Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 374: Kim Min

Chapter 374

"This..." Xiao Hua accidentally picked up the golden thing, but couldn't look at it. Han bamboo brows and waved: "Someone is coming! You have to collect it through this golden plaque, have time to use Buddha. Look at it, the poor road finds time to come to you again."

After that, I will smash the big sleeves, and the whole body will be shaken by a strange look, but I don’t know what to use, and disappear without a trace!

Xiao Hua took a shot, and the golden plaque in his hand was within the space. When he just walked to the creek and sat down on the knees, the two figures flew over from the square. One of the ten-layered monks was respectful. In front of Xiao Hua, he smiled and said: "The brothers don't exchange things in the square. How come here?"

Xiao Hua looked up and looked at the disciple. He looked at the disciple who was flying in the air in the early days of the building. He smiled and said: "The poor road just had a feeling on the easy set. I wanted to retreat because I couldn’t come back to the pavilion. I have to find a place to sit still here! I wonder if I have committed your taboo?"

"That's not there." The refining disciple said very harmoniously: "The brothers can make a breakthrough at the Yuxian Conference. The poor road is very happy for the brothers. However, this dilemma is born of magic, many places have The unknowable danger, for the sake of safety, the best brother is still in the room!"

"Here?" Xiao Hua looked around and asked with a smile.

The refining disciple looked back at the disciple of Zhuji and saw the Zhiji disciple’s slight nod. He said: “If you want to retreat here, it’s okay, but don’t go any further, wait for the brothers to understand. Finish, or go back to the square earlier."

"Xie Shidi reminds!" Xiao Hua arched his hand, still five hearts, seems to be quiet.

Seeing that Xiao Hua refused to leave, the two disciples did not say more, they flew, and they flew to the front, thinking that they would go to find the Kunlun faction.

Xiao Hua is sitting beside the stream, although the face is sinking like water, but the thoughts in my heart are like the waves in front of me, and the fluctuations are uneven.

"This cold bamboo... Isn't it really necessary to point me to the cultivation of the Buddha?"

"It's also possible, didn't you listen to him? He has been looking for a hundred years before he finds me to practice Buddhist knowledge!"

"Thinking about it is normal. The rainbow of the Buddha's relics I don't know how many years have grown, and I have placed it on others, I am afraid I can't find it anyway."

"But..." Xiao Hua "but" for a long time, but nothing came out. He didn't feel right. He always felt that there was no plain pie falling down in this day, but what could be wrong, he could not think of it. !

"But it, stop, let's watch it change!" Xiao Hua said: "After the Yuxian Confucius Conference, I will return to Yu Leizong. The Hanzhu is just the Kunlun School's foundation-based monk. How bold is it, and Dongling will not be found. Medicine Garden? I practiced Buddha relics and committed a taboo in the realm of cultivation. Isn’t he the same? I dare not say that he is even more afraid to say it!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua’s heart was calm and stayed between the mountains and rivers for a while, and returned to the collection.

At this time, there were more people in the square, and there were a lot of things. But Xiao Hua didn’t have the mind to look at it. He only found a few things that seemed to come some way. The other side was a big lion, not building Kedan is the practice method, which caused Xiao Hua to have no interest in it, and turned back to the pavilion.

Just entered the pavilion, and met Jinbo and Yu Ge on the face. The faces of the two were unnatural. Yuan Bo smiled and said: "Xiao Shidi, how come back so quickly? Why didn't you encounter any good things? ”

"Oh, the things on the collection are too rare, every opening is scary, the younger brother is the origin of the practice, where are these spiritual stones? Or come back to hide it!"

"This is easy!" Yuan Bola lived in Xiaohua's sleeves: "Xiao Shidi went with his brother, and I saw that although I said, the brothers will help you!"

"Hey?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, after worshipping Yu Lei Zong, never seen Yuan Bo so intimate, how suddenly changed today?

"This is not good!" Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand: "The younger brother can't repay the brothers' enthusiasm!"

"Nothing, no problem!" Yuan Bo smiled and said: "You and I are all the same door, this is nothing! Of course... If Xiao Shidi is unwilling to go, let the flight acceleration method be enlightened by the brothers!" ”

"Oh," Xiao Hua pulled the sleeves back from Yuan Bo and smiled. "The younger brother suddenly felt a certain feeling. If he wants to go back to the quiet room, he will not go with the two brothers.

Looking at Xiao Hua's back disappeared into the ban of the quiet room, Ge Ge sneered: "Forget it, a broken repair, toasting, not eating and drinking, what is it for him?"

"Hey ~ give face a shame!" Yuan Bo is also sneer.

“Who are the two younger brothers talking about?” Wang Yun’s voice sounded, just coming back from the square!

"Nothing, nothing!" Xiao Ge lost the smile: "I just waited and whine!"

Wang Yunqi glanced at Xiao Hua’s quiet room and said: “When is Xiao Hua coming back?”

Yuanbo’s eyes turned and he replied: “Just come back! How...what did Wang’s brother say?”

