Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 355: Picking device

Graying Astronomy Then, helplessly got up and said: "Go, go to the Shuo Lei Temple as a teacher, you go to pick the instruments, go for the teacher. Find a familiar refiner!"

Xiao Hua also thought that there was no such thing as anxious, and naturally he was happy. To Zhuo ** and other people to say goodbye, followed by helpless flight to Shuo Lei Temple.

Along the way, helpless seems to be studying the flight of Xiao Hua, the speed is very fast, almost no retention, Xiao Hua did not display the thunder, but the speed is not too slow, although it is unable to catch up with helplessness, but still let the helpless I laughed and didn't close my mouth.

Waiting until the Shuo Lei Temple, helplessly call the disciples of the chores to explain the situation, the disciple checked the record and said: "It turned out that the disciple who represented me at the Thunder Palace to participate in the Yuxian Conference, really let me wait for envy. The younger brother waited a little, and the poor road informed the deacon! The place where the instruments are collected is very important. There is no deacon to personally lead, and others cannot open the prohibition!"

Said, the disciple sent the message, but for a moment, the deacon of the big waist was shocked, and the deacon was obviously helpless, and he congratulated after the ceremony.

In the past few years, there have been so many compliments, and the mouths that have been closed together have become even more open. The words in the mouth are "disciples who are not good at the road." The look on the face is full of pride. Where is the device? It’s just a tight thing! However, it is no wonder that it is self-satisfied, that is, the shock and the disciples of the disciples are also surprised. This earthquake has not known how many times in the past. All the disciples who participated in the Yuxian Conference are all the twelve peaks of refining. Master, where has Xiaohua, a disciple who has just set foot on the 12th floor of the refining?

Of course, there are occasionally disciples who have been in the mid-twelfth stage of refining to obtain the qualification of the Yuxian Conference. But... those disciples are also the same as the disciples of the Royal Leizong, their masters or masters, which one is not helpless!

"The disciples of this poor road will be handed over to the brother of Zhen Zhen. If he is not obedient, you can teach it. Just take the shot for the poor." Helplessly hold Xiaohua's hand. He said to the shock: "There are some things in the poor road to go elsewhere, and come back to pick him up later! I hope that the brothers will take care of them."

Some of them are shocking and ridiculous, and they are hand-in-hand: "There is no help for the younger brother. Although it is the matter of these disciples, it is the thing of these disciples, that is, the poor road does not go in. The poor road even wants to take care of it. I don't know how to start." !"

"Hey, Xiao Hua is still young. I don't know what the right device is. If the brother has a chance, I still want to remind me!"

I was shocked to hear that I knew that I wouldn’t leave if I didn’t say anything. I just laughed and said: “The poor road knows. Let’s go!”

This is of course a coping and perfunctory, but the heart is also clear, but in my ears, my heart is finally relieved, arched, and ordered a few words of Xiao Hua. This is leaving!

Waiting for help, I will take a look at Xiao Hua, and the silk on my face will gradually go away. I will put my hand in the hand: "You come with me!"

Said. The head did not go back to the inner hall, but the disciples just stood in the same place, not following.

It is no stranger to Shuo Lei Temple Xiao Hua, but also has been there several times, but they are not deep, they are all staying on the main hall. This time, with the shock and slowness, I realized that this Shuo Lei Temple is really wide and took a fragrant work. I don't know how many disciples who have been greeted by the ceremony, and I don't know how many corridors I pass through. This stopped at the door of another partial hall.

Shocked to the door of this poor road, the temple door is closed. As usual, there is no mana fluctuation. Xiao Hua knows that this is where the instruments are stored, and that the fun stops.

I saw a shocking shot of the storage bag, took out my identity token, and the other hand swayed and hit the door of the partial hall.

"呜~" The sound of a giant cymbal, the hall door flashes gradually deformed, and the sound of the beast is screaming again, and the sound of the screaming sounds, the temple door is also deformed, it is a long mouth with a big mouth, closed A monster with eyes.

"Hey? What is this ban?" Seeing this lifelike beast head in front of him, Xiao Hua feels a little weird, never heard of the fact that the array is a spirit beast.

When I saw the head of the beast, it seemed that the shock did not dare to neglect, and the token in my hand was thrown into the mouth of the monster. After a moment, the monster slowly closed his mouth, but the closed eyes slowly opened. Waiting for the gaze to see the shock, the monster seems to show a shock and shock, seeing a mouth, a slap of the real life sprayed onto the left eye of the monster, and then shocked the right hand, the 诀 诀 掐, successive Constantly hitting the right eye of the monster

With the impact of the shocking method, the monster's right eye gradually blue, and the left eye turns red when the life of the life is injected!

