Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Skull, symbol, array

The 409th chapter of the skull, the symbol, the array

This is a female voice. When Xiao Hua turned her head, it was also a monk who built the foundation. It was the Xiaolepa Zhong Xiaohan who built the foundation under Xiao Hua.

Zhong Xiaohan was accompanied by a male repairer. Xiao Hua was also known. It was the Xianle School bell that was guarded in front of the illusion.

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, not to mention, this Xiao Xiaohan has the same meaning as He Fangyuan just now, this glass of wine is afraid to drink it!

"The predecessors of the bell, the younger generation congratulations on the success of the predecessors!" Xiao Hua said with a toast.

Zhong Xiaohan looked at Xiao Hua with a pair of eyes, and raised his glass and drank it. Then he smiled and said: "In fact, there is something to ask about the poor road. However, I saw the source of Tai Qingzong. Come and toast, the poor road is afraid to ask questions!"

Xiao Hua rolled his eyes and said: "You don't have to ask, don't ask, let's say it? The poor road didn't take you anything!"

I know Zhong Xiaohan said it again; "The poor roads are excellent in appearance, and at this time they are building foundations. I want to talk to Xiao Shidi more. I can’t think of Xiao Shi’s name as a master. Today is in the dilemma. There is also a heroic beauty meeting in the world, and it’s really good for the poor! Oh, there is no chance for the poor road! I can only wish Xiao Shidi!"

"Ah??" Xiao Hua did not expect that Zhong Xiaohan, who seemed to be quite quiet, said something like this, and there was a blush on his face.

Next to Zhong Tian, ​​he walked half a step and smiled. "The sister has always talked casually. Xiao Shidi is no stranger. I am waiting for today. I am grateful to Xiao Shidi for the goodness of the day. Come, the poor old self-professed brother, Jing Xiaoshi A cup!"

"Don't dare!" Xiao Hua toasted, Zhong Tianxing took out a storage bag from his arms and handed it over. He smiled and said: "Sisters can set foot on the foundation, all of them are the strength of Xiao Shidi. For a long time, I don’t know what to give to my younger brother. The sisters of the previous day just went out and learned that Xiao’s brother has some hobbies. Just there is one thing in the poor road. I don’t know if I have the brother’s preference?”

"Oh?" Xiao Hua felt a move, took over the storage bag, and saw that there were not many things inside. Some of the building bases were also a whitish skull! The skull is different from the ordinary one, and it is more than ten times bigger!

"This is something that is poor from the million monds. It should be related to the soul of the sister. It is related to the soul." Zhong Tianxing said: "This thing has been on the poor road for a long time, now it is just right. I sent Xiao Shidi, I hope Xiao Shidi smiles!"

"The other building foundations are the poor roads of the past few years, and now they are not used, they are given to Xiao Shidi." Zhong Xiaohan smiled and said: "I hope that Xiao Shidi will soon refine his gas and complete the building!"

"With Xiao Shidi as a repairer, I am afraid that it will be built within a few years. The poor road is good news for Xiao Shidi in the Xianle School!" Zhong Tianxing said: "The poor road is also a big hate now, why not with Xiao Are the teachers in a group?"

"Fate, fate!" Xiao Hua smiled and touched his nose.

After receiving the storage bag, Zhong Tianxing and Zhong Xiaohan said a few words. When they left, they invited Xiao Hua to travel to Xianle. Xiao Hua naturally is a smile, and he is confident that he will build a foundation in a few years, and then naturally it will be in the upper reaches of the Xiaoyu mainland.

"Maybe this is also communication!" Xiao Hua thought of the words of Di Diheng.

Later, there were more than a dozen disciples who came over to talk with Xiao Hua. Among them, there was an admiration of Xiao Huaxiu, and there was also a relationship between Xiao Hua and Hongxia Fairy. Xiao Hua was free to send it, and it was late at night. On the square, there are still many heroic monks, who still call friends and friends, and it seems that they really want to be drunk.

Xiao Hua returned to the quiet room, banned the excitement, and then closed his eyes for a moment, took a hand and took the prajna epee out of the storage bag. It was only in the middle of the night that the storage bag’s law was crushed again. Looking at a storage bag is no longer useful!

Holding a prajna epee in his hand, a familiar feeling came out of his hand, and the coldness seemed to have been around for a long time.

Xiao Huang was summoned from the space and asked, although Xiao Huang did not know the name of the prajna epee, but also knew that this thing was used by Xiao Hua, and even said that Xiao Hua used this sword as a stick. Make!

"Tongtian stick method?" For a moment, Xiao Hua is awake, after sending Xiao Huang into the space, he will take the sword embryo and slowly recall in the quiet room! Fortunately, although Xiao Hua lost his memory, as long as he can think of a beginning, the subsequent memories are also like a spring, and the 360-year-old Tiantong method is soon to recall!

However, recalling the stick method, Xiao Hua is a bit too sorrowful, the struggle in the comprehension world... It seems that there is no need to move? Moreover, if the epee... is the sword embryo, it is not the root, it is not as good as the Taiyi blue light stick!

