Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 411: Leading the enemy

Chapter 411 introduces the enemy and reveals

Seeing the refining and consummation of the courage came over and asked, Xiao Hua had to make a smile and said the things he suspected. He did not say anything, but turned around and broke down with other disciples.

The disciples were stunned, and naturally they couldn’t say anything. It was only in the next two days that the envy of the disciples of the disciples gradually became resentment. Xiao Hua even occasionally heard a few words from the disciples of the Kunlei Palace: " Didn't come to him for the benefit, but let me wait for a risk. If it is really to avoid the ancestors, then what is the repair? And then... how much benefit is it?"

This may be intentional or unintentional. It can be heard in Xiao Hua’s ear, but it is not heard. However, he and Dry Diheng also came to talk to him while practicing, but never talked about the detour.

On the third day, Xiao Hua felt a sense of guilt. This time, Xiao Hua really hesitated. After a long time, he came again to find grievances. Naturally, this sensation did not agree, just a chuckle. Dao: "Xiao Hua, the old man does not say anything extra. These days, the old man is also thinking carefully. Your thoughts about the grass and the soldiers may be related to your origins. You have no sects before, and you are afraid of being used to it. Now Different, there are Yu Leizong and the old man and others to protect you, but no monks who have no history, I don’t have to panic, you are only on this thunder boat, the old man has to look at it, within the Xi country, Which monk dares to move you a hair!"

Xiao Hua was moved and said: "The disciples are not worried about their own safety, but they are afraid of the many brothers and sisters of my Royal Leizong. I must have heard some shouts and know the disciples. Emotions, if the front is really dangerous, the disciples encountered that it is alive, but the brothers and sisters are innocent, and the disciples have not pulled them into the water!"

The sensation frowned, not pleasing: "Xiao Hua, what do you mean?"

Xiao Hua sighed: "The disciple has been a long-distance repairer. He has a place on the way to escape, and the master is also aware that the disciple is flying very fast. He should be in the first place among the disciples. The disciple thinks that if the ambush is in front of it. The thief came to the disciple, and the disciple disappeared from the thunder boat. The thief would not be able to make other disciples on the thunder boat..."

"Xiao Hua, do you think the old man can't protect you?"

"The disciples don't dare, the disciples just... don't want to blame Yu Leizong on the body!" Xiao Hua explained: "And, the ancestors think about it, if the thief is prepared, they should know that the ancestors are here." Above, if they dare to come, then... they should have a 10% confidence..."

Hearing here, the sensation was a bit stunned. He also thought about it in these few days. Similarly, he also sent a message to Yu Leizong using the Raytheon rumor of Yu Leizong’s secret, but he never received a reply. Presumably, the communication should be intercepted. Isn’t this blatant interception just indicating that they have the strength to fight in their own battle?

"And, the ancestors shouldered the heavy responsibility of the Thunder Palace, and they must send many disciples safely back to Yu Leizong. Does Master Shi think that it is important for a disciple to be one of them, or is it important for other dozens of disciples?" Xiao Hua said patiently. Although he did not mention the dry thunder palace, did not mention the Kun Lei Palace, but he could understand it in his heart. Even though Xiao Hua had a limelight at the Yuxian Conference and earned a face for Yu Leizong, he could say the importance. He still Far more than other disciples.

"What are your plans?" The sensation finally came to an end.

"The disciple left the thunder boat first, and found a remote place to hide. After a few days, he returned to Yu Leizong. The thief saw the disciple not on the thunder boat. Ten ** will let go of the thunder boat, and wait for the ancestors to return to the royal family. Lei Zong, then look for the division commander to come to find a disciple!" Xiao Hua said.

I sighed and sighed, and I swept my head and shook my head slightly: "This is the famous dangerous land of the Xizhou country. There are so many powerful beasts in the middle. How can you protect yourself when you go out?"

"A good teacher knows that the more dangerous, the hope that the disciple can escape is not greater?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"But, Xiao Hua, you are the idea of ​​self-denial, the old man is really admired, you are the old man!" sighed and sighed: "The old man returned to the Royal Leizong will be sue at this time, my Royal Lei Zong these The closed-door development of the year is certainly some achievements, but... the real grievances! Actually someone blocked my Royal Leizong disciple near my Royal Leizong!"

"Well, since the ancestors agreed, the disciple will leave. I hope that the ancestors can return to the thundering peak with many disciples!" Xiao Hua said.

A sensational shot of the storage bag, take out some medicinal herbs and say; "The old man here can not use more remedies, these are collected, used to restore mana!"

Xiao Hua took over: "Thank you for the ancestors. In addition, can the ancestors tell the disciples of the map of the left side of the weeping moon, and the route back to the royal priest?"

