Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 392: Dongshan Daoyou

The 392th chapter Dongshan Daoyou

A light green, extremely lustrous brilliance flashed, and dozens of weird green essays flowed faintly in the indifferent brilliance, as the brilliance slowly flowed into the forehead of a female repair.

Every green scorpion entered the forehead of the female repair, and the brows of the female repairs were slightly wrinkled. When more than a dozen green essays were completely entered, the face of the female repair was even more ugly, and it was slightly white.

"Dongshan Daoyou! This green essay enters the mind of the poor road... Why is it so weird? The headache is terrible?" The female practitioner spoke up, and it was the Yingying fairy who was the head of Yan Yan.

This is a very large secret room. The upper and lower sides of the chamber are flashing brilliance. When there are countless runes in Guanghua, it is hidden. It seems that the prohibition is very strict. Just aside from the Yingzhuo fairy, a dark brown figure is covered with a black cloak. The naked eye and the gods can't see the figure. The light green brilliance is lifted from this figure. The sleeves are issued in the sleeves, and the sleeves are only three inches long and black lacquered, hairy knuckles!

"Yingzhuodaoyou~ The deity has already told you that the practice of spells is the power of the soul. Only the ** incomparable tyrannical can make the body unharmed. The green essay is carrying the power of the heavens and the earth. It is a monk in the Yuan Ying period. You can learn the green 篆 依 文 still will have an influence on the soul of the Taoist friends!” A hoarse voice came out from the black cloak, and the words were quite embarrassing.

"Well, the poor road knows, the poor road has not tasted since the refining practice to the Yuan Ying?" Ying Zhuo fairy bite his teeth: "What is this pain? If this spell is like Dongshan Daoyou said, can make poor The road is full of distraction, and the poor road must be in accordance with the previous agreement, and promise the conditions of the friend!"

"The technique of the spell is the most unpredictable way between heaven and earth. It is passed from the mysterious Taikoo. What is the little distraction? If the technique of non-character has been lost in Xiaoyu mainland, how can Yingzhuo’s friends not trust this kind of poor road? "Dongshan Daoyou smiled and said: "How is the cultivation of your cultivation as a quick way? With this method, when you can cultivate a lot of excellent disciples, why is it not good?"

"Good to teach Dongshan Daoyou know!" Ying Zhuo fairy smiled bitterly: "The method of Daoyou is good, but after all, it is too overbearing. Only three disciples survived for the first time, although they have been refining ten layers. Destroyed disciples... too much!"

"Hey, the monks of Xiaoyu mainland, now only repairing the Taoist minds, repairing the body, not repairing the body, naturally can not be completed, many methods are difficult to apply. In addition, Ying Zhuodao friends first focus on training these three disciples to see how their future Let's do the next step!"

"Well~but listen to Dongshan Dao’s instructions!" Ying Zhuo Xianzi smiled and said: "Please also ask Dongshan Dao to confuse the green essay!"

"You will release the thoughts!" Dongshan Taoist whispered, and then, an extremely eccentric, extremely garbled syllable came out under the cloak, and as soon as the syllables were sent out, an inexplicable thing swarmed around and swarmed. Gathered into the syllable. When the gods of Yingzhuo fairy touched the syllables, they immediately came from a kind of vibration of the bone marrow, and then the syllables became a wave into the mudball palace of Yingzhuo Fairy.

"God is god!" The Yingzhuo fairy who is already a monk in the Yuan Ying period can't help but praise in his heart. Where is the suspicion of half a point?

After a long time, Ying Zhuo Xianzi felt that his three souls and seven scorpions were filled with a kind of full satisfaction, and he whispered: "Dongshan Daoyou, please continue!"

Dongshan Road friends are not in a hurry: "Tomorrow, this green essay can only teach one day, if it is more, it will cause the wrath of heaven and earth!"

"Well, good!" Ying Zhuo fairy nodded, and the two stopped talking, and the whole quiet room was silent.

Xiao Hua Duan sat in the quiet room provided by Tai Qingzong, read the green scorpion in the bones into his mind, and then look at the faint white bones, put his hand in the space, and put it with the previous one. Together.

But at this time, Xiao Hua found that there was a slight thunder flashing above the white bones, faint, and extremely faint silver flashes, and the second white bone entered the space, and there was also a trace of thunder. Born, surrounded the entire white bones, and constantly hit.

Even more bizarre, these two white bones can not be put together at all, they are placed in a fixed angle within the space, only the lightning between the two bones!

"This...two bones are... together?" Xiao Hua looked at the two strange bones of the law, not to be secret, but there are only two bones, where can you see the clue?

"Listen to Zhu Xi, her bones are in a million mountains. It seems that if there is a chance, where else to go, if there is a complete skeleton, what strange phenomenon will happen?"

Xiao Hua is just thinking about it. Millions of Mengshan are still too far away from him. He will not consider the foundation or even Jin Dan. Now he has to consider how to participate in the Yuxian Conference!

"What do the two swords want to change?" Xiao Hua thought of what he said when he left.