Waiting for the monster's two eyes, one is similar to pure red, the other is similar to pure blue, and the monster's big mouth that appears at the entrance of the temple suddenly opens, and then sees the shock and grabs the hand to the monster's mouth, a brilliance Flashing, his identity token was taken out, and then, a red and blue brilliance slowly extended from the monster's mouth, it was a narrow light path!

The red and blue roads extended to the shocking feet and did not move. Shocking will give you a finger, to Xiao Huadao: "Take your identity token out of the storage bag, the storage bag stays here. From this step, the instruments used by the refining disciples are in the first Within one room, the other rooms are all owned by the disciples above the base period. There is a forbidden block in the middle. Your identity token cannot pass, and you must not force it. In addition, as a disciple attending the Yuxian Conference, you are only qualified to pick one. Pieces of the instrument, do not take it!"

"Xie Deacon!" Xiao Hua arched his hand, took the identity token out of the storage bag, handed the storage bag to the shock, looked at the light path under the foot, and lifted the leg to step on it.

Hesitant and hesitant, but also whispered: "In fact, the quality of the instrument can not be judged by the appearance, many very inconspicuous implements may have a very powerful power! In addition, there are some in the east room. Broken instruments, some of which are fragments of magic weapons..."

The shocking words were vague, and Xiao Hua nodded slightly, stepping on the light path.

Sure enough, not to Xiaohua's step, the light road automatically shrinks, bringing Xiaohua into the mouth of the monster, and when Xiaohua's figure has just disappeared into the beast, the same two-color spot is like a drizzle in Xiaohua. On the body, and the identity token in Xiao Hua’s hands gives off a faint brilliance, and the light is inhaled.

Behind the mouth of the beast is the hall door that Xiao Hua saw before. Xiao Hua went forward and pushed his arms hard. The temple door opened silently!

Reflected in Xiao Hua's eyes, it is a large hall. There are many large and small bubbles floating in the hall. The bubbles are transparent. There is a ruler and a jade in each bubble.

"Ha ha" Xiao Hua saw it, and his heart was overjoyed. Before flying on the body, he waved his hand and found a bubble. The bubble flew to Xiao Hua’s eyes. I saw Xiao Hua’s hand, and it was easy to reach into it. Waiting for Xiao Hua to take out a normal instrument in the flute, the bubble does not fly away, but stops in front of Xiao Hua.

According to Yu Jian's book, this flute is a rare sound attacking instrument. With the temperament, the enemy can be caught in the illusion. "With the temperament?" Xiao Huadeng thought of the lyrical ancestor of the 艮雷宫. The dark channel: "Is it afraid that only the ancestors of the ancestors can use this instrument?"

Subsequently, Xiao Hua put the flute and jade into the bubble, and the bubble slowly flew away!

Later, Xiao Hua found a few pieces of instruments in the hall, some were long whip, some were plates, and there was a pair of armor that looked very refined, but Xiao Hua didn’t feel very ideal, then look at the air in the hall. So many bubbles, Xiao Hua is very frowning, this one is looking for, it is very troublesome, and God can not pass the bubble, can only take the instrument out of the bubble to know the specific effect, it seems that the earthquake It’s really reasonable to say what you said.

When he wanted to find it again, on the west wall, he saw a red and blue light path extending out.

"Oh? This is the way to the inside!" Xiao Hua has some envious look, knowing that it should be the instrument used by the monks in the base period, and even inside it may be the magic weapon used by the monks of the Golden Age!

"Well, first go to the east room to see, since the deacon reminded, maybe there are any good things? Even the debris of the magic weapon may be worse than the weapon!" Xiao Hua immediately turned his eyes to the east side of the hall. A small door.

The inside of the door is very different from this hall. It is very common. Just like the room where ordinary people put things in the house, the rough tables are placed on the table, and the table is full of strange and broken! No, it is broken, Xiao Hua first saw what a flying sword looks like, but the tip of the sword has long since disappeared. Looking at the side of the flying sword, it seems to be a diamond-shaped method, but in the middle of the legal disk, it is broken. A small hole.

"Oh, it’s really a fragment!" Xiao Hua smiled and used the **** to read it. He only felt that the fluctuation of mana on the broken things in this room was very strong, but the fluctuation was not regular. I thought the magic weapon had been destroyed. The law is also broken.

"How come there is no jade?" Xiao Hua used his mind to look at the many magical pieces of the room that were furious, and suddenly thought.

"Oh, no wonder these magical pieces are not wanted!" Xiao Hua took a forehead and understood: "Although these fragments are powerful, I don't know how to use them. What is the use? It is not as good as the low-level implements!" ”

"Yes, don't want others, what do I want?" Xiao Hua thought about it, and turned away, but when he turned around, at the corner of the room, a broken corner, a big palm of the square attracted His gaze.

"Hey, this thing looks weird!" Xiao Hua thought, going to the front of the little fight, in fact, it is not this little fight that attracts his attention, but a small ball inside the small fight!

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