critical moment, the part of Xiaohua's mud pill palace, the trace of the Buddha's relic was actually under the impact of thunder, shining, and at the same time, a faint burst of Sanskrit was born from the head of the Buddha's relic, will be that Ray The sound was covered up a lot, and Xiao Hua’s mind immediately pulled out from the mess! ! !

"He ***, this Thunder Valley ... really amazing!" Xiao Hua body shape, the heart has a lingering thought.

When the thunder was small in his ear, his mind was also stable. Xiao Hua quickly checked his own repairs. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Oh... this Buddha relic..." When Xiao Hua saw the Buddha's relic in his mind, he actually found out that the extremely light imprint, under the impact of thunder, had a slight increase! In other words, the thunder of this Thunder Valley is a cultivation that helps Baye Ling’s chanting! !

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua just calmed down, did not feel great, and secretly smiled: "The so-called Sai Wen lost the horse knows the blessing? This Thunder Valley thunder is harmful to the poor road cultivation, but ... can not think of the Buddha relic The cultivation is a big supplement!"


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