Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Ming Yunxian Conference

And said that Xiao Hua tried to pull out the strength of the machine, and sure enough, the sword embryo was stuck between the gaps of the high platform, and the lines did not move!

"This..." Xiao Hua was shocked and the dark passage was not good.

Then I saw Xiao Hua biting his teeth and transporting the whole body's strength to his arms. The tongue screamed at the spring thunder: "From..."

I don't know how much kilograms of force is used on the hilt, and everyone in the distance is also lifting the heart!

However, although the epoch is slightly shaken, it cannot be pulled out!

Ren Zhu’s eyes showed a reassuring look. Tai Qingzong did not know how many powerful disciples could not pull out the sword embryo. How can Xiao Hua become?

"Start ~" Xiao Hua shouted again, this time he has already transported the dragon, the meridian's meridians are slightly twisted like a dragon, that is, the 13300 black spots on the flesh also emit a faint fire!

At this time, Xiao Hua’s body did not have any fire, but the eyes of everyone seemed to be burned by the fire;

At this time, Xiao Hua’s figure is still thin, but in the eyes of everyone, it’s like a huge body with great strength...

"From, start..." In the square, I don’t know which disciple who didn’t know how to call it out!

And then, all the disciples, um, in addition to the Taiqing sects, all screamed together with this beat...

"Start, start, start, start ~~~"

With the cheering of everyone, Xiao Hua’s arms and blue muscles collapsed, and his face was also full of face and eyes! Bean's sweat is falling along the eyes!

That kind of epee... It’s actually in Xiaohua’s unrivalled power, slightly, slowly pulled out by inch by inch!

Seeing the ups and downs of the sword embryo, the mood of the people grew higher and the sound of the fuel became louder and louder.

In contrast, the faces of the Taiqing monks such as Renzhu and Deming are gradually gloomy...

At first, it was difficult to pull the sword. When I pulled out a foot or so, it was already easy. Xiao Hua didn’t dare to care. The whole body did not dare to slack off. Only when the remaining two feet were revealed, Xiao Hua was relieved. Try to lift the six-foot-long sword embryo high above the head!

Suddenly, the entire square is boiling, just like pulling out the sword embryo, the disciples are cheering!


"Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua..."

"Good~~~~" Renzhu flew forward and smiled. "Xiao Xiaoyou really has amazing power. It is the first person in my comprehension!"

"Don't dare! The younger generation has exhausted. If it is an inch longer, I am afraid that it will not be pulled out!" Xiao Hua was really soft and numb at this time, and his strength was very expensive. He had to put the prajna epee down and asked quickly. Road: "Can the younger generation get this thing into the storage bag?"

"Well, it's natural!" Ren Zhu said so.

Xiao Hua took out a storage bag and put the prajna epee in it. Sure enough, the rugby epony was just put in, and the space array of the storage bag has begun to gradually collapse!

"How?" Renzhu smiled.

"Hey, on the way to the younger generation, I am afraid I have to worry!" Xiao Hua sighed.

Renzhu nodded: "Xiao Xiaoyou said that the trouble is just beginning!"

Xiao Hua doesn't know if Ren Zhu is a pun, but Prajna is a his own thing. How can he give it to others?

Subsequently, Xiao Hua fell from the air and returned to the Royal Leizong disciple, not to mention the envious eyes of the people, not to mention the eyes of the resentment, the dry Di Heng shot Xiaohua’s shoulders : "Xiao Shidi... I can't think of it... I don't know it!"

"No, no, dry brother, the younger brother is just a big force, and it is too far away from the brothers!" Xiao Hua was busy and modest.

"***, who told you to repair it?" Dry Di Heng blinked and smiled: "To be honest, how do you get in touch with Hongxia Fairy? Quickly, hand-in-hand? No mouth... ”

Waiting for the dry Di Heng to finish, Xiao Hua will look at his eyes: "Dry brother, the fruit can be eaten indiscriminately, the spirits can be drunk, this can not be said indiscriminately, the younger brother has some origins with Hongxia fairy, but far from What the brothers thought! Just now, Hongxia Fairy was also felt by the justice of the younger brother. This is the turn of the world!"

"Hey, justice... Xiao Shidi, stop, the poor road calls you a brother Xiao! It makes people and sisters turn their faces with the brothers, and there are some sources..." Dry Di Heng also talks, and the bamboo will be in the air. Hand-on-hand: "All the disciples, this time the Yuxian Conference has come to a successful conclusion. In the 13 countries, there are actually 14 disciples who built the foundation. This is a good result in the previous Yuxian Conference. I am too Qingzong also feels very glorious! In particular, the extraterrestrial artifacts are now also owned, it is 'red makeup to give beauty, sword to send heroes', but I am too Qingzong a big thing! And, what makes the poor road is not This day, the gods... I was actually the disciple who was the lowest disciple at the Yuxian Conference! This disciple... oh... actually the first place in the Yuxian Conference was forced to build the foundation! Perhaps he is this First place in the conference!"

There was a lot of noise in the moment, and many people had not come to realize it until Renzhu said that they would come out. That gaze contains many meanings, Xiao Hua can't tell the difference, he is now... It is also known as the Ming Yunxian Conference!