"You are waiting for me!" Wang Yun's face was a little weird. He waved his hand and took the two into the quiet room. After a fragrant work, the faces of the three men were a bit weird. A trace of smile, coming out of the quiet room, passing through Xiao Hua's quiet room, look at each other, all of them are proud of their faces.

How does Xiao Hua in the quiet room know about this?

I saw that Jin Yu was in Xiaohua’s Buddhist knowledge, and there was a golden brilliance, showing a thick book of light and shadow. With the turning of Xiao Hua’s Buddhist knowledge, the pages of books were turned pages one by one. Open, with the flipping, Xiao Hua's face gradually showed dignity. After reading the book page, the book slowly closed, and the light and shadow on the book disappeared and was reduced into a thin golden leaf! This golden leaf is similar to Xiaohua's Bayeux.

Xiao Hua will wave his hand and Jin Yu’s income space. Xiao Hua frowned and his eyes looked straight ahead. The dark road said: “The records in the Golden Jubilee are the control of Buddhism and the magical power of Buddhism practice. Actual goods, just, these contents seem to be divided into two volumes, this is just the first volume! Han Zhu is not clear, is it my appetite? Or let me cultivate?"

"Hey, the fat that was sent to the door, how could the young man not eat it?" Xiao Hua made a decision in an instant, secretly saying: "The first step is how to hide the Buddhist knowledge. Then there is nothing in this fairy assembly." Yuan Ying’s monk, there is no Jindan monk who knows how to explore the Buddha, otherwise the life of the young master is gone!”

Seeing Xiao Hua sitting cross-legged, a pair of treasures like a solemn look, the eyebrows of the "卍" word flashed slightly, the Buddha relic outside the mud pill palace also has a faint Buddha light.

Outside the pavilion, within the square, the west is located, very close to the royal Leizong's pavilion, a dozen well-dressed handsome men and women with a smile on their faces, casually talking about something, eyes are also in the surrounding grid Upstream, it is the disciples of the Huanhua School.

At the forefront, the red-faced fairy, like a cold frost, reveals a layer of glamorousness on the whole body. This glamorous appearance seems to be born from the bones. It is faintly rejected from a thousand miles away, but it is this glamorous and will not The gaze of the younger male disciples attracted many disciples from the opposite side to easily remove their gaze from the plaid and stick it on her eyebrows like a fairy.

Hongxia Fairy didn't care about this. The place where the Ming dynasty circulated, fell on the front of the lattice on a broken jade wishful, not waiting for the Hongxia fairy to stop, next to the observation of the clouds of Hongxia fairy, take the lead, Gao Sheng said to the disciple in the grid: "This younger brother, I don't know how this jade is asking for a price?"

The disciple looked at the disciples who were surrounded by the Huanhua School and smiled and said: "It is good to teach this brother to know that this jade is a magic weapon, but some of them are incomplete. Of course, as for such a broken body, it is afraid of repairing the poor road. I don’t know. The poor road thinks that this thing is changed... Ten building bases, don’t know the brothers...”

"You...you are too appetizing?" Waiting for the cloud to talk, a disciple next to shouted.

"Hey, the poor road is this price. If you don't like it, you can go anywhere else!" The disciple did not get angry, only smiled and said.

Yunxiao did not speak, only looked at the red glow fairy, the red glow fairy is not allowed, only frowning, look at the grid.

I thought that I would try to figure out the idea of ​​Hongxia Fairy. A smile appeared in the corner of Yunxiao's mouth. He said: "Hongxia Shimei has been away for so long, and even a lattice has not stopped. It is necessary to stop before this jade is like, I must like it. This thing is worth not worth ten building bases, will the poor road care?"

Then, the archer said: "This younger brother, build Jidan...just talk about it, presumably no one will come up with that thing at this easy meeting. I want to sincerely want to say how many Lingshi can be sold. Let's go!"

"Big good!" The disciple smiled and smiled, his eyes turned, and the voice said the price.

I don't know how many people are. I can see that the face of Yunxiao is slightly changed. Naturally, I know that the number is very high. Sure enough, Yunxiao is a voice. When the two of them are telephoning for a while, it seems that a consensus has been reached. When the storage bag is to be delivered to the person, behind the lattice, it is within the pavilion of the Royal Leizong disciple, Wang Yunqi and other three people walked out quickly, and Hongxia fairy saw someone inside the pavilion, and the eyes waved. Micro-motion, you can see that there are several irrelevant people, but also to remove the eyes, then do not stop, but also go to other places.

"Sister, sister..." Yunxiao took the jade that had just been exchanged, and chased the past. He shouted as he walked: "Yu Ruyi has already exchanged for his brother, how can you see?"

However, Hongxia Fairy turned his head slightly, and reached out his hand. He took Yu’s wish and took a few eyes. He still handed it over and did not say a word.

"Sister, this is what you can see, how? Is it unsatisfactory?" Yunxiao did not agree, and he accepted the jade, and smiled: "It doesn't matter, there are so many things on this square, there must be something that the sisters like!" ”

At this time, the opposite is also a disciple who has come to see a few sons. The current one is no worse than Yunxiao. When the disciple sees the red glow fairy, his eyes are bright, and he walks a few steps. Men Xufu, I have seen this fairy!"



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