Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 390: rule

The 390th rule

At the time of Xiao Hua’s fearful war, the Taiqing sects said: “The good teacher Ming Cheng’s uncle knows that some people have used the magic weapon in the illusion, and the illusion of the illusion is disturbed by the power of the magic weapon. All the image records are destroyed. I can't see it at all!"

"Ha ha ~" This is not a slap in the voice of the sound of nature, Xiao Hua heart in the heart. However, he is frowning: "Mingcheng's predecessors, it is not easy to say this! The disciples' grievances... there is no way to clarify! No, your faction must find a way to recover what image records, otherwise..."

"You... can make the usage treasure?" Ming Cheng did not answer Xiao Hua's words, and was extremely surprised to look at Xiao Hua.

"Not this Xiao brother, another Changbai sect!" The Taiqing sect said quickly: "And it is a debris of the magic weapon!"

"What?" Ming Cheng did not listen to it. It was even more shocking. It was more shocking than hearing Xiao Hua to make the usage treasure!

After all, Xiao Hua is just a disciple of the early 12th floor of refining!

Looking at Ming Cheng to look at himself, Xiao Hua screamed and said: "Please be a master!"

Ming Cheng smiled and said: "Since Xiao Shizhen does not have a storage bag, the Royal Leizong disciple does not have a pocket. The spirit of the Changbai sect will not be on the body of Yu Leizong or Xiao Shizhen. Besides, the spiritual pet is not a normal thing, how can it be taken away?"

"Uncle Ming Cheng said very much!" Xiao Hua said: "The disciples have never seen any spiritual pets!"

"Mingcheng's predecessors!" said the night quickly: "But before my classmates entered the magical array, there was indeed a spiritual pet in the storage bag! The disciple saw it with his own eyes!"

"When the body of your brother was taken away by you, have you ever tested the bag of the spirit? Have you ever noticed that the pet is gone?" Ming Cheng frowned.

"The storage bag has been checked, but this is the storage bag... but it is not!" Liu Sixu, who looked at the teeth and cut his teeth, whispered.

"Well, this is it! Since there is no inspection of the storage bag in the face, this thing in the bag is not with Xiao Hua! This is the rule of the Yuxian Conference, you wait and go back!" Ming Cheng shook his head Dao: "Liao Zhouquan Liao brother did not come, naturally it means that he has counted! If you have any thoughts, let him find the poor road or Renzhu brother!"

In front of the Zhuji monks, Liu Sixu and the night and other people did not dare to say more, after the ceremony, they slid away.

“Thank you, Master Ming Cheng, presiding over justice!” Xiao Hua said: “The disciples are grateful!”

"Yes, it should be!" Ming Cheng waved: "The Feather Fair is a place to make sense. If your own spiritual pet is gone, you will come to others. Where can this be done?"

"Yes~" Xiao Hua attached.

"Xiao Shiyi rested earlier, there are four rounds of fighting tomorrow!" Ming Cheng nodded slightly, turned and left, too many disciples of Qing Dynasty also followed!

Xiao Hua sent to the door of the quiet room and looked at the back of Ming Cheng. I didn’t feel very lucky in my heart: "Hey, Xiaoye still thought that he was doing nothing, and who knows that this magical array actually has such powerful use. Well, I think the means of Xiao Ye, the magic array is also remembered."

After thinking about it, the magic gun tip and the magic gun are all taken out. Fortunately, the magic hammer has not been recorded by the magic circle. It has also become a magic hammer with Xiao Hua, and this magic gun tip and magic gun are afraid to use less. It is not afraid to be known. Besides, the monk's fighting method, the instrument and the magic weapon are the right way, breaking the law by force... can only be unexpected, not used!

"It seems that tomorrow... Xiaoye is going to hide, and can't give them any life and death. Do you build a foundation without building a foundation?" Xiao Hua turned into the house: "If it is Hongxia Fairy? Maybe you can think about it!"

"Hey, the Huanhua School is not separated from Yu Leizong. I don't know if Hongxia Fairy has passed the round today?"

Xiao Hua thought in his heart, and gradually he was calm and gradually settled.

However, when he just took a Juyuan Dan to prepare for cultivation, the ban in the quiet room was flashing again!

"***, is not finished?" Xiao Hua was furious, jumped from the ground, and removed the prohibition of the quiet room. Even the gods read and lazy to release, open the door and drink a loud voice: "Chang Baizong Boy, are you looking for death?"

"Xiao Hua! What do you mean by this? Is it true to Liao's predecessors?" The lyrics are very harsh.

"Ah? Liao's predecessor?" Xiao Hua took a look at it, isn't Liao Zhouquan behind the lyrical? At this time, Liao Zhouquan’s face was extremely ugly!

When Xiao Hua saw this, he quickly went to salute: "Liao's predecessors are the fault of the younger generation, and the younger generation is not saying you!"

Then, Xiao Hua also said according to Deming, who is next to Liao Zhouquan: "The younger generation has seen Deming predecessors!"

Deming’s expression was also unpleasant and a slight nod.

