Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Heart palpitations

The 410th chapter of the heart, set

There are five sects of the Qing Dynasty who came to the Qing Dynasty to attend the Yuxian Conference. They are Shang Huazong, Yan Yanjiao, Qi Qiaomen, Yu Leizong and Huanhua School. When they go back, because of Yunxiao and Hongxia The fairy is building a foundation, and there is no way to leave at the moment, so only the four factions, such as Yu Leizong, left together.

This year, the five major factions of the Xi State have gained a lot in the Yuxian Conference. Except for the fact that there are no disciples to build the foundation, the other four factions have their disciples to build the foundation, especially the Huanhua School. There are actually two disciples to build the foundation! Of course, the two flower buddies, the Yunxiao and the Hongxia fairy, who are practicing the refining and refining, are somewhat tricky, but they are also building foundations. This is undeniable.

There are nearly a hundred monks who went back to Xiguo. The worry in Xiaohua’s heart is also vanishing. Even if Changbaizong has some ideas, after the Yuxian Conference, he is afraid that it will converge for the time being, and will never face the entire Sichuan.

From the Taiqing dynasty back to the Xi State, because there are other three factions, the route is different. After walking for more than a month, the four disciples are also harmonious, often visiting each other’s flying magic weapons. Although Hua Zong’s flying boat, the shuttlecock of Yan Yan’s teaching, and the fairy bird Xiao Hua of Qi Qiaomen have not been there, the disciples of these three factions did not come to visit Xiaohua on the thunder boat.

After all, Xiao Hua’s performance at the Yuxian Conference was too shocking. These disciples felt that Xiao Hua was a hidden master, at least it was a perfect refining! However, the realm of Xiao Hua is indeed the beginning of the 12th layer of refining, and it is about to enter the middle stage. This is not only seen by the use of spells, but also in the conversations of each other, the disciples of the other three factions can clearly understand This is basically the beginning of the 12th floor of refining, absolutely no lie!

And Xiao Hua, in the exchanges with the other three disciples, in their temptations, did not get some valuable experience in the middle and late 12th floor of the refining, these experienced masters Xiangyang said, after all, one-sided, At this time, listening to the understanding of so many different disciples, Xiao Hua has benefited a lot. Soon after flying to the Xi State, it is just the middle of the 12th floor of the refining!

"How come?" Not only those disciples who are tempted to understand, but also the sacred monks of Shang Huazong, Yan Yanjiao and Qi Qiaomen, and the monks of Jindan are also somewhat surprised. How do a disciple at the beginning of the 12th floor of refining? Can you fight the disciples who have achieved great refinement? If you say a reluctant reason, then there is only a magic weapon!

Since entering the Xi State, everyone is relieved, and then parted ways, and return to their own mountain gate!

And on this day, Yu Leizong’s thunder boat has just flown over a mountain, it is to fly to the direction of Yu Leizong. This road is the most recent. If it is smooth, it will return to the thunderstorm in a dozen days. ! But at this time, an unparalleled horror was sent out from the heart of Xiao Hua. This kind of horror, together with Xiao Hua, has been encountered, it should be a feeling, a vigilant encounter!

"Zhu Shizu!" Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and quickly said: "The disciples have something to tell!"

Seeing that Xiao Hua actually used the sound, the sensation was very strange. He waved his hand and banned it. He asked, "What are you doing?"

"Zhu Shizu, disciple... I want to ask, if there is an enemy attacking my Royal Leizong disciple, will it ambush in front?" Xiao Hua hurried.

"This..." lyrical sorrow: "I am a royal disciple... I don't seem to have anything to let others swear? Your sword embryo... is not a treasure, can't be worthy of the mid-term monk's shot? ”

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "Does the teacher have forgotten the storage bag of Changbai Zong?"

A sly look, nodded and said: "Everything! Although I have already returned 90% of the contents of the storage bag to Taibaizong, other sects do not know. If they have heart, I will be difficult!" ”

Then, it was another frown: "The distance of ten days is far from being said, and it is not close, I don't know which thief will ambush here?"

It can be imagined that Yu Leizong and the three factions have gone together, and it is indeed possible to bypass the road. It is also possible that the monk who copied the road was blocked in the front. And the most hateful thing is that knowing that Yu Leizong has a Jindan period monk, they dare to intercept, then use it? Definitely there are more powerful masters!

"Oh, I dare to bully the door of my Royal Leizong!" The sensation bites his teeth, although this is only a possibility, but the sensation does not dare to gamble, his life does not say, there are these twenty disciples, he Can't bet!

"Hey, turn the direction, don't fly to the thunderstorm!" The sensation was decided, and no matter whether Xiaohua's worry was true or not, he told the truth.

The more you look at it, the immediate ambiguity is in the heart, and quickly follow the lyrics to fly in the other direction!

