Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Goro

Chapter 406, Xiao Lang

Seeing that Yunxiao has just begun to build the foundation, it has not ended, and the Hongxia Fairy has begun to build the foundation, and the momentum is going to be bigger than the sky! Needless to say, repairing is definitely more than three points higher than Yunxiao!

All the disciples are stunned!

"This...what is this?" A sturdy monk almost came out: "If you don't build a foundation, you will have two foundations, brothers and sisters! You build a foundation in your own house." Didn't it be? Didn't come to the Yuxian Conference? Not only did it grab the title and the instrument, but also let others see it?"

"Sister, originally... can you build a foundation?" Yunxiao was stunned and said, "Why don't you tell your brother early?"

The pressure on the red miracle fairy gradually increased, and the aura of the heavens and the earth absorbed greatly exceeded the cloud. When I saw the question of Yunxiao, I replied faintly: "Isn’t the brothers already building the foundation? The little girl seems to Don't know!"

"Fast! Yunxiao, you can't build a foundation with your sister. She is more profound than you. The aura that she absorbs will definitely affect your foundation. Maybe it will be abandoned!" Xiongfei screamed. (dukank

In the heart of Yunxiao, wherever he still cares about the sword embryo and Xiaohua, his figure flies up and screams: "This road is abandoned, Renzhu seniors, please guide!"

"Well, Yun Xiaoyou please!" Renzhu flew away, flying out of the square with the clouds, flying away from the embarrassing situation!

"Hongxia Xiaoyou, you are also coming with the poor road!" Deming flew out of the pavilion outside the square, standing in the air and whispering.

"There are some seniors!" Hongxia fairy was swearing, and his body shape was also flying. When he left, he smiled back: "Xiao Lang, at this time, there is only one person, Xiao Lang, this sword embryo is Xiao Lang!"

Looking back and smiling, Bai Meisheng, Hongxia Fairy did not know how much affection in a smile, this smile, this affectionate, as the world's most powerful imprisonment, will hold Xiaohua firmly in the air, staring at Hongxia The figure of the fairy flew out of the dilemma and disappeared in another direction!

"Jun Yi has already decided, and I am with the monarch!" This whisper may only be heard by Xiao Hua. This sentence is the taste that makes Xiao Hua countless times, and his heart is filled with incomparable joy, just like a voice to shout. from.

"All over, I am... I actually claimed to be in front of me! And... and I didn't hesitate to turn my face with that white face! Also... call me Xiaolang" Xiao Hua is really magpie, this self-proclaimed There is nothing in the "body", but it is different in what he sees! Of course, the smile of Hongxia Fairy and the attitude of Hongxia Fairy are all revealed. She does not have anything with Yunxiao. All of it is nothing but wishful thinking. As for Xiao Hua, is it to return Xiao Hua’s previous feelings, or does it mean something else? Does Xiao Hua still have other ideas at this time?

Deming and Renzhu left, Xiaohua stayed in the air, and the town like Yunding was hanging high in the sky. Although the town Yunyin was damaged, the magic weapon is the magic weapon, the fierce momentum, the aura. The full meteorological situation does not mean that the device can match!

The disciples in the field also whispered at this time. The lyrical, sorrowful, dry, and sinister eyes were also complicated. They knew that Xiao Huaxiu was a big advancing. However, he never thought that this "big advance" would enter. It’s too much, it’s really beyond their expectations. Actually... It’s actually more powerful than the first name of the Yuxian Conference. It’s actually forced to resist a monk who is practicing the refining and refining. The point!

Even, they witnessed it, even the cloud that has been built still can't stop Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua is still fighting against the clouds! ! ! What does this mean? Explain that the people Xiaohua simply do not build the foundation of the cloud!

"Is Xiaohua more difficult than building a base monk?" Everyone is thinking like this. However, obviously, Xiao Hua can’t resist anything under the pressure of Yunxiao, and he has not made any A horrifying move. However, everyone seems to have seen the bamboo in the chest from Xiao Hua’s self-confident expression!

"If Hongxia Fairy does not build a foundation? Xiao Hua... How will it respond?" This is the unanimous idea of ​​everyone!

But the reality is always the reality. The people of Hongxia Fairy face the foundation of their own brothers. She also built the foundation. I would rather bear the disciplinary action of the Huanhua School to help Xiao Hua! What kind of affection is this?

For a moment, everyone has an incredible idea: "It’s hard to be done. The red Xia fairy is building a foundation. The cloud of the same door is not known. The disciples of another martial art know it? That... this Xiaohua What is the relationship between Hongxia Fairy?"

For a time, envy, jealousy, resentment, and so on, all kinds of eyes are cast on Xiao Hua!

Among these gaze, one of them has a slight resentment!

"Oh, I really didn't expect that his cultivation was so high... He and the red-eyed fairy who looks like a fairy are..." The "her" heart is mixed: "I thought I only had a sister..."

After a while, Xiao Hua took a forehead and pointed out the town’s cloud printing. The town’s cloud printing slid a little and gradually narrowed down. He flew to Xiao Hua’s eyes and saw Xiao Hua’s mouth. Xiao Hua’s mouth disappeared!

