Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 393: Xuan Yincao

The thirty-third chapter of the chapter Xuan Yin grass

"Oh, no matter what, you can't make a foundation monk anymore!" Although Xiao Hua looked at Fan Qiao's back is very lonely, he can warn himself with one strength, and then again and again, again and again, absolutely again and again, absolutely Will attract the attention of others. In fact, Xiao Hua himself understands that on the first day of the Yuxian Conference, there are two refining disciples who are building their bases in comparison with themselves, and there is still a record image in the magical array. Presumably, too young disciples will take time. Watching, Xiaohua has already thought about it. He is a big force, that is, the mana is stronger than those who are refining the late 12th floor. That's all! And Xiao Hua’s Sancha real fire and magic hammer did not leave an image, but it also made Xiao Hua’s heart slightly stable.

"Xiao Shidi...what is it still being chased out by others? Isn’t it oiling inside?" A smiling voice sounded, Xiao Hua didn’t have to look back and knew that this was Dry Diheng.

"How? Why, brother, have you been chased out?" Xiao Hua has seen much more with Dry Di Heng in these days. He also feels that this hippie smile is easy to approach, at least not like the Yan Lei Gong Yan Leiling. Shocking Quinta's nausea, he will talk to Gan Diheng.

"Cough... I think about it! The ones that can be touched are the masters of the hot-handed flower!" Dry Diheng spoke a little vainly. When Xiaohua turned around, he saw that the dry face was pale and his face was extremely weak. At first glance, the magic weapon that controls his bodyguard is excessive, and the mana cost is too large!

"Dry brother... If you can't, you still abstain!" Xiao Hua advised.

"Cut ~ You have a disciplinary disciple in the early 12th floor of the refining gas. You have not abstained. How can the poor road be able to abstain? Say it out... Do you still let the poor road mix in Yu Lei Zong?" Xiao Hua didn't have a good eye.

"Yes, just wait for the younger brother to say nothing!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and was about to walk away. In the mid-air of Xiao Hua’s left hand, the aura of heaven and earth suddenly began to coalesce. The crystals of the size of soybeans gradually disappeared in the blink of an eye. Revealed.

"Someone wants to build a foundation!" Xiao Hua saw Li Zongbao's foundation, and immediately became awake.

That Di Diheng also showed a happy face on his face and cried: "It seems that I am waiting for a group! I don't know... who it is!"

It is said that a few gods have swept over, it is the longevity of Liao Zhouzong, Yu Leizong lyrics, Xuan Tianzong Jing Hao, Xianle sent Tian Wei and other factions to lead the gods, to distinguish which The illusion, Xuan Tianzong Jing Hao and Yu Leizong's lyrics are directly flying before the illusion, the disciples within this illusion are Xuan Tianzong and Yu Leizong disciples.

The sphere of the magical array gradually gave off a faint blue light. Then, it was a flash of brilliance. A disciple came out of the magic circle, and the condensed heaven and earth aura around him was pouring into the disciple!

The lyrics were clearly seen, and the face showed a happy color. It was the dryness of the dry thunder palace that set foot on the foundation. I saw that the sensation would wave a hand, and a ban would temporarily separate the heavens and the earth from the dry body. He smiled and said: "Congratulations, dry, do you want to build the foundation now? Or use the charm?"

Gan Heng thought that he had a plan, and smiled: "There are laborers and ancestors, and disciples should use the charm!"

"Good!" The sensation praised, and waved his hand. A sparkling magical character flew out of his hand. It should have been prepared long ago. The spirit symbol fell on the top of Ganheng, and did not enter, a clear light His body flashed and flickered. With the disappearance of the clear light, the beads that had been condensed around the heavens and the earth gradually dissipated, and the aura with high concentration quickly returned to normal.

"Thank you for your help!" Gan Heng thanked.

"Oh, no, you can call the uncle directly in the future!" The feelings of the sensation are good, and waved: "You still have a quiet room to realize the stability of the building. If you can't control it, you can build it early. !"

"The disciple knows that there is a laborer and a teacher who is working hard!" Gan Heng arched his hand and returned to the quiet room.

"Dashan, my Royal Leizong finally has a disciple to build a foundation!" Look at the crowd around, and smile: "You have to work hard!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" All the people answered.

Waiting for the sensation to go, Gan Diheng waved: "Let's go, Xiao Shidi, today is another day, the poor road to return to the static room to take the drug, restore mana, what about you?" Then look up and down Xiao Hua, Shaking his head: "You don't seem to lose your mana?"

"Hey, the younger brother will run when he meets. Isn't it better than your usage treasure?" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Let's go, it's been a few days left, I have waited for the group fight, I can't wait for the first thirty-two. The famous monks can breathe a sigh!"

"That is, the three countries of the Three Kingdoms have participated in the Yuxian Conference this time. On average, each sect is also a disciple of three disciples. The poor road is not enough." Dry Di Heng is also looking at Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Shidi is hidden, even the Chang Pu Zong's Fan Tong can be killed, presumably it is possible to enter the second round of the fight?"

