Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Junyi has decided, and he is with the monarch

The 405th chapter of the monarchy has been decided, and the whole body is with the monarch

"Xiao Shidi, you and me are old knowledge! Moreover, Xiao Shidi did not cooperate with the philanthropic disciples just now, presumably to care for the old, Xiao Shidi, this kind of mind is poor, and then return to Xiguo, find opportunities for the brother Repaying Xiao Shidi!" Yunxiao said from his own, Hongxia fairy will take back the red dragonfly, the red sky of the sky is confined in the red dragonfly, and her red clothes should be like a red cloud!

“嘿嘿~” Xiao Hua smiled and said: “It’s a pity that you and I are of course old knowledge, but this sword embryo is also a poor thing. If the cloud brothers care about the old, please ask the cloud brother to withdraw from the magic array. The poor road led, and later returned to the country, the younger brother looked for an opportunity to visit the cloud brother. (dka,"

After listening to Xiao Hua almost exactly the same words, Yunxiao’s face was slightly angry, and looked up to see the huge incense sticks above the magic array. There was still no burning around 30%, and the mana was motivated, turning to the red Xia fairy road: “Sister and Stand by and see how the brothers can clean up this!"

Hongxia fairy brows slightly wrinkled, looked at Xiao Hua, his body shape unfolded and flew to the middle of the two.

Xiao Hua also looked at the incense sticks. The mana was reminded, and the dusty yellow brilliance was scattered. The whole body of Xiao Hua was protected, and then the spirit crow fire net was taken out! Seeing that the crow fire net flew like a fire in the air, the sky was also frowning.

However, all the refining monks, the gods have limited, generally can only mobilize a device, Xiao Hua this shot is two pieces of the instrument, that God is certainly extraordinary. In particular, Xiao Hua is only a monk in the early stage of refining the 12th floor. How can he not be alert?

"Cloud master, be careful!" Xiao Hua screamed, the crow fire network opened, and dozens of fire crows flashing purple flames rushed to the clouds.

The cloud whispered slightly and spurred his own implements. Just like the one just now, half of the green brilliance protected itself, and the other half still turned into a bamboo forest like a firecrow!

Xiao Hua has already seen the power of the Aoki giant sticks in the previous fights. At this time, I also know that these are the forms of the woody instruments to extract the aura of the heavens and the earth. The essence is still aura, so I don’t panic. The fire cub is in the bamboo forest!

"Boom ~" a fire, many bamboos have been ignited, the fire crows are not wearing the bamboo forest, rushing to the clouds to protect the body mask!

"Hey~" everyone on the square was shocked. Is this still used? The fire crow breaks through the bamboo, although it is a fire wood, but it is also a demonstration that Xiao Hua’s mana is deeper than the cloud! Next to the red glow fairy is even more beautiful. Yunxiao does not seem to expect that the firecrack can easily break through the bamboo, and between the gods, the fire crow has already burned to the eye!

In Cangjie, the cloud smashed a hand, a bunch of ice seals and other water-based yellow characters played, wanting to block Xiao Hua's fire crow, but the purple fire crow is containing a trace of three real fires, in fact, Huang Fusuo Can it be destroyed? The sound of "Boom", all the yellow characters are lit!

Yunxiao sees the situation is not good, the whole person flies up, urging the implement to take all the brilliance back, and then, taking a shot, is also a feather-like instrument, took out, see the cloud There is a word on the mouth, and the law in the hand is also inciting, watching the fire crow rushing over with a fan!

The cloud is not tight, and the aura around the world is inhaled by the feather fan. As the fan fan falls, there are also a group of fire cubs flying out of the feather fan. The group of fire crows are different from Xiao Hua’s fire crows, not only It is a lot bigger than Xiao Hua’s fire crow, that is, the color of the fire crow is also divided into three kinds!

"Not good!" Seeing Yunxiao also offering a fire weapon, Xiao Hua feels bad. He is the root of the fire-fighting stone on the implement, which can be absorbed by the feather fan. Compared with the aura of heaven and earth, there is more than one downfall. Even if his mana is stronger than the clouds, he can't win him by the instrument!

Sure enough, the group of fire crows suddenly set up Xiao Hua’s fire crows, burning each other and biting each other. The firecracker of the lupin fan is better than the firecrow that contains three real fires. It can win in a large number, and there are lupins that provide the aura, but for a moment, Xiao Hua’s fire crow is a few small laps!

There was a smile on the face of Yunxiao, and he said with awkwardness: "Xiao Shidi... Is it better for you to quit? I will be a tie!"

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua glanced at it and burned some incense sticks. I knew that time was not enough. So I laughed loudly: "The means of the poor road have not been made yet. How can we exit the poor road?"

Waiting for the laughter, Xiao Hua took a shot at the top door and took a mouthful of three-inch town cloud prints from his mouth!

The town cloud printing fruit is not a magic weapon, just showed its figure, immediately swallowed the surrounding world aura, gradually magnified, and soared to the top of Xiao Hua, when it was not fully activated, it has turned into a two-foot-size seal!

"Falun???" Yunxiao is obviously aware of the goods, see the movement of the town cloud printing, as well as the fluctuations of its spiritual power, know that this thing is difficult to resist!

"Go~" Xiao Hua didn't want to delay the time, the mana urging, the town cloud prints rose slightly, the whole size increased more and more, and when it flew to the sky about two feet in front of the cloud, it has become a chapter size. The power of the powerful shackles issued in the town cloud printing is to suppress the cloud and death, and Ren Yunqi is unable to break free anyway!