"Hey, what else can it be? Isn't it the 6,000-year-old Xuan Yin Ling Cao? But this Xuan Yin Ling Cao I have never heard of it, how can this Changbai Zong's storage bag What?"

"Well, since Master wants Ling Yicao, I have it here. Maybe there are Xuanyin Lingcao in those rare and unknown spirits?" Xiao Hua said with a sigh of relief, his imperative is to know Xuanyin. The look of the grass can tell if it is alive within its own space.

Subsequently, Xiao Hua took a Juyuan Dan and closed his eyes to practice.

The next day, although it is also very fierce, it may be because there are Liao Zhouquan and sensational warnings. There is obviously no tragic first day between Changbai Zong and Yu Leizong disciples. Xiao Hua also took the first time, the first opponent. It is a disciple of Changbaizong. The disciple of Changbaizong is obviously not as good as yesterday’s Fan Tong, and it must also be known that Fan Tong’s death in the hands of Xiao Hua, before the hands-on, only promises, if not care about the face of Changbai Zong, fear is long ago Surrendered.

"Hey, these disciples... Even if they have cultivated to the top of the 12th floor of the refining, how can they build a foundation?" Xiao Hua felt in his heart, very much like a former teacher! Hey, he doesn't want to think about it, how is he doing it again? A monk ear in the early 12th layer of refining! In the late 12th floor of the refining of the people, it is very likely that the disciples will build the foundation tomorrow, and there is no reason to fight with you! In particular, the consequences of the fight are likely to be your own body! Therefore, the Yuxian Congress is sure to find the opportunity to build the foundation. It is clear that the consequences of the fight will inevitably die, and anyone will be weak!

Since Changbaizong’s disciples had the intention of compromise, Xiaohua had no more opinions. The two men were in a hurry, waiting for the time limit of the half-column incense to wait for Xiaohua to speak, and the Changbai sect’s disciples were urging the mana. Be the first to escape!

"Not at all, Xiaoye still wants to go out!" Xiao Hua was speechless, flying out of the magic array, and fighting two shoulders straight, wanting others to see his pride, but no, to refine ten The initial repair of the second floor forced the late monks to escape the illusion. Xiao Hua was above the Yuxian Conference and has been the first since ancient times! It is a pity that in the entire square, two or two disciples in each magical array are struggling to fight. The disciples of the round are also taking the time to recharge their batteries. Who will look at him?

As for the next two rounds of fighting, it is also boring. These two are Xuan Tianzong and Tai Qingzong disciples. Although it is not bad, the power of the implement is insufficient, and it is almost the same as Xiaohua’s spirit crow fire net. Xiao Hua will only sacrifice the dust to defend himself, and he will be able to compete with them all, and Xiao Hua will not dare to do anything to create "building foundation" this time. Once the time limit of first-class and half-column is over, Push the card to get out of the illusion.

What Xiao Hua didn't know was that his figure had just disappeared from the illusion, and his two rivals also had a long sigh of relief, and his face showed a relaxed color!

Xiao Hua’s movements with Fan Tong yesterday were really big. The disciples of the other groups’ comprehension sects may not know that the group in which Yu Leizong’s disciples are located is heard by many disciples. Xiao Hua’s such fierce people can actually hold them. The disciples of the magic weapon fragments are strangled, and...when the disciples can arbitrarily mobilize the French card to escape, who would dare to take it lightly?

The second day of the fight was spent in this wave of turmoil, but after a few days, it seems that the situation has come out of control, and does not say that the emotions of Yu Leizong and Chang Baizong’s disciples are gradually erupting, lyrics and Liao Zhouquan’s The warnings were gradually thrown into the back of the mind, not to mention the disciples of Xuan Tianzong and Taiqingzong, and the other disciples who gradually joined, and the disciples of Yu Leizong and Chang Baizong also fought each other. No one is ignorant of the people. Just saying that as time goes by, there are two other groups of disciples who have successfully built the foundation. It is not only the disciples of Yu Leizong, but also the disciples of all other sects. My feelings, every time in the fight, will be a matter of life and death, even with Xiao Hua's means, it is extremely embarrassing.

On the evening of the same day, the brilliance of a magical array flashed, and Xiao Hua’s hair was scattered from the illusion, and flew by the side: “***, Xiaoye can’t build a foundation, fight a fart with you. I have said that I understand, how can such a dead and smash?"

"Xiao Hua ... you must not go!" In the meantime, a plain woman repaired her face with anger and rushed out of the illusion, holding a sword in her hand.

"Fan Qiaoer Fan Daoyou, the fight has escaped the magic array, this is naturally you win, even if this is in your Taiqing, you do not have to deceive so much?" Xiao Hua muttered, figure falling on the ground.

"You obviously cultivated to be deep-stricken... Why not..." Fan Qiaoer was unable to see things, so he had to put away the sword, and his face was not happy!

"How? If you want to kill you, you will be happy?" Xiao Hua asked with a cold face.

"Hey, I am so sad, I hate it? Building a base... Hey..." Fan Qiaoer swept Xiaohua and turned and left.


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