Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 413: Zhang Yutong was defamed

Chapter 413 Zhang Yutong was desecrated

"哼~The fruit is not expected by the lord..." Liu Weigang saw Zhang Yuhe escape and went out, his face was not depressed, sneer and swayed the flag in his hand, and saw a sticky, red color on the flag. The dense fog is the place where the clouds are filled. When the thick fog merges with the clouds, the thick red fog immediately turns into a red line. As if it is bloodshot, the speed will be around the air. Rendering, and... With Liu Weigang constantly waving the flag, countless clouds in the air emerged out of thin air, and these clouds are bright red, different from the faint white just now!

And said that Zhang Yutong saw the monk's mana, and the magic weapon, immediately resigned, and Zhang Yuhe parted ways to escape, after all, only two of them were intercepted. In contrast, Liu Weigang was more than two. Low, the two are sword repairs, and surely one can escape from here! Seeing the monk's house, Zhang Yuhe chased himself, and Zhang Yutong's heart was fortunate, but also had a decision!

Zhang Yutong’s sword is very fast. He only flew for a moment. He saw a few white clouds in the air. It was already understood that this was the enemy’s long-established array. Flying towards the bottom, naturally just flew a few dozen feet, and the eyes are blocked by the clouds! This time, Zhang Yutong did not hide. Like Zhang Yuhe, a mouthful of swords was spit out in his mouth. The whole figure was on top of the flying sword, and he swayed toward the clouds.

The attacking power of Jian Xiu is really strong. Like Zhang Yuhe, the law circle laid by Liu Weigang and others was immediately rushed out by Zhang Yutong. It seems to escape like Zhang Yuhe. The monk who is confused is Arrived!

I saw Liu Weigang in general, the flag of the monk in the hands of the monk, a more intense red fog hit the clouds in the air, but this dense fog is flying fast by Zhang Yutong, and the surrounding clouds will be dyed in a blink of an eye. Red, and, just outside these clouds, there are a lot of **** clouds, and the roads that Zhang Yutong is going to block are all blocked!

Seeing that he was going to escape, Zhang Yutong’s heart was smothered, but then there was a tough resistance in front of him. The resistance was not strong, but the toughness was full. Zhang Yutong’s flying sword only plunged into a foot or so, as if it were stuck. Live, Zhang Yutong urging several mana is unsuccessful, and then look at the left and right are blocked by the blood red cloud, the heart is not good, received the body shape, standing in the air, coldly looking at the monk.

"Zhang Xiaoyou, where else to escape?" The figure of the monk also stopped, it seems to be a smile.

"This predecessor..." Zhang Yutong said with a cold face: "I don't know why the seniors blocked the way for the younger generation to return to the country."

"Nothing, the old man just wants to ask Zhang Xiaoyou to go to the mountain door to tell the story!"

"Hey, my sword-skilled disciple has some origins with Xiu's disciples, but far from the closeness that the predecessors thought about it! And the younger generation is now in a hurry to return to the dazzling swords. If the predecessors are fine, they will open the circle earlier. When the younger generation went out, the younger generation did not happen anything, if not..." Zhang Yutong sneered.

"Ha ha ha ~" The monk smirked and said: "If not, how can it be?"

"My sister's flying swords have been issued, and the images here have also come out. If the predecessors let go of the law, the younger generations will only be a misunderstanding, and they will never be embarrassed! Otherwise, I will dare to invite the swordsman. Sui Guojian repaired to find the younger generation, when it caused the conflict between Jian Xiu and Dao Zong, your party... oh... there is no egg under the nest?"

After listening to Zhang Yutong’s threat, the monk seemed to be quietly thinking, and then it was very calm: “It’s hard... you think your flying sword book will definitely be able to pass back to the dazzling swordsman? Your twin sister will definitely escape. The palm of the old man?"

Zhang Yutong laughed: "The younger generation already knows that the girl is out of danger, and that the flying sword is not the one who can wait for you to cut off!"

"Haha, that's good!" The monk was not angry and laughed. He pointed his hand, and just chased the rope that stopped behind Zhang Yutong not far away, and it was a claw and a screaming screaming at Zhang Yutong.

"Hmmm?" Zhang Yutong did not understand the reaction of the monk, seeing the rope flying, the mana of the whole body was solidified, and he pointed his hand, the flying sword flying under his feet, and also screaming at the dragon that turned to the rope.

Feijian is like electricity, long dragons, and the two fight in one place. You come to me and look quite wonderful. When Zhang Yutong drives the flying sword, he also steals the mysterious monk in the confusion. It is a pity that the monk is not only confused, but the whole body is also blocked by the golden light of the Golden Bell magic, and can not see the true face.