Around the town's cloud-printing, the heavens and the earth's aura have been disturbed, inhaling the town's cloud-printing, the edge of the entire magical array has begun to sway slightly, slowly turning into a bright and bright air, seems to be annihilated.

Although the town cloud printing at this time did not have a size of more than ten feet when controlled by Fan Tong, the power of the town cloud printing was more than doubled. Even the monks of the 12th layer of the cloud refining gas did not look like this. The enemy of the broken magic weapon!

The red glow fairy who has been watching from the side is full of horror at this moment, even to cover his mouth with his hands!

"Cloud master, you want to exit the magic array?" Xiao Hua asked coldly.

"You..." Yun gnawed his teeth and looked at the red xia fairy. The red xia fairy was horrified. It didn't seem to be hands-on. The red scorpion of the whole body has already flown and it looks normal!

“哼~” Yunxiao sneered and said: “But it’s just relying on the power of the old magic weapon. If you have the ability to fight with the poor roads?”

"Cloud Master, time is not enough!" Xiao Hua pointed his hand and smiled: "If you don't quit now, then don't blame the younger brother for not recognizing the brother!"

"Good!" Yunxiao was furious and took a shot. It was the place where he hit his top door. As he lifted his palm, a sparkling charm was revealed by him!

"Ah? Yunfufu??" Xiao Hua was shocked!

Not only is Xiao Hua surprised, but the red-sky fairy standing next to him is also surprised! I don't feel worried about looking at Xiaohua!

The disciples above the square were even more shocked. They all came to the opportunity to find a foundation at the Yuxian Conference. I can't think of the fact that others can build a foundation and are practicing refining! Really different pursuits!

And this kind of cultivation is high, and there is already a monk in the true spirit. The mana is naturally not comparable to the disciple of the refining period. If he can't win the championship, who can win the championship? Of course, the Yuxian Conference is only restricted to participate in the refining period of the monks, and does not stipulate that the refining can not be completed, Yunxiao can not say that it is a violation of the rules of the Yuxian Conference!

With the uncovering of Yun Yunyun's charm, the Yunfu symbol immediately turned into a light group, followed by Guanghua's restrained, dripping and rushing into the sky's forehead. At the moment when the light group plunged into the forehead of the cloud, an unspeakable pressure was born from the body of Yunxiao. The pressure was unstoppable and filled with the entire magical array. This pressure gradually solidified, the town The power of imprisonment on the cloud prints can no longer completely ban the clouds!

And with the increasing pressure on the cloud, the body is emitting a great suction from the cloud, and the heaven and earth aura within the magic array can not be suppressed. ! The crystal beads that are visible to the naked eye are born in the whole space, and it is the aura of heaven and earth that condenses into dots! But these point-like auras of heaven and earth have just condensed a little bit and stopped, and the heaven and earth aura within the entire magical array is already insufficient!

Moreover, with the lack of aura in the illusion, the entire illusion is beginning to be distorted, and it will be broken...

"Fast, Renzhudaoyou, quickly withdraw the magic array!" Xiongfei was overjoyed and shouted.

Ren Zhu did not dare to neglect, the big sleeves waved, the law was everywhere, the magical array disappeared, and the bright green air flew into the little earth and aura of condensation, and it was poured into the body of Yunxiao!

"How... Xiao Shidi! You...do you still fight with the poor?" The cloud was built, and the surrounding space was temporarily closed. The whole town cloud was suspended in midair and could not be left. It was Xiao Hua himself. I can't escape without wanting to escape!

The most hateful thing is that while Yunxiao is talking to Xiaohua, he is motivated by the mana, and a very powerful law is being formed. Looking at this situation, Yunxiao does not intend to let Xiaohua go out!

"Cloud Master!" Waiting for Xiao Hua to open, Hongxia Fairy urged the red dragonfly, barely flew to the front of Xiao Hua, and blocked him behind him, whispered: "Xiao Daoyou is a poor old man, but also ask the brothers to show mercy! ”

"Old knowledge? Oh, good! I hope this is the last time the sisters still have other feelings!" Yun Hao first glimpsed, then, smiled and said: "Chong the face of the younger sister, as long as he quits fighting, he gave up the sword embryo The poor road will let him go!"

"Hey!" Seeing the red Xia fairy in front of himself, the taste of the heart can not be said, and see the red glow fairy turned to look at himself, sneer: "The fairy does not have to be, the previous people have long paid off, you I don't owe anything! This sword embryo is a must for the poor, and never quit! Please let the fairy let it go!"

Later, Xiao Hua’s mind entered the space, awakened the sleeping Xiao Huang and the playing silver, and prepared them to wait for the first time to come out of the space and attack the clouds. Xiao Hua’s three-way real fire, magic hammer and other means have not been displayed, how can they retreat?

I know, listening to Xiao Hua’s words, Hongxia Fairy was not angry, and did not retreat. Instead, he smiled and whispered: “The king’s intention has been decided, and he is with the king!”

Since attending the Yuxian Conference, Hongxia Fairy has never laughed. It has never been a fake color. At this time, a smile, if the spring breeze is over, the willows are scratching their hearts, not only Xiaohua is standing on the spot, but also on the square. The disciples are all looking at each other, and my heart is shocked!

In the eyes of the public, I saw the red-eyed fairy turned around and stretched out the fingers of the white jade like jade, and glanced at the hair like a cloud. Similarly, it was also a sparkling charm that was uncovered by her. For the light group did not enter her top door, a hurricane formed by the aura of heaven and earth swarmed into her body, and countless heaven and earth auras began to condense again. This time the condensed spirit beads are bigger than the clouds. Minute……



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