Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 404: Chaos

Chapter 404

Chaos, chaos, chaos! This is the situation at this time in the Magic Array.

When we first started, the disciples of all countries were still surrounded and unanimous, and there were countless yellow characters. Many instruments were flying around in midair. They had already confused the previous formations, and the disciples of various countries were mixed together. The disciples of the various factions are also mixed together. No one can see who is there. Seeing a disciple come over, without thinking, it is to push the instrument, fly over, and whether the disciple is familiar!

All the disciples within the illusion are filled with gods, and the mutual understanding of each other is mixed.

Xiao Hua saw a flying sword flying from a distance. It seemed to be directed at himself, and the Buddha’s knowledge was slightly released. He had already seen a South Ming dynasty disciple behind him, holding a pot-shaped implement in his hand. A light blue glare glowed out and condensed into a fist-sized sphere, which flew to a bliss disciple. So Xiao Hua did not hurry to dodge, and the flying sword was indeed close. The two feet were slightly wrong, and the flying sword was escaped in an instant. The Nanzong disciple naturally also had a god-protecting body, and he would have seen it all the time. It is clear that Xiao Hua can escape the flying sword. He is not caught by the hand. The flying sword is three inches wide, one foot long, and the flame is lingering, the momentum is awkward, and it is not waiting for the stab. I felt that the Feijian had a high mana. At this time, I had to avoid it. The South Mingzong disciple had no choice but to inject the mana into the already prepared French card. A milky white brilliance descended from the sky. Cover him and keep the flying sword outside. With the disappearance of Guanghua, the Southern Ming Dynasty disciple is also a magical array!

"One less!" Xiao Hua sneered, urging the dust, a glimpse of the thick yellow brilliance, and the disciples of the Xianlepa who sent the flying swords were stabbed!

Xianle’s disciples were far away. When they saw Xiao Hua’s attack, they were not nervous. They shot their hands and they were faintly visible. They seemed to have protective instruments. It is a pity that Xiao Hua’s whisky is still waiting to be attacked. In the oblique thorn, the figure of a Shang Huazong disciple being shot is blocked before the brilliance of Guangzhao...

"Hey!" The disciple was shocked and stunned, and he couldn’t take care of the other. He also spurred the card to escape.

The attack of the dust was slightly blocked by the monk of Shang Huazong, and the speed was reduced. Xiao Hua had to find the Feijian disciple who had just attacked him. It has been blocked by others!

Xiao Hua was about to take out the fireball. Suddenly, a slender diamond-shaped implement suddenly flew out from under his feet, and actually escaped his Buddhist knowledge and the slanting thorns to the calf!

"Ah? Isn't this a mysterious iron needle?" Xiao Hua was awkward, and he couldn't think too much. The whole figure was fierce and then retired. The loud noise of "Peng", Xiaohua's back actually met another monk, how much Xiaohua's strength Ah, all of a sudden, the disciple hit the individual and turned over, and Xiaohua’s flight speed was only slightly affected by it. Then he folded the direction and threw the thunder away!

The mysterious iron-like instrument, after chasing it, could not catch up with Xiao Hua, and immediately turned the direction, stabbing the disciple who had just been knocked over by Xiao Hua. The disciple was a little dizzy and wanted to mobilize the law. The card, and some disappointment, just between this hesitation, the instrument has quietly escaped the thoughts of God, piercing the back of this disciple!

"Ah!!" The disciple was angry, but it was already late. This instrument is more sinister than the black iron needle. The yellow character of the bodyguard was pierced only slightly, and it was through the chest!

After the body of the disciple fell from the air, the needle-like implement flashed again, flew into the disciples, disappeared! Seeing the fall of a monk, there is still a trace of luck in the hearts of the people, no longer dare to neglect, or fully force the mana, to play the instrument, or to promote the French card, Cangjie escaped from the illusion.

In a moment, there were fewer than ten disciples in the entire fantasy array!

"Haha, do you want to quit your friends?" A sound that sounds very elegant, Xiaohua frowned, and he saw it. He saw him about ten feet across from him. It was a handsome man’s head. The green bamboo tubeware, emitting a green brilliance, emits a mask from top to bottom, not only to cover the man, but also to protect the woman who is next to a red dress like a rainbow, the skin wins the snow! The female repaired a red dragonfly like a dragon and a snake, swimming in the body!

"Clouds!" Xiao Hua's eyes twitched slightly, a feeling of sourness and bun feeling from the bottom of my heart!

I saw that Yunxiao pointed his hand and said with a smile: "This thing is a poor thing. I have already sent away a few friends in the poor and poor teachers. If you are interested, this situation. If you are poor, you will not know what to say if you don’t know what to do...hehe!

After listening to the words of Yunxiao, several people in the audience looked at each other. This includes Zhuo Qingyuan. He is not an opponent of Yunxiao. Moreover, there is a red glow fairy next to Yunxiao. So Zhuo Qingyuan rushed the magic card, and he was not interested in this inexplicable sword embryo!

Seeing that Zhuo Qingyuan took the lead and retired, the remaining one was to quit the disciples, and then, except for Xiao Hua and the two monks, the other disciples were out of the illusion!

