Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 373: Kunlun School

The 337th chapter of Kunlun School

The same Buddhist knowledge is much stronger than Xiaohua's Buddhist knowledge. In particular, Xiao Hua feels that this Buddha's knowledge is extremely sticky, like goat's milk. Compared with his own Buddha's knowledge is clear water!

"哎哟~" Xiao Hua was shocked and quickly recovered the Buddha. // "".com" novel network / / just, at this time, it is too late, the strong Buddha's knowledge along the Xiaohua Buddha's convergence suddenly is to lock Xiaohua!

"Broken" Xiao Hua hurriedly watched and watched, looking for a place to hide, even wanting to leave, but there are so many disciples around the Yuxian Conference. Although it is not bustling, it can be lively and extraordinary, where is where he hides. ?

"What can I do?" Just thinking, Xiao Hua saw a monk in the late stage of building a foundation. His eyes were staring at himself, and he came over without delay!

"The late monk in the building of the base?" Xiao Hua suddenly lost the idea of ​​escape. If it is the foundation of the foundation or the middle of the foundation, Xiao Hua may be able to escape with the thunder and thunder. When he meets the late stage of construction, Xiao Hua is really helpless.

The slow-moving monk was tall, dressed in light-colored robes, full of white hair, like white snow, a pale golden crown above the head, and then look at the monk's appearance, red face, two black thick Broom brows, eyes under the eyebrows staring at Xiao Hua, full of surprises.

Xiao Hua and the monk's gaze pair, I felt a pain in my eyes, and I couldn't help but move my eyes away, and my heart was panicked.

The monk walked to Xiao Hua and stopped. He whispered, "You come with the poor!"

Where Xiaohua dared not to follow, he had to bow down with the monk to go inside the crowd. The monks separated from the crowd and walked toward the north side of the square. Occasionally, several disciples were also swearing and swearing. Waiting for the edge of the square, the monk is also a voice: "You are waiting here, waiting for the old man in this direction, the old man has something to ask you! You also don't have any mourning, since you entered the dilemma, The old man can find you anyway!"

"Yes, the younger generation understands!" Xiao Hua turned around and walked a few steps to the side, pretending to watch the things next to him.

The monk did not answer, walked out of the square, and fell into the woods outside, but for a moment he lost the trace.

Xiao Hua was absent-minded and watched for a while. The neighbors silently bargained, and the time was almost the same. It was just turning around and walking. The other side was actually very familiar, but it was some temptation: "Xiao... Xiao Hua?" ”

Xiao Hua stunned, looked up and saw the side next to the plaid, there is a monk holding a storage bag in his hand and staring at Xiao Hua. ("", watch the latest update of this book)

"Zhu Qingyuan? Zhuo Shixiong??" Xiao Hua Daxie, in his heart, this Zhuo Qingyuan should have built the foundation long ago. When it was the same as Li Zongbao, how could it appear in the Yuxian Conference? Waiting for Xiao Hua to see Zhuo Qingyuan's repairs, he will understand that Zhuo Qingyuan is still the peak of the twelve layers of refining!

It seems that Zhuo Qingyuan is also here to find the first chance to set foot on the foundation.

"Zhuo brother..." Xiao Hua took a few steps and said: "I haven’t seen you for a long time, can Zhuo’s brother be good?"

Zhuo Qingyuan collected the storage bag and smiled with a smile on his face: "The poor road has no eyes to understand the gold inlaid jade. I don't think that Xiao Daoyou was a repairer in the late refining!"

"Don't dare~" Xiao Hua quickly lost his smile: "The road to poverty is not deliberately concealed..."

Xiao Hua still wants to explain with Zhuo Qingyuan. I know that people are waving their hands and laughing: "If you don't say, who has no secrets? The poor road is not a curiosity."

"Thank you for your understanding!" Xiao Hua said with a smile: "Zhuo brother is also coming to the Yuxian Conference?"

"Oh, Xiao Shidi asked this question, not attending the Yuxian Conference, what is the poor road?" Zhuo Qingyuan looked at the disciple who had walked from his own side and sighed: "You didn't look at it, as early as Xiao Shidi. When I came to teach the geese, the poor road was the twelve layers of refining. Over the years, Xiao Shidi had already resumed the cultivation, but the poor road was still in the late stage of the 12th floor of the refining, and did not come to the Yuxian Conference. What can you do?"

Xiao Hua is amazed, but the 12-layer refinement of Zhuo Qingyuan is also reluctant to enter by relying on the tires. This is even more difficult!

"Which sect did Xiao Shidi worship now?" Zhuo Qingyuan looked at the robes on Xiao Hua’s body and asked: "How do you just join the Yuxian Conference at the beginning of the 12th floor?"

"The poor road is lucky to worship Yu Leizong, this time it is only occasional to participate in this fairy assembly!" Xiao Hua explained, then, look around, whispered and said: "Some things out there, go out, wait for Come and meet Zhuo’s brother before time!"

"Well, then go!" Zhuo Qingyuan waved his hand.

"Right, Zhuo brother, that ... Xiao Mao..." Xiao Hua whispered, but his eyes were fixed on Zhuo Qingyuan's eyes, lest the eyes showed regret.