"No problem!" said lyrical, took out a jade, mana everywhere, and engraved what Xiaohua wanted in the jade.

Xiao Hua took over the jade and carefully received it. He respectfully said: "Maybe the disciples are more than heart, but the ancestors still have to pay attention. If you can find a way to go back, you can find more ways. It is better to meet others!"

How can you not know about this, but also nod?

Subsequently, the lyrical commanded to release the ban on the Leizhou, Xiaohua leaped, jumped out of the gap, look around, just find a direction to fly down!

"Hey? What do you want to do?" Seeing Xiaohua and the lyrics for a moment, Xiao Hua went down the thunder boat and couldn’t fly. The disciples were strange and sighed: "I must know you." The old man changed his direction several times because of the strong hand blocking in front, and Xiao Hua felt that because of his own reasons, he was afraid of tiring you, and he had to go down the thunder boat, hoping to lead the strong enemy!"

"Oh, I am afraid it is not that simple!" A female disciple of Kunlei Palace sneered and lowered her voice and said: "The poor road feels that he is afraid that he will return to Yu Leizong and he will be taken by the division commander. Dispose of things?"

"No, you are there, there is one, who will be stupid and immediately protect the ancestors, and face the master alone? Presumably there are other ulterior motives!"

These disciples all lowered their voices and talked with the familiar disciples. They could hear the sensation clearly, and the brow wrinkled and coughed: "You will be vigilant when you wait for cultivation. If there is an accident, then it is A fierce battle!"

"Disciples understand!" The disciples handed their hands and sat down on their knees. They worked hard, and only they didn't close their eyes. A pair of eyes looked at Xiao Hua's place where he jumped out of the thunder boat. There was a strange look in his eyes.

Besides, Zhang Yutong and Zhang Yuhe, who left the Qing Dynasty’s dilemma, immediately spurred Jianguang and flew toward the place where the country was flying. At this time, it had already flown for a dozen days, and it was like a piece of grass on the green grassland. The green jasper is placed on the ground!

Above the purple Jianguang, Zhang Yuhe complained: "Sister, it’s easy to come to Taixian in the coming time. You and I can’t represent Huanjianzong. But it’s quite fun to participate. Why don't you let me play?"

"How many times have you told me that they are disciples of the peak of refining, just the nine swords of the sword that I am repairing, which is worse than the ones, and they are fighting against them... What is your sense of accomplishment?"

"Hey, it's just itchy, I want to play with them!" Zhang Yuhe said with a smile.

"Sister, you are also thinking about playing, or think about how to advance the second sword! Master is not saying it? Only repair is the right way!

"Sister, of course, I think every moment! But if my sword repair is not fighting, how can the flying sword advance, how can you improve my training?"

"But it, nothing, I can say but you!" Zhang Yutong waved his hand: "The task of waiting for me to go to Mongolia has been completed, and I have the opportunity to find a rival activity!"

"Hey, too, the Qing dynasty is also a real lion, but the 2000-year-old Xuan Yin Lingcao actually changed me so many things!" Zhang Yuhe couldn't help but said: "If this is not the time I am coming, I will prepare." Sufficient, afraid to be..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yuhe smiled and said: "The monk named Xiao Hua is really ignorant. His Xuanyin grass is afraid of having eight thousand years of medicine, and he does not know where he came from. As long as a dilapidated sword is exchanged with me, if he wants more, I am afraid that it will be replaced by Xuan Yin Lingcao!"

"Look, you see..." Zhang Yutong said with a smile: "I just said that people are too sloppy, and now they are talking about themselves. Instead, they say that people are stupid. What is the truth of this?"

"The eight thousand years of Xuan Yin grass is no worse than the 2000-year-old Xuan Yin Ling Cao, you said ... I don't say him, who can say?" Zhang Yuhe said unceremoniously.

"In many respects, it is almost the same, but there is still a fundamental difference!" Zhang Yutong shook his head. "It was just a rush in the day. I didn't take a close look at it. Now I just found out that the effect of this sinensis is amazing, but I will wait until later. If you meet someone else, you still have to compensate..."

Just said here, Zhang Yutong’s face was glanced, his eyes were looking at the front, and he sneered: “Sister, you just said that you want to do something with people, now the opportunity is coming!”

"Hey, I don't know which disciples have the guts to cut the swords. I am afraid that I will wait for the sword to repair the three kingdoms for a long time. The disciples of these sects have forgotten the prestige of my sword repair!"

Zhang Yuhe and Zhang Yutong's repairs are quite similar. Zhang Yutong discovered the heresy in front, and Zhang Yuhe could naturally find out, and he said very much on his mouth.

Just a few miles in front of the purple and blue swords, a monk wearing a brown robe stood in the air, very cold staring at the purple sword light that quickly crossed the sky!



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