One of the two monks was short and plain, and the other was a square face with a rough skin.

"Xiao Daoyou..." The short-skilled monk arched the hand: "The poor road is the philanthropic Zhang Xin, this is the poor brother Yang Fangcheng. Xiao Daoyou has also seen the poor road twice, I really admire, if Xiaodaoyou and the poor The Taoist brothers teamed up to be the two friends who are not afraid of the Huanhua School!"

Xiao Hua listened, and the slightest contempt in his heart: "You two are two, it is appropriate, pull the little master to do? The young man helped you to wait for two, the next is to be dealt with which two, no reason What do I mix?"

Seeing Xiao Hua’s silence, Zhang Xin no longer said more, and he pointed his hand to the half-moon-shaped weapon flying in the air. He laughed: “In this case, my bliss disciples will come to you to send disciples! ”

As soon as the voice fell, the half-moon-shaped whistling whistling, while spinning, flew to the cloud's chest, and his younger brother Yang Fangcheng did not speak. He also pointed his hand, a golden yellow ball slid and turned. Hit the clouds!

"Good!" Yunxiao stood up and shouted: "Look at the instrument of a certain family!"

I saw that the bamboo tube covering the two people suddenly became bigger, and the brilliance that was sown was generally turned into a flat light curtain, blocking himself and the red xia fairy, and the remaining half was under the pressure of the clouds. Turned into a green secluded bamboo, flew over the instrument of the two.

Zhang Xin’s instruments circled and flew near the clouds. One and a half moon-shaped brilliances were emitted from the implements. The “啪啪啪啪” hit a bamboo, the bamboo dissipated, and the half-moon shape Guanghua also disappeared! However, there are so many bamboos in the sky, and there are still many who are still flying to the two.

At this time, Yang Fangcheng’s beads also arrived. Under the urging of the mana, the beads rose up to a square, and suddenly the remaining bamboo was swept away, breaking through a golden channel and hitting the sky straight. Awkward defense!

Seeing this moment, the disciples inside the square knew the situation on the scene. Yunxiao is indeed the first place in the Yuxian Conference. His mana is deeper than any of the philanthropic Zhang Xin and Yang Fangcheng, but it is worse than the joint efforts of the two. However, isn’t the Hongxia Fairy of the Huanhua School not yet shot?

Sure enough, the one-foot-sized bead hit the light curtain, and the light curtain was stretched a lot, and even the brilliance of the light curtain was faint, and the red glow fairy shot.

But see the red Xia fairy's posture is really beautiful, and the action of dancing and dancing is not so much a driving force, it is better to dance!

"Boom!" The disciples in the square are also cheering, and their hearts are full of admiration: "This sect of the sect of the sects... is it so beautiful?"

Good-looking nature is good-looking, and the power of the red dragonfly is amazing. I saw that the red dragonfly danced like a snake in the air, flashing a dozen red phantoms, and the red brilliance will reflect the half-space inside the magic array. Into red!

In Zhang Xin’s thoughts, the red dragonfly also turned into three, flying from different directions!

"This..." Zhang Xin did not fight against the Hongxia fairy. Naturally, he did not encounter such a weird situation. On the one hand, he urged the mana to support the attack on the cloud. On the one hand, he bit his teeth and explored it. A large number of yellow characters were sprinkled out, trying to block the red dragonfly of the red glow fairy, the light brushing of the "brush", one of the three red dragonflies, a slight sweep, all the yellow characters were included in the red dragonfly It seems that there is no sound!

"Yeah!" Zhang Xin's eyes were slightly stunned, urging the implement, and flying a few Guanghua from the implement to hit the red dragonfly that had just received the yellow mark!

Xiao Hua, who showed off the Buddha and watched the battle in the distance, saw it and sighed slightly. The red dragonfly in the mind of God is indeed three. It can’t be separated from the primary and secondary. It can be seen in the Buddha’s knowledge. Xiao Hua clearly sees it. The red dragonfly kept changing among the three virtual shadows. Just after Zhang Xin’s Huang Fu was taken away, the red dragonfly had turned to another virtual shadow, and the claws of the claws flew to Zhang Xin, and Zhang Xin’s attacker attacked. It is already a virtual shadow.

Sure enough, the half-month brilliance is very easy to pass through the red dragonfly, flying down the air, seeing the attack falling, Zhang Xin is also empty, the two red dragonflies that have not been prepared have already flew to the left and right.

"Brush!" a soft bang, red 绫 a flashing, Zhang Xin suddenly raised a foot around the world, the aura of the heavens and the earth was taken away by the red ,, seeing the overwhelming red flutter, Zhang Xin sighed and had to Card urging...

Since Zhang Xin left, Yang Fangcheng naturally can't stay too much. He waited for the red dragonfly of Hongxia Fairy to attack, and he also withdrew from the illusion of Zhang Xin's Guanghua!

"Xiao Daoyou...It’s hard to be done. Do you want to watch the fun here?" Yun Yun took the instrument and stood up. It was a smile to Xiao Hua. It was graceful... absolutely unparalleled, that tone...absolutely Hey!




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