Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 403: Prajna Evil is now

"Sister" Zhang Yutong waited for her to look at her: "You are building the strength of the middle and the middle of the year. Didn't you come to grab the disciples with the refining? Don't feel thrown in? And... I don't want to go now, when?"

Then he asked Deming, "I wonder if these days around the dilemma are calm?"

Deming knew what Zhang Yutong was asking, and nodded: "I have cultivated three countries and thirteen disciples all in the territory of the country. The whereabouts of the two young friends have not been revealed. I also ask the two young friends to rest assured."

"Thanks to Deming's predecessors, my sister will definitely sue my family, and your friendship will definitely be reported."

"The far-off is the guest, the sect is just the friendship of the landlord." Deming smiles and has no pop-up window.

Subsequently, Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe entered the whole world, and under the **** of Deming, they did not attract any attention at all, and quietly left the dilemma.

In the early morning of the next day, all the disciples gathered on the square. Ren Zhu distributed the rewards of this feather fair to the disciples one by one according to the rules of the previous Yuxian Conference. Although Xiao Hua entered the top 32 There is no victory, no remedy has been harvested.

When he gave the last instrument award to Yunxiao, Ren Zhulang smiled and said: "When the previous friends came to the dilemma, the poor road said, why is the Yuxian Conference held here? This thing related to one thing is also the reward of the last fight of this feather fair."

When the disciples heard it, they cast their gaze on the high platform behind Ren Zhu. At this time, the high platform was no different from the previous ones. According to the 1st, no gods could see through it.

"This is also the moment when the mystery is revealed." Ren Zhu smiled and pointed his hand and said: "This thing was a few years ago, and it was self-defeating and it was just not inserted here."

When talking about the tactics in the hands, a blue-bright brilliance hits the high platform. The high platform is like a melting iceberg, gradually revealing the inside of it. I saw a sword that is three feet long and has a thick fist. Inserted in the middle of the platform

"O A ah prajna..." Seeing this familiar sword embryo, Xiao Hua’s mind is involuntarily the name of the sword embryo, and at the same time, Xiao Hua’s mind is banging: “This is a big deal. The sword is mine, and the epee is falling from the shackles, then I....... 岂 岂 也是 ??? ??? ??? 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我”

With the discovery of the prajna epee, Ren Zhu said on the 1st: "This thing is a sword embryo at first glance. It should be that it has not yet been built. However, this thing has the most strange difference from the usual sword embryo. The sword embryo can't be manipulated with the mind and the weight is heavy."

"Oh..." the crowds in the square are whispering.

"Renzhudaoyou... According to what you said, isn't this a magic weapon?" The male flying of the Huanhua School was very proud at this time, laughing and saying

Ren Zhu looked like a pair of people and shook his head: "The disciples who first discovered this thing are also such thoughts. The sect of the sects thought that the magic weapon of the battle of the fairy devils flowed to the sect, but the weight of the sword embryo was real. The shock is far more serious than the magic weapon that the sects have seen. Second, although the magic weapon cannot be manipulated by the gods, it can be placed in the storage bag. After the thing is placed in the storage bag, the storage bag The space array method inside will gradually be crushed by the sword embryo."

"o A???" disciples are surprised

"After the identification of the cultivator, the texture of this sword embryo is not something on the rainy continent, and it is impossible for this sword embryo to be tempered by the ordinary method of refining. There should be a very strange method to make a sword. Instead of flying swords, this sword can not be controlled by God."

"What use is that?" The disciples are quite suspicious.

It seems that I heard the doubts of the disciples. Ren Zhu smiled and said: "How does this thing work? The poor roads don't know. I don't know the elders of the Qing Dynasty. However, according to my Taiqing Jade Lunzheng guess, this thing must be If you have a disciple, you may find the true meaning of the avenue.

"O A" disciples are all surprises, although they also feel that Ren Zhu’s words are somewhat unreliable. If it is so precious, how can it be placed here? And is it so generous to give in? However, if you think about Ren Zhu’s words, there is such a slight possibility that you can’t help but feel hot.

"This sword embryo has been in the darkness of my Taiqing for a long time, and many disciples have come to surrender, but in the end... there is no one who has a fate to send the Qing Dynasty to see the Yuxian Assembly in my Taiqing. I will open the door to the general public, and hold this fairy assembly in a dilemma. If any of the Taoist friends have the chance to get this sword embryo, it is also a merit of my Taiqing."

“How can I count the fate?” asked Shang Huazong Li Mingcheng.

Ren Zhu will hand a finger to the sword embryo: "First of all, there must be means to distinguish it from the thirty-two disciples. It is the ability to take this sword embryo away."

"I also ask Renzhudao friends to give pointers, how can we be a means?"

"Thirty-two disciples, except for my Taiqing disciples, are all entering the magical array, fighting each other, with a fragrant incense as the time limit. Which disciple can stay in the magical array at the end, then There is a means, as long as he picks up the sword, this sword embryo has a relationship with him."

