Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 412: Liu Weigang

Chapter 421, Liu Weigang, Building

"Hey? Is he??" Zhang Yuhe’s thoughts on the morning were known, and it was amazed.

"Who?" Zhang Yutong is Nahan, and the monk who built the base in the distance seems to be not familiar with himself!

"Sister is forgotten!" Zhang Yuhe sneered and said: "On the day of the Yuxian Conference, this person came out of the Magic Array and used the Flying Sword to assassinate another seriously injured woman, and was blocked by the younger sister. Hey, how can these characters qualify for flying swords?"

"Oh!" Zhang Yutong suddenly stunned and nodded slightly: "Slightly a little impression! However, this day seems to be ejected by their teachers to the Taizong dilemma... Broken! Deming's predecessors are countless, but they are doing this. To give a miss, he... is it the trouble of finding my sister?"

Zhang Yuhe looked at Liu Weigang, who was gradually flying closer, and looked disdainful: "Isn't it just the Taoist monk who just stepped on the foundation? How could it be the enemy of my sword repair? If he had any idea, let the little girl's purple Spirit tastes his blood!"

After that, Zhang Yuhe’s eyes flashed a trace of suffocation!

"Sister Mo is great!" Zhang Yutong slowed down Jianguang, and God read and looked at it in the left, and did not find anything special. He said: "Since this road is blocked, it is naturally sure. But he... one person Can you resist me and wait for two?"

"Isn't it... thank you for waiting?" Zhang Yuhe also smiled and said: "Is it a sword that makes him realize his enlightenment, and thus finds the opportunity to build a foundation? Then I rushed to the front to wait for us?"

Zhang Yutong gave his sister a look, and the two still spurred Jianguang to fly to Liu Weigang.

When the two of them left Liu Weigang, they stopped the Jianguang, Zhang Yuhe cold and cold: "Where is this friend, standing in the air? The wind is so big, it is better to sleep in the cave!"

"Haha, who dreams of big dreams, I know myself in my life!! I remember the poor road. After the two friends are smashed, the poor road will naturally go back to the high bed!" Liu Weigang said with a big laugh.

"Ha ha ha!" Zhang Yuhe's laughter is even worse than Liu Weigang. One of the best things to see in the world is to smile at the hand: "Is it? You are still a small monk who refines gas dozens of days ago, even today is a Building a foundation, not only the enemy of the poor road, but also dare to take my sister and sister?"

Then, between the big laughs, one mouth, the purple spirit flying sword whistling out, the path from the head of Liu Weigang!

Seeing the purple sword light as if it was deleted, Liu Weigang did not dare to neglect, the hands of the law moved, a light red light curtain emerged from his eyes, just before the flying sword, the "when" sound, flying The sword is like a thorn on the iron wall. A few Mars are broken out from the light curtain. "Go!" Zhang Yuhe saw that the flying sword was blocked, his face was slightly stunned, and the mana was urging, and the purple spirit flying sword rose slightly. It’s like just waking up and stretching, and rushing towards the light curtain again.

The sound of "噗" sounded softly. This time the light curtain was actually drilled into a small hole. The flying sword was very smart and went into the hole!

"Ah?" Liu Weigang apparently did not expect Feijian to be able to drive like this, his face was horrified, but then he couldn’t see how he moved. The light on the light flashed, the red was thick, and the light curtain seemed to be widened. In general, the entire flying sword is shrouded. Zhang Yuhe feels that the purple spirit seems to be stuck in a sticky mire. There is a great blockage in front of it. If you do not increase the mana, you can't make merit!

"Hey! Look at the poor road, you have just built a base monk, what other means!" Zhang Yuhe was furious, his face was blushing, and he shouted: "Disease ~", two hands together, both hands The index finger and the **** are closed together, and the purple spirit is like a finger. The purple spirit is like taking the medicinal medicine. The sound of "calling" is as big as the door panel. The whole sword body emits a lavender sword light, toward the light The red light curtain is just a stroke!

"Zi La La" light curtain under the Jianguang, like the ice and snow in the water, a little bit melted, there is no resistance to a little bit!

"Little girl! Look at the Taoist means!" Liu Weigang showed a sly face, took a storage bag, took out an orange handkerchief, waved his hand and landed on the light curtain in front of him, the same Guanghua Yi Flash, the light curtain turned out to be a blood red color!

Just when Zhang Yuhe had to push the mana, he only listened to Zhang Yutong, who had been rushing in the air, and said: "Who!" Then, the cherry mouth spit, and a cyan sword light is abruptly toward the foot. The place was stabbed, the sound of "噗", then a few brilliance flashing, followed by a scream of "ah", Guanghua showed a refining eleventh layer of monks, the monk holding a hand The flag of the pole, the other hand is bloody, it is stabbed by Qingling.

Just when Zhang Yutong wanted to urge Qingling to kill the monk, a faint mist was born from the brilliance. In the twinkling of an eye, the monk disappeared!