However, the Taiyi Qingguang stick is too light, and you can't use it at all! Moreover, Taiyi Qingguang, Xiao Hua is naturally used to breed swords, it can not be used as a stick!

"If you can combine the magic gun tip, the magic gun, and the pair of magic hammers with this sword embryo, and make a stick, how good it is!!!" Xiaohua’s mind suddenly had an incredible thought.

However, he was immediately denied by him. These things are put together and the weight is multiple. Is Xiaohua unable to take care of himself? Not to mention how these things fit together!

"Or let the Taiyi Qingguang come out first!" Xiaohua thought, trying to send the sword embryo into the space, but it was a very easy income space, and it seems that there is no sign of collapse on the ground!

When Xiao Hua took out the storage bag sent by Zhong Tianxing and sent the inner base of the building and the skull to the space, the shape was sudden!

I saw that the skull was just placed in the space, and a light blue thunder burst out of the space. The "brush" sounded on the skull, and the "Zi La La" electric light slid around the skull, giving a layer of blue surplus. Guanghua, and, that light, together, endless hits, but for a long time, the entire skull is covered by a layer of lightning!

Immediately afterwards, the two white bones that were previously placed in the space automatically flew, and the thunder light on it swayed out the thin filaments associated with the thunder light on the skull. These three bones were so vaguely patched together. Together!

"This..." Xiao Hua stunned, seeing such a scene, even if he is not clear about what the spell is, you can know that the white bone that carries the green essay is definitely not an ordinary bone. Maybe there are strange things in it. !

Just in the middle of the green faint brilliance, it is to create a series of different green essays, one by one flying to the space. With the generation of this green essay, the whole space suddenly flashed a golden light, that golden light Very strange, but also sacred, just, not waiting for what Xiao Hua noticed, then the golden light disappeared, no more traces!

"Weird ah~" Xiao Hua's cold sweat, he always thought that he could be the master within his own space. Now, although he has not been able to control it absolutely, there is nothing to say, he said it clearly, seeing it. After the golden light, the entire space could not be traced. Can this not scare him?

After looking for a long time, it seems that I have not found any abnormality. Xiao Hua will pass the green literary essays. In an instant, the green essays will disappear. In Xiao Hua’s mind, there are some green essays that record spells!

However, with these spells, Xiao Hua seems to remember some other weird symbols in his mind. These symbols are different from those seen by Xiao Huaping. It seems that each one is self-proclaimed, and all the symbols are put together. It is also a symbol, even Xiao Hua also saw that this symbol is actually a rabbit shape!

"This... is this a rabbit symbol?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought about it.

"Array method!!!" Xiao Hua's excitement for a while, but he knows the role of the formation on the Xiaoyu continent, I can't think of myself before and know how to do it!

Just, wait for Xiao Hua just put the skull and two white bones in a separate place in the space. Before you can understand the sudden appearance of the rabbit symbol, you can see that there is a ban in the static room. It seems that someone is calling Xiaohua. .

Waiting for Xiao Hua to ban the removal, I saw the squatting in front of the door, it was to inform Xiao Hua, Yu Leizong disciple gathered in front of the pavilion after a fragrant incense, to return with the other sects of the Xi State.

"So fast?" Xiao Hua looked at the sky outside, it seems to be early, not surprised. He didn't have much to clean up, so he stood at the door of the quiet room and talked to him.

"Oh, since the Yuxian Conference is over, I naturally have to go back to Yu Leizong earlier. This fairy assembly has been fighting for a long time. It is a bit of a realization, or it is necessary to return to the Zong, to understand these details. On the one hand, we strive to cultivate further, on the one hand, we must also find the opportunity to build the foundation in the realization!" Xiaoxiao said: "There was also such an example before, some disciples have no place in the Yuxian Conference. Instead, he returned to the faction and began to build the foundation."

Xiao Hua understands that in addition to the monks such as Gan Diheng and himself, the other people who are able to participate in the Yuxian Conference are also lacking opportunities. Maybe when they meet!

At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a gaze sweeping, giving him a very uncomfortable feeling. Xiao Hua did not look back. He only released the Buddha’s knowledge. Sure enough, there was a quiet room at the end of the pavilion. I found a head in the room, it was a singer, and I stared at myself with my eyes, and I didn’t know what to mutter in my mouth!

"It’s strange, Xiaoye didn’t provoke this embarrassment, how...what was it?” Xiaohua Nahan’s extreme, before he visited him, he was added by his bad words, now... “Oh, right. Last night's banquet 闵戈 and Yuan Bo seem to be not far away, and did not come to toast! Well, it seems that there were many toasts last night, almost every martial art has, of which Chang Baizong's disciples did not come! ”

Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the banquet, and there was a hint of vigilance in his heart: "Although the Yuxian sect is over, the Changbai sect disciple does not dare to come, but this does not mean that they will not find the trouble of the younger brother in the future!"



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