Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 394: exchange

Chapter 349 Exchange

"This friend, you can go in!" The Taiqing disciple who guarded the pavilion before seeing Ke Xingzhen came out and smiled and said to Xiao Hua, the smile on his face was extremely sluggish. It seems that he said this countless times. (dukanka,)

"Thank you for your friend!" Xiao Hua arched his hand and stepped into the pavilion.

This pavilion is similar to Yu Leizong. It is just a quiet room. There is a large carved wooden door in front of it. Xiao Hua can understand that Ke Xingyu came out of the wooden door.

Pushing open the wooden door, I saw that there was a hall inside, and Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe sat bored, Zhang Yuhe even screamed at the gang, using her little cherry mouth to blow something in the air, Xiao Hua blinked, it was a purple The little sword flies in and out in midair, just like a fish!

"Cough!" Seeing someone coming in, Zhang Yutong coughed, Zhang Yuhe didn't take a good look at Xiao Hua, and sucked his mouth, the purple sword was thrown into it like a baby swallow!

When Zhang Yuhe saw Xiao Hua, his eyes lit up and he pointed his hand to Xiao Hua: "Hey? You are not that..."

"Sister!" Zhang Yutong whispered, then vowed: "The Taoist friend seems to have seen it before..."

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. Presumably, this pair of sisters had spent too many monks who had seen them in the past few days. Their names have long been forgotten. They said, "The poor road Xiaohua, I have seen two Taoist friends again!"

"Yes, yes, Xiao Hua!" Zhang Yuhe did not seem to hide his forgotten, and shot his forehead: "You are too popular, and the poor road can't remember!"

Zhang Yutong was defeated and looked at his twin sister. He waved his hand and pushed the French card on the case to provoke the prohibition in the hall. Then the index finger and the **** were close together, and a little cyan in the air. Guanghua hit the wooden door, and there was a circle of blue brilliance from the wooden door, and the entire hall was wrapped up from the top down!

"Xiao Daoyou please sit down!" Zhang Yutong pointed to the chair next to him and said: "I don't know what Xiao Daoyou has taken to exchange with my sister?"

Zhang Yuhe was white with Zhang Yutong, and then his face showed a sly smile, as if he saw the little fox of the prey, turned his head and looked at Xiao Hua: "Isn't it... what did the poor road say to you?"

Xiao Hua sat in the chair and had a well-being in his chest: "The poor road is holding this thing! I just don't know what the two Taoist friends have to exchange?"

"What? Really... Is there really?" Zhang Yuhe and Zhang Yutong looked at each other with an inconceivable look. They almost stood up and asked: "You... you really have six thousand years of mysterious spirit." grass?"

"The two Taoist friends are so fussed!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said: "The poor road is a mysterious grass, but ... the age is not certain, but also the two Taoist friends themselves!"

"Nature, as long as Xiaodaoyou has it, the poor road can naturally know the age!" Zhang Yuhe said: "That grass..."

Xiao Hua is not flustered: "The grass is naturally in the poor storage bag!"

Finished, patted the storage bag, but did not take the jade out.

Zhang Yuhe called out: "You just take it out and let the poor road look!"

"The two Taoist friends sit down first, I wait... slowly!" Xiao Hua smiled and waved.

Zhang Yutong frowned slightly, took Zhang Yuhe and sat down, laughing: "Xiao Daoyou is waiting for the price and smashing?"

"Daoyou said so!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly and looked around and said: "I don't know what friends are going to get for the grass?"

"What do you want?" Zhang Yutong thought for a moment, asked calmly.

"What do you want for the poor road?"

"This..." Zhang Yutong was hesitant, and Zhang Yuhe was impatient: "I am waiting for Lingshi, the best medicine, and a magic weapon..."

"Sister!" Zhang Yutong stopped Zhang Yuhe again and again and said that Modo said.

"And, there is a 700-year-old child's fruit in the poor storage bag, which is very helpful for you to break through the realm!" Zhang Yuhe glanced at Zhang Yutong and said it.

"Hey~" Zhang Yutong sighed and looked at Xiaohua. He said, "My sister said everything I waited for. Which one do you want?"

Xiao Hua smiled and shook his head.

"What? You don't want it? You don't want to know what the magic weapon is?" Zhang Yuhe jumped and said: "That is a complete magic weapon!"

"The poor road is not enough, I don't want any magic weapon!" Xiao Hua said quietly: "The poor road only wants you to dazzle the sword and the sword-sword!"

"Impossible!!!" Zhang Yuhe and Zhang Yutong said at the same time.

"That's it!" Xiao Hua spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. He stood up and said: "Please also ask the two friends to remove the ban, and the poor road will leave!"

Zhang Yuhe and Zhang Yutong waited for a few days. Finally, someone sent the grass, how can they rely on it? Zhang Yuhe came over and squinted and smiled: "Xiao Daoyou is not a sword repair. What should I do to dazzle the swordsmanship?"

"This will not worry about your friends, the poor road is like watching, ready to read the world of magic!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"I am afraid that Xiao Daoyou also got a sword pill?" Zhang Yuhe asked in the eyes of Xiao Hua.