On a beautiful plain, the long grass is so beautiful that it glows green under the glare of the sun, and a gust of wind blows through it. The grass rises and waves like a wave, like the ripples on the water ripples to the boundless Far away!

The fallen grass reveals the greedy beast hidden in the grass. Dozens of rabbit-like animals are alarmed by the wind, smashing out of the grass and rushing to the distance.

Seeing, one of the fat rabbits was escaping, and the "Peng" slammed into a transparent place, clearly the grass that had nothing, and actually stunned the rabbit and fell to the side.

The rabbit hit the place, a brilliance overflowed, showing a human form, this person was confused, tall, looked down at the faint rabbit in the grass, and made a sneer: "Oh... the ancients have a wait-and-seek, Laozi is just in It’s set here, but it’s actually met by the rabbit!”

During the speech, the left hand stretched out, and the palm of the hand showed a faint glory of fire. When the fire came out, the surrounding actually gave a hint of coldness. At this moment, the rabbit that just fainted suddenly opened his eyes, and the fat body turned over. The short, thick four legs squatted on the ground, and quickly plunged into the grass, disappeared!

"Ah?" Seeing that the rabbit was actually pretending to be dead, the man was stunned, but the hand was still a wave, and the faint fire flashed out of a fiery wire and flew away in the distance, waiting for the fire to fall in the grass. "Oh!" A few screams, a stench from the distant grass, no movement.

"哼~" Dressed in a confused person, he took a hand and a gray brilliance hit the midair in front of him. The gradual expansion of Guanghua did not cover the lost people for a long time.

However, when Guanghua covered the man, from the distant horizon, there was a sword and a light, like a meteor, flying across the left side of this person!

"Oh? It’s finally here!" The confused man was shocked. He shot his hand and showed a yellow sign in his hand. The mana in his hand spurred it, and the yellow glory fell into the grass with a dark red brilliance. Disappeared, and the shape of the confused person disappeared into the grass!

It is said that Yu Leizong’s disciple took a thunder boat and flew for a few days. Later, he turned his direction and went to Yu Lei Zong. This time it was just two days away. It was a very heartfelt feeling. Once again in Xiao Hua’s heart!

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua frowned. He didn't understand. If it was dangerous in front, how could he feel so early? If you have such magical skills, then you will be able to avoid harm forever, will it always be okay?

"This is really weird, I don't know how to explain it to Yan Shizu again!" Xiao Hua was very embarrassed to think, a feeling may be interpreted as a whim, the second time is really difficult to explain.

However, it was a half-day flight. The feeling was not so obvious that Xiao Hua was very uncomfortable. So, Xiao Hua came to see the grievance again.

"Xiao Hua, you mean... are you still afraid that there are monks blocking me in front?" The sensation listened to Xiao Hua’s fears, some ridiculous feelings, frowning and said: "I waited for the last time I came back with Shang Hua. When Zong and other disciples are together, they may attract the attention of others, and let others know that I will wait for the trip back to Yuzong. Since the last time you said it, the poor road has also increased its vigilance, and God often visits outside. But... ”

The lyrical eyes looked at some of the thunder boats, and the layers of clouds were all slammed by the thunder boat. The whistling winds were blocked from the thunder boat's mask. The whispered: "But this is nearly ten days since the old man." I haven't seen anything wrong! Moreover, this place is already very close to my Royal Leizong. Which martial art can send two Jindan period monks to intercept me? Even if you get the number of medicinal herbs at the Yuxian Conference. Bigger, but... isn’t it worth the two Golden Danese monks to shoot?”

Xiao Hua bite her lip, thinking for a long time, and her eyes are firm. She said: "Yu Shizu, the disciples are indeed a little uneasy, always scared, this feels that the disciples have encountered before, very keen, also ask Shizu ......"

Sighing sigh: "Xiao Hua, this whim is said to be a great supernatural power before the distraction period, the old man has never owned, you ... is unlikely to have it?"

"The disciple didn't dare..." Xiao Hua was very anxious in scratching his head. He had some eyebrows in his heart at this time. He thought that it should be the role of the causal hand that had not been revealed in his own space, but he could not explain what!

"The disciple only wants that my Royal Leizong disciple can return to the thundering peak safely. Nothing to ask for!" Xiao Hua hurriedly said: "Since the ancestors have detoured once, can they... detour again?"

"But it!" Although the lyrics are the monks of the Jindan period, it is soft in the heart. It is because of his name "love". I saw him put his hand in a high position and said: "Yu Yue, turn the thunder boat, Go around the front!"

"The disciple understands!" Although he did not understand, he still followed the sensational words and drove the thunder boat to other directions!

This time... Yu Leizong’s disciples are a little embarrassed! If I had to go near the road, I should have already arrived at Yu Leizong at this time, and this time it was a detour. I was afraid that it would have to be delayed for a few days. So, a group of refining disciples would not bother to grieve, let Gan Hong find Xiao Hua asked what happened.



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