"Disease!" Seeing that there was a trace of stagnation in the long dragon's writhing, Zhang Yutong doubted whether it was a lure or not. It was a slap in the mouth, and the hand was a little, and the Qingling sword quickly flew in the air. It’s like a light squat in the water! It is the half waist of the long dragon! ! On time, the dragon was like a vent, and was made into a prototype! A broken rope cut from the air and fell into the thick fog of blood!

"Good! Sure enough, it is a sword repair! There are ten kinds of implements on the top of a sword!" The confused monk is not angry and laughs, and he caressed.

"Hey, the younger generation came to teach the supernatural powers of the predecessors!" Zhang Yutong saw that he had broken the other's implements, and his heart was a little confused. At the same time, he was more courageous, and he pointed his hand, and the Qingling sword was like a snake. The monk's bodyguard golden light!

The sound of "铿" is really a few Mars, and the Qingling sword is blocked by the golden light!

The young spirit that Zhang Yutong’s eyes flew in the eyes, his eyes were slightly stunned, and he was about to push the mana. He saw the back of the lost monk, and Liu Weigang flew back with his flag!

"You are standing next to you, be careful of this girl to escape!" The confused monk did not look back, Yang Sheng commanded.

"Yes, the lord!" Liu Weigang greeted him, holding the flag and flying to the back of Zhang Yutong.

"Zongzhu?" Zhang Yutong listened to this, and his heart snorted. Liu Weigang’s teacher didn’t care. It’s definitely one of the thirteen martial arts, and one of the most famous sects in the three countries. Naturally, his lord is the head of the martial art. Since it is the head, then...the monk in front of him must be a monk in the Yuan Ying! But... Since it is a Yuanying monk, why use such a troublesome means? Just a wave of your hand, you... I am afraid there is no power to fight back? ? ?

Zhang Yutong is lost in a moment!

"Put it!" Zhang Yutong bit his teeth and pointed his hand. Qingling flew back. Zhang Yutong took a mouth and inhaled it. Then, Zhang Yutong saw both hands holding a mysterious French seal, and his backhand hit his own. Above the forehead, the sound of "噌" is like a sword, and a blue sword flies out from Zhang Yutong's mud pill palace. Then, Zhang Yutong will take a mouth, and Qingling is flying out again. The color of Qingling is three points thicker, and it is more green. Once the green spirit flies out, it will rush straight into the air and merge with the sword!

"Go!" Zhang Yutong snorted in his mouth, Qingling was a retractable, and it was stabbed on the golden light of the confused monk. "噗" this attack, actually pierced the mask with a slight hole!

"Hmmm?" Zhang Yutong’s eyes showed a hint of confusion. She knew it. Even though she had spurred the secret law, she condensed the swords of the whole body together, and forced the swords out, but... if I wanted Breaking through the Yuan Ying period monks, no, even the defense of the late Jindan monks is still far behind!

However, at this time, she had already refused to examine the reasons for this. She saw the mask piercing the small hole and immediately urging the spirit, as if she was crazy, spinning and struggling to puncture the light curtain!

Only a few breaths, I heard a "squeaky" sound, the place where the mask was stabbed was actually broken by the green spirit, the shadow of the sword of the Qingling flashed, the whole is immersed in the mask , stunned to the front chest of the confused monk!

The confused monk obviously did not expect that Qingling could break through his magic weapon defense, and his body shape flashed. He also made several ghosts in midair to avoid the flying sword!

It is a pity that the sword attack power is unparalleled in the world, especially the flying sword!

I saw that the green spirit is like a blue lightning. When piercing a shadowless fruit, it suddenly turns again and flies horizontally to the monk. In the blink of an eye, several virtual shadows are pierced!

The monk seemed to be a little anxious. He waved his hand and dozens of ice letters came out. He instantly condensed into an ice wall before flying swords.


There seems to be no suspense in the "咔嚓", the ice wall has just been hit by the Qingling, and it is immediately smashed. However, it is such a little time, the confused monk will shoot one hand, and a four-color brilliance flashes from the left hand. It is a triangular shield. The monk urged the mana, just blocking the shield in front of his body, not waiting for the shield to rise, Qingling has already flown to the front, "Peng" is the sound of piercing the shield!

"Brush" a series of brilliance blooms, the shield actually blocked the green spirit.

"Go!" Zhang Yutong, not far away, saw a glimpse of his face, and the silver teeth were bitten again. The blush flashed over the powder surface, followed by snow white, and then the sword in Zhang Yutong’s hand changed again. The green spirit suddenly became slender, like a blue silver needle.

The sound of "呲" sounded, with Zhang Yutong's secret method, the Qingling actually pierced the shield, and the sound of "嗖" pierced the body of the confused monk, and saw a few brilliances on the monk, apparently guarding the body. The ban was punctured.

"哎哟" screamed, the Qingling actually hurt the confused monk, flying out from behind the monk, a blood immediately reddened the monk's waist!

However, at this time, the joy just hangs on Zhang Yutong’s face, Zhang Yutong’s eyes are black, that is, falling from the air...


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