"Hey!" Zhang Yutong's Qingling Feijian shuttled back and forth several times in the light fog, all of which fell through the air. This was the only way to make a finger, Qingling crossed a beautiful blue light in the air, toward the purple spirit. Position to go...

"Ha ha ha!" A laugh, a burly monk appeared next to Liu Weigang, only to see the monk dressed in confusion, can not see the true face, the monk holding a golden bell in his hand, waved The sacrifice was in the midair, and the golden bell dribbled in the air, and a circle of golden brilliance was scattered, and the monk and Liu Weigang were covered in it!

"Fabao??" Zhang Yuhe and Zhang Yutong's face changed slightly, and the gods swept through it. They couldn't see the monk's cultivation. They looked at each other and they all showed a trace of horror. Then, the two exchanged their eyes slightly. With one hand, Qingling and Ziling turned into a slender sword light, suddenly slammed toward the brilliance of Admiralty!

"叮叮" two sounds, two flying swords are only a distance of about one inch into the golden light, and can not stab again!

At this time, I saw Zhang Yuhe lifted his hand and wiped it in midair. A green brilliance flashed, and as the palm fell, it suddenly flew toward the left in midair!

"Fast ~ block it ~" The monk shouted high, and took out a flag in his hand, waving in the air, a faint fog appeared in front of Guanghua, blocking the green brilliance!

"Disease!" Zhang Yuhe's brow wrinkled, and a soft drink, the green brilliance showed a shape, and it was a flying sword. The flying sword swung and rushed into the fog!

"吱吱" for a while, the fog was drilled for a while, "Hey, Feijian biography??" The monk sneered: "Since the old man shot, you still want to hear the news?"

During the speech, I waved my hand and hit the flying sword with a law.

"Go!" Zhang Yutong snorted and Qingling's sword flew back. She will be in a vertical shape and fall on the sword light. She will fly in the opposite direction to the flying sword.

Zhang Yuhe also casts the same method, but she is driving the purple spirit sword but flying in the direction of the flying sword!

Feijian is really fast, not waiting for the monk's law to fall on the flying sword of the book, Zhang Yuhe's purple spirit is flying, "噗" only see Zhang Yuhe's little mouth again, there is a purple sword light The spurt is just above the fog that blocks the flying sword. This sword light is the sword of Zhang Yuhe who cherishes the purple spirit. It is all warm and purple, and its sharpness is not worthy of another purple spirit. It is easy to wear foggy holes! The flying sword of the book was immediately swiftly out of the gap!

"Go and chase the flying sword!" Hearing the monk in his ear, Zhang Yuhe sneered, and she understood that once the Feijian biography was passed, it would immediately merge with the heaven and earth aura, if it was not higher than itself. Realm, absolutely can not stop. Moreover, she has already had the image she sent out in the book of Feijian. Even if she and her sister had an accident, they could not escape the interception of this monk. The Shuijing sect of Shuguo can also find it according to the Feijian biography book!

"Where to go!" The monk drank and lifted his hand. A three-foot-long rope flew into the air. Under the pressure of the monk's mana, it immediately turned into a three-foot-long dragon. Stir the body, and the claws of the teeth are chasing away in the direction of Zhang Yutong flying away!

The figure of a monk dressed in confusion is also flying, followed by Xiaolong chasing Zhang Yutong.

Liu Weigang hesitated a little, and took out a flag in his hand to shake, a red cloud was born at his feet, holding him to Zhang Yuhe! At the same time, he was again waving the flag, a few thick fog from the front of Zhang Yuhe, which blocked her escape!

"Hey!" Seeing Liu Weigang chasing him, looking at the flag in his hand, Zhang Yuhe knew that he fell into his arrangement. Liu Weigang’s repair was certainly not as good as himself. Dangerous, it is not intended to fight with Liu Weigang at all, watching many clouds come out from the front, bite the teeth, one hand on his forehead, only from the forehead of Zhang Yuhe, with the palm open The same purple Jianguang shot from the mud ball palace, flew to the front of the purple spirit sword, but this sword light is even more powerful than the color of the purple spirit sword!

At the same time, Zhang Yuhe will move forward and sway forward. The whole body is like a gyro, and it is rotated with an awl toward the clouds. The purple sword light that Zhang Yuhe has just highlighted is in the awl. The forefront!

The vibration of "Zi La La", the cloud is as sharp as an iron block, and it is extremely viscous, and the entire body shape of Zhang Yuhe is glued!

A large piece of purple brilliance emerged from the contact between Zhang Yuhe’s head and the clouds, and the surrounding clouds were all dyed. The brilliance of Guanghua’s cockroaches caused Liu Weigang’s gaze to catch his eyes and could not help but lift his eyes. But the purple brilliance is so overbearing, even if it is closed eyes, it is purple in the heart!

Liu Weigang urged the mana, and the brilliance of Zhou’s body flashed, and the purple brilliance was also bleak. When Liu Weigang’s gods swept through it, he saw it in the clouds. A gap of one person was revealed. Zhang Yuhe’s disappearance disappeared without a trace. ......


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