"Maybe maybe not! You guess slowly!" Xiao Hua refused to answer.

Zhang Yutong also came over at this time, and he said: "Xiao Daoyou, I am not the same as Jian Jian and you are not the same. I am not waiting for you to be a sister. You took the sword of the sword and you can't do it yourself. Cultivation, no reason, but also delayed your own cultivation, real unwise!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This is the preference of the poor road, even if it is just a look, my heart is happy!"

Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe were helpless. The voice was discussed for a moment. Zhang Yutong said: "Xiao Daoyou is the sword-driven technique that wants me to dazzle the swordsmanship? Or is it just a sword repair?"

Xiao Hua turned his eyes and said: "The best of the dazzling swords, if it is not, other swords can also be!"

After listening to this, Zhang Yuhe sighed and took a hand and took out a sword-shaped jade slip. He smiled and said: "There is a sword-smashing technique here. It is the thing that I have repaired a family." You can exchange it with Xiao Daoyou. However, if you say it in advance, this thing has never been seen before!"

Xiao Hua was full of enthusiasm, and he would take it when he reached out and smiled. "This thing is naturally a poor road on the roadside, and nothing to do with your sister!"

However, Xiao Hua’s hand was lost, Zhang Yuhe smiled and said: “Xiao Daoyou is not kind, how can I not take out the grass?”

Xiao Hua’s old face was red, and he took a hand and took out the jade of the grass. He handed it over and smiled: “The poor road is happy for a while, so forget it! Two friends, but please identify!”

"Good!" Zhang Yutong is also happy, and reached out. When she opened the jade, the first surprise was abnormal, but then the face was puzzled. Finally, it was some anger!

"How? Is it right??" Seeing Zhang Yutong's look so rich, she has been staring at it, and Xiaohua, who is in her heart, has lost her mind and thought to herself.

Zhang Yuhe is also a big sister, a robbed of jade, waiting for her to see the grass inside, the face is also incomparably lost! Putting a hand, the sword-shaped jade is in the storage bag, cold and cold to Xiao Huadao: "Is Xiao Daoyou not spending my sister?"

Xiao Hua was in a hurry and said: "The year of this grass is not enough?"

Zhang Yuhe said helplessly: "The year is natural enough! Unfortunately, this is not Xuan Yin Lingcao!"

"How is it possible? This is not the Xuanyin grass??" Xiao Hua hurriedly, but after finishing, he is awakening Xuanyin grass, not Xuan Yin Lingcao!

Thinking, he felt that he would take out the jade, but it was recorded in the "Xuanyin Grass" instead of "Xuanyin Lingcao".

"Xiao Daoyou, the poor road is the Xuanyin Lingcao. It is not this Xuanyin grass." Zhang Yutong saw Xiao Hua misunderstanding, whispered: "Xuanyin Lingcao is a kind of mysterious growth in the Xuan Yin magic territory. Yincao, it is of course Xuanyin grass, but it is different from the plain Xuanyin grass, but it is absorbed by a special aura in the Xuanyin illusion, so it is called Xuanyin Lingcao!"

"Oh, it turns out! The poor road is really ignorant!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and reached out and took the Xuanyin grass back. I know, he reached out and lost.

"How?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei.

"Xiao Daoyou waits a little!" Zhang Yuhe suddenly thought of something like it, whispered.

Immediately, Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe reciprocated each other. The time for the two men to discuss was relatively long. It seems that there are still differences of opinion. Actually, they are red-faced and can be quarreled to the end. It is still Zhang Yuhe who has the upper hand. Zhang Yutong is sitting back in the chair. speak!

"Xiao Daoyou..." Zhang Yuhe was somewhat proud and smiled. "The poor road and the younger sister discussed it. Although your Xuanyin grass is not Xuan Yin Lingcao, but the medicine age is full. Well, don't you say, Tai Qingzong also promised to give a poor grass to the grass, but the year of the Xuanyin grass is not as good as Xiao Daoyou, so the poor road decided to exchange the grass with you!"

Xiao Hua listened to the big joy and said, "Thank you so much, thank you Zhang Daoyou."

"You don't have to thank me so early, because you are not Xuan Yin Ling Cao, the sword of Jian Jian is afraid of not giving you..."

"What? Not the sword of the sword?" Xiao Hua immediately shook his head like a rattle, and even said: "In addition to the sword, the poor road does not want anything!"

"The magic weapon of the poor road... You don't want to see it?" Zhang Yuhe sneered, then took a storage bag, and a golden golden plaque took it out...

"Don't!" I don't even look at it. I waved: "This thing is a chicken rib for the poor road. You can't eat it, don't look at it, don't watch it!"

Zhang Yuhe couldn’t think that even the magic weapon could not impress Xiao Hua, and he said: "It’s easy to convince your sister that you are poor. You are prepared not to give face. You change it today, and you don’t change it! The left and right Xuan Yin grass is in the hands of the poor road. I look down, what can you do to take it away?"

Said, will be a small mouth, the purple sword is flying out again...



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