This is the difference between magic weapon and instrument!

The weapon can't be in the body, it can only be placed in the storage bag, and the magic weapon can be in the body! Of course, Xiao Hua’s place where the town’s cloud prints are placed in the body is different. Like the place where the swords are nurtured and repaired, it is the Buddha’s heart of the Buddha’s relic outside the mudball palace. The result of a flash of a flash of light after printing into the meridians and the flesh.

At this time in the midair, the huge incense candle has disappeared, and the eponymous epee is obliquely inserted on the high platform. Xiao Hua’s eyes are soft and look at the prajna, and then look up to the place where the Jindan period monk is, seeing it. Shape, voice: "Xiao Hua, you wait a moment..."

It is said that one person flew out from the Taiqing sects, and it was also the cultivation of the late stage of the foundation. The hand was hand-to-handed to the public: "The two demons of Deming and Renzhu did not expect that there would be people at the last moment of this fairy meeting. Base, and a foundation is two friends, so you will wait a moment!"

The monk finished speaking and retired among the people.

After another tea break, Ren Zhu flew back, and then Deming came back!

Renzhu glanced at Deming and flew to Xiaohua. He looked up and down, his eyes were a bit complicated, and he said: "Yu Leizong Xiaohua?"

"Yes, the disciple is Yu Leizong Xiao Hua!" Xiao Hua respectfully said.

"Oh, presumably... Are you the youngest disciple in the realm of the Fairy Festival?"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and smiled: "It should look like it!"

"According to the old man's knowledge, you are not only the lowest in the realm of the Yuxian Conference, that is... the lowest level in the recent dozens of Yuxian Conference!" Ren Zhu said, and he glanced at the lyrics and asked. Dao: "The old man has a question to ask, I wonder if you can answer it according to the truth!"

"Nature is fine, please ask the seniors!"

"You should be the strongest of the disciples, why... Lost to other disciples of Yu Leizong?"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The predecessors are also poor. Where are the youngest generations? The non-speaking cloud masters are the brothers of Yan Yan, and the younger generations are not opponents! The younger generations are just honouring this magic weapon. If you succeed, you dare to play against the cloud brothers. The cloud master is afraid that because he wants to build the foundation, he will not bother to compete with the younger generation for the sword embryo?"

"Oh, huh..." Ren Zhu no longer asks, he sent Yunxiao out to build the foundation, that is, for a moment, this tea time is naturally doing something else, for Xiao Hua’s performance at the Yuxian Conference. I know a lot, I don’t say it at this time, I will point my hand: "The sword embryo that fell this day is already yours, but the old man has said that you have to be able to take it away to be yours. !"

Xiao Hua frowned and said: "What does this mean for seniors?"

Ren Zhu smiled; "There is a ban on the arrangement of the elders of the Qing Dynasty in the three feet of the sword embryo. All the mana is imprisoned. All the disciples who want to take the sword embryos must pull up the sword embryo by their own strength. This can explain the ability to control the sword embryo, which is a follow-up to the sword embryo!"

"Ah?" Xiaohua did not speak, all the monks in the square were awkward!

Just now, Ren Zhu has said that this sword embryo is heavier than the magic weapon. Look at the size of the sword embryo. All the monks in the field, um, including the foundations of the team and the Jindan monks, are shaking their heads. Understand that it is absolutely impossible for you to pick up the sword embryo by the power of the flesh. This sword embryo... I am afraid that it is incompetent to bring it out of the dilemma, and the final match of the Yuxian Conference is also a trick to show off the Qing Dynasty. !

Seeing Xiao Hua’s calm and watery look, Ren Zhu suddenly felt bad in his heart, and Deming in the distance also had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua nodded: "The younger generation will try this!"

"Xiao Hua, the old man told you that you only have one chance. If you can't pull out the sword embryo, you can't take it away!" Ren Zhu felt a move and reminded him.

"Disciples understand!" Xiao Hua said, flying to the top of the platform, and sure enough, when he went to the place where the esoteric epee was three feet, the infuriating body of the whole body was stagnation, and no longer flowed, all the mana disappeared. It is no different from a mundane person!

The prajna epee is inserted into the solid rock of the high platform. Only the three-foot-long sword body is exposed. As for the rock, a few points are inserted, and the outside can't be seen clearly. But Xiao Hua's own heart is like this epee, which is about six feet long. With a stick in the hand, if it is not the appearance of some hilt and sword tip, it is better to say that it is a stick!

Think about the weight of the eccentric epee, but it can only be inserted three feet from the sky, which also shows the hardness of this rock, um, or the hardship of this magical weapon! I want to pull out the prajna epee from the magic weapon. To be honest, Xiao Hua is not too sure!

However, Xiao Hua understands that this is the only chance for him to get the prajna epee. If it fails, then...

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua took a deep breath and did not dare to hold the hands of Prajna with his hands.

The sword embryo does not move, Xiao Hua **** a cold breath!



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