Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 395: Pregnancy sword

The 359th chapter

"This... This is not a strong grab?" Xiao Hua is dumb!

However, he has no choice but to report to Taiqing, saying that he has thousands of years of Xuan Yincao being forcibly replaced by two swords.

Not to mention that there are people who have a sacred grass in Taiqing, and they have to exchange with Zhang Yuhe. If they cross the bar, there will be problems; just the origin of this sinister grass, I am afraid that it is not good with lyrics. Let me explain it!

"There is no female robber who has no reason!" Xiao Hua thought indignantly, but his eyes saw the flying sword swimming in the air.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua said with a bitter face: "Let's do it, Zhang Daoyou, you don't want the sword of the sword. How about the sword?"

"Pregnant sword? Do you really want to have a sword?" Zhang Yuhe said: "Without the sword, what is the use of the sword?"

"You don't care about this!" Xiao Hua still said: "However, it is too light to be pregnant, and it is not worthy of the thousands of millennial grasses of Zhangdaoyou. If Zhang Daoyou has the method of repairing swords. The poor road can be considered!"

"The method of repairing the sword pill? Plus the technique of the pregnant sword??" This time it was Zhang Yuhe's turn to shake his head: "No, no, this price is too high, unless you take out two Xuan Yin grass!"

"Really?" Xiao Hua was overjoyed.

"How? Do you have two plants?" Zhang Yuhe's face was only slightly stunned, but there was nothing to rejoice. And Xiao Hua said that his heart is confession, thousands of years of Xuan Yin grass, what is it? See Zhang Yuhe’s reaction, so he also said: “I think, yes...no!”

"Hey, I don't think you have anymore!" Zhang Yuhe gave him a look.

Zhang Yutong, who has not spoken, said: "Xiao Daoyou, have you got a broken sword pill? Want to fix it?"

Xiao Hua arched: "Zhang Daoyou said exactly."

"So... can Xiaodaoyou take out the poor road?" Zhang Yutong stared at Xiaohua's eyes and said: "If it is, there is a compromise in the poor road!"

"This..." Xiao Hua pondered for a moment, took a hand and took the smallest sword. He handed it over and said: "This is the unintentional time when the poor road was experienced. It was meant to be discarded. It looks fun, just stay!"

How could Zhang Yutong believe that Xiao Hua said, took the sword pill, and took a closer look. A real yuan was sprayed on the sword pill, and the sword pill did not respond at all! Later, the faceless expression was handed over to Zhang Yuhe, who had long been eager to try. Zhang Yuhe looked more carefully and threw it to Xiao Hua. He smiled and said: "Xiao Daoyou, you are really awkward! It is rubbish!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was cold, and he said, “But listen to the friends!”

"Oh, don't worry about Xiao Daoyou, the texture of your sword is really good, even if I wait for the sisters, I can't see the calendar! Unfortunately... the so-called sword pill of Jianwan, that is the source of the sword, your sword is completely dead. It is impossible to breed the sword yuan, and naturally it is impossible to defend the sword!" Zhang Yuhe said unceremoniously: "Even if you take the technique of surgery and repairing the sword, it will not be able to come back to life!"

"Oh, this way!" Xiao Hua sighed and took a hand and took the sword.

Zhang Yutong said at this time: "However, I saw Xiao Daoyou's sword pill, and the poor road dared to talk to Xiao Daoyou!"

"What is the saying?" Xiao Hua was amazed.

Zhang Yutong took a shot and took out a half-sword-shaped jade. He said: "The poor road here is also the technique of getting a sword in the early years. Most of them have been damaged, leaving only the technique of pregnancy sword. The method of the sword is that some swords go astray, which is different from the one used by my dazzling swords. However, as far as the poor road is concerned, this method of gestation has a unique effect on the repair of swords. If Xiao Daoyou is willing, the poor road will be Reluctantly cut love!"

Zhang Yuhe, a shot, said: "My sister still has this thing, I have forgotten it, how many years have passed!"

Then, to Xiao Huadao: "Sister can really meet the requirements of Xiao Daoyou, but this pregnancy sword is very demanding, Xiao Daoyou think more!"

"Oh, forget it, there is nothing to think about. It’s useless to take this sinuous grass in the poor road. The two Taoist friends are useless. They may exchange some of them and maybe have some value!" Xiao Hua said with a weak voice. .

"Good!" Zhang Yutong waved his hand, and the half-mutilated jade slipped into the hands of Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua didn't look at it. The income storage bag, Zhang Yuhe had some heart to bear, and whispered: "That... Xiao Daoyou, if After I found Xuan Yin Ling Cao, I can also go to my dazzling swordsmanship, and ask the master to see if I can give you a set of swords!"