"Oh, Xiao Shidi!" Zhuo Qingyuan said with a smile: "Xiao Shidi has now gone out and has no life!"

"Big good!" Xiao Hua’s heart was filled with joy, and Xiao Mao’s real smile appeared in his mind.

Zhuo Qingyuan looked around and said: "And Xiao Shidi is a big man, now it is a repair of nine layers of refining!"

"Ah? The nine layers of refining?" Xiaohua knows that Xiaomao’s cultivation is a gift from the sacred, and it’s not unusual, but it’s still extremely shocking.

"Nature is the nine layers of refining!" Zhuo Qingyuan's face is also showing joy.

"How many years have it been? Xiao Shidi has a five-layer refining gas? The poor road... I can't believe it!"

Zhuo Qingyuan’s “嘿嘿” smiled and said: “If Xiao Shidi does not believe, he can go to my geese to see, Xiao Shi’s brother is afraid to see you!”

Xiao Hua secretly pouted: "Yan Yan teaches? Hey, no matter how little the young man can not go to the net."

On the other hand, he smiled and said: "Nature, nature, and the time after the poor road must be passed!"

After Xiao Hua finished, he arched his hand and walked toward the edge of the square. He also fell into the woods.

Xiao Hua did not dare to release the Buddha's knowledge. Sure enough, he went to the front to take a cup of tea. Next to a stream, the monk was standing up.

"What is your name? Which martial art?" The monk turned back and said.

"Dissident Xiao Hua, is the Xiguo Royal Leizong!" Xiao Hua did not dare to conceal, respectful answer.

"Have you been a relic? Is it a family biography? How many years have you been practicing?"

"The disciple is a loose man, this relic... the disciple fumbled... for twenty years!"

The monk broom raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Yes, good, although you haven't practiced this relic, no one can actually point out the Buddha's knowledge, and it's really hard for you!"

“Shelley is not right?” Xiao Hua said: “It seems that... I have completely practiced according to the above-mentioned practice of Baye Ling, and there is no slight deviation!”

"Also ask the seniors to give pointers, where the disciples did not practice properly!" Xiao Hua's eyes turned, and the voice said.

"Oh, what is the difference between the old man and your practice? And the old man himself is also practicing according to a cheat of the Buddha. It is estimated that it is a little more complete than yours!" The monk smiled and said: "However, the poor road From the experience of cultivation, the Buddha's knowledge is the same as that of the gods. The old man cultivated from the refining to the foundation, and the gods became more and more dignified. The Buddha's knowledge is certainly the same. Your Buddha's knowledge is like a breeze, naturally it is a mistake. Well, maybe it’s your low-level exercises, and the relics that are tempered are low!”

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "The disciples did not know before, and always thought that the Buddhism's practice was to cultivate the true practice. Only then did they gradually know the difference, and it was already late!"

"You are also good luck, you can meet the Buddha's legacy, and you can know the Buddha." The monk sneered: "The luckiest thing is that you have not been discovered by the teachers of the martial art!"

"How? It's hard to be..." Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the helplessness of course.

"There is nothing wrong with it!" The monk slammed the railroad: "As long as you are discovered, you have absolutely no chance to live!"

"This... is so serious?" Xiaohua's face changed dramatically.

The monk looked up at the distance and sneered: "Why is the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism serious?"

"What is the meaning of Buddhism and Taoism?" Xiao Hua is even more puzzled.

The monk waved his hand: "Don't ask so much, the old man doesn't know. If the old man occasionally turned over these things in the pile of paper in the Kunlun Palace, he had a little bit of understanding, and he didn't know the key!"

"Right, the poor road is the Kunlun faction."

"I have seen Uncle Han Zhu!" Xiao Hua was a gift.

"You know why the old man called you over?" Han Zhu nodded.

Xiao Hua shook his head; "The disciple is dull, the disciple does not know! The disciple only knows because of the Buddha."

"Well, the old man has been looking for it. He can find it for nearly a hundred years before finally finding you a monk who cultivates Buddha!"

"Yes~" Xiao Hua responded, and then it was another voice: "Is it difficult to practice relics?"

"In the past, when Buddhism was in the midst of Daxing, it was difficult to find a poor road. But now the Buddha has been extinct, and the remaining methods are all incomplete. It is worse than the practice of practicing the truth. I want to cultivate the Buddha’s knowledge. Heaven... No, it’s harder than practicing Yuanying!”

Xiao Hua certainly understands that the monks who practice Buddhism are originally few, can repair and retreat, and the nature of cultivation of Buddhism is even less! This is nothing strange.

"Is it difficult for this monk to accept the young master as an apprentice? Pass the Buddhist practice of his cultivation to the young master?" Xiao Hua’s mind gave birth to an incredible thought.

"Xiao Hua, do you think that God is good to use, or is it easy to use Buddha?" Han Zhu suddenly asked.

"Nature is God's good use!" Xiao Hua's eyes turned and lost.

It’s not surprising that Hanzhu is laughing. “You have a lot of God’s manipulation methods. You naturally say that God is good to use. If you have the control of Buddhism, you will know! Many times, God There are so many Buddhas in the world!"

Say, I will explore the hand, a golden thing is taken out, thrown to Xiao Hua, the voice said: "This is the method of Buddhist control, you look."


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