Xiao Hua’s heart smiled, but Ren Zhu said that there were 14 refining disciples who built the foundation. His heart moved and understood why the first two of the Yuxian Conference were Xi’s disciples! The disciples who have the strength to win the rankings of the Mongolian and the sects of the country are the foundations. Just like Yu Leizong, the highest level of cultivation is the foundation. The second is the first of the disciples! At this time, Renzhu will launch it himself. What kind of thoughts are contained in this, and Xiaohua can't speculate!

In the middle of the air, Renzhu said something. Finally, he smiled and said: "I am too clear that the Qing Dynasty has prepared the spirits and the fruit. The friends and the disciples return to the pavilion to take a break and go to the square to feast. I will wait until today, and I will see each other after ten years. Although the ten years are really too short for me to comprehend, the things are human... Maybe some people will be seniors after ten years, maybe no one present. I will attend the Yuxian Conference again. Therefore, I should cherish today's meeting, I hope that you will remember today's encounters when you meet in the future. There are some mutual help and some tolerance!"

When Ren Zhu finished, all the disciples of the various factions returned to their respective pavilions. The Taiqing disciples were busy, and placed the things needed for the banquet on the square!

When Xiao Huagang returned to the quiet room, he was called by the sensation. Xiao Hua thought that the sensation would ask him why he abstained. He had long thought of excuses, and he did not say much about his grievances. He only said: Take a look at the sword embryo!"

Xiao Hua nodded and took the sword embryo out of the storage bag. It was such a very short time. The space array of the storage bag was about to be crushed. Ren Zhu said that it was true. Immediately, Xiao Hua said: "Since this sword embryo has never been pulled up, how does Tai Qingzong know that this sword embryo is so heavy that it can crush the storage bag?"

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xiao Hua taking out the sword embryo, he did not hand it to himself, but he was slightly embarrassed and sorrowful.

"Nothing, Master!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This sword embryo is really heavy, and the ancestors are careful!"

"Well, the old man understands!" He nodded guiltyly, but he did not believe it. He was a Jindan period monk, and could not afford this sword embryo!

When the sensation took over the sword embryo, even if it was prepared, the arm was still slightly sinking, and the heart was horrified: "It is not a general sink!"

Immediately, I looked at Xiaohua’s thin body and looked at the sword embryo carefully. She shook her head slightly: “Xiao Hua, this sword embryo was just blocked in the high platform. The old man could not watch it carefully, thinking that it was indeed Renzhu. What is the extraterrestrial object? But now the old man carefully looked at it. He always felt that this thing was awkward. It was useless except for heavy ones. You are afraid of being too Qing dynasty!"

"This..." Xiao Hua was pretending to be amazed and eagerly said: "Why do you say your disciples?"

"The best way is to return this thing to Taiqingzong on the banquet for a while!" He smiled and looked at Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua thought a little and shook his head: "This kind of practice is afraid of cutting the face of my Royal Leizong! It is not appropriate!"

"Ha ha ~" sly smile, will be handed to Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua and another storage bag, this storage bag is just from Changbai Zong! The sensation is also said: "You are right, since you won, then this thing is the thing of my Royal Leizong. If there is no reason to return it, if there is trouble, then the trouble will be more fierce. Something!"

Xiao Hua’s face was overjoyed and he said, “Thank you for your ancestors!”

"Whether, you can force the disciples of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect. Disciple, today’s reputation is even louder than the first disciple!” said the sly smile: “Even the Taiqing Zongrenzhu are amazed on the spot!”

"The disciple is lucky!"

"Haha, the old man said this is not this!" The sensational face is hard to show a look of embarrassment: "You must also practice well, and quickly build the foundation. If you can double-tune the sacred monk with the sacred flower, It’s a story of my Royal Leizong and the Huanhua School!!”

Xiao Hua’s face was red, and he muttered a few words. “The disciples are fighting for their disciples!”

"Well, let's go, there are some difficult places to come to the old man in the future!" The sensation will be put on the hand, and the mood is good: "In addition, this sword embryo seems to be related to one of my Royal Lei Zong, the old man is only faint I have some impressions about it, and I will find out later, and then tell you!"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and thanked for the end.

On the face, I saw a sullen look on my face. I saw Xiao Hua. I saw a few moves on my lips. I seemed to want to say something, but I didn’t say it after all.

Xiao Hua knew what he thought in his heart, and he did not break it. He smiled and gave him a gift.

"What is the sorrowful teacher calling you?" The more he couldn't help but ask.

"Without him, just ask the disciples' cultivation!" Xiao Hua smiled; "The disciples also sang the masters, and the magic weapon was only successfully sacred last night!"

Yan Yue’s heart fell, with a smile: “Yes, Xiao Hua, you have a broad mind and will become a big tool in the future!”

"In the future, I would like to ask the teacher to teach me more!" Xiao Hua respected.

"Well, let's go! Prepare, the banquet will begin soon!" The more he waved his hand, he went to find the sensation, and Xiao Hua stared at the lyrical back, then turned back to the quiet room.

However, for a long time, the Taiqing sects came to meet, and Xiao Hua came to the square with the disciples. I saw hundreds of jade cases placed in the square. On the case, the spirits and the spirits were More, they are all ready.

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