"After a fragrant incense, are there many disciples still in the illusion?"

"Oh, naturally there is no disciple who has a relationship with this sword embryo." Ren Zhu smiled and said: "This is similar to the second round. There is no time limit for withdrawal. As long as you feel the danger of life, you can immediately push the French card. Of course, the disciples are determined not to quit, but their lives are self-sufficient."

"So very good," everyone is called good

"啪啪" Renzhu hits the palm with his hand, and the mana is urging. A huge illusion is born from the high platform, and the sword embryo is wrapped in it.

"The disciples, a musk has already begun, when will not enter the illusion?" Renzhu shouted, and the scented scented candle, flying in the air

"Go" Xiao Hua and other entrances scorned, the body shape is flying, and they are committed to the magic circle.

When I entered the illusion, I saw that there were a lot of surrounding areas, but the crowds were also gathered in a short distance. It is obvious that the Xiguo, Mengguo and Shuguo, the disciples of the Three Kingdoms are distinct and distinct. a group, look at each other

Because they are mutually restrained, the three gangs are not willing to move at random, and there is no urgency to enter. Xiao Hua is anxious. He knows that this sword embryo is his own, and he has a must-have heart. He sees time and confrontation. In the middle of the death, after waiting for a fragrant incense, I have no chance to get the sword embryo easily.

Therefore, Xiao Hua whispered to the side of the dry stranger: "Dry brother, such a confrontation will not have any results, the younger brother went to attack the Mongolian disciples, how do you see?"

"Big good, there are few monks in the Mongolian country. You only need to take the shots. The poor roads are also followed by the release of the implements. First, the monks of the Mongolian nationality will be beaten out and say, "The dry stranger is very strange. This is why the younger brother who has never been rushing in front of him is suddenly in a hurry. He is also willing to have a scorpion

"Good" Xiao Hua listened, and flew to the front of the monks of the Xi State. When the crowd saw Xiao Hua flying to the lowest level, the disciples of Meng Guo and Lao Guo mobilized mana, and slightly guarded.

Xiao Hua did not hesitate. He just flew out of the group and immediately rushed to the Mongolian disciples. "Hey, it’s just looking for death." Meng Guo didn’t know that the disciples were sneer, and the first few disciples spurred the sacrifice. The instrument is hit down towards Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua was afraid that he wouldn’t move in. He saw that he had entered the implement, and he was overjoyed. He took a hand and took dozens of the best fireballs. The prostitute was scattered and went to the disciples of Mengguo. Among

And his own figure immediately flew in the direction of the side of the country, seems to avoid the instrument

"Banglong" and "Booming" have repeatedly sounded dozens of fireballs, and the disciples of Mengguo have stood still unstable. It shows that the disciples of the Xizhou County have long been prepared. When they see such a flaw, where will they not fall into the rocks?

Every entry will be messed up, and the craftsmanship of the pickpocket will be motivated to go in the direction of the fireball.

The disciples of the Xi State know that they have fallen into the rocks, and how do they know when they enter the country? In particular, Xiao Hua’s fireballs have caused a lot of enrollment. Many of the instruments are also chasing Xiao Hua’s fight. Xiao Hua is wandering around the country, and the instruments are also flying around the country. How can I make it? The disciples of the Shu Kingdom are quiet?

In an instant, the entire scene lost control. All disciples couldn’t take care of anything. On the one hand, they protected themselves. On the one hand, they used various means to fight against strange disciples and relentlessly.

Xiao Hua, who successfully provoked the battle, immediately sacrificed the dust. The khaki brilliance kept him firmly, and then he probed his hand, and the magic gun tip was taken out of the space, and the figure was swayed again and again. A string of afterimages, the body is very chic in the crowd, flying around

Xiao Hua’s flight is fast, the space of this illusion is not big, and it is a chaotic anomaly. Xiao Hua is just like a duck, but for a moment, he has successfully sneaked four disciples to force these disciples to rush to push the cards. Far away

The disciples on the "o A???" square can be Nahan at this time. No one has ever thought of it. A disciple who is the lowest disciple has such a means.

"Booming" Xiaohua is also playing a string of fireballs. Similarly, other disciples are also red-eyed, all kinds of fireballs, ice stabs, impediments, etc., all of which are desperate to play, countless crackles, Countless brilliance flashes, and the aura of the entire illusion is instantaneous.

"哗", like a waterfall, fell from the hustle and bustle, and it was thrown at Xiaohua, and Xiaohua’s figure was twisted. He flew slightly to the front and escaped the fire. But the two disciples next to him were big. Anxious, the defensive instruments in the hand only insisted for a moment, the brilliance was bleak, and the fire was burned to the flesh, and the two helpless placards disappeared in place.

The two entered, just not far from them, a gorgeous brilliance flashed, and a flying sword burst into a brilliance, and the place where the fire came was stabbed.

To be continued


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