"Bad!" Xiao Hua secretly complained, and regretted why he did not use God to read it first.

"Xiao Shizhen is amazing! My disciple of Changbaizong is letting you kill!" Liao Zhouquan said coldly.

The sensation stunned Xiao Hua and scolded: "What is going on here? The poor road knows that you have always been humble!"

"Hey, good to teach the three predecessors to know!" Xiao Hua asked three seniors to enter the room to sit, and respectfully stood and said the story.

Then he said: "The disciples did not take any spiritual favors, so they couldn't get any spirits at all, and asked Deming's predecessors to learn."

"Oh, this way!" Deming's face eased, and looked at Liao Zhouquan, saying: "This is the wrong of Changbai's disciple, Liao Daoyou, you have to be more constrained!"

"Poor road understands!" Liao Zhouquan's face at this time is more ugly than just now, and he said: "There is a poor road to know that they have told them not to harass Xiao Shizhen, but they will go back to the poor road!" ”

"Hey? Not for the sake of the pet?" Xiaohua suddenly understood: "That is naturally for the storage bag!"

So, Xiao Hua took a look and took the storage bag out of her arms and threw it on the ground. She smiled and said: "The Deming predecessors, Liao predecessors, the two came over for this storage bag?"

Liao Zhouquan went to the storage bag and threw it on the ground in front of her eyes. The corner of her eyes jumped a few times. Some of them looked at the sensation, and they saw the cold face and looked at Deming.

Deming sighed and stretched his hand. The storage bag flew into his hand and waited for him to open the storage bag. Even though Deming was already a monk in the late Jindan, his face was still moving. After a while, I put the storage bag on the lyrical and said: "Don't you not see it? Let's take a look!"

"Yes!" The sensation was taken over, and the expression on his face was the same as Deming.

"艮道友, now I must know why the poor road... thick face to find a friend!" Liao Zhouquan smiled with a look, very sincerely said.

"唉~" The sensation is a sigh, throwing the storage bag to Xiao Hua and saying: "This thing... is it not Fan Tong’s own?"

"Yes!" Liao Zhouquan lost his smile: "This is me... this year's example! Fan Tong is the disciple who issued the case!"

"Xiao Hua... You think these Lingshi and medicinal herbs, do you dare to take it?" Deming asked very kindly.

“What dare not?” Xiao Huaqi said: “This is the success of the younger generation, why don’t you dare to take it?”

Deming smiled and said: "You said it is good, this is the rule of the Yuxian Conference! I am too clear that nature should be back to you! Can... you never thought, you should win something that Fan Tong is private. But these are the common things of Changbai Zong, but you are not sure about it!"

"The left and right are in Fan Tong's storage bag, even if it is a common thing, it becomes a private object!" Xiao Hua said, turning his eyes and letting him spit out the fat from his mouth, which really made him hurt!

"Xiao Hua, listen to the Deming predecessors!"

"The things shared are naturally shared things, and they will not become private things!" Deming rushed and waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter, and said: "Of course, if the total number of things is small, you say it is private. The things that I am too clear to the Qing dynasty, accompanying you to carry out the rules of this fairy assembly!"

"But...the amount of this stone and the medicinal medicine is so huge, you don't think... can this be a private thing?"

Xiaohua muttered a few words in his mouth, and did not say: "The spiritual stone and the medicinal herbs in Xiaoye’s space are not as good as the ones in the storage bag, but... those spirit grasses are no less than these!"

"This number is large enough for Changbai Zong to have a gap with Yu Leizong. It is enough for me to think too carefully about the Qing Dynasty. It is enough for the poor road to come out and discuss with Xiao Xiaoyou!" Seeing Xiao Hua again, Deming did not give him the opportunity to say: "Xiao Xiaoyou also said what the rules of the Yuxian Conference, it is all set by people, today is such a tomorrow may be like that! And, above the fight square, Changbai Zong gave I am full of the face of the Qing Dynasty, and I have given the face of Yu Leizong. I saw it in a poor way. Xiao Xiaoyou still accepts it!"

"The rules are set by people, today is such a day may be like that!!" This sentence is like a smashing smashed the last trace of luck in Xiao Hua's heart.

Yes, Xiao Hua’s reliance on the rules of the feather fair, the people’s Taiqing will change the rules, you still say a fart!

"This rule... is determined by the people, is determined by the people of the great supernatural powers! Xiaoye is now not qualified to set this rule, had to take this rule that has not been there before! One day, the young master will set the rules, Set the rules that you have to surrender!" Xiao Hua said secretly.

"Xiao Hua, the meaning of the poor road is the same as that of Deming's predecessors. This storage bag is still to be returned to Changbai Zong." The lyrical whispered; "And, today, I have three royals, Lei Zong and Chang Baizong. The disciple died in the fight, against the bright moon of the Thunder Palace, the dry engine of the dry thunder palace... This is the first day, more than expected... too much!"

"Disciples understand!" Xiao Hua was hurt, these two disciples did not say a few words with him, but they thought that they were already in the body, Xiao Hua is still uncomfortable!


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