"Oh, thank you Zhang Daoyou!" Xiao Hua turned back and said: "Mongolian Xuanyin illusion is one of the top ten dangerous places. The poor roads do not know that the monkey year can enter. At that time, the swords are cultivated again... Is it too late? ”

"Xiao Daoyou said that the pregnancy sword began from a pregnant sword, that is, the beginning of the repair of a layer of refining, Xiao Daoyou is now too pregnant sword!" Zhang Yuhe regrets.

"It's okay!" Zhang Yutong smiled. "The method in the remnant sword is the latest at the end of the sword, which is equivalent to the twelve layers of the refining!"

"Really?" Xiao Hua was overjoyed.

Immediately, Zhang Yutong laughed again; "It is only possible, the later it is, the less likely it is that the sword will succeed, that is, the repair will not succeed!"

"Oh, there are always some hopes! Thanks to the two friends." Xiao Hua said with a hand: "I also hope that the two Taoist friends can find Xuanyin Lingcao! The poor road to leave!"

Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe opened the ban and let Xiao Hua go out. Seeing Xiao Hua is also a frustration. The other monk who came in later was like the one that Xiao Hua had just entered.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to walk back to the royal court of Yu Leizong, when he entered the door, he met Jing Ge. At this time, he looked very good and his pace was strong. He saw Xiao Hua coming in from outside and his eyes were slightly stunned. A smile that doesn't make sense: "Xiao Shidi, where are you going?"

Xiao Hua didn't want to pay attention to it, but since everyone has opened up, he can't help but answer. After all, is it the same door? "Just walk, nothing!" Xiao Hua said casually.

"Hey, it seems that Xiao Shidi has a peaceful mixed day?" This is a normal word, but a "mixed" word provoked Xiaohua's unreasonable annoyance. Just did not change the anger of Yu Jian's technique and came up. Coldly screamed: "The poor road is mixed, but it is lucky compared to some people who can no longer participate in the fight!"

"Do you say poor?" Ge Ge immediately changed his face.

"There are more disciples who can't participate in the whole dilemma. The poor people love to say who they say, whoever has no face to go up and say who!" Xiao Hua simply ignored him and lifted his foot to his quiet room.

"Well, you are a Xiaohua! The shit's loose repair, what's so great?"

"Hey, what are you doing?" The voice of Wang Yun’s anger screamed at the door: "Is this in Taiqing, did you come to laugh at people?"

"哼哼~" Xiao Hua sneered, urging the French card into the quiet room, followed by a flash of brilliance, banned the quiet room, and there was no sound outside. He really hates this, it is not Do you cultivate yourself to look deep? Isn't it that he is still comfortable to attend the Yuxian Conference, and he has already eliminated it?

"Small master's magical power, you can know?" Xiao Hua sneered, took the broken sword-shaped jade Jane out, immersed the gods and carefully read them.

"Wang Shixiong, this 厮 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今 如今Inside? Every day is swaying in front of the poor road!"

"Hey, guess where Xiaohua went?" Wang Yunxiao said.

"Where did you go? Did you go to the bliss?"

Yuan Bo is looking at Wang Yunqi, frowning: "This is a secret, is it a place that I don't know?"

"Well, it is exactly that the poor road saw him go to the sword repairing pavilion!"

"Jian Xiu? What did he go there?" Ge Ge stunned, but Yuan Bo was meditating for a moment, laughing: "Nature is going to change things with the sword! He was originally a loose repair, and he did not know that his hand was hurt. How many lives, there are naturally not good things in the storage bag, presumably to go to the sword repair exchange, want to use a magic weapon to use!"

"Oh, I don't know what the sword repair is, and the magic weapon doesn't know if it is true!" 闵 sighed.

Wang Yunqi is mysterious: "The poor road does not know that he has not changed successfully, but ... he went in for a long time. When he came out, he was so arrogant that he must have something to gain!"

"No... he really changed the magic weapon?" Yuanbo said with a voice: "He... how many good things are in the storage bag?"

"Yeah, he is..." 闵戈 is also awake, but he can immediately cover up: "Yu Shizu does not let me wait for more words, I must have it!"

Wang Yunqi, Yuan Bo, and Yan Ge’s faces all carry a kind of enlightenment, look at each other, and secretly care about themselves...

Within the quiet room, Xiao Hua silently withdrew from the jade, and the face was calm, but it was only a moment of calm. Xiao Hua hit the ground and had a shyness on his face. : "***, this time the little master is eating a big loss!"

"The method of gestation of this sword pill is correct. It is also a unique way. It is exactly like Zhang Yutong said, it can repair the sword pill! But ..... Where does the young man’s sword yuan come from? Put this sword in the heat of Dantian, the true temperature of the sword is also a secret method, but after all, it falls, the Feijian is not inferior, it is better to use the sword directly!"

"And, Xiaoye has cultivated the dragon, and the whole meridian is a whole. That is also the case of Dantian. I can't put a flying sword that I don't know if I can practice it in Dantian. The dragon that is cultivated daily!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed, a burst of pain...



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