Xiao Hua waved: "That's all luck! In the next few games, the younger brothers are fleeing with flying characters, there is nothing to enter the top 32!"

Listening to Xiao Hua’s statement, Gan Diheng did not ask much, and the two went together to the pavilion of Yu Leizong.

Before going to the pavilion, Gan Diheng walked in quickly and wanted to go back to take the medicinal herbs earlier, but Xiao Hua thought of something like it and called: "Oh, yes, dry brother, you know Xuan Yin Lingcao What?"

"Xuanyin Grass? Of course I know!" Dry Di Heng, a few casual stops: "Do you ask this?"

"Nothing, just want to know what this grass is like!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"This way!" Gan Diheng took a storage bag and took out a jade slip. He handed it over and said: "This jade is my royal demon record, you can see it. Well, don't use it. Still me, I let the brothers copy another copy with me!"

"Oh, so thank you to the brothers!" Xiao Hua took over the jade, and Di Diheng hurried away!

Immersed the gods into the jade, and Xiao Hua was overjoyed. There are many spirits recorded in the jade, and there are also pictures and introductions. It is exactly what Xiao Hua needs. "Oh? Is this the Xuanyin grass?" Xiao Hua is very I quickly found the record of the grass.

"Hey, the poor people are good. As early as in Jingbo City, they have changed a bunch of Lingcao seeds. The little monk of Cao Lingzong is also enough. This Xuan Yin grass is in it!" Xiao Hua saw clearly. I don’t feel secretly laughing: "Just, these two swords are looking for this sinister grass? This thing seems to be the main medicine for refining Xuan Yin Dan!"

"Xuanyin Dan is used by the Jindan period monks to practice the Yuanshen. These two little swords are just the strength of the initial stage of building the foundation. What do you want to do with this thing?" Xiao Hua hesitated a little and thought: "If it can be used This Xuan Yin grass is replaced by a method of cultivating a set of swords, or the technique of flying swords, which is wonderful!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua took a plant of Xuanyin, took it with jade, placed it in the storage bag, walked out of the pavilion, and then asked the Taiqing disciple to inspect the residence of the two swords. I found the past, but before he got there, I saw that there were already a few disciples before I saw the pavilion.

Xiao Hua scratched his chin and walked behind the last disciple, whispering his hand: "This brother, but..."

"Well, it is to find the national sword repair exchange things!" The disciple did not wait for Xiao Hua to finish, the interface replied.

"Thank you brother!" Xiao Hua thanked him and stood behind this disciple.

After a while, I didn’t see a disciple coming out of the pavilion. I listened to the disciples who were impatient at the front. I turned around and asked: “Won the poor road Kunlun sent Ke Xingzhen, who is the Taoist school?”

"The poor road Royal Leizong!"

"Oh, Yu Leizong of the Xi State!" Ke Xing looked at Xiao Hua and smiled. "I don't know what to do with the sword to change things?"

"Oh, there is nothing good about the poor road, just take a look, see what the sword repairs, or what they want!" Xiao Hua smiled.

Ke Xing slanted Xiao Hua's eyes and whispered: "If Xiao Daoyou is like this, it is still good to turn back early!"

"Hey? How does Ke Daoyou say this?" Xiao Hua was amazed.

"Oh, Xiao Daoyou does not know!" Ke Xingyu mysteriously said: "This is already the third day of the poor road."


"You don't know, the two sword repairs will show things to them as long as they are poor. They simply don't say what they want, nor do they say that they exchange things. You said, how can the poor roads freely put things in order? Give them? So, like Xiao Shidi, there are a lot of temptations every day, and nothing is coming out. If there is nothing unusual about Xiao Daoyou, it will be a little early, and it will take time!"

"This way!" Xiao Hua awakened, raised his hand and said: "Ke Daoyou is watching, someone is out!"

I saw a man who was not tall, and the usual monk squatted his head and came out of the pavilion with a weak air. "What is the second child?" Ke Xingyu waved his hand and shouted.

The monk heard Ke Xing's voice and walked over to see Xiao Hua whispering: "No play, big brother, I can't ask anything on several trials, I will take out all the things, they don't look at them, they grind I don’t know why now. You...do you want to go in and try?"

"Well, I will go in and see. After all, there are many things in Laos that I don't have in the three countries. If there is something I need here," Ke Xingqi nodded. "You go back, rest early, tomorrow. There is more than fighting!"

After the monk left, Ke Xingxiao laughed: "That is the poor brother of the poor road, called Ke Bridge."

"Oh, Ke Daoyou really got it, even the younger brother is refining the 12th layer of the late stage, the poor road is really admire!" Xiao Hua was a bit stunned, very admired.

"Nothing is counted." Although Ke Xingzhen’s face is somewhat proud, he can still swing his hand: "The two sword repairs are called powerful, they are the strength of the early stage of building the foundation!"

After a meal, it was the turn of Xiao Hua, and I saw Ke Xingzhen’s face without expression. Xiao Hua knew that there was no Xuanyin grass!



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