Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 356: Sword pill

Astronomy Astronomy 365th chapter

Nine small **** are of different sizes, big like chicken eggs, small like pearls, all oval, with pits on the surface, and Xiao Hua put these nine **** in their hands, only to find that each There are small cracks on the ball, and some cracks are deep into the center of the ball!

When Xiao Hua’s thoughts were swept through these spheres, the strange spiritual fluctuations came!

"This...this is Jianwan??" Xiaohua’s mind suddenly remembered the sword repair of the Shu State that he had just said. That sword repair is not in the dantian within the gestation of swords, from the sword pill to produce flying swords, with a flying sword against the magic weapon, between heaven and earth?

I don't know what's going on. As early as when I talked about Jian Xiu, Xiao Hua had a desire from her heart, a kind of desire to go to the sword. It seems that he likes Feijian in his bones! At this time, when I saw this sword pill, I found out in the mind of the gods that the spiritual fluctuations in the nine swords were linked to each other. It was obviously a set of swords, and I felt that I saw myself in my heart. The feeling of loving things, there is a kind of ** that is your own.

"But... this sword pill... I don't know the method of gestation, nor do I know the technique of Yujian?" Xiaohua thought about it, it was a pity that he waved his hand and floated in the air. In the bucket.

Put a good sword, Xiao Hua and other places to watch the fragments of other magic weapons, but unfortunately, no matter how the shape of other fragments, no matter how strong the fluctuation of spiritual power, in Xiao Hua's eyes, almost all ignore!

"Hey~" Xiao Hua sighed, not looking back and looking at the sword in the small bucket. At this time, Xiao Hua kicked a thing at the foot, the thing is extremely heavy, Xiao Hua kicked on his own body shape is actually awkward.

"***!" When Xiao Hua looked down, under the table, it was a pair of dark hammers! Put it in a pile of tatters! There is no trace of spiritual fluctuations in the minds of the gods: "Magic!!" Xiao Hua’s heart is a joy, just to look down, but it is a movement in his heart, his eyes turn, straight up, pick up the table next to him. A slap in the face of the disc was carefully watched. After a while, Xiao Hua took the stage and went to other stations.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to finish the fragments in the room, this is back to the main hall, just, look at the sword pill, and then look at these instruments, almost all rubbish! I can't afford any interest at all.

"But it, nothing!" Xiao Hua bite his teeth and turned to the front of the sword. He stretched his hand, picked up the little bucket, and turned to the hall!

Just outside the hall, in front of an elliptical mirror, I was shocked and interested, and next to him... I had no choice but to face my face, and I couldn’t help but swear: "This is a good rabbit!"

"Hey!" shocked, couldn't help but laugh, and wiped his hand, the mirror disappeared, smiled: "Helpless brother, you apprentice.... taste is really good!"

"哼~" Helplessly slammed the sleeves and turned to go. Xiao Hua came out of the hall and surprised: "Master.....you are coming back so soon? Come, you look old, this thing is not... ..."

"Don't look at it, that stuff is Jianwan.***, what did Laozi say to you about the sword repair? This thing does not say that it is necessary to start from the first layer of refining, in order to give the sword a good idea, to reach the end. The body of the sword is one; but it is said that it is gestating, where do you get the sword from the sword to practice this sword?" Helpless to stop, coldly said: "And, you nine swords seem to be one Set of swords, you ... now even the Jindan period monk, afraid that it can not be controlled freely? Hurry, now you have not left the hall, and quickly go back and change it for me!"

"Ah? Master..." Xiao Hua held the little bucket in his hand and held it on the spot.

"Oh, helpless brother, your family may have already left the Treasure House. The instrument you have chosen can not be repented!" Shocked, the hands of the law, the two-color brilliance at the foot of Xiao Hua disappeared, The head of the monster that emerged above the door of the temple slowly disappeared, revealing a door that is usually the same!

"哼~" Helplessly snorted, his body shape floated, and the electric shot generally flew outside. Behind him, I only listened to the shock and laughter and said: "Failed brother, this is not allowed to fly in the Shuo Lei Temple!"

Seeing helpless flies away, Xiao Hua’s expression on his face, she went to the front of the shock and lost her smile: “Uncle Shi, disciple... Isn’t this still not coming down the steps?”

Shocked and handed over the storage bag in his hand, smiled and said: "Isn’t the old man said it, but everything depends on it. Maybe you have a relationship with this set of swords?"

"But... the disciples have no cultivation method!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly.

"That old man can help you." Shocked and spread the hand: "Maybe you have the opportunity to go to see the country in the future to see if you can get the sword of the country!"

"Oh, okay~" Xiao Hua was helpless. She took the storage bag and said, "That disciple... I have to take this sword!"

Said, Xiao Hua is going to put Xiaodou into the storage bag.

"Oh, your sword ball will take it, how can you take this small bucket out?" Shocked his hand and pointed a small bucket of swords.

"Oh? This little fight..." Xiao Hua said, he always thought that this little fight is with Jianwan! So, the grin smiled: "There is more to take, the uncle will open the door of the temple, the disciple will return this little fight back!"

“Ha ha ha~” shocked and laughed: “You think it’s beautiful, how can you let you enter at will?”

"That..." Xiao Hua scratched his head and lost his smile: "The younger generation took the sword and took it, and this little fight was sent to the Treasure House!"

"But it, nothing!" Shocked and waved his hand: "You took a useless sword pill, your master blows his beard and blinks, saying that you can't worry about the old man, this little fight is even for you!"

"No, ???" Xiao Hua’s heart is happy, but then he has a bitter face! No, since this small fight can let him take it, then... Is the value of this sword pill still used? It’s no wonder that I have to go to the sleeves.

Xiao Hua resolutely handed over Xiaodou, um, and the swords and swords in the past. It is very righteous and sorrowful: "How can the younger generation of the uncles of the treasures of the treasures be occupied? Are you still taking it back?"

"Let's go!" Shocked at all, he turned away and walked away. He said, "This thing has been put in the treasure chest for thousands of years and for thousands of years. No one has seen it. You and them. Have a chance, or do you hold it!"

"He ***! Xiaoye still thought that the magic weapon is a good thing!!!" This is the only thought that Xiao Hua walked out of the Shuo Lei Temple with the shock!

Outside the Shuo Lei Temple, of course, there is no shadow, but Xiao Hua has no choice but to fly back to the cave house in Wanlei Valley.

It seems that I had already got the news. Xiangyang’s face was also weird and met Xiaohua in the middle of Dongfu.

"Master?" Xiao Hua asked Xiangyang, but whispered.

"When the old man returned to Dongfu, he couldn't close the door. Just said that the teacher asked me to pick you up!" Xiangyang also whispered: "It seems that Master is really angry with him, and said that let me go after one month." Shuo Lei Temple takes your two pieces of instruments, Master does not want to see you again!"

"No!" Xiao Hua was not happy.

"Let's go to Dongfu first!" Xiangyang brought Xiao Hua back to his own Dongfu, and Qing Qing took the Lingguo and looked at Xiao Hua. He said very seriously: "Little brother, this time is your fault!"

Xiao Hua’s heart sighed and said: “Please teach me to teach me!”

"Hey, haven't you seen Master always reminding you? I am waiting for cultivation to be single-minded, not to be confused by many magical powers. The realm is the most important! Little brother, you have never heard of 'avenue three thousand The only thing is 'what?'

Xiao Hua shook his head: "The younger brother does not know!"

"Qing dynasty, the younger brother is a dissertation. In the past, there were not enough exercises and the spells were not enough. How can he know so much?" Xiang Yang reminded.

"Oh, no wonder!" 阎清涟 sympathizes: "The meaning of this sentence is that there are 3,000 ways to the same avenue. For me, only one is enough, don't go for the extra second!"

Xiao Hua nodded slightly.

“The younger brothers have practiced three exercises during the refining period. Now, with the smoldering physique, the rushing to the early stage of the 12th layer of refining is already very valuable. The most important thing is to build the foundation. What is nothing to do!” 阎清涟 explained: “Master asked your master to guide you more, just to let you learn the lessons of your master, and to practice one-on-one. It is a good opportunity for communication. It allows you to choose a hand-held device. On the one hand, it can be outcropped at the Yuxian Conference. On the one hand, it is good for the manipulation and growth of the mind, and it is more for you to build a base. grasp!"

"But, you have taken a sword repaired sword! This thing is of great power, but my Royal Leizong does not have the corresponding sword, you are not a lesser instrument?" Xiangyang went on Said: "This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if you take this sword, you will have a memory in your heart. You may encounter any swordsmanship in the future, and you must practice flying swords! Dao Zong is naturally different. You have to concentrate on practicing Feijian. Did you delay your practice?"

"This..." Xiao Hua felt that these words may not be true, but it sounds like everything. It is so, he really let him throw the swords, he decided not to be willing! Had to mutter: "The treasurer of the Treasure Pavilion will not let the younger brother go back, then... the younger brother will hold it first...?"

Looking at Xiangyang, Xiangyang also nodded: "Then take it first! But don't practice it!"

"Well, the younger brother knows!" Xiao Hua nodded.

Then, for dozens of days, Xiao Hua was in the Xiangyang’s Dongfu, followed by Xiangyang to practice the basic spells of Yu Leizong, and their masters were helpless, but they really never showed up again!


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